The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 411 Breaking out of the ancient ruins

Seeing the exit right in front of him, Qin Hao did not leave immediately. Instead, he started running the Dragon Clan technique on the spot. "Weak Water Three Thousand" was a powerful technique that could stir up waves on the sea. At this time In the mountains and forests, although it was not so powerful, it still swept through the sky with violent storms.

The sky over this ancient ruins suddenly became dark, and countless violent storms fell, mixed with drops of weak water. Each drop of weak water contained a huge amount of gravity, making the entire sky form a barrier.

Qin Hao smiled calmly, looked at the scene he created, took Xiaobai with him, and flew into the transmission channel in the sky, leaving the ancient ruins here.

The three guardians quickly arrived here soon after.

"Is this?" The eyes of the three guardians were shocked.

They were not surprised by the violent storm in the sky that Qin Hao had created, but they were surprised that a passage to the outside world appeared in the sky.

You must know that no one has been to this ancient ruins for a long time. In ancient times, this was an exclusive ruins for the elves. Later, after the elves gradually fell into silence, the portal of this ancient ruins was rarely visited. People have opened it.

The leader of the three guardians, the Black Dragon God in this ancient ruins, has been suffering from the inability to open a passage to the outside world from within the system for a long time, so he is depressed all day long. Even these three guardians really want to go out to the outside world. of.

At this time, they suddenly discovered the ruins passage leading to the outside world. The three guardians were immediately excited. They rushed to the location of the Black Dragon God and reported their discovery to the Black Dragon God.

After Qin Hao rushed out of the ancient ruins, he and Xiaobai looked at the door of the ancient ruins behind them. Although he wanted to close the door of the ancient ruins in his heart, he didn't know how to do it.

After all, when he came, he used the leather map marked with the location of the ancient ruins as the key to open the portal of the ancient ruins.

The cortical map also burned and destroyed itself in the sky when the door to the ancient ruins was opened, so Qin Hao now has no way to close the door to the ancient ruins.

But Qin Hao doesn't care too much. After all, the world is so big, can the monsters in the ancient ruins still chase him all over the world?

With Qin Hao thinking like this, he led Xiaobai to wander around the vast land leisurely.

After flying over mountains and rivers, Qin Hao and Xiaobai arrived at a gathering point of huge forces.

In this apocalypse, although for the weak, there are all kinds of dangers everywhere on the earth, for the strong, generally they will not encounter any particularly big dangers. Those powerful monsters are With its own thinking, it is already a highly intelligent creature.

Many powerful monsters, in order to survive better, spontaneously formed gathering places. At this time, Qin Hao and Xiaobai came to this gathering place where fish and dragons were mixed.

Within the gathering place, there are various dilapidated high-rise buildings before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, although many people have the ability to build majestic buildings again, this is unnecessary. After all, strength is king in the apocalypse.

Everyone is working hard every day to improve their own strength.

On the avenue of the gathering place, there are many people and monsters setting up stalls here, selling things they don't need in exchange for items that can improve their strength.

Qin Hao led Xiaobai here to sell some of the bones of the many monsters he had hunted in the ancient ruins.

These are the bones of monsters with king-level strength. For some weak people, they can be made into very powerful weapons. And for some monsters with special effects, they can also absorb these bones to enhance their own strength. .

Qin Hao plans to sell all these bones in exchange for some items containing the aura of dragon power, which will be used to increase the power of Xiaobai's bloodline.

Finding a random place, Qin Hao and Xiaobai sat cross-legged on the ground. Qin Hao waved his right hand, and pieces of huge monster bones appeared in front of him, piled up as high as a small mountain.

The crashing sound of monster bones colliding caused many passers-by to look sideways. After seeing the large group of skeletons in front of Qin Hao, they all looked horrified.

These skeletons exuded a king-level aura, which proved that these bones were taken from different king-level monsters, which made everyone feel extremely afraid of Qin Hao.

At this time, some monsters who were setting up stalls to sell various items were even more frightened after seeing so many monster skeletons from Qin Hao's lifetime. They quickly packed up and stayed away from Qin Hao's surroundings.

Although there are unwritten rules in this gathering place, no one can kill at will in the gathering place, but with so many monster skeletons in Qin Hao's lifetime, everyone also knows that Qin Hao's strength can be imagined. You know, how powerful it is.

For such a powerful person, who knows if he will break the rules.

Qin Hao looked at the commotion indifferently. He was not in a hurry. After all, ordinary people could not afford to pay for the skeletons of so many powerful monsters.

In this way, Qin Hao waited quietly for a long time. When he was doing nothing, he suddenly discovered that the originally very ordinary road with people coming and going suddenly became panicked. Many humans and monsters were walking around. He hid aside and gave way to the center of the avenue.

A human evolver with muscles all over his body, like a Titan, walked out of the middle of the avenue and came straight to Qin Hao's stall.

Because Qin Hao was hiding his strength at this time, the man did not discover what kind of strength Qin Hao was, but Qin Hao could tell at a glance that this titan-like human evolver had peak king-level strength. , its body also contains a special bloodline.

"It seems that this man's body contains Titan blood." Qin Hao thought to himself. In his previous life, he had heard about the power of the Titan family. After seeing this male human evolver, he had the blood of the Titans in his body. The strange power of blood made Qin Hao couldn't help but guess this.

"How do you plan to sell these things?" asked the man with Titan blood.

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