Qin Hao walked out of the wooden house.

Only a small part of the large circle of wild Ganoderma lucidum surrounding the wooden house was left.

"elder brother."

After Xiaobai saw Qin Hao coming out of seclusion, he immediately stepped forward and hugged Qin Hao's arm, clinging to his side.

Qin Hao still looked at the Ganoderma lucidum in this basin, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

Thanks to the existence of these wild Ganoderma lucidum, the power of the five elements in Qin Hao's body has been slightly balanced. Otherwise, his strength may have dropped by two or three levels again at this time.

Because he swallowed a lot of earth lingzhi, the rich power of earth contained in these earth ganoderma greatly enhanced the power of earth among the five elements in Qin Hao's body, which could slightly restrain the tyrannical power of water. of power.

"let's go."

Qin Hao said to Xiaobai, and then the two of them flew into the sky and left the place directly, not caring about the remaining wild Ganoderma lucidum.

At this time, Qin Hao no longer needs these earth lingzhi in his body, because although the power of earth contained in these earth ganoderma is strong, it is not very pure. The power of the five elements also has levels. The power contained in these earth ganoderma Some of the powers of the Five Elements are simply not comparable to those stones containing the power of water that Qin Hao had absorbed previously.

Since Qin Hao had already absorbed the earth spiritual power contained in these earth ganoderma to a saturated level at this time, his body no longer allowed him to absorb any more earth ganoderma. Therefore, Qin Hao planned to thoroughly explore the surrounding terrain and look for the entrance to the space crack in the Nether World.

Large tracts of emerald green terrain appeared in the eyes of Qin Hao and Xiaobai. When they leaned down and looked down at high altitude, they could find this large forest area with very tall trees. It's so dense and covers such a wide area that you can't see the edge at a glance.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai both have king-level strength. Although Qin Hao's strength declined due to the imbalance of the power of the five elements in his body at this time, he was still able to maintain a king-level combat effectiveness.

The two of them were flying extremely fast.

"Whoever can kill that monster, Master Gao Feng will reward him with a black earth bead!"

Just as Qin Hao and Xiaobai were flying, they heard a sound coming from below.

Looking down, under Qin Hao and Xiaobai, there was a gathering point of human beings.

Xiaobai recognized the person who spoke among them at a glance.

The person who was talking was the leader of the group that met Xiao Bai when he went to the valley basin to explore the existence of Ganoderma lucidum.

"With so many of us, isn't it easy to kill a monster?" This man was surrounded by many human evolvers in the center and said loudly.

"Not bad."

"You can also get a black earth bead by killing a monster. This is a good thing."

The other human evolvers listened to what the leader said and nodded, feeling that it made sense.

In the hearts of these human evolvers, Master Gao Feng, who is in this black forest gathering place, is a very reputable person, and he is well-known among them.

"That's the person who disturbed us." Xiaobai pointed at the human evolver next to him and said.

Xiaobai was deeply impressed by this human evolver who might have disturbed Qin Hao's retreat. After seeing this person at this time, I immediately recognized him.

"What's going on?" Qin Hao asked.

"That day when you were in seclusion..." Xiaobai told Qin Hao what happened that day in detail.

Qin Hao nodded suddenly after hearing this.


"So he is gathering people to attack us now."

Xiaobai nodded and said, "That's right."

After Qin Hao learned the cause and effect, he no longer had a good impression of the human evolvers on the ground below him who were malicious to his brother and sister, and even felt a little angry in his heart.

With a cold light in his eyes, Qin Hao looked at the environment above the ground.

Among this large group of human evolvers, some are strong, some are weak, and the one with the highest strength already has the strength of the primary king level.

Facing such a large group of powerful human evolvers, Qin Hao did not immediately act impulsively. After all, he was also injured at this time.

Because the two of them were hidden in the clouds, Qin Hao used his sensitive hearing to carefully explore the information on the ground.

Just now he heard the group of human evolvers on the ground mention the name of the Tuxuan Pearl.

After thinking carefully, Qin Hao discovered that the Earth Xuan Pearl actually had a record in his Dragon Clan inheritance: the Earth Xuan Pearl is a bead formed by purifying and condensing the power of earth. This Earth Xuan Pearl contains With extremely strong power of earth.

"Go down and take a look." Qin Hao said.

The news about the Tu Xuan Pearl was extremely important to Qin Hao, because those wild Ganoderma lucidum could no longer bring any benefit to Qin Hao. At this time, he heard the news about the Tu Xuan Pearl, and he couldn't help but think about it. Can I get some Earth Mysterious Beads to enhance my earth power?

The two brothers and sisters immediately lowered their clouds quietly and landed in this gathering place of humans.

After using their own spiritual power to slightly change their appearance, Qin Hao and Xiaobai immediately gathered around the large group of human evolvers and listened to what one of them said.

"Everyone sees that this is the Tu Xuan Pearl. I believe everyone is aware of Lord Gao Feng's credibility."

Standing in the center of the crowd, this human evolver with a slightly weathered face raised a wooden box in his hand and opened the lid.

An earth-yellow light suddenly erupted, illuminating the eyes of the onlookers.

"It's really the Tuxuan Pearl!"

"Yes, and the quality looks pretty good."

Everyone stared at the Tuxuan Pearl in the wooden box with eyes full of desire.

This Earth Mysterious Bead, which is the size of a glass ball, has a strong attraction for these human evolvers. After all, if any human evolver absorbs enough power of earth, his physical defense strength will increase. After several levels, the strength will suddenly become different from the past.

Using this Earth Mysterious Pearl to enhance one's strength is not only convenient, but also has no side effects.

Everyone present is a smart person. Most of them have survived to this day. No one is stupid. Naturally, they know that the greater the benefits, the greater the risks.

Master Gao Feng asked them to destroy the monster and offered such a generous reward. It must be that the strength of this monster must be extraordinary. This is what people think in their hearts.

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