The sky above the Valley Country, the body of Jigen originally occupied by Otsutsuki Isshiki turned into ashes.

At the same time, the "wedge" on "Shokuhou Misaki" in Konoha Village was activated. As the clone of Shokuhou Misaki, she is only a relatively strong Kage-level strongman without entering the Sage Mode. Therefore, facing the erosion of Otsutsuki Isshiki, the clone has no power to fight back and is easily controlled by Otsutsuki Isshiki.

However, after controlling the identity of "Shokuhou Misaki", Otsutsuki Isshiki did not immediately activate the power of the "wedge" to transform the body of "Shokuhou Misaki" into his own body. The reason is that although the quality of the clone of "Shokuhou Misaki" is better than Jigen, it is not as good as the original body of Shokuhou Misaki. Isshiki Otsutsuki must go through a period of adaptation and transformation before it can become the foundation for his recovery.

"I didn't expect that the quality of this body is actually quite good! Although it is not as good as Shokuhou Misaki's body, it seems to be stronger than Miroku's body! Very good, so I just need to spend a few years to adapt well, and I can recover my strength."

Otsutsuki Isshiki said to himself while controlling the body of "Shokuhou Misaki". But after she finished speaking, she looked at the huge chest of "Shokuhou Misaki" and thought:

Damn, this thing is really in the way!

While Isshiki Otsutsuki was observing her new body, Shokuhou Misaki established a connection with Isshiki Otsutsuki through the induction between the body and the clone. Isshiki Otsutsuki saw that the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and she fell into the illusion woven by Shokuhou Misaki. In the illusion space, Isshiki Otsutsuki naturally presented his true self. So at this moment, he looked at Shokuhou Misaki opposite him with his original appearance:

"What an interesting clone technique! I didn't expect that in addition to the identity, even the fate has changed! If it weren't for this reason, you would have fallen into my hands now!"

"Is this the so-called fate? Or, is it the world's favor to me?"

As Shokuhou Misaki said this, Otsutsuki Isshiki narrowed his eyes slightly and said thoughtfully:

"The favor of fate, the favor of the world? I didn't expect that there is actually a so-called child of prophecy in this world?"

As Otsutsuki Isshiki said this, Shokuhou Misaki frowned and said:

"Don't you believe in the existence of the child of prophecy yourself? ? You just talked a lot with Miroku. What about Zulong, Otsutsuki Shibaui and so on..."

"Of course I don't believe it. This stuff was originally recorded in Shibaui's diary. In fact, even he himself was skeptical about the existence of the child of prophecy. By the way, this guy also said in his diary that he came from another world and that there were too many things in the ninja world that were similar to other worlds, such as Buddhism and Chinese characters. "Otsutsuki Isshiki said:

"Later, in order to explore the reason for this similarity, he used the dragon veins to trace back the history of the ninja world and found the people who had the greatest influence on the ninja world in the past. Then, combined with the life experiences of those people, he finally proposed the prophecy That is to say, every once in a while, the ninja world will produce a person who has a huge impact on the ninja world and promotes the development of the ninja world. "

Hearing Otsutsuki Isshiki's description of the child of prophecy, Shokuhou Misaki was puzzled:

"The ninja world is just an ordinary planet in this world, and there are countless planets like this in this world. If civilizations are born on these planets, then these civilizations should also have children of prophecy in theory. "

As soon as Shokuhou Misaki finished this inference, Otsutsuki Isshiki exclaimed:

"As expected of you, Shokuhou Misaki, you are really smart."

"Yes, this world is not the only planet of the ninja world, and these planets are not only Civilization was born in the Ninja World. In fact, according to Otsutsuki Shiba's exploration of the universe, there are countless civilizations like the Ninja World, and these planets have basically had similar existences to the Children of Prophecy in their past history. "

Speaking of this, Shokuhou Misaki nodded and said:

"That makes sense! The Children of Prophecy are not exclusive to the Ninja World, but a benefit that every civilization in this world has. Every once in a while, a special existence will descend on each civilization to guide the development of these world civilizations. However, why does this world create so many Children of Prophecy? "

After Shokuhou Misaki said this, Otsutsuki Isshiki said:

"For balance and development!"


Balance and development? "Shokuhou Misaki said thoughtfully:

"Is this also the conclusion of Otsutsuki Shibai?"

"That's right." Otsutsuki Isshiki said:

"According to Shibai, although chakra is a magical power, it is also a limiter of civilization development. Because according to the characteristics of chakra, all the chakras of civilizations with chakra will be gathered on one person. And this person has mastered the violence of the entire ninja world, and will inevitably move towards a person's terrorist dictatorship over the world."

