The battle was a battle of wits, and the two sides were in chaos.

As a member of Konoha Village, Shokuhou Misaki watched a nearly perfect war of public opinion from the perspective of an ordinary villager.

With the help of the horn of the Eight-Tails in Orochimaru's hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen successfully reversed the situation at a critical moment and calculated the three forces of Kumogakure, Uchiha and Orochimaru in one fell swoop.

After this calculation, Orochimaru, who was only half a step away from becoming the Hokage, lost a lot of reputation. From then on, his image in Konoha was no longer a prestigious leader, but a conspirator who played with people's hearts. And such a conspirator would never be recognized by most people, let alone become the Hokage.

And the Uchiha clan, which had Orochimaru as a support and was about to turn over, also fell into a more isolated state. While Orochimaru's reputation was hit, the Uchiha clan, as a quasi-ally, was naturally affected. The Uchiha clan, which was already notorious, has now completely turned into an evil clan in Konoha. More and more people suspect that it was the Uchiha clan that caused the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

As for the originally aggressive Kumogakure, there were huge problems inside because of the Eight-Tails horn. After all, the Eight-Tails horn is not only related to the dignity of Kumogakure Village, but even the death of the previous generation of Eight-Tails Jinchūriki is related to the theft of the Eight-Tails horn. With such a big problem inside, Kumogakure naturally cannot maintain an extreme diplomatic attitude, and can only choose to make peace with Konoha.

Only the Konoha high-level leaders headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, first cut off Orochimaru's hope of becoming Hokage, then discredited the reputation of the Uchiha clan, and also stirred up chaos within Kumogakure, reaping the greatest benefits. As the beneficiary himself, Sarutobi Hiruzen, it seems that he has done nothing and is still so pure and innocent.

As expected, the third Hokage!

Shokuhou Misaki sighed in her heart, but she couldn't help shaking her head.

After thinking about it, Shokuhou Misaki found that although Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan seemed clever, it was just a conspiracy after all, and the gains did not outweigh the losses. Apart from other things, Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan could be hidden from others, but it could not be hidden from Orochimaru, the person involved. And Orochimaru was calculated by his teacher like this, it would be strange if he didn't hate Sarutobi Hiruzen to death afterwards!

Similarly, as one of the five major ninja villages, Kumogakure will sooner or later be able to investigate the truth of the matter. And when the truth of the matter comes to light, Kumogakure's attitude towards Sarutobi Hiruzen can be imagined. It seems that as long as Sarutobi Hiruzen is in power, there will be no real strategic mutual trust between Kumogakure and Konoha, and war may break out at any time.

Finally, although the Uchiha clan are all a group of idiots, they may not be able to see through the mystery of this plan. But facing the worse environment inside Konoha, the probability of them taking risks will inevitably increase significantly. And once the Uchiha clan rashly rebels, the loss to Konoha will be unimaginable without Orochimaru, such a huge helper.

In other words, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who apparently gained the most benefits, also created three terrible opponents for himself after this calculation. And from the overall situation, whether it is Konoha's diplomatic environment or internal situation, it has become worse because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's calculation.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence, the old is not a thief!

Obviously, if the position of Hokage is directly handed over to Orochimaru, there will be no so many things. But Sarutobi Hiruzen constantly corrodes the foundation of Konoha for his personal desire for power. It is no wonder that when the original work opened, Konoha's strength was so weak. All this was the sin committed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

However, the above has nothing to do with Shokuhou Misaki for the time being.

As a small participant in this incident, Shokuhou Misaki is actually a beneficiary of this incident. On the one hand, as a psychologist, she used this incident to exercise her extraordinary abilities. On the other hand, she also successfully made herself famous in Konoha Village.

With today's performance and the fame of the ramen restaurant, Shokuhou Misaki will most likely be assigned a good teacher after graduating from the Ninja School. Not to mention a special Jonin, there should always be an elite Chunin. In this way, Shokuhou Misaki's road in Konoha will be much easier in the future.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki felt much better. But she also knew that her performance this time was really eye-catching. So in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Shokuhou Misaki has been living a regular life as an ordinary student in the following time.

