Bang bang bang bang!

Rifles, heavy machine guns and other powerful thermal weapons were spitting flames, and bullets seemed to form a metal storm and struck Qin Hao.

"It's really asking for death!"

These evolvers felt a hint of ridicule in their hearts, thinking that this monster that looked like a dragon might not be very intelligent, and they might not be able to kill it if it ran away directly. However, Qin Hao stood still and allowed them to surround him and arrange their formation. This is courting death!

The bullets all around were like a violent storm, attacking Qin Hao's body. The white giant wolf was beaten until it was covered in blood and fled desperately.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Bullets hit Qin Hao's scales one after another, setting off a series of sparks, but they couldn't even leave the slightest mark on Qin Hao's scales.

Qin Hao can withstand the attack of a monster of the level of White Lion King Barton without any damage. These bullets can't even scratch his itch!

These fire sticks were okay against some would-be lords, but they were like a child's water gun when used against Qin Hao, not even half lethal.

"What?" Hu Yanbo was a little surprised when he saw this scene from a distance. In the rain of bullets, sparks were shining all over Qin Hao's body, but there were no scars on his dark scales.

The bullet bounced off Qin Hao's body when it hit him. In less than ten seconds, the ground near Qin Hao was covered with a layer of smoking bullets.

"Sniper ready!"

On a snow hill, a sniper was lying on it. The sniper rifle had been pointed at Qin Hao for a long time. At this time, the sniper's face was full of excitement. This black giant beast was very scary. If he could give it a fatal blow, , I will definitely be rewarded by the leader!


The sniper aimed at Qin Hao's left eye and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, an armor-piercing bullet thicker than a thumb came out with strong kinetic energy. The bullet rotated rapidly, and the warhead smashed the falling snowflakes along the way, dragging a trail of blue smoke and bombarding Qin Hao's left eye. Come!

No matter how strong the defense of any monster is, the unprotected part of the eyes is extremely fragile!

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the sniper's mouth, but something happened that made his smile freeze. Qin Hao in the distance did not dodge, but just closed his eyes. The armor-piercing bullet hit Qin Hao's eyelids, making a loud sound. There was a crisp impact sound, and then it was bounced away far away!

"This... what kind of monster is this?" Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, faintly aware that this black giant beast was much more powerful than the white giant wolf they had hunted before!

"Have you finished the fight? It's my turn!" Qin Hao opened his pale golden eyes, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes. These people who dared to attack him have been sentenced to death.


Qin Hao's figure flashed, and his sixty-meter-long body flashed away like a black lightning.

"Be careful, he's coming!"

These evolvers were horrified, and they all pulled out the melee weapons from their waists. For most evolvers, the combat effectiveness of using cold weapons is much higher than holding hot weapons!

However, facing Qin Hao, these evolvers were not even qualified to wield a sword!

Qin Hao's huge tail swept out, and his sixty-meter-long body made his attack range extremely large.

Puff puff!

Facing the sweeping dragon tail, these evolvers had no room to dodge. Each evolver was swept by the dragon's tail and exploded like a watermelon. The huge force tore their bodies apart. The body turned into blood mist!

Qin Hao's power is that he can kill even quasi-lord-level monsters with one blow, let alone human evolvers with fragile bodies. Wherever his tail swept, no one was left out, they were all beaten to pieces, literally. Meaning, the entire flesh and blood body exploded into blood mist!

Qin Hao's tail swept across, and all the twenty or thirty evolvers within the range were shattered into pieces. Blood and snowflakes spread all over the silver-white ground, as if they were blooming with bright, beautiful flowers. Strange flower!


Qin Hao's first attack made all the evolvers who witnessed this scene take a breath and feel a chill lingering on their backs.

The smile on Hu Yanbo's face also froze, and he vaguely realized that he might have provoked some terrible monster, but now that he was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, he had no choice but to give it a try regardless of the loss!

"Attack! Attack me!"

Hu Yanbo, who was hiding behind, roared crazily. He, Hu Yanbo, had become so prosperous in just a few months since the end of the world. He believed that he could successfully overcome the difficulties and reach a higher level as usual!

Bang bang bang!

Each of the evolvers gritted their teeth and poured firepower at Qin Hao, but it was of no use.

"A swarm of ants!"

Qin Hao is not a murderous person and will not attack creatures that are not a threat to him for no reason, but if these humans shoot at him, they are seeking death! He will crush it without mercy!


Qin Hao took a deep breath, and the genetic energy in his body gathered. The snow in the snow melted faintly, and an extreme high temperature gathered. The next moment, Qin Hao spit out a monstrous blood-red flame.

Boom boom boom!

Qin Hao's head swung, and the blood-red flames were like a blood-red barrier, sweeping forward in a fan shape. The snow on the ground was melted into snow water, and as soon as an evolver touched the flames, he suddenly let out a shrill scream.


An evolver screamed crazily. In less than a breath, his body quickly withered, as if his blood had been drained, and turned into ashes.

"no no!"

An evolver with water attribute ability was ignited by a trace of blood-red flame. He desperately gathered genetic energy to form a huge water ball to wrap himself. He wanted to extinguish the flame, but what made him desperate was how to extinguish the flame. It couldn't be extinguished. Instead, it sucked the blood from his body and burned more and more vigorously!

This evolver with water attributes turned into a puddle of ashes while wailing.

Qin Hao's flame ability mutated after digesting the blood-colored crystal core from the great demon Arman, and turned into blood flames, which can burn the target's blood as fuel. If it is contaminated, it will be difficult to extinguish!

Qin Hao breathed out flames, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in radius, sweeping across, melting ice and snow. All the evolvers along the way let out short screams and then turned into ashes. This attack killed everyone. Hundred Evolvers.

In front of Qin Hao, the number of people is completely meaningless, just like leeks, cut into large pieces.

"Damn monster, let him taste the power of the Vulcan Bullet!"

At an altitude of five to six hundred meters, a helicopter was suspended. The pilot's eyes turned red when he saw the scene of being lowered. He controlled the helicopter and pointed the gun barrel on the helicopter at Qin Hao.


The next moment, a huge missile one and a half meters long was driven by strong kinetic energy, dragging a series of tail flames, tearing the air, and bombarding Qin Hao.


However, something horrified him happened. The Vulcan bomb flew less than twenty meters away. Qin Hao looked up. The next moment, he spit out a purple thunder and lightning, which instantly spanned a distance of hundreds of meters. It accurately hit this Vulcan bullet that took less than two breaths to leave the barrel!

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