From the old man's words, Qin Hao learned that it turned out that the forces of human evolvers and monsters had consumed too much living power at the entrance of the cave.

Both sides sent a large number of people into the cave, fighting and exploring secrets along the way. Since the two sides have been fighting and exploring, and there are many dangers in the cave's secret areas, this This resulted in serious losses for both parties.

The danger in the dense cave itself is very high. Even if 10 people go in, not one of them will come out, and the two sides are constantly fighting. Such losses have made the top leaders of the human evolvers and the monster alliance They all can't accept it.

Although they have a lot of cannon fodder, they cannot enter the secret area with just a few cannon fodder, and many of their backbone forces were lost in the opponent's battle.

In the end, such a situation was formed between the Monster Alliance and the human evolvers. The two parties agreed with each other to coexist peacefully for the time being. At least until they see the treasure, you will go your way and I will cross my solitary wooden bridge. , do not interfere with each other.

Soon, after standing here for not long, several powerful monsters appeared in the monster team.

"Lord Qin Hao." They all greeted Qin Hao one after another. Although their expressions were not very respectful, they still showed enough effort on their faces.

Among the group of people, some were members of Mr. Zhao's strength, while others were directly affiliated with the Presbyterian Council. Although they were told by the message from the Presbyterian Council that they should be more respectful to Qin Hao, this matter Some were dissatisfied, but they did not dare to directly disobey the orders of the Presbyterian Church. .

"This is the person who will go down with you to explore the secrets." The old man said from the side.

"You have such great strength and belong to the monster clan. Please help these people." The old man said to Qin Hao with a hint of subtle cunning in his eyes.

Qin Hao looked calm and said he didn't care about the matter.

The remaining people's faces immediately twitched, and they were very dissatisfied with Qin Hao's dull and unresponsive expression.

The old monster stood aside. Seeing that this kind of person's emotions were stirred up by him, these monsters all looked at Qin Hao with dissatisfied expressions, and felt a sense of relief in their hearts.

"With your strength, you will fall into my hands sooner or later." The old monster thought in his heart. He was very angry about Qin Hao humiliating Mr. Zhao in the street. After all, Mr. Zhao was himself. After many efforts, he managed to reach a big power, and then he finally managed to get his nephew into Mr. Zhao's lap. However, Mr. Zhao was humiliated because of his nephew's affairs. The old monster felt that all his efforts were in vain. .

"It's all because of you!" The old monster thought secretly in his heart, with hatred hidden in his eyes as he stared at Qin Hao imperceptibly.

After all, Qin Hao has the strength of the middle-level king level, and he has spent countless years in the Dragon Gate Formation. His understanding of people's hearts has long been extraordinary. When this monster old man glanced at Qin Hao slightly, After one glance, he felt it immediately.

Turning his head to take a look, Qin Hao couldn't help but think, "Have I ever had any issues with him?"

Unable to figure it out, Qin Hao stopped thinking about it and asked Xiao Huang to stay here. Then he led Xiao Bai, and the brother and sister raised their legs and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Although the dozens of monster team members behind him were very dissatisfied with Qin Hao's performance and attitude, they still did not dare to disobey the order of the Presbyterian Council and followed Qin Hao directly.

After all the figures of these people disappeared at the entrance of the cave, the human evolvers also sent their own team and began to enter the entrance of the cave to prepare for exploration.

Since the entrance of the cave was guarded by large troops from both sides, they were not afraid that one of the two teams entering would be ambushed by the other or something like that.

In the dark cave, the rock wall was very slippery and dripping. There was still a lot of cold air above everyone's heads, and water drops were dripping down.

The group of people felt increasingly cold, and their bodies could not feel a trace of heat. However, since these people were monsters, they were not afraid of the cold air.

Qin Hao and Xiao Bai were walking slowly at the front of the team. Since these people were all entering this secret cave for the first time, they didn't need a leader. They could all go wherever they wanted.

Even if you want to have someone to lead the way, it is impossible in this secret place in the cave.

This secret place in the cave is very strange and abnormal. Even the roads in the cave often change their shapes. After walking through it once, and walking it a second time, well, the terrain has completely changed. , so that people can’t see it.

In the melodious cave road, it was extremely quiet, only the sound of people's footsteps could be heard inside, soaring, rubbing...

Monsters come in all kinds of forms, so the footsteps they make are also complicated. Not all monsters like to put on human skin and pretend to be human.

"Well, that is?"

While walking in silence, Qin Hao suddenly found a glimmer of light at the entrance of the cave in front of him.

A green fluorescent light appeared at the corner of the cave ahead. In this dark mountain cave road, this silver-green light suddenly appeared, like a will-o'-the-wisp. If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely be shocked. .

Qin Hao and Xiao Bai looked calm. The many monsters behind them were accustomed to bloody existences, but they would not be frightened by this sudden flash of green light.

Instead, everyone quickened their pace and moved towards the fluorescent green light like a will-o'-the-wisp in front of them.


The people following Qin Hao and Xiaobai, after surpassing the two, saw the place where the ray of light was. They all opened their mouths and let out exclamations of surprise.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai also discovered the scene in front of them after they walked forward.

This is a huge space, similar to the existence of a crystal cave. This is a unique sight after the end of the world. If such a special place were discovered by humans before the end of the world, it would definitely be regarded as evidence that aliens have come to the earth. treat.

Within this huge cave space, there are countless green crystals, each of which is in the shape of a long strip. There are also many long strips of crystal that gather together to form a huge green crystal flower.

The turquoise crystal bloomed with bright green light, illuminating the entire huge crystal cave space.

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