The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 409 Xiaobai absorbs dragon energy

With a bang, Qin Hao's tail was extremely powerful and directly deflected the attack of the horned dragon monster a little bit, causing the long dark toughness released from the dark horns to have no thorns. On top of Qin Hao's body.

Qin Hao's three-clawed true dragon body, which was more than 200 meters long, escaped the attack with just a slight twist.

"Ah, you damn worm!"

The Torosaurus monster roared angrily when he saw that he could not succeed in one attack and was hit by Qin Hao.

As the protector of Lord Dragon God in this ancient ruins, he can be said to be an existence that can walk sideways wherever he goes in this ancient ruins. In this vast ancient ruins, he has never been captured before. A person who has suffered such a huge loss, meeting Qin Hao today is really unlucky.

In anger, the Torosaurus monster's eyes immediately turned red, its aura rioted, and traces of dark flames emerged from its dark wings, burning like hell fire.

The big bird monster on the side saw that something was wrong and had already run away far away. It was going to report to Lord Dragon God about the situation here.

Xiaobai didn't care about the departure of the big bird monster, but kept a close eye on the horned monster that was fighting Qin Hao, preparing to find the right moment to take action.

Just when the Torosaurus monster's eyes turned red and its aura was rioting, Xiaobai saw that the time had come. Even with a happy face, the dark star on the forehead of the giant white snake that was more than a hundred meters long appeared. The evil soul orb suddenly emitted an extremely powerful spiritual power.

This tyrannical and condensed spiritual power rushed into the mind of the horned monster.

The horned monster, which was already blinded by anger, now received Xiaobai's tyrannical spiritual power, even though its eyes were dull and stayed in place.

"It's now!"

Qin Hao's eyes lit up. While the Torosaurus monster was enveloped by Xiao Bai's spiritual power, strong power of the Five Elements began to gather in the dragon's mouth.

The five powerful forces of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth began to gather crazily in Qin Hao's dragon's mouth. At this time, the essence and blood in his body were still burning, so the power of the five elements could also be greatly improved.

A five-element power of imperial power surged out from Qin Hao's mouth, and a colorful ball with a diameter of several dozen meters was spit out from Qin Hao's dragon mouth.

The colorful ball carried strong pressure and rushed towards the body of the Torosaurus monster.

"Ah! Not good!"

After all, the Torosaurus monster has emperor-level strength. Although it is only the first level of emperor-level, it is still not a novice. The existence of this king-level strength can be controlled by spiritual power.

After feeling the sense of crisis from the colorful balls sent by Qin Hao, the Torosaurus monster was awakened even under the control of spiritual power.

Seeing this huge colorful ball with tyrannical power about to arrive in front of him, the Torosaurus monster used all its dark aura to condense a dark barrier in front of him at this critical moment. .


After the colorful ball hit this dark barrier, it began to explode spontaneously. Once the power of the five elements condensed a hundred times exploded, its power would be unimaginable.

Even though this dark barrier has the effect of absorbing energy, it has absorbed most of the explosive power of the colorful ball, but the remaining explosive power still hurt the Torosaurus monster's body.

At this time, half of the Torosaurus monster's body became dripping with blood, and one of the two pairs of huge wingspans behind the dragon's head became semi-crippled, and it was difficult to stabilize his figure while swinging.

"I won't let you go!"

The Torosaurus monster's blood-red eyes stared at Qin Hao with undisguised hatred.

Qin Hao saw that the Torosaurus monster dared to be so arrogant. At this time, when the blessing power of the Elf Tree in his body was still endless, even with a cold face, the power of teleportation was activated. Qin Hao's whole body was so huge. The body appeared directly behind the Torosaurus monster.


Qin Hao's dragon claw suddenly slashed out, and three rays of golden light slid down from Qin Hao's three claws. Three more wounds were added to the back of the Torosaurus monster, and blood was flowing.


The Torosaurus screamed in pain, and then without looking back, it plunged straight into the dark barrier he had released before, and disappeared.

Qin Hao was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the defensive barrier released by the Torosaurus monster could actually be teleported.

Qin Hao's whole body suddenly teleported forward, but it was still a step too late. After the Torosaurus monster passed through, the dark barrier immediately dissipated in the air, leaving no trace. .

After the battle.

Qin Hao still had no intention of leaving this place at this time. After all, the ancient ruins had not yet been explored, and Xiaobai still needed some dragon power. He decided to kill some monsters again before making other plans.

But after the brother and sister fought with the horned monster, there was no trace of the monster's existence within a hundred miles around them.

The Torosaurus monster is still one of the most powerful people in this ancient ruins, and they are still suppressed and beaten by Qin Hao. Naturally, these monsters ruled by the Torosaurus monster do not dare to stay here anymore. The monsters gave up their territory one after another, avoiding Qin Hao and Xiaobai from a distance.

This makes it a little difficult for Qin Hao and Xiao Bai to kill some monsters with the aura of dragons on their bodies. It's not that they can't beat them. These monsters just see Qin Hao and Xiao Bai from a distance and immediately attack them. He ran away like crazy, not daring to stay where he was.

This situation greatly reduced the progress of Qin Hao and Xiaobai in killing monsters, and they spent most of their time chasing these monsters.

One day, two days and three days passed...

After a long period of hunting and killing, Qin Hao has killed many monsters for Xiaobai with dragon aura. Xiaobai's bloodline now contains a faint dragon aura. .

The appearance of the dragon's aura made Xiaobai's whole aura different from before. His original lolita-like body was now slightly taller, and his face became more delicate and beautiful, accompanied by the power of the dragon. There was a special kind of beauty exuding from Xiao Bai's body.

Originally, the two brothers and sisters were mindless in the forest, looking for a direction at random, chasing monsters and absorbing dragon energy, but something happened immediately, which changed the direction of their progress. direction.

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