The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Shokuhou Misaki was observing the miko, and the miko was also observing Shokuhou Misaki.

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki who had transformed into "Misaka Mikoto" in front of her, and Biwa Juzo and Kuroki Raiga behind Shokuhou Misaki, the miko Miroku was not surprised, but just sighed and said:

"What is supposed to come will always come, but what is supposed to leave always doesn't want to leave!"

After saying that, the miko Miroku glanced at the maids and guards beside her. After a little hesitation, the maids and guards left one after another, leaving only four people in this room. Then she pointed to the tea and snacks placed on the side and said:

"Our Demon Country is just a small country in the remote ninja world, and we don't have any tea to treat you. But these snacks are pretty good, and they are all made according to your taste. If you don't mind, have some first! After leaving the Demon Country, you won't be able to eat such snacks."

Hearing the instructions of the shrine maiden, Shokuhou Misaki didn't refuse and went directly to a seat next to her. She saw that the dessert she liked was placed in front of the seat, and even the temperature of the tea was just right. Obviously, the shrine maiden Miroku had anticipated what was happening now, so she was able to prepare the most suitable snacks and tea just right.

What an amazing ability!

Shokuhou Misaki ate the snacks and drank a sip of tea, thinking:

If I want to have such an ability, I must at least be promoted to Sequence 2!

Biwa Juzo and Kurokugi Raiga looked at each other in surprise when they saw "Misaka Mikoto" drinking tea and eating snacks prepared by the shrine maiden. Biwa Juzo said to "Misaka Mikoto" sternly:

"Misaka, where is your vigilance as a ninja? Aren't you worried that the shrine maiden will poison the food?"

Hearing Biwa Juzo's words, Shokuhou Misaki knew that the other party was kindly reminding her, so she explained helplessly:

"Biwa Senior, with the means shown by this shrine maiden, is it necessary to poison us to deal with us?"

"That's what I said, but no matter what situation a ninja encounters, he needs to be careful. Don't think this is redundant, many times this little bit of caution can save your life!"

After saying that, Biwa Juzo and Kurokugi Raiga also sat down. However, unlike Shokuhou Misaki who ate and drank heartily, these two did not even look at the tea and snacks in front of them, but only looked at the first shrine maiden Miroku with vigilance. At the same time, their bodies also maintained a posture that could move at any time. Obviously, as rebel ninjas, they have already engraved vigilance into their bones. This is also the fundamental reason why they can stay in the ninja world for so long as rebel ninjas without the golden finger.

After everyone sat down, the most impatient Kurochu Raiga spoke first:

"Hey, since you, the shrine maiden, can predict the future, you should know why we came to the Land of Demons to find you!"

"I know." The shrine maiden Miroku nodded calmly and said:

"You three are rebel ninjas from Kirigakure. You accepted the commission of Victor, a big businessman from the Valley Country, in the underground gold exchange of the Land of Fire to capture the shrine maiden from the Land of Demons alive, right?"

"That's good to know." Kurochu Raiga said:

"It's not that we want to embarrass you, it's just that the guy named Victor offered too much!"

"One hundred million taels, as long as we bring you alive to him, we can get one hundred million taels! So, shrine maiden, please come with us! If you are more forthcoming, we might even give you 10 million taels as a thank you for your good cooperation. "

"Of course, you can also choose to resist. But as a price, we will also go on a killing spree in the Land of Demons! You must know that as ninjas, we can do whatever it takes to complete the mission! If something happens to your daughter, don't blame us, the rebels, for being too cruel!"

Just after Kuroki Raiga finished his threatening words, Biwa Juzo said again:

"In fact, you may not die when you meet our employer this time. That businessman Victor can be our employer, and so can you. If you trust our strength, we can serve as your bodyguards at the same time. After capturing you alive to Victor, we will continue to bring you back from Victor. Considering that these two missions have a certain overlap, we can give you a certain discount. In this way, how about 80 million taels?"

As a rebel ninja, Biwa Juzo obviously knows how to do business. After accepting Victor's mission to capture the miko alive, he actually wanted to accept another bodyguard mission from the miko. In this way, as long as they bring the miko to Victor,

Then bring the miko back from Victor, and you can complete two tasks at once and collect two fees.

In the face of the coercion and inducement of Kuroki Raiga and Biwa Juzo, the miko Miroku was unmoved, just looking at Shokuhou Misaki and said:

"The strength of your two subordinates is okay, but their brains are a little simple. Be careful in the future."

