The new situation is not good.

Might Guy and Danzo actually represent two views of Konoha against the Kingdom of Waves.

One view is represented by Might Guy, who thinks that the Kingdom of Waves' pursuit of a peaceful life in troubled times is justifiable. However, the Fire Country is no longer a war-torn country, so as long as the Fire Country develops well enough, the Kingdom of Waves should naturally turn to the Fire Country. Just like they turned to the Water Country in order to have enough food decades ago.

Of course, this group of ninjas does not oppose the use of military means to occupy the Kingdom of Waves. But even if a war is launched, this group of ninjas is not prepared to attack the civilians of the Kingdom of Waves. Because they believe that the civilians of the Kingdom of Waves are innocent, and only the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Waves need to be cleaned up.

Another view is represented by Danzo. They think that the Land of Waves is a traitor to the Land of Fire, and traitors should be beaten to death. Blindly giving concessions to the Land of Waves will only make the Land of Waves fearless, and make them feel that maintaining the status quo is better than returning to the Land of Fire. Moreover, if the Land of Waves is not taught a lesson, how can Konoha be worthy of the tens of millions of people on the southeast coast of the Land of Fire?

You must know that in the past few decades, there are no less than hundreds of thousands of people in the Land of Fire who died tragically in the Hidden Mist Village, and the economic losses are immeasurable. Yes, the people of the Land of Waves have the right to pursue their own happiness, but are the people of the Land of Fire not human beings? The people of the Land of Fire have endured decades of suffering, how could they let the Land of Waves go casually?

Therefore, the Land of Fire must not only launch a war against the Land of Waves, but also strike in all directions without dead ends. Not only must the high-level officials of the Land of Waves be cleaned up, but the civilians of the Land of Waves must not be spared. All the civilians of the Land of Waves must pay the price for the history of the past few decades! The Wave Country must be made to feel the pain of the Fire Country, only in this way will they not dare to betray again.

Both views are very popular in Konoha Village.

However, contrary to the attitudes of Might Guy and Danzo, most of the older generation of ninjas in Konoha Village support the first mild view, thinking that the Wave Country and the Fire Country are still connected after all, so there is no need to fight to the death. Most of the younger generation of ninjas support the second view, thinking that traitors should have the fate of traitors, and preferential treatment for traitors is a betrayal of loyalty.

I can only say that Might Guy is too good!

Obviously his father died in the hands of Kirigakure, but Might Guy can still forgive the Wave Country. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have wanted to plow the country in the Wave Country.

"So Shokuhou, what do you think of the Wave Country?" After expressing his opinion, Danzo asked subconsciously.

"Me?" Shokuhou Misaki thought:

"I think the Land of Waves is not really a problem."

"The Land of Waves is not a problem?"

Danzo and Might Guy were confused by what Shokuhou Misaki said. Then Shokuhou Misaki said:

"The current order of the ninja world is based on the five major countries and the five major ninja villages. In addition to the five major countries, there are dozens of small countries throughout the ninja world. Regardless of whether it is a big country or a small country, every country faces threats from multiple countries. The huge pressure of survival forces any country to instill concepts similar to the will of fire in its citizens."

"Every country must make its citizens unconditionally support the motherland, and at the same time resent other threatening neighboring countries. This is the survival law of countries under the existing international order, and it is also a problem that every country must face. Hatred is not only a reason for war, but also a reason for war. It is also the reason for the survival of every country and the source of national strength. "

"So the problem of Wave Country is essentially just a normal performance under the existing international order. It is not Wave Country that has problems, Wave Country is just surviving according to the existing international order. The real problem is this order that makes humans hate each other. As long as the order is not broken, the problem of Wave Country will never be solved. Because even if this Wave Country is solved, there will be another Wave Country. Forever and ever, endlessly. "

Shokuhou Misaki's analysis, starting from the existing international order, reveals the essence of the problem of Wave Country. In contrast, whether it is Might Guy or Danzo, they are essentially just looking at the problem from a certain standpoint, and the three people's patterns are not at the same level. So after Shokuhou Misaki said this, Danzo and Might Guy were both thoughtful. Might Guy said in his heart:

Kakashi said that this lovely disciple of his has the ability to become a Hokage, so please I must protect him.

Good for her safety. Now it seems true, this disciple is really excellent! Alas, in comparison, I don’t know when I can meet the destined disciple?

Compared with Might Guy’s sigh, Danzo’s heart is more unwilling.

