The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 399 The Great Elder of the Elf Tribe

With a loud rumbling sound, these six sets of huge combat mechas were directly whipped to the ground by Qin Hao's tail, and they suddenly became staggered and broken.

On the ground, Xiaobai also drew out a tail at the same time. The huge force hit the six sets of combat mechas, and the six sets of already dilapidated combat mechas were even more seriously injured at this time.


A dragon roar came from Qin Hao's mouth in the sky, and it was also accompanied by a colorful ball containing five kinds of energy. It spat out from Qin Hao's mouth, and the power of the five elements roared around the six sets of combat armors. Exploded.

There was a rumble, a mountain falling apart, and dust flying. After the battle subsided, the six combat mechas and the pilots inside them were reduced to pieces, lifeless.

After a long flight, Qin Hao and Xiaobai once again arrived at the territory of the elves.

Unlike the city of science and technology, the territory of the elves is hidden in the dark and requires special methods to enter. The territory of the elves can be seen directly when Qin Hao is flying and he lowers his head.

The two brothers and sisters fell down. Many of the Elf clansmen looked excited after seeing Qin Hao. The giant war trees that were originally silent turned into big trees in the sky. At this time, they saw Qin Hao. After arriving, the leaves of the whole tree began to sway, as if to welcome Qin Hao.

The rich power of wood contained in Qin Hao's body has a strong attraction for these giant war trees.

Under the welcome of the crowd, Qin Hao walked into the hinterland of the Elf tribe and met the Elf Queen.

The Elf Queen's eyes were filled with excitement. She looked at Qin Hao and asked with great expectation: "Is there any way you can save the Elf Sacred Tree this time?"

"That's right." Qin Hao replied calmly and took out the A3 recovery potion from his arms.

When the Elf Queen saw what Qin Hao was holding, although she didn't know why, she immediately took Qin Hao to the Elf Sacred Tree with full hope.

Countless elves have already gathered around the Elf God Tree. They all know that Qin Hao is the one who can bring hope to the Elf God Tree, so they all gather here at this time, and everyone's eyes are full of expectations. .

Qin Hao's face remained normal, and he walked calmly to the elven tree, which was several dozen meters in diameter. Looking at the tall tree crown reaching into the sky, Qin Hao smashed the A3 potion in his hand directly against the tree body.

With a bang, the glass bottle containing the A3-type medicine shattered, and the green liquid flowed along the crown of the tree.


When people were nervous, a buzzing sound suddenly came from the entire Elf Sacred Tree, and at the same time, the ground shook slightly.

"How is this going?"

Some elves couldn't help but start to get nervous. At this time, the Elf God Tree was full of decadence and getting weaker day by day, but it was still alive at least. This sudden change made them all look at the Elf God Tree with more concern, fearing this. What bad changes have happened to the sacred tree of the elf race?

After the Elf God Tree just made this buzzing sound, it quickly returned to calm again, and the vibrations on the ground disappeared. Except for the green medicinal liquid that was sucked into the body by the Elf God Tree, there were no changes. None of it happened.

"What are you doing!"

Just as everyone was staring nervously at the Elf Sacred Tree, a loud scolding sound suddenly came.


"Hello, Elder!"

Under the greetings of many elves, it was understood that the elf who came quickly was the elder of the elf clan.

The Elf Queen looked at the elder who was approaching quickly, and her expression suddenly changed drastically.

Qin Hao was wondering what was happening when he discovered that the elder of the Elf tribe walked straight to the Elf Queen and said loudly, "How can you bring outsiders to this sacred tree?"

"Do you know? How important this sacred tree is to our elves!"

"What is this? What did he do to the sacred tree?"

The elder of the Elf clan asked three times in succession, and at the same time turned his head and stared at Qin Hao angrily.

Qin Hao's eyes were indifferent. He was not afraid of this elder of the Elf clan. However, this elder's strength was only at the peak of king level. Although he was a little stronger than Qin Hao, he was definitely not Qin Hao's opponent.

"That's enough, Great Elder!" The Elf Queen's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with determination, and then she said to the Elf elder: "Don't you want to restore the sacred tree to its original state?"

The Elf Queen's words were stern, but the great elder was not afraid at all.

"The sacred tree has recovered as before?" The great elder said: "Depending on what he can do, do you think the sacred tree has recovered now?"

After the great elder spoke and questioned, many elves also began to be confused, and their eyes towards Qin Hao also changed somewhat. After all, they put all their hopes on Qin Hao, but Qin Hao just threw a ball at the sacred tree. After taking the potion, he didn't do anything, and now there is no change in the sacred tree, which makes everyone confused.

"Haha." The great elder chuckled. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the many elves present, he knew that his words had an effect, and then he spoke to the Elf Queen: "I will now announce on behalf of the Council of Elders, You have been deposed as queen."

The Great Elder and the Elf Queen have long been at odds with each other, but unfortunately they have never found the Elf Queen's weakness. At this time, Qin Hao did not save the sacred tree when he came here, which gave the Great Elder the opportunity to attack the Elf Queen.

"You are not qualified to depose me!" The Elf Queen waved her arm, straightened her body, and said arrogantly to the great elder.

Since the two sides have already broken their skin at this time, there is no need for the Elf Queen to give face to the great elder.

"Not qualified to remove you? This is the decision of the Presbyterian Council!"

"What's more, if this sacred tree is completely destroyed by this person you found from nowhere, then you will be the sinner of our elves!"

The great elder said in a stern voice as he hit the ground with his crutch. What no one noticed was that when the great elder's crutch was pointing towards the ground, a small opening suddenly opened at the end of the crutch, and a black pill slid down. The power of the Great Elder's crutch was thrust into the ground by him.

Qin Hao was on the side, but his sensitive senses discovered the great elder's small movements at a glance. So Qin Hao even moved his fingers lightly, and a weak and fine needle of spiritual energy penetrated into the ground, pulling the great elder away. The black pills that were put into the ground were wrapped so that they could not move in any way.

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