The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 31 Battle of Behemoths

The ink-armored giant crocodile was extremely frightened. Even in the battle with the flaming giant ape, it rarely bled or suffered injuries. Its defense was the thing it was most proud of, but now it was beaten by Qin Hao. The scales were cracked, and although it could only be considered a minor injury, it also made its eyes bloodshot and it became crazy!


The roar of the giant ink-armored crocodile shook the surrounding leaves and fell. Its huge body rose slightly, as if it was lifted up by human power. It leaned forward and slapped Qin Hao with its two huge claws.

In terms of tonnage, the giant ink-armored crocodile is far superior to Qin Hao. With its body weight and strength, the lethality burst out will be extremely shocking. Qin Hao chose to avoid the sharp edge temporarily and avoided the attack of the giant ink-armored crocodile.


The giant ink-armored crocodile pressed its huge claws against the ground, and it was like a bomb buried in the ground exploding. Earth and rocks rose into the sky, and two huge cracks spread out for a distance of ten to twenty meters. This kind of force is afraid that even the hard Even steel can be completely twisted out of shape!

At this time, a group of people in the distance were approaching cautiously.

"What happened in the front?" This group of people was Wang Gang and others who came to seek revenge on the striped giant tiger. They were extremely frightened at this time. Even though they were far away, they could hear the sounds and roars of the battle here. They could all hear the neighing sound clearly, and they were attracted to it.

On a higher hillside, Wang Gang and others looked into the distance and suddenly took a breath of air.

"Is this... is this the Jurassic resurrected?" the tall, thin man carrying a sword on his back exclaimed.

The size of both Qin Hao and the Ink-armored Giant Crocodile exceeded their understanding, and they were definitely giants.

And Zhang Ze was even more frightened. In his perception, both Qin Hao and the giant ink-armored crocodile exuded a ferocious aura that was almost condensed into substance, as if it could incinerate people. generally!

"Could it be that the giant tiger was eaten by this giant python?" Zhang Ze guessed that they had not found the whereabouts of the colorful giant tiger before, and thought that they might have gone after a snake monster, but now they are here It turned out that it was not the colorful giant tiger that was chasing its prey, but that it was swallowed alive by the huge and exaggerated black snake in front of him!

In front of Qin Hao and the ink-armored giant crocodile, the colorful giant tiger was as incomparable as a kitten.

"This...a monster of this level is definitely a second-level monster or above. At this stage, the only people who can kill monsters of this level are the Black Moon City military and the Ability God Guards!" The arrogant young man's eyes were blazing, He stroked the heavy sniper rifle on his back, feeling a little excited.

If he can hunt monsters of this level, the evolutionary energy he obtains will allow him to quickly advance to the second level, and even become famous and join the Alien God Guard!

"Don't act rashly!" Wang Gang quickly stopped the arrogant young man. If he attracts the attention of the two giant beasts, none of them will be able to leave alive.

"I understand." The arrogant young man chuckled. An excellent hunter must know the right time to take action. If both of these two giant beasts are harmed, they will both benefit.

Qin Hao and the Ink-armored Giant Crocodile didn't know that a group of human evolvers were already watching in the distance. Even if they knew, they wouldn't care. At this time, they were locked in a life-and-death fight!

The giant ink-armored crocodile swung its giant steel tail and struck Qin Hao one after another. Qin Hao showed no sign of weakness. The power of gold blessed the snake's tail, which had a faint metallic color, and used the wooden element, which is the most powerful among the five elements. With a fist, the snake's tail dragged up afterimages and rushed forward.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Two huge tails collided one after another, and there were deafening explosions. There were ripples in the air. A group of people in the distance were stunned. This kind of fight between giant beasts that they saw with their own eyes was comparable to the special effects in blockbusters. The effect is shocking ten times or a hundred times!

"This... I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand their attack for even one round." Wang Gang held the huge shield and felt that his palms were sweaty. He doubted that his shield would be able to withstand such an attack. The shot was torn apart.

After digesting the Flowing Fire Spirit Flower, Qin Hao completed his evolution and his body was greatly strengthened. Not to mention the blessing of golden power, his tail was even more terrifyingly hard.

Bang bang bang!

After collisions, the giant ink-armored crocodile was a bit overwhelmed. Its tail was covered with barbs. Logically speaking, it would not lose in such a duel, but in the collisions, the scales on its tail cracked and the barbs were destroyed. It was cut off and blood flowed. On the other hand, Qin Hao was not hurt at all, which made it a bit unbelievable.


The giant ink-armored crocodile was enraged. It suddenly opened its bloody mouth, gathered the genetic energy in its body, and spit out a compressed water column with a diameter of one meter, bombarding Qin Hao.


Qin Hao's snake body moved to avoid the power attack of the giant ink-armored crocodile. The water column bombarded the ground, causing the earth to violently sink into a deep pit several meters in diameter. The ability of this giant ink-armored crocodile to control water was very terrifying. , the water jet it spits out is even more lethal, weighing over ten thousand kilograms!

Boom boom boom!

The giant ink-armored crocodile continued to exert its ability to control water, spitting thick water columns one after another. Water molecules in the air condensed into foot-long water arrows, which continued to cover Qin Hao.

Thick water jets swept away, blasting and breaking nearby large trees. It was like a flash flood, and the power of God was difficult to resist!

"Clang clang clang!"

The lethality of the water arrows is far greater than that of real arrows. They can penetrate the armor, and when they land on Qin Hao's body, a series of gold and iron sounds erupt!

"Can the ability to control water also unleash such terrifying lethality?" Wang Gang and the other five people gasped. They had also seen evolvers with water attribute abilities, but most of them could only be used for assistance and were not very lethal. But the ability of this giant ink-armored crocodile to control water is astonishingly lethal. A column of water can blast a car into pieces, and some of it will be crushed into pulp if it touches it with its body.

This is the benefit of being large. With a large body, you are powerful, and the genetic energy stored in the body is far greater than that of small creatures. An ordinary second-level evolver would definitely not be able to do something like the giant ink-armored crocodile. With a large-scale crazy attack, the genetic energy will be exhausted quickly and it will be too much to bear.

"Ability attack? I have one too!" Qin Hao sneered. Speaking of special abilities, he also has them, and there are more than one!

The genetic energy in Qin Hao's body gathered, and he opened his mouth suddenly, spitting out dark purple thunder, which distorted the space and struck the body of the giant ink-armored crocodile.


The lightning flashed and the thunder and lightning overflowed, causing small craters to be blasted out of the earth. The thunder and lightning wrapped around the body of the giant ink-armored crocodile, causing it to scream in pain and its eyes were red.

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