In this way, three days have passed unknowingly.


During these three years, many major events happened in Konoha Village. First of all, as the core of the Kumogakure incident, Orochimaru finally chose to leave Konoha as a rebel. However, unlike the original work, considering his relationship with Uchiha Itachi, Orochimaru persuaded the Uchiha clan to go with him before leaving.

But at this time, the Uchiha clan still did not realize the cruelty of Sarutobi Hiruzen. He felt that even if there were contradictions between him and the Konoha high-level officials, it was only a power struggle after all, and had nothing to do with most of the clan members. Even if he failed in this internal struggle, most ordinary people in the Uchiha clan would not be greatly affected. So for the sake of most clan members, the Uchiha clan refused to defect from Konoha with Orochimaru.

In response, Orochimaru just smiled coldly, and had already regarded the Uchiha clan as dead.

As a bridge of communication between Orochimaru and the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi was naturally criticized after Orochimaru defected. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, showed a rare tolerance. Not only did he not embarrass Uchiha Itachi because of Orochimaru's defection, but on the contrary, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually included Uchiha Itachi in the Anbu against all odds.

This approach not only appeased the Uchiha clan, which was gradually moving towards extremes, but also made Sarutobi Hiruzen's image more dazzling in Uchiha Itachi's heart. Of course, for this reason, many people in Konoha Village thought that the Hokage was too soft-hearted and actually let a dangerous guy like Uchiha Itachi join the Anbu.

Only Shokuhou Misaki, who knew the original plot, knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was sharpening his knife. The reason why he let Uchiha Itachi join the Anbu was to brainwash Uchiha Itachi, so that Uchiha Itachi would willingly become the butcher knife in the hands of Konoha's high-level officials, and help Konoha's high-level officials completely solve the trouble of the Uchiha clan.

Not long after Uchiha Itachi joined the Anbu, another master of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Shisui, had a problem. On the way to school one day, Shokuhou Misaki heard that the Uchiha clan's top master, Shunshin Shisui, had committed suicide by jumping into the river.

There was also a lot of discussion in Konoha Village about Uchiha Shisui's death.

Some people said that Uchiha Itachi was jealous of Uchiha Shisui's strength and killed Uchiha Shisui.

Others said that the Konoha high-level officials felt that Uchiha Shisui was an obstacle and killed Uchiha Shisui.

Others said that Uchiha Shisui committed suicide, after all, the current internal situation of Konoha was too complicated.

But the actual situation, Shokuhou Misaki knew it clearly.

That is, Danzo, as a Konoha high-level official, was afraid of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan and launched a sneak attack on Uchiha Shisui.

After Uchiha Shisui lost a Sharingan, he felt that his situation was likely to intensify the conflict between his family and the village, so he chose to understand himself. Before his death, he gave his remaining Sharingan to his best friend Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Itachi also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, thus becoming a Kage-level strongman.

In short, under the planning of the Konoha high-level leaders headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, the situation of the Uchiha clan became more and more dangerous. It can be said that even with the influence of Shokuhou Misaki, the future ending of the Uchiha clan will not be much different from the original.

And it was in such a turmoil that Shokuhou Misaki spent her student life in Konoha Village.

Today, three years later, Shokuhou Misaki is already 12 years old, and she is about to face her graduation exam!

On the system page, Shokuhou Misaki's ability values ​​at this time are as follows:

Name: Shokuhou Misaki

Gender: Female

Age: 12 years old

Ability values:

Ninja: 3 Physical: 3 Illusion: 5 Sage: 6 Strength: 3 Speed: 3 Precision: 3 Seal: 4 Total: 30


1. Path of God: Visionary Path, Sequence 7 Psychologist (Adaptability: 95%)

2. Chakra: Less

3. Cooking: Proficient, good at ramen

Overall evaluation: Genin

Because of the need to avoid the limelight, Shokuhou Misaki has not taken any action in the past three years, so her strength has improved at a standard speed. Although all data in the ability values ​​have improved, the overall improvement is not large. At this time, her comprehensive strength is about the same as the Twelve Little Strongmen during the Chunin Exam, and is probably a little stronger than Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino.