Although during this period of time, Shokuhou Misaki only used Danzo as a white glove. But Danzo can clearly feel the difference between Shokuhou Misaki and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

First of all, in terms of attitude towards power, Shokuhou Misaki is far less crazy than Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As the director of development, Shokuhou Misaki really handed all her power to Danzo without any nostalgia. In contrast, Sarutobi Hiruzen always treats power with thrift. Although Danzo is an elder of Konoha, his official position in the village is just the leader of the root without a legitimate name. And this root is still part of the Anbu in name.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with Danzo’s status in Konoha, the Anbu director is in line with his identity. If we really talk about the position of the head of the root, it may not be as important as the position of the assistant of the development department. So in the past, although Danzo was an elder, he lived a very frustrating life, which was largely due to the position of the head of the root.

Moreover, Shokuhou Misaki's perspective on things is much higher than Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Take the incident of the Land of Waves for example. If it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would probably hypocritically scold himself on the surface and agree with Might Guy. In fact, when it comes to doing things, he will continue to support Nara Shikaku's tactics, and use business methods to force the Land of Waves into a desperate situation, so that the people of this country will take the initiative to defect to the Land of Fire on the verge of starvation.

This is Sarutobi Hiruzen's style. On the surface, he is always kind and righteous, but he is more ruthless than himself.

In contrast, Shokuhou Misaki doesn't care about the Land of Waves at all, and directly points out that the root of the contradiction is the order of the existing ninja world. If you only focus on the corner of the Land of Waves, you will never be able to truly solve the problem. Only when the order of the ninja world changes can the problem of the Kingdom of Waves be truly solved.

Comparing the two, anyone can see that Sarutobi Hiruzen is far inferior to Shokuhou Misaki.

That is why Danzo feels unwilling. Because Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is not as good as Shokuhou Misaki, has suppressed him for half his life. If Shokuhou Misaki becomes Hokage one day, will he still have a chance to come forward? After taking the blame for Sarutobi Hiruzen for decades, will he have to take the blame for decades more?

Fortunately, she is only 13 years old this year, and her strength is not strong enough. If she is 23 years old instead of 13 now, or if she has the strength of Kage now, even if Hiruzen and I join hands, we may not be her opponent. In the final analysis, wisdom is just a tool for ninjas. In the ninja world, people still have to look at strength in the end!

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki, Danzo can only comfort himself in his heart.

The business negotiation process between Konoha and the Kingdom of Waves is actually not complicated.

Shokuhou Misaki and others just found the officials of the relevant departments of the Wave Country, submitted the relevant documents and applications, and were told that the relevant meeting would be officially held in three days. It can only be said that in the ninja world, international law is almost non-existent. Even the technical cooperation meeting between countries gives people a simple and rough feeling.

But it is this simple and crude that will create the opportunity for the ninjas of Kumogakure and Kirigakure to kill Shokuhou Misaki.

Because according to the regulations of the Wave Country, officials from other countries must live in the corresponding hotels after entering the Wave Country. Especially for Konoha ninjas such as Shokuhou Misaki, the attitude of the Wave Country is even more stringent. So when entering the Wave Country, the whereabouts of Shokuhou Misaki and others were completely exposed and no longer a secret.

However, Shokuhou Misaki didn't mind it very much. After all, the strength of Shokuhou Misaki and his three companions is strong enough to deal with most emergencies. What really makes Shokuhou Misaki and others dissatisfied is the attitude of the River Country.

Facing Shokuhou Misaki and others who represented Konoha, the River Country officials not only restricted the freedom of several people, but also made the living conditions in the hotel a mess. As soon as she walked into her hotel room, Shokuhou Misaki saw that the furnishings in the room were tattered, and there were several cockroaches in the corner of the room.

Obviously, due to the long-term propaganda, the whole Wave Country hated the Fire Country. The entire Wave Country felt that the Konoha ninjas were invaders who coveted the River Country. Even a 13-year-old girl like Shokuhou Misaki must be an executioner who killed her companions.

Especially seeing that among the three ninjas from Konoha this time, two were just little girls, and one of them, Might Guy, was also a weirdo who looked mentally ill. The attitude of the Wave Country became more and more arrogant, just as

These three people are weak persimmons with no strength, so they can be tossed around as much as possible.

Being treated like this by the Wave Country, let alone Shokuhou Misaki, even Might Guy can't stand it.

After all, among the three people in the group, he was the one who was tossed around the most. Because of his special dress, Might Guy was openly and secretly belittled by the staff as soon as he entered the hotel. There was also a waiter who asked Might Guy in person, saying that it was Konoha's human experiment that made Might Guy's brain go wrong. After entering the hotel room, the waiter stretched out his hand for a tip. Might Guy gave the money, and the waiter put on a stinky face and said:

"Don't think that you can buy our Wave Country with money!"

Then he stuffed the money into his pocket and left without looking back.

Only Might Guy was left looking at the broken floor in his room and the garbage in the corner, and roared:

"How can the Wave Country be like this!"