"Especially in the early stages of civilization development, when society is still very primitive, the organizational form of human society is only a simple reign of terror. In this case, as long as someone monopolizes the chakra of the upper ninja level, it is enough to lock the development ceiling of this civilization, making these civilizations lose the possibility of progress forever."

"Think about it? A person in a primitive society monopolizes the chakra of a planet. What an interesting thing! "

Interesting, only you Otsutsuki clan would find this interesting.

In my opinion, such a world is simply hell. Because the monopolists of this primitive society, their way of ruling is only an enhanced version of the "benevolent monarch model" such as Bokassa or Amin! And limited by the monopoly of power, the people of these worlds have no possibility of resistance at all, they can only continue to suffer under the oppression of these dictators.

In this way, it is reasonable for this world to create the child of prophecy.

After all, the power of chakra is a natural dictatorship. The emergence of monsters like the first generation of Hokage and Uzumaki Naruto who crushed a world by one person is the norm for the development of civilization. The state of checks and balances between a group of shadow-level strongmen like the current ninja world is a coincidence.

"Moreover, once a person has the chakra of a planet, he will inevitably pursue the chakra of other planets. Under such constant pursuit, these chakra devourers will compete for each other's power, and eventually their power will even exceed the upper limit of the world and threaten the world itself. And this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed by the world. "

"So in order to prevent the birth of such a monopolist and to promote the development of civilization, the world will send down a son of prophecy. The mission of these sons of prophecy is to kill those who monopolize chakra and promote the development of civilization. While maintaining the balance of the universe, it also protects most of the creatures in this world."

"That's probably what it means! Anyway, the things recorded in Zhiju's diary are all weird, you can believe it or not. I just read this guy's diary as a storybook at first, after all, many of the statements in it are too magical. This guy also complained that the means of this world are too rough, saying that if a person has too much chakra, wouldn't it be better to just expel this person from the world? As a result, in the end, he himself left this world. ”

While Isshiki Otsutsuki said this, Shokuhou Misaki silently opened her system page and thought to herself:

If there are children of prophecy in different worlds, then my system should not be unique to one person. Especially since the power given by my system comes from the God's Path in "Lord of Mysteries", and there are 22 God's Paths in the original novel! If "Fate Ring" is included, there will be even more God's Paths.

If my inference is correct, then there are at least 22 travelers in this world, and there is a high probability that there are more. They were sent to different worlds by this world and given systems and God's Paths. Then they guided the development of their respective worlds and achieved the promotion of the Path in the process of guidance.

According to the mysterious novel, the number of high-sequence extraordinary people in each path is limited. So at least from Sequence 2, the number of travelers who can be promoted to angels is limited. There are only a few traversers. There are only 3 traversers who have been promoted to Sequence 1. As for the traverser who can be promoted to Sequence 0 in each sequence, there is only one.

Considering that she has not had any contact with other worlds and traversers until now, the ability promotion granted by the system should be first come first served. As long as there are a certain number of sequence 2 ability users, the remaining traversers will no longer be able to be promoted to Sequence 2. After reaching Sequence 1, different traversers may even fight each other for the only promotion spot. If the ability of this system can be promoted in the past, then fighting between traversers is almost certain.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly found that her situation did not get better after defeating the Six Paths Sage.

Especially for what happened recently, Shokuhou Misaki felt that this world was using Otsutsuki Isshiki to remind her. She can no longer be promoted slowly.

You are not the only time traveler in this world. If you cannot show enough value, then you and the ninja world will become stepping stones for other civilizations!

As Shokuhou Misaki was thinking this, she suddenly found that her control over her abilities had been improved to a higher level, and her adaptability to the abilities of the Dreamweaver had also been greatly improved. The reason for this is that Shokuhou Misaki had completed the promotion ceremony of Sequence 2 without realizing it:

Observe a phenomenon that can affect the development of civilization, and gain insight into the secrets!

Does this count as a confirmation of my inference?

Thinking this, Shokuhou Misaki turned to look at Otsutsuki Isshiki across from her and chuckled:

"Otsutsuki Isshiki, you should understand your situation now, right?"

Otsutsuki Isshiki snorted coldly upon hearing this:

"Of course. I am still your clone now. Although you cannot control me as the original body, you can cancel the clone technique, and then I as the clone will completely disappear! If it weren't for this reason, do you think I would tell you these important information about Otsutsuki Shibai?"