Shokuhou Misaki nodded slightly, but Kuroki Raiga on the side was a little unhappy.

"Hey, who do you say is Misaka's subordinate! We are her seniors, you know? Also, who do you say is simple-minded?"

Kuroki Raiga wanted to continue to attack, but saw Biwa Juzo on the side making gestures to him. The meaning was clearly:

Isn't your current state the best confirmation of the evaluation of the miko?

At that moment, Kuroki Raiga also knew that he had lost his composure, and he snorted unhappily. Then the shrine maiden Miroku looked at Biwa Juzo who had made a promise for her, and smiled and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, sir. Also, I do have a task to entrust you with. As for the reward of 80 million taels, I have prepared it a month ago. If you are willing to accept the task, I can give you the money now."

"You, you have even prepared the reward I casually mentioned?"

At this moment, Biwa Juzo was really convinced. After all, the number of 80 million taels was just his temporary idea, and he himself did not even know that he would propose this reward before. But the shrine maiden of the Land of Demons had anticipated this a month ago, and even prepared the money. Such ability is simply too terrible!

Feeling the horror of the witch's ability, Biwa Juzo asked again

"You obviously have such an ability, why do you say that you will die? You give me the feeling that you are omniscient and omnipotent! Even if you really encounter any difficulties, you can easily solve them!"

"How can I be omnipotent? I just know a little more and understand a little more than ordinary people."

Facing Biwa Juzo's sigh, the witch Miroku was not proud at all, but said with a little regret:

"After all, my ability is nothing big. Seeing the yellow leaves, you know the change of seasons, and seeing the dark clouds in the sky, you know that it will rain soon. The so-called predictive ability is essentially like this. Everyone has it, and everyone can predict it. If you know enough, you can do the same thing as me."

"Besides, even if you know it, what? Knowing that summer is about to pass, can we prevent the arrival of autumn? Knowing that the dark clouds in the sky will bring floods, can we prevent this inevitable natural disaster? No Perhaps, the power of an individual is too small compared to the trend of the times. "

"You mean, the tide of the times determines that you will die in the near future?" Shokuhou Misaki asked in confusion:

"Then can you tell us what is the reason for your inevitable death? Is it the businessman named Victor, or the monster named 'Wangliang' sealed by your shrine maiden?"

"Neither a businessman nor a monster." The shrine maiden shook her head and said:

"Death is a fate that everyone cannot escape. Even the Buddha, who is high above, will have a day of nirvana. Even the gods have five decays, let alone us mortals? To be honest, I actually have at least ten ways to survive the crisis in the near future. But the question is, what about after that? Will there be no next crisis after this crisis? "

"The most important thing is, if a person can really survive for thousands of years, is this a good thing? Do you think such a person still has humanity? "

As soon as this was said, Biwa Juzo and Kurochu Raiga were both confused.

In the eyes of these two people, what's wrong with living for thousands of years? As for human nature, is it really that important?

Only Shokuhou Misaki heard the words of the shrine maiden and recalled the various historical memories, but she was moved and said:

"Old and not dead is a thief!"

"Well said!" The shrine maiden Miroku said:

"Death is everyone's destiny, and defeating destiny must pay a price! In this world, no power is taken for granted. If you get it, you must pay something. If someone thinks that he can get more powerful than others for no reason, then this person must be the world's number one fool!"

The shrine maiden's words are meaningful, and Shokuhou Misaki immediately thought of her own gold finger system.

"So, you are not facing a hopeless dead end. You have many ways to continue to live, but in the end you choose to give up your life. Because you think that death is the best choice now!" Shokuhou Misaki speculated.

"Yes." The shrine maiden said:

"Everything in the world is not

Death is natural! "

"All the shrine maidens of all generations have the ability to predict the future, but they all choose to die before the age of 40 without exception. Because they know that if they don't die now, they will definitely not have the courage to die in the future. After losing their courage, we shrine maidens will inevitably become monsters pursuing immortality driven by fear. "

"And with the abilities we shrine maidens have, once we become such monsters, we will only be more terrifying than the monsters, and even the tailed beasts cannot compare to the damage we do to the world. That's why the shrine maidens of all generations will kill such threats early and choose to die at the most appropriate time. ”

“So that’s how it is…” Shokuhou Misaki sighed, but in her heart she said:

You’re lying!

Your subconscious ocean is clearly reminding me that you don’t want to die at all!