Might Guy has a good temper, but it doesn't mean he has no temper. After being treated like this by the Wave Country, Might Guy, who was originally a moderate, now has the urge to sweep the Wave Country. In contrast, Danzo, who is a hardliner, remains calm. Hearing Might Guy's roar, she just sneered:

"See, this is the reality of the ninja world. You try your best to please the Wave Country, but they will only take it for granted. Even if you give them a tip, they will only think that it is bribed by the invaders. Therefore, Konoha's weak strategy towards the Wave Country in the past will not make the Wave Country turn to the Fire Country. The only thing that can really change this country is the butcher's knife!"

Butcher's knife?

Hearing Danzo's words, the anger that was still burning in Might Guy's heart was extinguished in an instant.

"Although the attitude of Wave Country is not very good, isn't the butcher knife a bit too much?"

"Too much?" Danzo snorted coldly:

"Then do you know how Water Country treated Wave Country?"

Might Guy shook his head, and Shokuhou Misaki beside him also cast a curious look.

"As the former territory of Fire Country, the people of Wave Country were actually firmly on the side of Fire Country a hundred years ago. Faced with the behavior of the first daimyo of Wave Country to split the motherland, they took quite fierce resistance actions. But what was the result? In just five years, one-tenth of the people of Wave Country were killed by ninjas of Water Country."

"Blood flowed, pestles floated, and corpses were everywhere. This is the sin committed by Water Country in order to split Fire Country, and it is also the most painful history in the history of Wave Country. To be honest, any country that suffers such a tragic history will hate Water Country extremely, right? But what about the reality? Wave Country is the country with the highest favorability towards Water Country in the ninja world now!"

" The massacre did not bring resentment, but made the Kingdom of Waves obey the Kingdom of Water. "

"On the contrary, the Kingdom of Fire has been trying to win over the Kingdom of Waves economically in an attempt to make the Kingdom of Waves change its mind. Even the Konoha ninjas who entered the Kingdom of Waves tried to be as restrained as possible. Facing the service staff of the Kingdom of Waves, the Konoha ninjas would give tips. But such a kind and weak behavior made the Kingdom of Waves take advantage of it."

"So, we Konoha ninjas were treated like this by the Kingdom of Waves, and it was all our own fault! If we also killed one-tenth of the citizens of this country like the Kingdom of Water, you would know how flattering the citizens of this country can be!"

After these words came out, Might Guy fell into a stagnation.

He never thought that the Kingdom of Waves would become a dog to lick the Water Country when they had such a deep blood feud with the Water Country. On the contrary, the Kingdom of Fire has always regarded the Kingdom of Waves as a compatriot, and the Konoha ninjas have never taken action against the civilians of the Kingdom of Waves, but instead became the object of resentment of the Kingdom of Waves.

"Fearing power but not morality?" Shokuhou Misaki sighed and said:

"So, this is the absurdity of the current ninja world order. The so-called hatred is often unrelated to history, but only to propaganda. As long as someone uses the propaganda machine to brainwash the people, two countries that originally had no grudges can become mortal enemies. Just like the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire!"

"Fearing power but not morality? Shokuhou-san, you summed it up very well." Danzo chuckled:

"All the people with backbone in the Land of Waves have been killed by the Land of Water, and the rest are a group of softies who only know how to kowtow to the Land of Water. So Shokuhou-san, if you become Hokage one day, how will you solve the problem of the Land of Waves?"

"Me?" Shokuhou Misaki thought after hearing this:

"If I become Hokage, I will probably destroy the Land of Water directly!"


As soon as this was said, not to mention Might Guy, even Danzo was stunned.

"You, you said, destroy the country?" Danzo's eyes widened.

"That's right. Not only do I want to destroy the country, I also want to use the same method that the Water Country used to deal with the Wave Country. Since I can get the loyalty of nine-tenths of the people by killing only one-tenth of the people, why don't I do it? If a big country can be conquered by such means, the Fire Country can continue to annex other countries through its absolute national strength advantage."

As he said this, Shokuhou Misaki's aura became more and more profound. Facing such a Shokuhou Misaki, Danzo only felt the pressure of a mountain. Just like the devil in hell, behind the calm words were endless mountains of corpses and blood:

"The existing ninja world order will only bring endless hatred and killing, and there is only one way to cut off this chain, that is to unify the ninja world and create a new order! Only when there is only one country left in the entire ninja world, and only when everyone in the ninja world becomes a citizen of one country, can the new order be truly established and the old history truly end!"

After listening to Shokuhou Misaki's thoughts, Danzo realized that Shokuhou Misaki was not an enhanced version of Sarutobi Hiruzen at all.

She is clearly a more radical extremist than herself!

Danzo has also thought about unifying the ninja world, but she has never thought of unifying the ninja world by sacrificing one-tenth and shocking nine-tenths. Compared with Shokuhou Misaki, the root of darkness is obviously too conservative!