Of course, this strength is not outstanding among the Twelve Little Strongmen, but it is very impressive among Shokuhou Misaki's peers. At least according to Shokuhou Misaki's observation, among the graduates of the same class as her, except for the pervert Uchiha Itachi, there is no one who is higher than Shokuhou Misaki.

It was also in the past three years that Shokuhou Misaki began to gradually show her strength, creating the impression that her body was gradually developing, so her physical fitness was gradually improving.

It feels like she is gradually rising and her strength is slowly getting stronger.

However, Shokuhou Misaki was very cautious about this kind of display. Even her best friends and class teacher only thought that her strength was about the same as the best among her peers, and they didn't realize that her strength was already the second in the same grade.

It was also because of this cautious style that even though Shokuhou Misaki came into contact with many ninjas through the relationship of Ichiraku Ramen, her adaptability to extraordinary abilities did not improve quickly. In three years, the sequence was not promoted and she was still a psychologist of Sequence 7. She was still short of the key step to be promoted to Sequence 6.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki's strength is not enough for her to protect herself in Konoha Village. But because the environment inside Konoha is too complicated, Shokuhou Misaki did not dare to make too big a move. Therefore, the further improvement of strength needs to wait until after graduation, when she performs various tasks.

It was in this expectation of the future that Shokuhou Misaki ushered in the beginning of her graduation.

Unlike the graduation exam in the original book where Naruto Uzumaki only took the clone technique, the formal graduation exam is still very complicated. In addition to the more rigorous competition, it also includes field survival exercises, combat technology tests, camouflage technology tests, basic application of the three-body technique, etc.

In short, the graduation exam of the ninja school is a test of the all-round ability of the ninja school students. Those who can pass the test basically have the strength of a Genin. If you can't pass it, the ninja school will have a one-year repeat opportunity. If you still can't pass the exam after another year, you can only give up the dream of becoming a ninja.

Even if you pass the graduation exam of the ninja school, it doesn't mean that you can be assigned a jonin teacher immediately, and then perform tasks under the leadership of the teacher. This kind of treatment is only available in the second generation of Class 1. For example, in Class 9 where Shokuhou Misaki is, only students with the top nine comprehensive scores will be assigned a class teacher.

Most of the remaining students will be assigned to various places in the Land of Fire by Konoha. Some go to relevant institutions to be trained as medical ninjas, and some are responsible for garrisoning on the border. In short, only students with the best comprehensive strength are eligible to be assigned to a class teacher and receive key training from Konoha.

With the strength she showed in the graduation exam, Shokuhou Misaki will naturally become the key training target of Konoha. Together with her, there are her good friends Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai in the class. It is also because of the relationship between the three that Shokuhou Misaki will be assigned to the same class with the two after graduation, and will be trained by an elite ninja of Konoha.

It’s just that whether this elite ninja is a Chunin, a special Jonin or a Jonin is a matter of opinion.

However, Shokuhou Misaki estimated that with her reputation in Konoha Village and the fact that there is a relative of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Mai, in her class at home, she has the highest chance of being assigned a special Jonin.

It was in such anticipation that Shokuhou Misaki welcomed her graduation ceremony. And the day after graduation, she waited for her instructor in the classroom at school. What Shokuhou Misaki didn't expect was that her instructor was late on such an important day.

Seeing that other students had been taken away by teachers and superiors, only she, Namikaze Mai and Katsumura Yota were left in the classroom, and Shokuhou Misaki suddenly had an expectation in her heart.

No way, no way, her instructor wouldn't be that person, right?

It was in such expectation that Shokuhou Misaki's instructor finally walked into the classroom.

It was a young man in his twenties. He had short white hair, a mask, and covered one eye with a forehead protector. He looked very mysterious and very lazy.

Seeing this person's familiar dress, Shokuhou Misaki didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Because in Shokuhou Misaki's view, it was not an easy thing to become this person's disciple.

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