The dam of the River Country was a shock to Konoha natives like Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai, and it was also a shock to Shokuhou Misaki. Because of the dam in front of her, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly realized that the Naruto world was not a primitive society with backward technology.

In the Naruto world, there are televisions, radios, computers, and life cloning technology that far exceeds the real world. The technological level of the Naruto world is actually not weaker than that of the real world, so this world is fully capable of building various large-scale water conservancy facilities. After all, the construction technology required for these large-scale water conservancy facilities is only at the level of the Second Industrial Revolution. Such construction technology is nothing special, whether it is placed in the real world or the Naruto world.

But it is also the case that Shokuhou Misaki was terrified by the actions of the River Country. Because she has a certain scientific literacy, she has already vaguely guessed the reason why the River Country built a large number of dams. After all, looking at the entire human society, there are only a few projects that can consume so much electricity.

In this way, Shokuhou Misaki and others walked through various water conservancy facilities of different sizes in the River Country with shock, and were shocked again and again by the country's infrastructure capabilities. Then in shock, everyone came to a small town in the east of the River Country.

Although the map shows that this is a small town, under the dim sky at this time, the town is brightly lit. After all, the River Country has a large number of water conservancy facilities, and the country has abundant electricity.

Before dusk, lights were lit everywhere in the town, illuminating the entire town like daylight. Shokuhou Misaki estimated that if it was really dark, the lights of this town would be enough to rival the city lights in the real world.

It was also in this neon that Shokuhou Misaki seemed to be in another world. She felt as if she had returned to her hometown, the peaceful and prosperous real world. She stretched out her right hand, trying to grab the dreamy light. But this piece of light is not the real world after all, and Shokuhou Misaki's grab is destined to be in vain.

Afterwards, everyone walked into the town and was once again shocked by the infrastructure capabilities of the River Country. Because the town of the River Country was brightly lit and brilliant, but there was not a single electric pole or wire on the street. I think all the wires have been buried underground.

This seemingly inadvertent point showed everyone the strong infrastructure, planning and management capabilities of the River Country.

In addition to the electric lights, the roads in the town are also straight and wide, allowing two cars to travel at the same time. Each intersection has corresponding traffic facilities, such as traffic lights. Although most of the people coming and going on the road are horse-drawn carriages, the traffic is very orderly. Shokuhou Misaki has the illusion of dreaming back to a modern city.

Recalling the long sections of dirt roads and various garbage dumps in Konoha Village, as well as the group of ninjas pulling wires randomly, and looking at the clean and tidy main road in the town of the River Country in front of him, Shokuhou Misaki obviously feels that the River Country is more like a civilized society.

However, Shokuhou Misaki also knew that the most powerful infrastructure in the entire ninja world was not the River Country. The infrastructure capabilities of the Wave Country and the Rain Country were not inferior to those of the River Country, and were even stronger.

In the original comics, the bridge builder Dazna of the Wave Country dared to build a cross-sea bridge with less than a hundred people. There is also the Rain Country, a country where it rains almost all year round, which also built a magnificent sewer project. In front of such infrastructure capabilities, a little white rabbit who has always been proud of its infrastructure capabilities has to admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki recalled the situation in Konoha.

She now wanted to ask Konoha's Third Hokage, what have you been doing all these years?

It is obviously a modern society after the industrial revolution, how did you make Konoha look like a gathering place for feudal remnants?

Walking in this town full of lights and wine, Shokuhou Misaki and others were looking for a hotel to stay tonight while observing. It was also during this observation that Shokuhou Misaki discovered that the intersections of this town seemed to have roles similar to sheriffs, who maintained the town's law and order, and also carefully monitored Shokuhou Misaki and other foreign ninjas from Konoha.

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki was already a little afraid of the strength of the River Country.

Shokuhou Misaki was not a little newbie who knew nothing. She knew that Konoha was the leader of the five major ninja villages in the ninja world and had the most ninjas on the entire continent, but that was all.

As a member of Konoha, Shokuhou Misaki knew that the nature of this village was extremely

Its feudal and conservative. Not only are there a large number of families that stick together in the village, but the power struggle within Konoha is also extremely bloody. The entire Konoha management organization is actually quite inefficient. Coupled with the population limit, Konoha's military mobilization ability is scum, and it is the best that it can gather 20,000 ninjas.

In contrast, the River Country is a country that can build large-scale water conservancy facilities, a country that can lay circuits all over the country, a country full of rules and order, and a country that is in order everywhere. The internal management ability of this country is simply far better than Konoha.