And even if a certain generation of shrine maidens has the courage to actively seek death, how could dozens of generations of shrine maidens over hundreds of years choose to actively seek death? I don’t believe that you shrine maidens have such a high level of ideological awareness!

“In short, after I pass the position of shrine maiden to my daughter Shion, I will follow you to the Valley Kingdom to find the businessman Victor. Before that, you should have a good rest in the Demon Kingdom!”

As she said that, the shrine maiden also said to Biwa Juzo:

“By the way, I can give you the 80 million taels now, as a sign of sincerity! With this money in hand, you don’t have to worry that I will regret it. As for the specific content of the commission, we will talk about it after we leave the Demon Kingdom. "

Seeing that the shrine maiden had given the money directly, Biwa Juzo and Kuroki Raiga had nothing to say. The shrine maiden was indeed sincere, so they naturally chose to believe her. So the three of them went to their respective rooms to rest under the guidance of the guards. But at night, Shokuhou Misaki sat up from the bed and walked out of her room.

Under the cold moonlight, Shokuhou Misaki found the shrine maiden Miroku who had been waiting there in the courtyard. She was seen fiddling with the tea set in front of her while arranging exquisite snacks. After sensing Shokuhou Misaki's breath, she whispered:

"There are no outsiders here, so don't continue to maintain the transformation technique!"

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki untied the transformation technique, revealing her true face, and then sat in front of the shrine maiden Miroku. Looking at Shokuhou Misaki in front of her, the shrine maiden Miroku's face did not show much surprise, but in her crystal eyes, there was a little sympathy.

"It's you! Shokuhou Misaki?... Even in my ability to predict, you are the most unexpected person. "

"Unexpected?" Shokuhou Misaki asked puzzledly.

"I think you should have guessed it. My ability comes from the dragon veins, and the dragon veins are the natural energy veins throughout the ninja world. Therefore, any existence in the ninja world cannot exceed the calculation of the dragon veins. Only the power from outside the ninja world can surpass the calculation of the dragon veins. And Shokuhou Misaki, you are one of the few existences that have exceeded the calculation of the dragon veins. "

"Besides me, there are others who have exceeded the calculation of the dragon veins?" Shokuhou Misaki said in surprise.

"Of course, the ninja world is not a simple place." The shrine maiden Miroku said:

"Like Isshiki Otsutsuki of the Otsutsuki clan and Kaguya Otsutsuki who is now sealed on the moon, their fates are beyond the prediction of the ninja world. Because even the dragon veins do not know all the secrets of the Otsutsuki clan, and naturally cannot calculate their future trajectory. However, although they can go beyond the calculation of the dragon vein, the situation is completely different from yours. "

"Because although the dragon vein cannot understand all the secrets of the Otsutsuki clan, the dragon vein has all the information about Otsutsuki Isshiki and Otsutsuki Kaguya. In fact, the dragon vein has arranged the future of these two people. It can only be said that the so-called Otsutsuki clan is essentially a group of people who hold power. It is not difficult to calculate them. "

"In comparison, the secret of you, Shokuhou Misaki, is far more terrifying than the Otsutsuki clan. "

"Especially your appearance is a surprise to the dragon vein. Obviously, there was no person named Shokuhou Misaki in this world, but you suddenly appeared in Konoha Village after the night of the Nine-tailed Fox. Even in the dragon vein's own records, there are records of you, Shokuhou Misaki. But the dragon vein itself was unaware and let the other party rewrite the data it stored. "

After hearing the words of Miroku, Shokuhou Misaki realized that she had indeed appeared in Konoha Village in this way.

It was not the possession or soul fusion of an ordinary time traveler, but she appeared in Konoha Village out of thin air. In just a moment, she appeared, and everyone in Konoha Village also felt that their existence was natural. But in fact, before this, there was no such thing as a person in this world.

There is no such person as "Shokuhou Misaki".

This way of appearance, combined with the ability given to me by the system, is really terrifying.

Could it be that I was actually imagined by the system through the ability of a dreamer?

Thinking this way, Shokuhou Misaki said to the shrine maiden Miroku:

"It seems that your ability is not just as simple as foreknowledge! From your understanding of the dragon veins, you seem to be able to query the data stored in the dragon veins at will, and even talk to the dragon veins directly!"

"Almost!" The shrine maiden Miroku took two sips of tea, then sighed:

"Since I was 18 years old, I have felt the consciousness of the dragon veins. In the following time, I have become more and more in tune with the dragon veins, and sometimes I even feel that I am a part of the dragon veins. That is why I can deduce countless futures and find information about you from the dragon veins' database."

