The bronze door was tightly closed. Logically speaking, the corpse guards inside could not leave the mausoleum, but there were corpse guards outside the mausoleum. Qin Hao estimated that there were probably other exits in the mausoleum that could allow them to leave the mausoleum.

Facing the two bronze-armored corpse guards rushing toward him, Qin Hao's eyes were cold, and his genetic energy gathered together, condensing two two-foot-long wind blades and shooting out!


Qin Hao's wind ability is a controller-level ability. The two light cyan wind blades may seem inconspicuous, but they can cut iron like mud. The two bronze-armored corpse guards who have reached the second level of strength are like two Like a carrot, the wind blade passed over his neck, and his head fell to the ground and rolled far away.

Killing two fierce bronze-armored corpse guards in an instant, Qin Hao dug out the evolutionary energy in their hearts and continued to move forward.

When he reached the end of the passage, he saw a spiral staircase leading underground.

"Is this mausoleum underground?" When Qin Hao saw this scene, he didn't hesitate too much. He followed the spiral passage to the second underground floor and continued moving forward. This mausoleum is quite huge and he doesn't know how many floors there are in total. Qin Hao All Hao could do was keep going down.

Qin Hao was crawling in the middle of the wide passage. Suddenly when he climbed over a piece of brick, even such a slight movement seemed to trigger some mechanism, and cracks were opened on the walls on both sides of the passage.

Click, click, click!

Then there was the sound of a machine gun, and arrows as thick as a thumb shot out from the cracked hole in the wall like raindrops.

Obviously this is the defense mechanism of the mausoleum. Qin Hao triggered the mechanism in the passage. These arrows seemed to be made of black iron, but they were of no use to Qin Hao. He was less than one meter long at this time, and each arrow was The arrows passed over his head and failed to touch him at all. Qin Hao was speechless. The advantages of such a small body are really great!


Qin Hao continued to move forward. Although he paid attention to the surrounding situation, he still triggered the second mechanism, and green poisonous fire spewed out from the walls on both sides.

The temperature of this flame is extremely high, and it also contains fire poison. If you are burned, the fire poison will penetrate into the target's internal organs and burn the person into a mummy from the inside out. But in the face of this green poisonous flame, with the power of Qin Haoshui, he can easily Passed through the fire unscathed.

There are too many traps in the passage, and they are diverse, including arrows, poisonous fire, ice mist, rolling stones, and even subsidence. If you want to pass through this dangerous passage, even an iron man will have to be melted into water, but with Qin Hao's All kinds of traps in the body were completely passed through head-on.

These traps are all designed for humans. Qin Hao estimates that evolved people like Long Shuo will have a lot of headaches when facing these traps. After all, they are only flesh and blood. It is impossible for them to resist these traps with their bodies like Qin Hao. .


In the passage ahead, a huge rock with a diameter of five or six meters was crushing towards Qin Hao. Facing this rolling stone trap, Qin Hao jumped up high and slapped his tail angrily on the huge rock. The boulder was torn apart by the violent force and turned into pieces.

"This is the fifteenth floor..." Qin Hao walked all the way underground. According to his memory, he was already on the fifteenth floor of the mausoleum.


At the end of the fifteenth floor passage, there were more than ten burly figures standing. They smelled the breath of living creatures and immediately opened their eyes. Their blood-red eyes were full of desire for flesh and blood.

"Thirteen corpse guards, three silver-armored corpse guards." Qin Hao saw the corpse guards at the end of the passage ahead. There were thirteen corpse guards in total, including three silver-armored corpse guards and ten bronze-armored corpse guards. This was definitely a It was a powerful force, but Qin Hao was not surprised but happy. The guards here were so tight. Does it mean that he was almost at the bottom and center of the mausoleum?


More than a dozen corpse guards rushed towards Qin Hao. Some were armed with spears, swords and other weapons, while others used their foot-long zombie claws as weapons to tear the intruder into pieces.

Qin Hao decided to resolve the battle quickly. He released the seal and turned it into a ten-meter-long one. This level of power was enough to deal with these corpse guards!

"Bang bang bang!"

Qin Hao's thick snake tail swept out suddenly, as if with the force of breaking mountains and cracking rocks. The three bronze-armored zombies rushing at the front were swept by the snake's tail, and the three hard heads were connected with the bronze armor on their heads. The helmets were blown to pieces, and rotten brains and blood splattered everywhere.

After Qin Hao evolved to the quasi-lord level, his strength was too terrifying. Even if he didn't use all his strength, he couldn't be resisted by a mere group of zombies.


Two of the three strongest silver-armored zombies were crawling on the walls on both sides like geckos, approaching Qin Hao, while the remaining one was holding a spear and stabbing Qin Hao's left eye.

The rest of the corpse guards were not afraid of death and rushed towards Qin Hao from all directions, trying to tear him into pieces.


Purple lightning flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and the next moment Qin Hao's whole body burst into purple lightning. Supported by the huge genetic energy of the quasi-lord level, Qin Hao's lightning ability underwent a qualitative change, and purple lightning streaks appeared. The thunder snake danced, and all the corpse guards that originally rushed towards it were hit by the thunder snake, causing a thunderous explosion.

Thunder flashed all over the sky, and all the bronze-armored zombies were ejected with smoke all over their bodies. They fell to the ground, twitching, their brains were scorched by electricity, and they died completely.

The remaining three silver-armored corpse guards were far stronger than the bronze-armored corpse guards. They were not dead, but they were still covered in smoke from the electric shock and their reflexes became sluggish.


Qin Hao whipped his tail on the head of a silver-armored corpse guard leaning against the wall. Its head hit the walls on both sides of the passage, causing rubble to fly into the wall. Its head was also shattered and it died on the spot.


A silver-armored corpse guard stabbed Qin Hao with a spear. Qin Hao curled his tail around its throat and contracted it so hard that its neck was completely shattered and fractured.


Before the last silver-armored corpse guard had time to react, Qin Hao spit out a purple thunderbolt and struck it between its eyebrows. Suddenly it fell to the ground in convulsions and died, and its brain was scorched by the electricity.

More than a dozen second-level corpse guards were killed by Qin Hao in less than half a minute. Ordinary second-level monsters were as fragile as ants in Qin Hao's hands.

Easily dealing with these corpse guards, Qin Hao collected all the evolutionary energy and headed towards the stairs at the end of the passage.

When he entered the passage, Qin Hao's eyes suddenly opened up. This place was no longer different from the previous passages, but a very huge underground space. Qin Hao knew that he had reached the bottom floor of the mausoleum, and the owner of the mausoleum might be buried there. it's here!

Qin Hao saw a huge river in front of him. The river was a hundred meters wide and cut across the path forward. The water in the river was light black, with bubbles rolling and exuding a corpse smell, which made Qin Hao's eyelids Weibo, he didn’t want to swim in such smelly water!

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