The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 422 Snow Mountain Wolves

Teng Teng Teng!

Snow wolves jumped forward one by one quickly, forming a group. Under the control of the wolf king, the wolves gathered together to have an extremely sharp impact.

This is the case in the apocalypse. There are dangers everywhere. Qin Hao has already made preparations and is looking at these snow wolves.

With his sharp eyes, Qin Hao spotted the Snow Wolf King in the center of the wolf pack at a glance.

These mutated wolves were most likely mutated from the ordinary wolves in the snowy mountains after the apocalyptic spiritual energy broke out.

But even if they are mutated from ordinary wolves, after such a long period of evolution, they still retain such a large group and live in this area, which is definitely special.

Qin Hao understood this principle very well, alas, the principle of attacking first is to be strong and then to be weak, so he immediately activated the power of the Five Elements.

The power of gold flashed in Qin Hao's two palms, bringing sharp power to his palms. Those two palms could cut gold and break iron, with unrivaled momentum.

"Brother, look at me!" Xiaobai also shouted, his pink little hands clenched into fists, and dark gray light flashed in his eyes.

The tyrannical spiritual power shot out from Xiaobai's eyes, except for a cylindrical spiritual power. Although the spiritual power was invisible and colorless, after Xiaobai emitted it, it was accompanied by some physical power.

Under the dual physical and mental attack, Xiao Bai's impact directly caused this large group of wolves to be cut in the middle by her attack.

The huge group of snow wolves was divided into two, leaving a blank area in the middle. The terrifying ravine showed how strong Xiaobai's attack just now was.


Ouch! !

Without the wolf king's supervision, the severely injured snow wolves were directly aroused by Xiao Bai's attack, and their roars were endless.

Qin Hao's figure rioted, and he disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he appeared in the center of the snow wolves, with the huge Snow Wolf King next to him.

Bang bang!

Qin Hao suddenly struck, and his fist hit the Blood Wolf King at the same time.


The Snow Wolf King roared in pain and stared at Qin Hao with blood red eyes. The many ordinary snow wolves summoned by that roar rushed towards Qin Hao desperately.

The Snow Wolf King originally wanted to eat today, but he seemed to have encountered a tough situation, but the wolves, which had already suffered heavy losses, naturally could not leave just like that, and began to fight for their lives with Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

On the vast snow-capped mountains, countless snowflakes were falling slowly. The weather here was cold, and a little moisture would turn into snowflakes or condense into ice. At this time, a light snow fell during the battle.

When Xiaobai saw the battle begin, he only released his own seal, and a dragon body more than a hundred meters long appeared on the snow mountain.

Since transforming into a dragon, this is the first time that Xiaobai has revealed his true form. His body shines like diamonds and is covered with scales. There are two dragon horns on his forehead. The way snakes travel.

The dragon follows the clouds and the tiger follows the wind. Every time Xiaobai moves forward, he feels like he is leaping forward.

Approaching the battlefield, the evil soul bead on his forehead once again sent out a powerful shock wave, in the form of circular ripples, and the spiritual power spread out from Xiao Bai's body.

This kind of spiritual power is not that powerful. Xiaobai's most powerful spiritual attack is a single attack against the enemy, not a group damage. But even if the attack power is reduced at this time and a group mental shock wave is sent out, it has those weak The monster's irresistible impact.

Qin Hao was naturally affected by Xiaobai's spiritual impact on the battlefield, but this was nothing, because the water god token in his forehead had the function of resisting spiritual power, and Xiaobai also deliberately The power of mental impact on Qin Hao's side was contracted, so Qin Hao did not have much impact and still fought quickly and fiercely with the Wolf King.

The Wolf King and Qin Hao fought fiercely together, but they couldn't take care of the ordinary wolves. The strength of ordinary snow wolves generally has the strength of lord level, but these are only the strength of primary lord level and intermediate lord level, and they cannot resist the small ones. The mental shock wave emitted by Bai.

Thump thump!

One after another, the snow wolves fell to the ground under the influence of the mental shock wave emitted by Xiao Bai, and they all fell into a coma.

The Snow Wolf King, who was fighting Qin Hao, felt anxious when he saw this. The wolves were the foundation of his life. If he had the care of the wolves in this dangerous snowy mountain, no matter how strong he was, , and cannot compete with other monsters alone.

What's more, wolf nature advocates killing and blood. The Snow Wolf King has offended many monster forces in this snowy mountain. If it weren't for the strength of his wolf pack, I'm afraid he wouldn't be alive now.

In order to save his wolf pack, the Snow Wolf King wanted to break away from Qin Hao, but Qin Hao clung to him, making it impossible for the Snow Wolf King to leave Qin Hao and go to save his pack.


In the anxiety of the Snow Wolf King, his eyes became even redder, and wolf fangs burst out from his mouth. Even Qin Hao was affected by the ferocious aura.

The cry of the Wolf King was accompanied by a strange energy, causing many snow wolves that had fallen into coma due to Xiaobai's mental impact to suddenly wake up one by one, and jump up with a plop.

Xiaobai was originally slaughtering these snow wolves who had no power to fight back, but the sudden awakening of the snow wolves had an impact on her killing, forcing Xiaobai to have to fight with this large group of snow wolves first. Engage in physical combat.


The Snow Wolf King roared again, and with his roar, the overall combat power of the wolves increased to another level, and all the snow wolves became extremely crazy.

Qin Hao felt bored when he saw the snow wolf roaring from time to time, pretending that his seal had been lifted.


A shocking dragon roar sounded, directly suppressing the roar of the Snow Wolf King.

A three-clawed real dragon more than 200 meters long suddenly appeared in the sky.

After Qin Hao released the seal and revealed his dragon power, countless snow wolves quickly crawled to the ground one by one. The suppression of their bloodline made these snow wolves unable to stand up to Qin Hao, a real dragon.

Countless snow wolves knelt down to express their submission. Suddenly, only the Snow Wolf King was left standing proudly. He was the king of the group, so how could he kneel down so easily.

But seeing Qin Hao transform into such a powerful dragon body, and all his tribe surrendering to the dragon's momentum, the Snow Wolf King felt like giving up.


Like a white phantom, the Snow Wolf King, whose eyes were filled with blood red just a second ago, now ran towards the distance without looking back.

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