The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 162 True General Enri!

The fire burning on the watchtower has gradually extinguished. Apart from some commotion in the village, there is still no sign of anyone wanting to open the door to welcome him!

Barubuluo's face, who had been waiting for a long time, turned completely gloomy: "Get ready, the whole army, the village of Kahn has betrayed the kingdom, I will convict them of treason, raise your sword and advance!"


Just when the soldiers of the kingdom were about to push the door directly and rush in, the closed door of Kahn Village slowly opened!

"Huh, are you planning to come out and surrender now? It's too late!" Looking at the open door, Barubolo felt that his IQ was insulted: "Arrest everyone inside, and leave no one who dares to resist. I'll kill him!"

"You have a pretty loud tone~"

With a taunt, Ye Yi slowly walked out of the gate with Lupusregina, General Enri and a group of goblins and "483" eating demons!

"I heard that your kingdom plans to attack my Dragon Tower? Is this possible?" Looking at the idiot prince not far ahead, Ye Yi sneered at the corner of his mouth!

"Who are you?" Barubuluo's face darkened!

"Oh! Don't you want to find me? I'm here, but you don't know me?" Ye Yi smiled softly: "You guys, you want me to be your vassal?"

"Are you Ye Yi?" Listening to Ye Yi's words, Barubuluo was already hopelessly idiotic, but he could still hear a little bit!

"It seems you are not completely stupid!" Ye Yi nodded slightly!

"Asshole!" Barublo gritted his teeth and said: "I am the first prince of the kingdom, Barubro Andreian Yale Delaire Vansef. You are just a pariah, but when you see this prince, you actually If you don’t kneel down, are you still talking nonsense here?”

"Now that you are here, many things will be much easier to handle! Kneel down and surrender to the kingdom now, and offer all the wealth in the Dragon Tower. If so, I can spare your life!"

"Otherwise you will be surrounded and suppressed by my five thousand soldiers!"

"Alas~" Ye Yi shrugged helplessly: "It's exactly what the intelligence said, this guy is a complete idiot!"

Listening to Balublo's words, Lupusregina's eyes flashed with coldness: "Master Ye Yi, this ant is so rude, can you hand him over to me? I will definitely 'entertain' him well!"

"Forget it, I think it will dirty your hands if I ask you to kill him!"

"Then, how about my subordinates capture him and hand him over to the Terror Lord?"

"Farewell, this guy's IQ is so low that he is not even worth recycling. I feel like turning him into ashes is the best destination for him. Don't let his idiot pollute the retinue summoned by the Horrible Lord!"


Ye Yi and Lupus sang together, completely ignoring Balublo, which naturally made Balublo furious!

"Come here, kill them for me, and then go to the Dragon Tower with me to empty all the treasures!"


Five thousand soldiers drew their swords, some raised their spears, and some raised their bows and arrows. Suddenly, their elite (weak) demeanor was clearly demonstrated!


Looking at the soldiers who had begun to charge towards this side, Ye Yi had a sneer on his face. How should he kill them all?

With a sword?

It’s better to say goodbye. Although there is a one-time cleaning skill, the scene is too bloody. He and Lupus have no problem, but it will be difficult to scare Enri and the villagers!

Physical attacks don't seem to work, which is a bit troublesome! In this case, how about testing the level magic enhanced by dragon language?

Thinking of this, Ye Yi raised his right hand slightly, and bits of lightning suddenly began to gather!

"Long Yuqiang..."


A melodious sound of horn flute sounded in the empty world~

The thunder light in Ye Yi's hand suddenly dissipated, and his eyes focused on the open space near Kahn Village! The huge magic power fluctuations were at least the fluctuations that could be caused by eighth-level summoning magic!

And the initiator of all this!

Ye Yi's eyes turned slightly and focused on An Li who was playing the horn flute!

"Goblin General's Horn?" Looking at the purple shimmering horn in Enri's hand, Ye Yi was slightly startled, and the Dragon's Eye suddenly opened: "Is this...a sign of triggering the hidden condition?"

"Damn it, does the Goblin General's horn still have such hidden conditions?"

The Dragon's Eye did not close, and he looked towards Enri's body. The attribute panel that had never appeared before suddenly opened in front of Ye Yi!

Name: Allie Emmott

Occupational level: Farmer Iv.1, Sergeant lv.1, Commander Iv.2, General lv.2, General v.10!

Position: Great Tomb of Nazarick, General under the Supreme Dragon Ye Yi!

Divine position: Second-class servant of the Dragon God!

"F*ck~~ This is subverting the three views!" Looking at the information that appeared in front of him, Ye Yi's eyes twitched slightly: "It's really too late. An ordinary village girl actually has level 16? And in addition to ordinary In addition to professions, there is actually a special hidden profession with full level, 'General'?"

"Why have I never found out before?"

Ye Yi naturally knows what a full-level hidden professional general represents. If Enri's basic conditions are in place and meet the most basic requirements, then she can even forcefully command powerful monsters with levels ninety-five higher!

Damn, a general with level Iv.10, a talent that doesn’t even exist in Nazarick!

In addition, what exactly is a god? A servant of God, a servant of God?

Dragon God’s subordinate? Dragon God? It’s me?

Ye Yi took a deep breath and suppressed all the turbulent thoughts in her heart! Isn't today such a weird day? Hasn't it become a reality out of the game? Why is there such a thing as a property panel?

During this period, weird changes happened one after another!

Just when Ye Yi was in a daze!

The sound of Enri's horn flute finally stopped, and the Goblin General's horn in her hand not only did not disappear, but directly changed its color in 3.2, from bone white to light gold, and there seemed to be a ghost dragon tattooed on it. Looks extremely gorgeous!

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi was even more stunned!

Unscientific, really unscientific! Who tells me what is going on?


A heavy roar came, which was the condensed sound of thousands of neat footsteps. Thousands of heavily armored Goblins slowly surrounded Kahn Village from both sides!

Subsequently, the Goblin Paladins, the Goblin Cavalry Corps, the Goblin Longbow Corps, the Goblin Magic Support Corps, the Goblin Magic Bombardment Corps, the Goblin Assassination Squad, the Goblin Guards, and the Goblin Guards The Blin Military Band, Goblin Medical Team, and Goblin Logistics Support Team appeared one by one!

A total of five thousand Goblin legions appeared in front of everyone!.

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