"That's right." Shokuhou Misaki nodded Said:

"But in the same way, you are also an important weight for me to balance the Six Paths Sage. Although the Six Paths Sage was severely injured by our joint efforts, he still controls most of the power of the dragon veins. In terms of strength alone, it is very easy for him to kill me. If you die, then I will definitely be killed by him. So now you and I are essentially grasshoppers on a rope. You can't kill me, and I can't kill you. In this case, why don't we cooperate?"

"Cooperation?" Stroking his chin, Otsutsuki Isshiki was obviously interested in this proposal.

Of course, the real reason why he wanted to cooperate was that he did not fully control the "Shokuhou Misaki" clone. If he completely controlled this body, he could completely transform this body into a part of himself. In this way, this body would no longer be Shokuhou Misaki's clone, and naturally would not be held hostage by Shokuhou Misaki.

However, Otsutsuki Isshiki also knew that Shokuhou Misaki's strength was also rapidly improving. I might be able to recover my strength in a few years, but Shokuhou Misaki is also likely to be promoted to the level of Six Paths. Even compared to me, her improvement will be greater. After all, it has been less than ten years since this guy appeared.

In the final analysis, this is a race. Whoever can get the power of Super Six Paths first will be the winner of this race. In addition to myself and Shokuhou Misaki, the participants in this race are also the Six Paths Sage. If Uzumaki Naruto, the son of prophecy trained by the Six Paths Sage, can grow quickly, he may be able to kill both me and Shokuhou Misaki by himself.

While Otsutsuki Isshiki was thinking, Shokuhou Misaki said again:

"Now that you have mastered my real clone, you will inherit most of my fate, and naturally you will be able to feel the memories I left in the clone. So you should understand how good a hand I left for my real clone."

"You are now the actual Hokage of Konoha, and the prophecy of the Six Paths Sage is also under your control. If you manage Konoha well, you can become the master of the ninja world in the future. At least the value of Konoha is higher than that "Kara" organization!"

"That's true." Otsutsuki Isshiki nodded slightly.

To be honest, if this body was not because Shokuhou Misaki's clone, Otsutsuki Isshiki would be very satisfied with this body. Because with this body, he can control Konoha, the strongest ninja village in the ninja world. Using Konoha to control the ninja world and continuously collect chakra is much more reliable than the "Kara" organization.

However, Isshiki Otsutsuki also knew that the benefits of Shokuhou Misaki were not so easy to accept. After all, although he had the memory of Shokuhou Misaki's clone, he was not Shokuhou Misaki after all. Especially, Isshiki Otsutsuki himself was not good at acting. If he pretended to be Shokuhou Misaki in Konoha Village, he would be exposed in minutes.

So if he wanted to use the power of Konoha, he had to get the cooperation of Shokuhou Misaki. At least in daily life, the only one who could control this body was Shokuhou Misaki himself. He could only indirectly control Konoha Village through cooperation with Shokuhou Misaki. Only after he completely recovered his strength could he truly control Konoha in his own hands.

Thinking of this, Isshiki Otsutsuki pondered:

"Tell me, how can you help me control Konoha instead of exposing my identity now."

"It's very simple, exchange." Shokuhou Misaki said:

"I'll give you Konoha, and you'll give me the 'Kara' organization!"

So that's it, your family

This guy is targeting the "Kara" organization!

Isshiki Otsutsuki nodded and said calmly:


Anyway, the current Kara organization is just an empty shell, and most of the members can only be used to collect intelligence.

If you want such an organization, I'll give it to you! In comparison, Konoha is much more useful.

Isshiki Otsutsuki was very satisfied with this deal when he thought that he would be able to use Shokuhou Misaki's identity to control the ninja world after he fully recovered his strength. After establishing a cooperative relationship in this way, Shokuhou Misaki once again took control of her clone. Of course, this is only when Isshiki Otsutsuki allows it. If Isshiki Otsutsuki resists, Shokuhou Misaki will not be able to control her own clone at all.

Alas, it's really a strange feeling! Obviously "Shokuhou Misaki" is her original identity, but now when I control this identity, I feel like I'm controlling someone else!

Shokuhou Misaki shook the clone's hand, and then she heard Otsutsuki Isshiki's voice echoing in her ears:

"Hey, when can you become Hokage? You always keep a puppet like Sarutobi Hiruzen, it's annoying to look at!"

Shokuhou Misaki thought:

"Three years later! I plan to use the most massive Chunin Exam in history to send Sarutobi Hiruzen to death. By the way, I will also use this exam to completely weaken the other four major ninja villages. Then I will unify the ninja world and become the master of this world."

"I see, everything depends on three years later! If you can have the strength of the Super Six Paths level in three years, you will be the one who controls the ninja world. If I recover my strength first in three years, I will be the one who controls the ninja world! Very good, this is fair, let me see who has more powerful means in three years!"

