The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 155 Naming Conference!

Momonga and Ye Yi appropriately fell into silence!

Naturally, they knew their thoughts very well, and the two of them had discussed almost every step, and had communicated in a timely manner before taking action. Even if they didn't mention it at the time, they mentioned it later when they were summarizing the intelligence. They were implementing these steps. You didn’t think so much about it when you were there, right?

Ye Yi became an adventurer indeed to increase her reputation, but her purpose was to find companions who might come to this world, and to work part-time to find out if there was anything in this world that could threaten Nazarick! Ye Yi-Rantel defeated thousands of immortals clan and vampires, just to further enhance their reputation!

Defeating Demiurge and Shalltear in the royal capital was just a matter of course. When did it become what they had planned from the beginning?

Thinking of this, the two of them unanimously set their sights on Demiurge!

‘This guy’s ability to brainstorm is unparalleled. This thing about imagination is really terrifying!

Although I thought so, what Demiurge said is indeed true! Unknowingly, their actions that seemed to have only common purposes were united, and it seemed that it was what Demiurge said~~

Before you know it, you have conquered two countries 063?

Bah, bah, bah, that's not right! The affairs of the Kingdom of Li Yestije have not been revealed yet~~ However, according to Demiurge's analysis, even if it goes without saying the detailed plan, the two of them probably know what to do. How it works!

It seems that as long as it is done properly, the kingdom cannot escape!

As if being infected by Demiurge's high mood, Albedo looked at Ye Yi with a flushed face: "Everything is going according to Master Ye Yi's script, right? One person! "

"Uh, huh, that should be it!" Faced with Albedo's question, Ye Yi couldn't possibly say that I didn't think about it that much, right? After all, these things did happen, so he had to bite the bullet You all have to admit it!

Demiurge pushed up his glasses: "Master Momonga and Master Ye Yi always take a very long-term view. Without the great hero Ye Yi, we would probably have no choice but to use terror and violence to dominate Elandir and the entire kingdom. , Golden Princess may be able to find a substitute, but that will undoubtedly waste a card in hand!"

"It is consistent with the analysis results obtained from the information submitted by Sebastian. No, she is a more interesting human being than (cjai) analysis results!"

"Ah, that's right. I want to meet her too!" Albedo nodded in agreement!

"There will be a chance when the time comes!" Demiurge smiled softly, then turned slightly and said to Ye Yi and Momonga: "Next, Master Ye Yi, Master Momonga! Just as the two supreme masters planned earlier, The first step to conquer the world: founding a nation is ready!"

"Indeed!" Momonga nodded gently!

"At present, there is something that we need to solve now!" Demiurge said loudly: "Just becoming the king, isn't it the same as other ants? I think we should think of a more suitable one. call!"

"I don't have any objections to this!" Momonga shrugged. He was really not good at naming names. "Ye Yi, what do you think?"

"Whatever!" Ye Yi shook his head slightly and said nonchalantly: "Whatever you think is suitable!"

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Albedo's eyes instantly lit up, which can be said to be dazzling: "So, who among you has a proposal? Let's start with Momonga-sama's title string!"

"Then, shall I go first?" Shalltear stood up slightly: "I think we should praise Momonga-sama's beauty. How about calling him the King of Beauty?"

Momonga's body turned green, and he quickly covered his face with one hand! The King of Beauty? He is an immortal. No matter how you look at this majestic look, it's terrifying, right?

Aura stood up with excitement on her face: "I'm coming too. In order to show the power of Momonga-sama, why not call the powerful king the strong king?"

Momonga's body turned green again! And Ye Yi on the side couldn't help laughing. While watching Momonga's good show, Ye Yi was also a little worried for himself. Such weird names were popping up. What if it comes later? How outrageous will it be when he comes?

Mare timidly raised his hand and said: "Um, um, I'm coming too. Lord Momonga is very gentle, um, um, so why not call him the Loving Lord?"

Momonga can no longer turn green! King of Kindness? The word "kindness" has nothing to do with the undead, right?

"My word, in order to praise Lord Momonga's noble virtue and wisdom, in my humble opinion, I think a wise king is the most suitable one!" Demiurge pushed up his glasses!

Hearing Demiurge mention the Wise King, Ye Yi almost couldn't help but burst into laughter~! The Wise King? Is it the Wise King of the forest? Kangna's pet rat? But that's not bad. You're called Momonga. Yeah, same race hahaha~~

Seeing Ye Yi trying to hold back her laughter, Momonga was so embarrassed that she didn't even want to look up!

Sebastian raised his head slightly and said calmly: "I think it's enough to simply call him King!"

"So, what about Cocytus?" Albedo already had an idea in mind, so she didn't say anything anymore. That title can only be reserved for Lord Ye Yi!

"Momona-sama will definitely control many people and command many monsters in the future, so I think it is most appropriate to guide the Sorcerer King, the king of monsters!"

Cocytus has indeed inherited his talent for creation, and he is very good at naming things!

In order to avoid more shameful titles, Momonga immediately decided to adopt Cocytus's suggestion: "Okay, I will adopt Cocytus's opinion. After the founding of the country, I will call myself "Lord Ainz Ooal Gongmoli!"

Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown: Momonga!

Hmm~ It’s so catchy! Ye Yi nodded slightly, this is a good name, and using the guild name as the prefix is ​​indeed a pretty good suggestion~!

"Then, Ye Yi, it's your turn!" Momonga said with a hint of teasing in his tone, obviously wanting to take revenge! This guy laughed the most when we were naming him just now, now it's my turn to laugh at you!

Ye Yi's face froze: "Okay, when it's my turn, it'll be my turn! Let me know if you have any good suggestions!"

"I'll go first!" Albedo said without hesitation, "Lord Ye Yi's supreme combat power is the pinnacle of all the supreme beings, so I think the supreme master is the most suitable one.


"Ye Xi, just follow Albedo's suggestion!" Ye Yi made a prompt decision and did not give other random names a chance to appear: "After the founding of the country, I will call myself 'High King Ainz Ooal Gong!"

High King Ainz Ooal Gown: Shenlong Ye Yi!

It seems a bit long, but compared to the Wise King, the Beautiful King, etc., just be longer!

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