The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 103 The Show Is Over!

"I have a proposal. We are preparing to retreat now. How about we stop here? No, to be more precise, I plan to stop here. I hope you will not continue to pursue me. How about that?"

Looking at Ye Yi who was unharmed, Demiurge bowed slightly and made a suggestion. Mare and the others had already succeeded, the Eight Fingers were already under control, and there was no need to continue fighting!

He and Shalltear's task of becoming the foil for Ye Yi's green leaves has been perfectly completed, and it is indeed time to start retreating!

"Are you kidding?" Ibiruai was immediately furious. These two guys killed her companions and caused so much damage to the royal capital. Now they just leave? How can it be that easy!

"I agree!"

Ye Yi nodded without hesitation. Demiurge's plan has been completed. Although the fight is not satisfying, it ends here. There is indeed no need to continue the fight! If he insists on fighting, he will definitely be exposed. Flaws, it can be said that the gain outweighs the loss!

Looking at Ye Yi who nodded in agreement, Ibiruai was a little stunned. It was obvious that his brain was short-circuited at this moment. He didn't know why Ye Yi would agree to this request! It was clear that Ye Yi had the absolute upper hand in the battle, maybe It won't take long to completely defeat them, so why let them escape?

"I wonder why Mr. Ye Yi would bring such a slow-minded woman here?" Demiurge tilted his head and said with a mocking tone: "If you think about it for a moment, you can understand why Mr. Ye Yi accepted my proposal. Alright?"

"In order to keep Mr. Ye Yi from being disturbed during the battle, your companions must be fighting desperately, right? That's why no other demons intervene in our battle... Do you really think that's all?"

Listening to Demiurge's words, Ibiruai felt chills all over, as if he had thought of something!

"My demon army is on standby at any time. As long as I give an order, it can start attacking the entire royal capital at any time. If you want to continue the pursuit, then I will not hesitate to order the demons to attack the royal capital. Is this result what you want?"

"You must know that even if you kill me, the demons will not disappear, let alone stop attacking. I only need to give orders. The demons will execute my orders without hesitation until all the demons die!"

After Demiurge finished speaking, Ibiruai was instantly stunned: "You actually took the royal a hostage?"

At this moment, she also understood why Ye Yi agreed to the other party's retreat!

After all, no matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to completely eliminate all the demons attacking the entire royal capital in a short period of time. And if they cannot arrive in time, the damage caused by the demons to the royal capital will be absolutely incalculable!

You must know that in order to defeat Adabao and the vampire Shalltear, they dispatched all the adventurers in the royal capital. With such a lineup, they are unable to face the demons inside the flame wall. If it is a large number Demons are swarming throughout the royal capital, what will be the consequences~

Thinking of this, Ibiruai suddenly broke into a cold sweat. She almost became a sinner just now, but: "How can we believe you?"

"The answer is obvious, isn't it?" Demiurge turned to look at Ye Yi!

Ibiruai instantly understood that fighting against a strong man like Ye Yi, they would definitely die in the end! If this is the case, then the opponent is willing to stop, and Ye Yi is not allowed to pursue!

If he doesn't agree, Jaldabao will drag the entire people of the royal capital to be buried with him. Is that what you mean?

Did Mr. Ye Yi directly accept the other party's request because he saw through this early on? No, he should have to agree!

Even if Lord Ye Yi can eliminate Adabao and the vampire in the end, even if these monster maids are all dead in the end, they still can't stop the demons from attacking the capital. How many people will die by then?

The other party is confident, and Master Ye Yi has to agree to the other party's request because they are a drag on him?

It’s really useless!

"Then let's say goodbye now!"

Bowing slightly towards Ye Yi, Demiurge said: "If I hadn't met you, maybe our goal would have been achieved. It's such a pity that we couldn't even achieve the goal of collecting the items!"

Under a burst of blue light, Demiurge and his party completely disappeared, and the wall of flames covering this space also disappeared at this moment, and the demons summoned by Demiurge also disappeared one after another. !

Except for this ruin, everything seems to be back to normal! In the east, the sun has broken through the horizon and slowly risen into the sky, with wisps of sunlight shining down!

"He's gone!"

Seeing Demiurge leave, Ye Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. After a whole night of acting, he was so bored!

"Ahhhhh, haha, we won, we succeeded, we won! We are worthy of Mr. Ye Shi!"

Seeing Demiurge leaving, the disappearing wall of flames, and the gradually dissipating sound of the battle, Ibiruai changed his previous image of an iceberg and jumped up screaming and cheering.

Hanging directly on Ye Yi's neck!

Looking at Ibiruai's pretty face so close, Ye 200yi felt a little helpless: "Can you get off me first? There are so many people watching!"

"Don't be shy~~" Ye Yi said this, and Ibiruai took the opportunity to rub his cheek, acting like a little brat!

Ye Yi had no choice but to hold the other person between her arms and put her down directly. This was for the sake of Ibiruai's life. Just look at the posture of Nabe next to her, who was about to draw her sword and kill someone!

This is a treatment that even Nabe has never enjoyed. To be treated by an outsider... ahem, it seems I missed something.

"Hey~ are everyone still alive?" Just when Ibiruai was about to jump up and hang around Ye Yi's neck again, Ge Gelan's rough voice suddenly sounded!

Compared with Ye Yi, who formed a group of eleven people to act, Ge Gelan and La Xisi really fought bloody battles. They persisted for a whole night in order to let Ye Yi and others act well. In fact, It’s rare!

All eyes are focused on Ye Yi!

Comparing it with the fighting scenes here, the situation over there can be called child's play. What kind of fighting can cause such great damage!

"Lord Ye Yi, it's time for everyone to declare your victory!".

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