There were many laser weapons in the room. They directly aimed at Qin Hao and Xiaobai and launched attacks automatically without any need for human control.

Da da da! Da da!

Countless blue lasers shot at Qin Hao and Xiaobai. A protective shield suddenly emerged around Qin Hao's body, shining with golden light. This was a protective shield formed by the power of gold.

One of the laser weapons was firing. After half a minute, when the dazzling light dimmed and the laser weapon stopped attacking, everyone in the room looked again at the place where Qin Hao and Xiaobai were staying.

"What, what's going on?" Some people in the crowd couldn't help but exclaimed.

Kewei was also shocked. Looking at Qin Hao and Xiaobai who were intact in front of him, the defense system in his house could cause damage to people with king-level strength. It was made of extremely high technology. After all, this was The place where you live must be very safe.

The attacks launched by these weapons are supported by underground energy. They can be said to be very powerful, much more powerful than some armor systems, but they cannot move.

Everyone in those rooms didn't know how powerful the defense system in the room was, so they dared to talk and laugh like this after Qin Hao and Xiaobai broke in through the window.

But now the change of things has highlighted their expectations, which is completely different from what they imagined.

Qin Hao stood there and didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. The aura of his mid-level king level strength burst out and enveloped everyone in the room.

Suddenly, full pressure filled the room, and some weak people couldn't help but feel the desire to kneel down in their hearts.

Moreover, among the many women in this room, these beauties with enchanting postures are mostly vases-like beings, young men with powerful forces. After they encountered such strong pressure, they behaved even more unbearably, and even some The person was trembling, and there was a smell of urine coming from under his crotch.

No one dared to make a sound. They felt a kingly aura from Qin Hao. This aura made them want to surrender to Qin Hao, which felt very strange.

"You, what do you want?" Master Kewei asked tremblingly. He was the one who was under the focus of Qin Hao's care. Strong pressure enveloped him, making it difficult for him to speak clearly.

Young Master Kewei's heart was filled with a different emotion at this time. He had always looked down on Qin Hao. Although Qin Hao's combat power was indeed strong, Kewei believed that his own power was even more powerful. Will be afraid of people like Qin Hao.

But in today's scene, Qin Hao's strength made the resentment in Master Kewei's heart even more intense, but he buried it deep in his heart and did not dare to show it now.

"I want technological treasures that can enhance the strength of bloodline." Qin Hao said calmly looking at everyone.

Young Master Kewei had been suffering from Qin Hao's majesty. When he saw Qin Hao's request, he quickly nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you need to put down your momentum first." He had to say this. The pressure of the momentum made him breathless and made him feel extremely uncomfortable.


Taking two deep breaths, Young Master Kewei glanced at Qin Hao with an imperceptible gaze. He was very angry and thought to himself, Qin Hao is too greedy. He actually wants the most cutting-edge technology and the most advanced technology in his family. Precious treasure.

"Then I'll get it right now." Master Kewei stared at Qin Hao and said.

"Let others go." Qin Hao replied calmly.

"Okay." Kewei said sadly. Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but he didn't expect that Qin Hao wouldn't let him leave.

The only blame for this kind of thing is his father, who did it first.

"Bring the bloodline enhancement serum." Kewei said to the smart machine on the wall.

"Yes Master."

A machine-synthesized sound sounded, and the sound of gears running inside the wall was heard. After a while, a hole was opened in the wall, and a bottle of green potion came out.

"That's it." Kewei didn't dare to move without Qin Hao's order, pointing to the bottle of potion that appeared in the wall.

Qin Hao stepped forward, opened the cork of the potion bottle, and the green serum potion flowed down his throat and into his abdomen.

A powerful energy began to change in Qin Hao's abdomen, and the power of his blood was slowly purified little by little. Qin Hao felt the change and confirmed that the potion was genuine.

Kewei saw that Qin Hao had drank the potion directly into his mouth, and said cautiously: "The potion is real, I didn't lie to you."

When he saw Qin Hao still not leaving after drinking the potion, he felt anxious in his heart and plucked up the courage to speak out and urge him.

Qin Hao had already seen from the beginning that Kewei did not dare to deceive him, so he dared to swallow the potion into his belly with confidence and boldness. At this time, after hearing Kewei's words, he nodded lightly, indicating that They can leave at will.

When everyone present saw Qin Hao nodding, they all felt as if they were being pardoned. They took a deep breath and hurried to the door, ready to leave.


Suddenly, the young Meiyun woman running at the front grabbed the handle of the door and screamed.

"What's wrong?" The man next to the young woman asked in a low voice, with a reprimand in his words. He blamed the woman for being so startled. What should he do if Qin Hao was angered again.

"This, this door can't be opened!" The young woman was so anxious that she almost cried, pointing at the door.

"Um, what?"

Everyone hurriedly walked to the door and pulled the door handle hard, but they couldn't open it.

The crowd's eyes focused on Master Kewei's face. When Kewei saw them looking at him like this, his face was full of helplessness and anxiety. He didn't know why the door couldn't be opened.

Not daring to disturb Qin Hao and Xiaobai, Kewei carefully said to the smart sign on the wall: "Open the door quickly."

"Permissions have been changed and you no longer have permission to operate."

Unexpectedly, in the midst of everyone's expectant gazes, the intelligence on the wall suddenly said such a sentence.

"What's going on, Master Kewei?"

The female companion next to Kewei asked anxiously. The rest of the people also stared at Kewei closely. Although there was blame in their eyes, they did not dare to say it out loud.

"I...I...I don't know either!" Kewei looked at everyone at a loss. He didn't know why he suddenly had no authority.

Don't I want to go out? What on earth is going on? Kewei thought in his heart, not daring to face the eyes of everyone.

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