The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 101 You Have To Have A Good Reputation When Acting!

As the adventurers entered, the battle completely began at this moment!

Although there are only some low-level demons within the flame wall, that is for Ye Yi and the others! For adventurers, these low-level demons are enough to kill them, and their strength is at least secret. Silver level or above, some are even as strong as orichalcum and fine steel!

Cerberus, Red-Eyed Demon, and Soul-eating Demon are everywhere. You can meet a group of them just around the corner!

A group of adventurers headed by Blue Rose leader Laxus formed an elite team to deal with those high-strength demons, while the remaining orichalcum or mithril were used to deal with those ~ smaller demons that were easier to deal with!

Ye Yi had already entered the central area early, while Nabe, Sebastian, and Clementine rushed towards the designated location in a hurry!

And Ibiruai is still looking for traces of Ye Yi in the sky. Perhaps because he is too worried, he automatically ignores the gap in combat power between them and forgets that even if he goes there, he can't help. fact!

There are many adventurers in the royal capital, but the number of demons seems to be too few. Demons are constantly dying, and people are getting injured!

The magic power of the priests is being consumed rapidly, and the healing potions are almost exhausted. The physical strength of the warriors has reached the critical value, and they are about to be unable to withstand it!

However, no matter how hard they attack and kill the enemy, the number of demons never seems to decrease. No, it is not that it has not decreased, but there are so many that they cannot see clearly. As long as there is a loss, it will make up for it on its own!

This resulted in the phenomenon that the number of demons never decreased! They had miscalculated the number of demons from the beginning!

Listening to the huge roar coming from the center, Shinhagi's face was full of anxiety: "Have you not won yet, Your Excellency Ye Yi? It's almost too late!"

Looking at the exhausted people behind her, Laxi gritted her teeth and said, "Get ready to retreat."


Just when Laisi was about to shout the word "retreat", an alien demon slowly descended from the sky and instantly made her take a breath of air!

The body is more than three meters tall. The muscular body is wrapped with reptilian scales. There is a pair of huge gray bat wings on the back. There is a thick snake-like tail on the back. The head is similar to a goat skull, with thick and sharp claws. Above is a huge hammer!

As soon as the demon appeared, it exuded waves of ominous wind!

"It's not good!" A little cold sweat broke out on Lassie's face. The demon in front of her gave her great pressure!

If all the members were in peak condition, they might be able to fight, but now everyone is exhausted and their physical strength is almost exhausted. The magic power of the priests has long been bottomed out. Without any backup, it is impossible to win. of!

"We can only find a way to break out of the encirclement quickly. If this continues, everyone will die here!"

Looking at the demons that were gradually surrounding her, Laxus gritted her teeth, raised the magic sword in her hand high, and the remaining magic power in her body began to surge!

"Six Lights Continuous Slash"

"Flowing water speeds up"

With two calm shouts, the demons that gradually surrounded Lacus were torn open, and Gazef, who was holding one of the kingdom's treasures, the "Razor Blade", slowly came into Lacus's eyes. !

"Everyone is here, attack and defeat them for me!"

As Gazef shouted, the elite soldiers behind him raised their spears high and stabbed forward! Under the crushing force of hundreds of people, the demon's formation was disrupted, and Laxus and others also gained a little bit. Breathing time!

"Warrior Captain Gazef? Your Majesty the King?" Looking at these two people who should not have appeared at all, Dou Si said directly!

Although it's not clear exactly what it was for, Gazef's arrival did give Lax a shot in the arm!

"Warrior Captain Gazef, please help me!"

"Of course!" Gazef nodded without hesitation!

"Hey, hey, wait a minute! Do you want support from Zeng Jin's outstanding warriors?"

"There are also ninjas who are destined to become excellent in the future!"

Lassie's eyes turned slightly, and two familiar figures slowly came into view: "Geglan, Tia!"

"Hey, my body's wisdom is getting slower and slower from lying down all the time, so I asked Warrior Captain Gazef to bring us here too!"

"We are ready to fight!"

"You are really a reliable partner!" A smile appeared on Laisi's face. She knows best what will happen to a person's physical condition after using resurrection magic!

However, Laris didn't stop the two of them. Just relying on the help of Tina and Gazef might not be enough. With their support, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat this demon!

"Then let's go!"

Looking at the demon in front of her, Laxus could only secretly pray for Ibiruai and Ye Yi in her heart, praying that they could defeat Jaldabao!

The battlefield on the other side has been divided into three pieces!

Twelve people in a group... ten people acting, that's about it!

Even if Ye Yi is not acting, she is still showing off a lot! Only Ibiruai is really serious about playing, and she even gets hurt from time to time!

Ye Yibiruai singled out Yuri one-on-one, Nabe singled out Wolf Girl one-on-one, Clementine's opponent was Soliuxiang, and the remaining Xizi and Chongmei were defeated by Ye Yi's housekeeper Seba. Si was taken to another battlefield!

Ye Yi still faced the siege of Shalltear and Demiurge alone!

In fact, fighting is nothing more than a competition in the number of auxiliary skills and a competition in speed! Serious fighting is impossible!

If any one of the three of them gets serious, the entire royal capital may be wiped out with one move!

From time to time, violent roars came from the three battlefields to indicate that they were fighting. In fact, it was just because they had been chatting for too long. In order not to expose their flaws, they randomly found a building and destroyed it a little!

Aura and Mare, who are active in the dark, have now controlled all the senior officials of the Eight Fingers. As long as they are all brainwashed and surrendered, this drama should come to an end!

Time is passing slowly, and the dark sky has begun to glow with lights at some point. The battle that has lasted all night is still going on!


A strong roar suddenly sounded, and the stable ground began to shake. Violent vibrations spread throughout the royal capital, and the eyes of the ten people who were acting brightened slightly!

"So it's over now?"

"Yes, Lord Ye Yi!"

"Is it okay to be a little more serious?"

"Please, Lord Ye Yi, show your supreme power to your heart's content. Dicagos and I will defend you well!"

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