The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 370 The Source of the Stream

As he flew straight down, countless flames suddenly burst out from Qin Hao's body.

The power of fire turned into ferocious flames, burning all over the sky.

Like a giant in fire, Qin Hao opened the road ahead, making many monsters afraid to approach.

Seeing that Qin Hao, who was like a huge fireball, was about to fall into the forest, these monsters all went crazy.

In their eyes, the forest below is their home, and naturally they cannot let Qin Hao destroy it.

Bang bang, many monsters jumped up, and the sky was covered.

All of a sudden, these monsters were all over the sky and rushing toward Qin Hao, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

Qin Hao did not turn around, but he could still understand the situation behind him. The Five Elements Spiritual Art in his body suddenly started to move, and the power of fire suddenly spurted out again.

It turned into a flame barrier that filled the sky, rushing backwards towards many monsters, and then the flames on itself disappeared.

Qin Hao came to this forest to find the power of wood. Naturally, it was impossible to burn down the entire forest.

Lowering his head and sniffing, various scents in the forest were introduced into Qin Hao's nose. When he was a snake, his sensitive sense of smell was not discarded even after he transformed into a three-clawed dragon.

At this time, through careful sniffing and scanning with mental power before and after, Qin Hao already knew the situation of the entire forest.

Although the forest spreads long to the east and west, there are two huge mountain cliffs to the north and south, which are not very broad.

A small stream flows east and west in the center of the forest.

Qin Haodang even sensed the rich power of wood in the river and stream.

After flying away, the brother and sister came to the side of the stream.

But before they could do anything, monsters appeared one after another, all green and looking like humans.

This monster group has its own beliefs, and the power of unity is unmatched by other races.

A monster with a crown on its head that looked like the king of the tribe pointed at Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

"Kill them!"

Following the tribe king's order, many monsters rushed forward.

They had already seen in the forest, the intense flames that filled the sky, burning their clansmen to death one by one.

At this time, it can be said that the enemy was extremely jealous, and with the order of the king of the tribe, many monsters rushed towards Qin Hao regardless of their own safety.

In normal times, Qin Hao would never be merciful to these monsters who dared to offend him.

However, time was running out at this time, and Qin Hao was also afraid that the existence beyond the king level would find out that he was still alive, so in order to save time, an earth-yellow barrier was emitted from behind him.

This was the ultimate expression of the power of earth, forming an earth barrier surrounding Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

Regardless of the monsters attacking outside the barrier, Qin Hao lowered his head and held up a handful of water with both hands.

The sweet stream water poured into his belly, but with a trace of the power of wood that nourished the body, Qin Hao's eyes lit up and he turned to look in the direction of the stream's reverse flow.

With a wave of his hand, raging thunder and lightning chains surged out from his right hand. After Qin Hao shook his hand, a large gap appeared beside him, and the monsters were knocked away by the power of thunder and lightning.

The brother and sister walked along the upper reaches of the river, heading east, hoping to find the source of the stream.

Just the power of wood contained in the river water can make Qin Hao, a high-level king-level body, feel comfortable.

So what will it look like at the source?

Qin Hao couldn't help but think so, feeling excited in his heart.

If he gathers the power of the Five Elements, it is unknown to what level his Five Elements Spirit Art will rise to.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai moved forward quickly, and many monsters in the forest were still following them closely, as annoying as buzzing flies.

After traveling quickly for twenty or thirty miles, the source was still not found, but the power of wood contained in the rivers and streams in the air was getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Hao couldn't bear his curiosity, but the monsters following Qin Hao and Xiaobai really made Qin Hao feel upset.

Stopping, Qin Hao turned around fiercely, his stern eyes frightening the monsters following him into staggering steps.

"Weak water three thousand!"

Along with Qin Hao's loud shout, droplets of water began to condense in the already humid air.

Whispering, ordinary water droplets dripped down, dripping on the leaves, causing the trees to sway.

Qin Hao's spiritual power was circulating in his body. At the same time, he looked up and saw that a cloud had formed on the tall trees.


As Qin Hao said the word "luo" calmly, a torrential rain suddenly fell.

Countless ordinary water droplets are mixed with ten thousand weight of weak water droplets.

Each of the 3,000 drops of weak water weighs tens of millions of pounds, and it hits the heads of these monsters from time to time.

A bang can cause the heads of these monsters to bloom. When the brain flowers burst out, they look extremely ferocious.

"God forgives sins, but the Holy Spirit forgives lives!"

Many monsters knelt down and begged for mercy. They had been living in the forest for many years, living a life isolated from the outside world.

In their eyes, rain is a gift from the gods in this world. If there is no water source, they will definitely die of thirst. Water source nourishes all things.

But at this time, the weak water of three thousand led by Qin Hao brought heavy casualties to their tribe, which made them think that the gods were angry.

So they all knelt down one by one to sincerely worship the unknown god. None of them had any intention of chasing Qin Hao and Xiaobai, the two outsiders who had intruded into their territory.

Qin Hao felt very ridiculous looking at these ignorant monsters. He shook his head lightly, turned around and quickly moved towards the source of the water.

The two figures were like streams of light, moving quickly through the forest.

Although his vision was dim, Xiaobai himself was a snake and had a strong sense of smell, as did Qin Hao. What's more, both of them are powerful people, so they will naturally not be affected by this darkness.

After walking another fifty or sixty miles, Qin Hao was wondering why he was so far away.

Blah blah blah, blah blah.

Waves of surging water sounds reached the ears of Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

Following the river through an increasingly dense forest, they pushed aside the branches blocking their eyes. Qin Hao discovered a very beautiful landscape.

A thousand-foot waterfall gushed down from the mountain. The source waterfall appeared in front of the two of them. The waves flew down and swayed. It also presented a different kind of beauty in this dark and underworld world.

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