The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 374 Unknown Ancestral Land

Along with the mantras and prayers of these people in ancient costumes, above the sky that was originally a red glow, the sunset glow became even brighter, forming a strange red light that shone on the people surrounding the altar table. On many powerful people.

The red light also shone on Qin Hao and Xiaobai. This strange red light did not seem to have any harmful power, but there was another ancient and vast power that was constantly flowing.

Just when Qin Hao was about to activate his Five Elements Spirit Art to isolate this unknown force.

Suddenly, Qin Hao's eyelids felt particularly heavy. He closed his eyes without any resistance and fell asleep, as did everyone else.

After all, Qin Hao had high-level king-level strength. After only two or three minutes, he suddenly woke up.

Opening his eyes and looking at the surrounding environment, Qin Hao was a little shocked. This strange red light actually brought a large group of them to an unknown space.

Under everyone's feet are dark gray stone slabs, which look ancient and outdated. It is extremely vast in all directions, with high walls and wide walls. Everyone seems to be lying on an extremely wide passage, with thousands of feet of distance on both sides, and the air. There was also a rotten and damp smell constantly coming from it, making Qin Hao feel a little uncomfortable.

He stretched out his hand to shake Xiaobai beside him. The two siblings just sat here in silence, waiting for the others to wake up.

Fortunately, he came here to look for opportunities, but he never expected to be brought here by this weird red light. However, he was not panicked. These people obviously had the same purpose.

Qin Hao decided to keep a low profile first, see what such a large group of people wanted to do, and listen to the prayers of those humans in ancient costumes. It seems like they want to worship their ancestors. Could this be the ancestral land of some powerful race?

Time can always wear away everything. Qin Hao also knows that some powerful races will become weak after a long time, and some weak races will become extremely powerful after a long time. .

It seems that those few humans in ancient costumes once had an extremely powerful race, but now they are weak, so they led such a large group of people into their ancestral land.

"Haha, come in!"

A human evolver lying on the ground shouted excitedly after waking up.

When the rest of the people heard the loud shouting, they all woke up one after another.

"Is this, is this the ancestral land?"

"Haha, the opportunity is here!"

Suddenly, the empty passage began to become noisy and prosperous after everyone woke up.

"Everyone!" A very powerful human evolver, who in Qin Hao's opinion was at the peak of king level, clapped his hands and said to everyone: "We have agreed before that after entering here, everything will be obeyed. Of course, the benefits of my instructions are indispensable to everyone!"

The human evolver said to everyone, and the others began to nod. On the one hand, it was because the strength of this human evolver was indeed powerful, and on the other hand, they had no idea about this ancestral land. If they knew about it, If so, that may not necessarily be the case.

The peak king-level human evolver saw everyone nodding in agreement, with a smile on his face. He then turned to the humans in ancient costumes and said expressionlessly: "Lead the way!"

The crowd began to move towards the depths of the ancestral land, led by a few humans wearing ancient costumes.

What no one noticed was that this human evolver with peak king-level strength was walking at the front of the team. There was a dark red color that was not human in his eyes, and there was a black aura swirling deep in it, making it His whole person was like a ghost and a demon.

While the crowd was marching, Qin Hao kept using his sensitive hearing to spy on the information, and the sounds of people talking quietly reached his ears.

"His luck is so good." A human evolver walking at the back of the team said, looking at the human evolver at the front of the team with peak king-level strength.

"That's right, why can't we find this kind of down-and-out civilized human being who once reached the peak?" Another human evolver also spoke in agreement.

"Yes, if I..."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Hao had already understood the whole story from these people's whispered conversations.

It turns out that the human evolver with peak king-level strength accidentally found several humans from other civilizations. That civilization was once glorious at its peak, but now it has long been in decline. Later, the news spread out for some reason, and then This is the result of many forces gathering together to explore the ancestral land of this once glorious civilization.

The pace was fast along the way. Soon, under the urging of everyone, several humans in ancient costumes led everyone to a place that was obviously different from the previous passage.

On the tall steps, there are more than a dozen thick pillars, which hold up the top of the sky. The ground above the steps is all covered with jade floors. This large space of ground is surrounded by empty abyss. Looking down, it was dark.

This place seems to be the end of the place. Except for a piece of ground on the steps and a few ten pillars, the rest of the place is dark. Looking down is an abyss, and there is no way out if you look left or right.

Everyone stopped when they came here, and some people couldn't help but ask: "Why does it look like this? Is there nothing else?"

The crowd stared at the leader, a human evolver with peak king-level strength, with doubtful eyes.

The human evolver with peak king-level strength had a strange smile on his face at this time, and then he didn't speak and just walked straight up the steps.

As this human evolver takes a step, there will be an echo in this empty space with every step.

Click, click.

When the human evolver walked up the steps and stood next to a pillar, he turned his head and looked at the people under the steps.

"Don't you want an opportunity? You will have it soon!"

After the king-level human evolver finished speaking, he stretched out his arms as if embracing the darkness, looking extremely comfortable.

In the empty spaces everywhere, as well as in the abyss under the high platform, endless black mist suddenly poured out, and the package poured into the body of this human evolver with peak king-level strength.

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