Under the leadership of the Black Sea King, Qin Hao and Xiaobai came to the villa and were arranged by the Black Sea King in a luxurious room on the top floor. The Black Sea King then told Qin Hao that he would go down to prepare dinner, and then withdrew.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai were lying on the luxurious bed in the villa room, quietly feeling the treatment that they would rarely get after this apocalypse.

In a dark underground secret room, the Black Sea King sat on his seat with a gloomy face. All the changes that happened today made him unexpected.

The Black Sea King knew that he could never defeat Qin Hao. After some hesitation, he took out a white jade porcelain bottle from the hidden compartment on the wall behind him.

The thing in this porcelain bottle is something he prepared to dominate the entire Free Island and the Endless Sea. This thing is very precious and rare, and can only be used once.

"Originally, I wanted to keep you alive as my subordinate, but now it seems that you must die, just in time to eat you and I can increase my strength." The Black Sea King murmured, staring at the porcelain bottle in his hand.

The Black Sea King originally wanted to control Qin Hao for his own use, but seeing that Qin Hao's strength clearly surpassed his own and was unable to control it, he had no choice but to use this treasured poison to directly kill Qin Hao and swallow Qin Hao's kind. A powerful person can also increase his own strength.

"Come here!" Black Sea King shouted towards the door of the secret room.

The secret room door was opened immediately, and an ordinary boy walked out. He seemed to have peak level 2 strength. He came to the Black Sea King and lowered his head and said respectfully: "Sir."

"Come here." The Black Sea King looked at the young man with a smile on his face as he opened the lid of the porcelain bottle in his hand and called him over.

"Sir, my lord, it's me." The younger brother looked at the Black Sea King's smile and felt cold and scared in his heart. As a younger brother, he knew very well how cruel and vicious the Black Sea King was, and he saw the Black Sea King holding an unknown weapon. The famous bottle looked at him and suddenly became frightened, hesitating and not daring to go over.

"Well..." Black Sea King snorted coldly, and the smile on his face disappeared, turning into a cold face, looking at the young man in front of him.

"I..." The younger brother was so frightened that he could not speak as he was stared at by the Black Sea King. After another period of hesitation, he lowered his head and said, "Yes."

The younger brother walked up to the Black Sea King and stood tremblingly. The Black Sea King put the porcelain bottle in his hand under the younger brother's nose and shook it. The younger brother immediately lost consciousness and fainted to the ground.

"Haha, okay!" The Black Sea King laughed loudly when he saw this scene. His mouth suddenly widened and he swallowed the younger brother's entire body into his belly, refining it into his own energy.

"Let's see how you die now." Black Sea King said looking at the porcelain bottle in his hand.


Soon it was night, and at the command of the Black Sea King, a wide variety of delicacies were served on the dining table. In the living room on the first floor of the villa, the entire living room was illuminated by electricity and gorgeously decorated lamps.

After being invited by the Black Sea King, Qin Hao and Xiaobai went directly to the dining table in the living room and sat down. The two of them had not eaten any food in seclusion for 10 years, and they just wanted to indulge in this blessing today.

The Black Sea King stood up, walked to Qin Hao with a bottle and glass, poured a glass of wine into his own glass, and then poured a glass of wine into Qin Hao's glass.

"Come, let me respect you." The Black Sea King said to Qin Hao while holding the wine glass. Now he used honorifics when talking to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao ate the many delicacies prepared for him by the Black Sea King, and then took out his hand, shook the cup, and drank all the wine in the cup.

The Black Sea King also drank the wine in his glass at the same time. He raised his head and showed a cold smile in his squinted eyes. For a flash, he touched the ring on his finger with his left hand under the table and felt secretly happy in his heart.

After Qin Hao drank the glass of wine, a drop of colorless and odorless poisonous liquid entered Qin Hao's body.

Qin Hao did not notice this situation, but there was a water god token in Qin Hao's Tianchong acupoint. This water god token can not only monitor a body of water, but its main function is to automatically protect the owner, especially for spiritual power. He is the best at it, and he can also detect poisons like this.

The Water God Token automatically emits red light in Qin Hao's Tianchong Point, covering the drop of venom and dissipating it.

"You're fine." After Qin Hao sensed this situation, he looked at the Black Sea King in front of him and said.

Hearing Qin Hao's incomprehensible words, the Black Sea King, although a little confused, still laughed and said: "We are all our own people."

At the same time, Black Sea King thought in his heart, when I eat you, it will be really good.

"Hey!" The two looked at each other and laughed, and the dinner ended in a seemingly harmonious atmosphere.

Early the next morning, the Black Sea King couldn't wait to call Qin Hao and Xiaobai to set off together to explore the dragon tomb in the sea.

The Black Sea King thought in his mind that poison had entered Qin Hao's body. The main function of this colorless and odorless poison was to make others powerless. In severe cases, they might even lose consciousness. In yesterday's test, he The little brother just sniffed it with his nose, and then he became weak, lost consciousness, and collapsed to the ground. For Qin Hao, a master, he thought he couldn't resist it for long after reading it, so he thought of making the best use of everything. , thinking about asking Qin Hao to explore the Dragon Ball tomb with him as soon as possible. If there is any situation, Qin Hao can help, and then kill him when he is done.

Qin Hao also wanted to go explore the Dragon Clan's tomb as soon as possible. At this time, when the Black Sea King asked him to go, there was no reason why he would not agree. The two of them went to the bottom of the sea together with their own thoughts.

The men of the Black Sea King are all deep sea monsters. Under their leadership, there are no little monsters with no eyes to disturb such a group of people.

The Black Sea King was walking side by side with Qin Hao in the seabed. He stared at Qin Hao beside him from time to time, wondering if he was still strong under the sea. But then he shook his head. He would not take risks now. Anyway, Qin Hao Having taken your own poison, sooner or later it will be in your own pocket and will be swallowed by you to increase your strength.

After passing through the dark submarine canyon and resisting the strong submarine water pressure, the group came to the bottom of a bright submarine canyon.

"Illuminate." The Black Sea King said, and as he finished speaking, a short, not that big monster swam out from among the many accompanying deep sea monsters.

After this little monster trembled for a while in front of everyone, its whole body emitted a silvery-blue light, illuminating the bottom of the canyon.

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