The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 61 The Evolutionary Team Arrives

The golden-armored corpse guards are all third-level monsters, terrifyingly powerful.

"Get out!" Qin Hao suddenly thrust out the snake's tail, wrapped it around the waist of the golden-armored corpse guard, and threw it away with a swish.

There are ten golden-armored corpse guards in total, and the remaining nine golden-armored corpse guards are also coming to kill them aggressively!

"No, I will definitely be defeated if I waste it like this." The physical strength of zombies is almost unlimited. More than a hundred zombie guards have formed a certain formation, which is even more difficult to deal with. Qin Hao can't kill any of them. It would be too bad for Qin Hao to go down, so Qin Hao decided to retreat temporarily.


Qin Hao's body trembled, and the terrifying force shook the surrounding corpse generals to stagger back. He himself quickly returned the same way and exited the square.

But the corpse guards did not pursue them. Each one slowly picked up their weapons and returned to their original positions, motionless, as if they had turned into statues again, and began to turn a blind eye to Qin Hao in the distance.

"You will only be attacked when you enter this square. They will not chase them out." Qin Hao secretly thought after seeing this scene, but his headache became even worse, which meant that he couldn't defeat them all even if he wanted to.

"By the way... let's see if that Long Shuo has any way to deal with these zombies." Qin Hao suddenly felt something in his heart. He thought of Long Shuo and the others who had not arrived yet. It would be better to let Long Shuo and the others fight in the front line. There are so many of them, maybe someone can crack the formation of these corpse guards.

In other words, even if Long Shuo and others are useless, they can still attract some firepower. When the time comes, Qin Hao will have a much greater chance of rushing over to collect the blood-red coffin, so Qin Hao waited quietly for more than two days. At 1 hour, Qin Hao finally heard a series of footsteps.

"General Long, there is a cave here that seems to lead to the outside of the mausoleum." Long Shuo, who was wearing black armor and a gloomy face, and other people were walking on the road leading to the main tomb. They discovered the cave that led to the mausoleum. The cave outside.

"The door here is broken. Did anyone get here before us?" At this time, someone pointed at the huge stone door in front and exclaimed, with a face full of disbelief.

There are sixteen floors in total, and each floor is full of traps and guarded by corpse guards. It is too difficult to pass through. The group of them quickly passed through the passage, suffering heavy casualties along the way. Now there are less than fifty people left. , finally rushed to the center of the mausoleum quickly, but someone had already arrived before them?

Qin Hao entered the sealed state and hid on a protruding rock pillar above the entrance to the square. When he heard these people's words, he couldn't help but complain: "I've been waiting for two hours!"

The speed of these people was too slow. Qin Hao arrived here more than two hours ahead of them.

"Maybe the corpse guards destroyed the door. Many of them ran outside the mausoleum through the previous cave." Some people speculated, thinking that no one would be faster than them. The stone door was destroyed by the corpse guards. dropped.

"Let's go." Long Shuo said indifferently. He walked in front and walked quickly towards the main tomb. When everyone came outside the square and saw the corpse guards in the center of the square, their pupils shrank.

"One... there are more than a hundred zombie guards, and they are all above the silver armor level?" A black-clothed evolver was a little unbelievable. The silver-armored zombie guards were enough to rival a team of elite evolvers. There were more than a hundred of them. I'm afraid I won't be my opponent!

Long Shuo frowned slightly when he saw this scene, but he soon saw the giant dragon skeleton in the distance and the blood-red coffin held in the dragon's mouth. A fiery color flashed in his eyes: "There are things in this coffin." What treasure is attracting me! I must get it!"

Licking his lips, Long Shuo pulled out the blood-red sword and said coldly: "You charge with me. With the sharpness of this killing blade, even zombies with copper skin and iron bones cannot resist it. live."

The sword in Long Shuo's hand is called the Killing Blade. This sword has a great origin. It was inherited from a certain person in ancient times. It is said that tens of thousands of people died under the Killing Blade, which made the Killing Blade dyed blood red.

This killing blade was collected by Commander Li, the ruler of Black Moon City, and was later given to Long Shuo for use.

The sharpness of the killing blade is beyond imagination. When facing the silver-armored corpse guards before, it was possible to cut off their heads with one strike. Coupled with the firepower attracted by other evolvers, and combined with his own abilities, Long Shuo was confident of killing these corpse guards. Of course, this will cause heavy losses to one's side. Even if they win, there may not be a few people left alive, but for Long Shuo, what does it matter to Long Shuo if all these people are dead?

"Very good, very strong." Qin Hao also praised Long Shuo when he heard that Long Shuo was about to force his way in. He was afraid that Long Shuo would be timid and would be too frightened to enter after seeing so many silver-armored corpse guards.

At this time, the eyes of a black-clothed evolver next to Long Shuo turned light red and he stared at the statue-like corpse guards in the square. He quickly said to Long Shuo: "General Long, don't break in by force. According to my perception, Exploring, these corpse guards are connected with each other, and they probably have some special ability. It is very difficult to kill any of them."

At first, Qin Hao didn't realize that these corpse guards formed a formation. If any corpse guard was attacked, it could share the damage and let all other corpse guards share the damage. Therefore, Qin Hao suffered a small loss. No matter how strong the attack was, it was weakened hundreds of times. There won't be much harm.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Long Shuo asked after hearing this.

The black-clothed evolver chuckled: "Sun Yi has the ability to teleport marks. We can use Sun Yi's teleportation marks to hit these corpse guards, teleport them out, and defeat them one by one."

Sun Yi was one of Qin Hao's soldiers when he was fighting for the Heavenly Seed. At that time, his captain was killed by Qin Hao. Of course, Qin Hao did not know this Sun Yi at all.

Sun Yi's ability is called teleportation mark. As long as he puts a teleportation mark on the target, he can teleport the target to his vicinity. These corpse guards are motionless and seem not to leave the square, so they can teleport them out one by one with the teleportation mark, and then Work together to kill and defeat them individually!

As for directly teleporting the blood-red coffin, it was impossible. The blood-red coffin was frozen together in the mouth of the dragon skeleton covered with ice. If Sun Yi wanted to teleport the blood-red coffin, he would have to connect more than a hundred people. The meter-long dragon bones were teleported together, which Sun Yi obviously couldn't do.

"Can you do it?" Long Shuo looked at a young evolver.

Young evolver Sun Yi didn't like Long Shuo, a cold-blooded and selfish person, but he could only bite the bullet and nodded: "I'll give it a try."

Sun Yi took a deep breath and gathered his genetic energy. A pale white mark appeared in the center of his palm. He waved his hand and the pale white mark flew slowly hundreds of meters away and landed on the forehead of a silver-armored corpse guard. .

Sun Yi said quickly: "I'm going to send it here, everyone, be careful."

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