"Shokuhou, do you know what you are saying?" Might Guy said sternly:

"Do you know how many people in the ninja world will die if you do this?"

Facing Might Guy's questioning, Shokuhou Misaki just said calmly:

"Might Guy, do you think that if we don't do these things, other big countries won't do them? Which of these ninja villages, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, Sand Village, and even Mist Village, doesn't want to unify the ninja world? Even the newly established second ninja village in our Fire Country, Akatsuki Village, are they really willing to keep pace with our Konoha in the Fire Country?"

"Face the reality! The ninja world is now a world of great contention."

"Since the first generation of Hokage established the order of one village and one country, After that, the ninja world has fought three ninja world wars in less than sixty years. In each of the three ninja world wars, corpses were scattered all over the ground and blood flowed like a river. But even at such a price, has peace really come? In fact, including Konoha, which ninja village is not preparing for the Fourth Ninja World War? "

"Either become the survivor who unifies the world, or be destroyed! This is the reality of the ninja world and the inevitable trend of the ninja world in the future. Those who always want to maintain the status quo are the stupidest people. Because the world is always changing, the status quo cannot be maintained forever!"

Might Guy has no ability to refute what Shokuhou Misaki said.

Because even he knows that unifying the ninja world is indeed the best way to end the chaos.

What really makes him unacceptable is Shokuhou Misaki's ruthlessness of killing 10,000 and surrendering 90,000.

"Even if we want to unify the ninja world, we don't have to kill so many people! As long as Konoha can defeat the other major ninja villages, can't we unify the ninja world?"

Hearing Might Guy's question, Shokuhou Misaki said thoughtfully:

"That's not a bad idea. But if it's like this, it will bring a lot of troubles to the unified ninja world."

"No matter how big the troubles are, we can't sacrifice the lives of so many innocent people!" Might Guy said righteously.

Danzo, who was standing aside, heard Shokuhou Misaki's deduction and was secretly puzzled in his heart:

Might Guy didn't convince Shokuhou Misaki at all.

Could it be that Shokuhou Misaki gave up her original idea for Kakashi's sake?

Or did Shokuhou Misaki never think of unifying the ninja world through massacres from the beginning?

Also, what are the troubles that Shokuhou Misaki mentioned?

Why do I think that the troubles that Shokuhou Misaki mentioned are terrible?

Danzo was full of doubts, but Shokuhou Misaki secretly thought:

In the past, the First Emperor unified the six kingdoms, but the Qin Dynasty perished in the second generation. One of the important reasons why it perished so quickly was the kindness of the First Emperor. In the process of destroying the six kingdoms, the First Emperor did not root out the nobles of the six kingdoms, so that as soon as he died, these nobles immediately became restless.

If Konoha was still merciful after unifying the ninja world, the fate of the Qin Dynasty would be waiting for Konoha. As long as Konoha loses the power to suppress the ninja world, the remaining forces of the other four major ninja villages will inevitably rise up and attack. Konoha will inevitably pay a heavy price, and all Konoha ninjas will perish under this backlash.

This is the so-called aftermath, this is the price of kindness!

In this cruel ninja world, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

However, Shokuhou Misaki is very concerned about this.

In fact, Shokuhou Misaki didn't force it.

Not to mention that she never thought of attacking the civilians in the ninja world, even in the script she arranged in the future, Konoha was never the first choice for unifying the ninja world. After all, as a ninja village, Konoha's organizational form is too restrictive. It's hard to govern hundreds of thousands of villagers, so isn't it a fantasy to let the Konoha ninjas govern the ninja world?

If the situation develops to the point where Konoha must unify the ninja world in the future, Shokuhou Misaki will inevitably arrange the demise of Konoha in the future. Because history has long proved that the pioneers of unifying the world either use salt to turn the enemy's land into barren hills like Rome, or die because of kindness like Daqin.

Shokuhou Misaki can't be as cruel as Rome, so she has to let Konoha follow Daqin's script.

Of course, the most important thing is that as the mainstream representative of Konoha, it seems that she also prefers Daqin's script!

Since they chose the script themselves, what can Shokuhou Misaki say?

Of course, respect the fate of others and give up the desire to help others!

At most, I can save the lives of a few acquaintances, which is also worthy of Konoha's kindness.

So in the face of Might Guy's kindness, Shokuhou Misaki frankly accepted her "mistake" and admitted that she was angry at the group of people from the Land of Waves. Now that the anger has dissipated, she also feels that the massacre is wrong like Might Guy. And Might Guy also expressed his understanding when he saw that Shokuhou Misaki's apology was so sincere. After all, he, Might Guy, was also very angry just now.

But Might Guy didn't know that while apologizing, Shokuhou Misaki had already sentenced Konoha to death in his heart.

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