Qin Hao could tell at a glance that these monsters and human evolvers below had malicious intentions and were not good people. Qin Hao sneered and jumped down from the edge of the island, thinking that I would test the power of my skills on you. .

There was a loud bang!

Qin Hao landed straight on the sea in his human form, hitting the sea with violent force, directly triggering huge waves hundreds of meters high.

"..." Monsters and human evolvers.

The originally noisy crowd was all looking at Qin Hao, and no one made a sound. They were all stunned by Qin Hao's violent falling style.

What a powerful body this is!

Everyone was thinking like this. Although the bodies of monsters were very powerful, they did not see whether Qin Hao was a human or a monster after the seal was lifted. But regardless of whether Qin Hao was a human or a monster, Being able to create such a huge momentum with a human body was enough to make all these people look at him with admiration.

Qin Hao stood in the center of the circle surrounded by these humans and monsters, watching them coldly, waiting for them to take the initiative.

Xiao Bai also slowly floated down from the island and stood beside Qin Hao. There were voices of surprise at that beautiful figure, especially those human evolvers, who seemed to have their eyes fixed on Xiao Bai. It felt like it was on Bai's body, and he couldn't move it away for a long time.

In a corner of the encirclement, a middle-aged man looked at Qin Hao and Xiao Bai in the center with shock in his eyes. Although the others were also surprised, they were definitely not as trembling as this middle-aged man. .

"Brother Dong, what's wrong with you?" asked a boy next to the middle-aged man.

"Go home, go home." The middle-aged man said, "Hurry!"

A low but loud voice sounded in the crowd. A fat man with a wretched appearance and a fleshy face looked at the middle-aged man and mocked: "Chen Dong, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you are really a little mouse?" ?"

"Hahahaha" the fat man's words caused the rest of the people to laugh.

Chen Dong glanced at the big fat man with cold eyes, without saying a word or retorting.

He was one of the five human evolvers who were saved by Qin Hao on the sea 10 years ago.

At that time, after the five of them climbed up the island with great pains, they searched all over the island but could not find Qin Hao. Later, they discovered that a floating island suddenly appeared on the island. The successive changes frightened Chen Dong.

Although he knew that sudden changes must be caused by chance, but with the strength of the five of them at that time, they could not even board the floating island on the second level, so they did not dare to peek into the chance. After some inner struggle, he cut down a few trees on the island and made a raft. After all the hard work, he returned to the land.

Ten years have passed. Chen Dong, the former second-order evolver, has now become a third-order evolver. Although he is at the bottom among third-order evolvers, he still has certain strength.

"Let's go." Chen Dong said to his men. He ignored the ridicule of everyone and left here. He did not dare to touch Qin Hao's brow. Qin Hao's terrifying strength 10 years ago had already been revealed to Chen Dong. There was a shadow buried deep in his heart. Although he was now a third-level human evolver, looking at Qin Hao's relaxed momentum just now, Chen Dong didn't dare to think too much and left the place directly, for fear of causing trouble.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Qin Hao again, although the momentum of Qin Hao flying down from the island temporarily shocked the monsters and these human evolvers.

But with so many of them gathered together, it is impossible for them to retreat just because Chen Hao is alone. Moreover, some monsters still think in their hearts that the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. This is what many people think.

The cold gaze slowly spread out, and the surging killing intent gathered in the field. Many monsters and human evolvers slowly exposed their fangs, took out their weapons, and aimed at Qin Hao and Xiao Xiao. Bai Duo.

None of them spoke. There was no need for too many words in this scene. Qin Hao was too high-profile. They, the weaker monsters and human evolvers, wanted to get rid of the strongest one first. , the province finally benefited Qin Hao.

Therefore, before they knew what was on the island, they all secretly made up their minds to eradicate Qin Hao first.


An unknown person suddenly shot out a poisonous water column from under the sea. The black smokey water column shot towards Qin Hao's back.

This sudden attack was like poking a hornet's nest, and all kinds of attacks rushed towards Qin Hao at the same time.

Qin Hao always kept a pair of calm eyes, staring at the people in front of him. Those attacks in the sky were getting closer and closer to Qin Hao, but he remained unmoved.

Closer, closer.

Just when these many attacks were about to come into contact with Qin Hao's skin, Qin Hao's fingers moved slightly, and he slowly raised the index finger of his right hand and placed it in front of him, just in time to collide with the rapid attacks. .

Qin Hao's dragon skills were already quietly moving in his body, blessing his fingers.

Invisible energy spread out, forming an invisible barrier to resist the various attacks around Qin Hao and Xiaobai. When they were just a little bit close to touching Qin Hao, they seemed to be trapped. Like a quagmire.

Its forward speed became extremely slow, and then it seemed that the slowness reached an extreme, and the speed suddenly increased sharply. However, the speed of this sudden increase in thickness caused these attacks to fly out in the opposite direction, and were all shot out by Qin Hao. The invisible protective shield released bounced back.


"How can this be?"

Suddenly, many screams and unsurprising sounds rang out. They did not expect that all of their attacks would be bounced back by Qin Hao.

Although Qin Hao was strong, this was the consensus among everyone, but they did not expect that Qin Hao alone could rebound all the attacks from everyone.

"No, can, can." A monster was killed by his own attack. Before he died, he still said these three words one by one. He could not figure out what was going on until his death. Obviously If so many attacks fell on him, he would definitely be beaten to ashes.

With a crashing sound, the crowd suddenly dispersed, scrambling to get away from Qin Hao. Whether they were monsters or human evolvers, they all stayed away and looked at Qin Hao with extremely frightened eyes.

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