"I know you are in In just a few years after your appearance, your strength has grown rapidly like a balloon. Now, less than ten years after your appearance, your strength is already comparable to the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara. If you continue to improve, maybe even the dragon veins will be unable to do anything to you. "

"It is for this reason that the dragon veins that control all the natural energy in the ninja world will approach you and let you enter the sage mode easily. On the one hand, it is a gesture of goodwill from the dragon veins to you, and on the other hand, it is also a way for the dragon veins to explore the secrets of you. But unfortunately, the dragon veins still failed to find out the source of your power in the end. "

Is it because of this reason that I can easily enter the sage mode? I thought it was the ability blessing of the audience channel! Now it seems that the dragon veins in the ninja world have long known about my existence and have been on guard against me. However, these actions of the dragon veins do not seem to have caused any reaction from the system.

But this is also reasonable. After all, the status of the dragon veins is at most Sequence 2, and the system just paints a pie for itself as a true god of Sequence 0. If it can go one step further, the system may even make itself the old days, the all-knowing and all-mighty God of this universe!

I think the system doesn't care about the reaction of the dragon veins at all, so what if you find it?

After all, it's just the natural energy of a planet, something like an insect, who cares!

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly found that one of her past inferences was a bit ridiculous. I used to think that the chakra seeds in everyone's body in the ninja world might be related to the system, but now it seems that this is simply an insult to the system. If they don't even care about the natural energy of a planet, how can they get a bunch of seeds?

If their system really needs chakra, why would they use such inefficient things as chakra seeds?

The means by which Shokuhou Misaki suddenly appeared in Konoha Village is almost as good as the void creation! If they need chakra, they can just convert mass and energy directly. The means of planting trees and killing each other like the Otsutsuki clan are too stupid and too inefficient!

"Thank you for your reminder, miko-sama."

Shokuhou Misaki knew that the miko of the Demon Country did not say these things to her for no reason. Maybe the dragon vein wanted to use her to convey his will, or maybe she wanted to improve her relationship with herself. In short, the words of the miko Miroku just now inspired Shokuhou Misaki a lot. And since the other party helped her, Shokuhou Misaki would naturally accept this favor.

That's why Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Miko-sama, you are not willing to die!"

As soon as these words came out, the miko Miroku put down the teacup in her hand and sneered:

"How many people in this world can face death calmly? I'm not a saint. I still have the Demon Country to protect, and my daughter Shion is only 9 years old this year. In my current situation, how can I easily give up my life? But there is no way!"

"What happened? Can't the power of me and the dragon vein solve your problem?" Shokuhou Misaki said puzzled.

"No one can solve my problem." Maiden Miroku sighed:

"Maybe the person behind you can solve my problem, or maybe you in the future can solve my problem. But I don't believe there is a free lunch in this world, especially the source of your power, which is the existence that makes the dragon veins feel afraid. If I have anything to do with such an existence, I would rather die now!"

"Also, I advise you not to continue to ask for power from that person. With your current strength, you are enough to protect yourself in the ninja world. If you continue to ask for it, something will happen sooner or later. And even if the person behind you really just wants to train you, are you really ready to accept the other party's kindness?"

"Immortality, omniscience and omnipotence

...Is such strength really a good thing for you? Or after you get this power, are you still you? Maybe you can stick to your original intention at the beginning, but after a thousand years, ten thousand years, a hundred thousand years, a million years, or even a hundred million years, a billion years, can you still keep it? "

"Don't think I'm exaggerating. For the universe, a billion years is not a particularly long time. But for humans, let alone a billion years, many people may not even be able to keep it for a hundred years. For example, the source of all our shrine maidens, the first generation shrine maiden who created the 魍魉."

Speaking of this, the shrine maiden Miroku sneered:

"Shokuhou Misaki, do you know why the monsters created by the shrine maidens are called 魍魉? Obviously, 魑魅魍魉 should be together, why is 魍魉 the only name of the monster?"

Shokuhou Misaki shook her head, and then listened to the shrine maiden explain:

"Because the shrine maiden and the 魍魉 are originally one. Therefore, the ‘Wangliang’ is only half of the ‘Chimei’. As for the other half of the ‘Chimei’, it is actually the first generation of the shrine maiden herself. The shrine maiden who once wanted to protect the kingdom of ghosts but turned into a monster under the erosion of time is the ‘Chimei’! ”

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