As soon as Otsutsuki Isshiki finished speaking, his whole spirit fell into silence.

Obviously, Konoha is just a tool for Otsutsuki Isshiki. He had no interest in playing the role of Shokuhou Misaki in Konoha Village. He only wanted to seize the fruits of victory from the opponent after Shokuhou Misaki became Hokage.

So facing the three years, he chose to transform Shokuhou Misaki's clone with all his strength, preparing to transform it into his own body faster in this way. Moreover, in this ninja world, strength is the foundation, and the so-called power struggle is meaningless in the face of the crushing of strength. Therefore, it is indeed the smartest choice for Otsutsuki Isshiki to focus all his energy on the restoration of power.

And Shokuhou Misaki felt the threat of Otsutsuki Isshiki, and secretly said:

In this way, the Chunin Exam three years later will be lively!

After all, this is not just a simple crushing of ninjas by herself, but a battle at the Super Six Paths level, and the entire ninja world is trembling!

While Shokuhou Misaki's clone was thinking, someone noticed that something was wrong with her. After all, she was first taken away from the control by Otsutsuki Isshiki, and then had a cooperative exchange with Otsutsuki Isshiki. After such a long time, it is easy for people to see that something is wrong.

"Shokuhou-san, are you okay?"

The person who spoke was naturally an assistant in the development department. Danzo, who had taken away Uchiha Izumi's body but was possessed by Black Zetsu.

At this moment, she had been transformed by Orochimaru and secretly guided by Black Zetsu, and her strength had improved very rapidly. It was also because of her improved strength that her self-confidence increased sharply, and she was ready to take action against Shokuhou Misaki. That's why she has been paying attention to Shokuhou Misaki's movements these days. Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki seemed to be in poor condition recently, she immediately realized that her chance might have come.

Feeling Danzo's almost undisguised greedy eyes under the observation of the audience, "Shokuhou Misaki" smiled and said:

"Nothing, just a little insomnia these two days."

But in his heart he said:

You're done!

You are actually interested in my current clone, you're dead!

Do you know that my current clone can fight better than my original body!

Isshiki Otsutsuki, who was silent just now, felt the breath of Danzo and asked in confusion:

"Strange, how can this guy have the breath of Kaguya?"

It's not just Kaguya's breath!

Let me tell you, Black Zetsu is going to use her to revive Kaguya!

In this case, things become very interesting!

If Kaguya really resurrected as Danzo, and then opened her eyes and saw that the person in front of her was actually her boss who was backstabbed by her, Kaguya would probably be scared to tears on the spot!

He was your boss a thousand years ago, and you finally resurrected a thousand years later, and you are still facing your boss!

I think after discovering the truth of the matter, Kaguya will definitely chop Black Zetsu, the rebellious son, into pieces!

Thinking of this possibility in the future, Shokuhou Misaki was in her heart.

A smile. But looking at her system page again, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't be happy. On the system page at this time, Shokuhou Misaki's data is as follows:

Ability value:

Ninja: 10 Body: 9 Illusion: 12 Sage: 12 Strength: 10 Speed: 10 Precision: 10 Seal: 9 Total: 82

God's Path: Visionary Path, Sequence 3 Dream Weaver (Adaptability: 31%)

Just a few months after being promoted to Sequence 3, Shokuhou Misaki's adaptability to Dream Weaver has increased to one-third.

This is not only because Shokuhou Misaki used her clone to play in the Snow Country during this period, but also because Shokuhou Misaki completed the promotion ceremony of Sequence 2 in advance. In this way, the current Shokuhou Misaki not only cleared the biggest obstacle to the promotion to Sequence 2, but also improved her strength. Especially the improvement of Sage, which means that Shokuhou Misaki has mastered the ultimate secret of this world.

It is also with the improvement of strength that Shokuhou Misaki feels that the relationship between her and the dragon vein has become closer. Following this feeling, Shokuhou Misaki once again entered the Sage Mode. Unlike before, this time Shokuhou Misaki found that she actually had some control over the dragon vein. Obviously, the Six Paths Sage was weakened, resulting in Shokuhou Misaki taking away part of the power of the dragon vein.

Therefore, Shokuhou Misaki's Sage Mode became even more powerful. At this time, in the Sage Mode, Shokuhou Misaki's ability values ​​are as follows:

Ninja: 11 Body: 10 Illusion: 12 Sage: 12 Strength: 10 Speed: 10 Precision: 11 Seal: 10 Total: 86

The data of 86 means that Shokuhou Misaki has finally become a Six Paths-level strongman.

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