The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 338 The Function of the Coiling Dragon Sword

Xiaobai flew in mid-air, and after using the powerful spiritual power in his evil soul beads to kill several monsters, he turned around and flew onto the back of the Seagull King.

When Qin Hao saw Xiaobai coming here, he immediately shouted: "Kill it together!"

The king seagull under their feet has wings that are more than 300 meters long.

As the king among this group of seagull monsters, its strength is naturally not comparable to those of ordinary seagulls.

The strength of this group of ordinary seagull monsters, all of them have the strength of the primary king level, and they are naturally irresistible against Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

But the strength of this seagull king is that of a high-level king, which Qin Hao could already feel when he stepped on its back.

This Seagull King was probably attracted by the dragon power emanating from Qin Hao's body. The dragon power on Qin Hao's body has a fatal attraction for any monster.

After all, this dragon bloodline can enhance the bloodline power of some monsters, making some monsters more powerful after receiving dragon bloodline.

When this seagull king just passed by this place, he noticed that Qin Hao and Xiaobai took the initiative to lower their cloud heads and stand on the sea surface, so as not to conflict with his team.

The Seagull King was still very satisfied in his heart. He felt that Qin Hao and Xiao Bai were quite aware of the situation and knew how to avoid him.

Just when he was about to leave this place and stop causing trouble out of thin air, he suddenly felt the presence of dragon power.

This caused the Seagull King to immediately turn around and lead his tribe to attack Qin Hao.

He has had the strength of a high-level king level for a long time, but due to the lack of opportunity, he has been unable to advance to the peak level of king level.

Now that he saw Qin Hao, a man with the power of a dragon, he naturally couldn't let him go.

Whoop whoosh!

With his wings constantly fanning, the Seagull King wanted to lift off the two tiny humans on his back.


Xiaobai exclaimed, a little unsteady on his feet.

Qin Hao quickly grabbed Xiaobai, and then the two of them lay on the back of the Seagull King.

They looked at each other.

"Kill him."

As Qin Hao spoke, he took out the Coiling Dragon Sword from the dimensional space of his abdomen.

This Coiling Dragon Sword is extremely sharp, and Qin Hao has already verified it in the early days.

At this time, the brother and sister were lying on the back of the Seagull King. Due to the Seagull King's powerful strength, his wings flapped and the strong wind swept over the back.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai were also unable to stand firmly and were unable to launch effective attacks.

If the two of them left and confronted the Seagull King head-on, the outcome would be uncertain.

Bang bang sound.

He directly pierced the Seagull King's back with the Coiling Dragon Sword in his hand. Blocked by his muscle strength, Qin Hao struggled to pierce the Coiling Dragon Sword into the Seagull King's body.

Xiaobai also held Qin Hao's hand with both hands and worked hard with Qin Hao.

ah! ah!

The king-level strength of the two brothers and sisters was completely released, and the violent power slowly pierced the entire Coiling Dragon Sword.


The Seagull King screamed in pain, although this small Panlong Sword was nothing compared to the huge size of the Seagull King.

But all the spiritual power in Qin Hao and Xiaobai's body was infused into the Seagull King's body along with the Coiling Dragon Sword.

After the power of the Five Elements and the Dark Flame entered the Seagull King's body, they crazily destroyed the Seagull King's vitality.


"Hold on!"

Due to the attacks from Qin Hao and Xiaobai, the Seagull King couldn't bear it and began to flap and spin around.

Qin Hao and Xiao Bai, who were on the back, tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, and kept instilling spiritual power to destroy the vitality in the Seagull King's body.

Whoop whoosh!

The Seagull King's wings flapped wildly, with violent force, disrupting the formation of the tribe around him.

Thousands of seagulls gathered around him, looking at the Seagull King anxiously.

Due to the suppression of their own bloodline and level, these ordinary seagulls did not dare to move forward rashly and attack Qin Hao and Xiaobai who were on the back of the king of their own clan.

The Seagull King was writhing anxiously, chirping, and ordered his tribesmen to attack his back, hoping that his tribesmen would help him kill Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

But how could these ordinary seagull monsters dare to attack the Seagull King? They were too afraid to move forward.

The Seagull King's eyes were blood red. He was in terrible pain at this moment, and he secretly regretted coveting the dragon's power.

Because Qin Hao and Xiaobai couldn't get rid of their backs.

The Seagull King began to fly wildly, sometimes flying high in the sky, sometimes close to the sea.

Qin Hao, who was sitting on its back, saw this and began to violently shake the Coiling Dragon Sword in his hand.

grumble! !

This violent shaking caused the Seagull King unbearable pain.

Qin Hao shook the Coiling Dragon Sword to the left, and the Seagull King quickly followed this force and flew to the left to relieve his own pain.

Qin Hao swung the Coiling Dragon Sword to the right, and the Seagull King quickly followed the force and flew to the right, not daring to fly against the force to avoid increasing his own pain.

"Haha, it seems we have caught a mount that is going back!"

Qin Hao laughed, and then used the Coiling Dragon Sword inserted in the Seagull King's back to control the direction of the Seagull King's flight by shaking it left and right.

Let this seagull king take the two brothers and sister to fly towards the land.

Led by the Seagull King, these thousands of seagulls lined up in a chaotic formation, all swaying and flying towards the landing.

The fierce cold wind was blowing high in the sky, but Qin Hao and Xiao Bai were smiling.

"Brother, hurry up, hurry up!"

Xiaobai shouted, urging his brother to speed up.


Qin Hao shouted in response and pushed forward the hilt of the Panlong Sword in his hand.

Under the influence of the painful pain, the Seagull King immediately accelerated its speed and flew forward extremely fast.

From time to time, the brother and sister used the Panlong Sword to inject destructive spiritual energy into the body of the Seagull King. When the Seagull King counterattacked, the two of them were freed.

After all, the Seagull King has high-level king-level strength, and it is also a flying monster. Its flying speed is extremely fast.

In just about half a day, Qin Hao and Xiaobai, who were sitting on its back, saw the edge of the land from a distance.

"Arrived so soon."

Qin Hao said happily, and then he pressed his hands fiercely, and the entire Coiling Dragon Sword entered the Seagull King's body for another three points. The strong pain caused the Seagull King's flight height to be greatly reduced, and it landed towards the seaside land. go.

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