If there were not many ninjas in Konoha Village who could fight a thousand of them, the decadent and backward Konoha would never be the opponent of the other party with the war mobilization ability of the River Country!

But unfortunately, this world still has unreasonable professions such as ninjas, and unreasonable abilities such as chakra. Therefore, even if the River Country looks more civilized than Konoha Village in all aspects, it is still just a vassal of Konoha.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but mourn for the River Country for three seconds.

Afterwards, she and everyone else came to a hotel in the town, ready to have a good rest after dinner.

But while eating, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai looked out the window from time to time. Looking at the neon lights outside the window, Katsumura Yota couldn't help but say:

"Is the River Country really a small country?"

Obviously, Katsumura Yota subconsciously realized the horror of the River Country. Knowing that without chakra, Konoha is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the River Country.

Facing Katsumura Yota's question, Kakashi, who didn't put down his mask to eat, said:

"The River Country is a small country."

"But the River Country looks so developed?"

"That's because there are many places in our Fire Country that are more developed!"

"Is that so!" Hearing this, Katsumura Yota breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Kakashi, I also don't understand one thing." Namikaze Mai also asked:

"The dam we saw today and the electricity outside are all amazing things! Why is the technology behind these things not used in war? Whether it is the large dam that can defend the tailed beast jade or the electric lights outside now, they should all play an important role in the war!"

Hearing Namikaze Mai's question, Kakashi sighed softly, and then said:

"This is not something you should know now."


Feeling the warning in Kakashi's voice, Namikaze Mai also shut her mouth wisely.

And Shokuhou Misaki, who had been eating quietly since the beginning, laughed secretly when she heard Namikaze Mai's question:

Why didn't the power of technology be used in war? The answer to this question is not self-evident!

If technology can really replace ninjas on the battlefield, what does this world need ninjas for?

It was with such a heavy heart that Shokuhou Misaki and others finished dinner and went back to their rooms to rest.

Just lying in bed, several people looked at the neon lights outside the window at the same time. Shokuhou Misaki missed her hometown in the neon lights, Katsumura Yōta was afraid of the power behind the neon lights, and Namikaze Mai was puzzled why the power was not used on the battlefield. Only Kakashi looked at the neon lights and muttered to himself:

"Maybe, it's time for Konoha to change. If it doesn't change..."

After such a night, everyone who didn't sleep well chose to stay in bed. It was not until after ten o'clock in the morning that everyone gathered in the lobby of the hotel to discuss the next itinerary.

Kakashi took out the map of the River Country and pointed to the southernmost port of the River Country and said:

"This port is the trade hub of the River Country. About 70% of the bulk commodity transactions in the entire River Country are carried out in this port. So as long as we rush to the trading market of this port and check the trading records of the market, we can collect the intelligence needed to complete the mission."

Hearing Kakashi's introduction, Katsumura Yota nodded and said:

"It doesn't sound difficult!"

Kakashi said:

"It is because it is not difficult that I will apply for this mission for you. Remember, be careful when you act, and don't contact people with abnormal behavior. We are only carrying out a C-level intelligence gathering mission this time. It would be bad to cause trouble for this mission!"

Everyone nodded when they heard this, kept Kakashi's instructions in mind, and then rushed to the south. In less than two days, everyone came to the port city in the south of the River Country and found the bulk commodity trading market here.

Afterwards, several people acted on their own and easily found the transaction records of various major markets, collecting the price changes of various strategic materials in the past three years.

Situation. And summarized these situations, drew a table and handed it to Kakashi.

"Strange?" Looking at the price change table in his hand, Kakashi wondered:

"Because of the construction of a large number of water conservancy facilities, the prices of various strategic materials in the River Country have indeed continued to rise in the past two years. But the increase does not seem to exceed expectations? Where did the excess electricity of the River Country go in the past two years? Did the River Country build so many dams just to export electricity?"

While Kakashi was looking at the price change table in his hand and wondering, Shokuhou Misaki was also searching for traces of a certain mineral deposit in various transaction information tables. It took her more than ten minutes to finally find the name of the mineral deposit.

Uranium mine!

Then Shokuhou Misaki began to summarize the uranium mine transactions in the River Country in the past three years. If you don't count it, you won't know. Once you count it, you will be shocked. In these three years, the River Country actually purchased nearly 200,000 tons of uranium ore from all over the ninja world. According to the conversion ratio of 3,000 tons of uranium ore required for one atomic bomb, the current uranium reserves of the River Country are enough to make more than 60 atomic bombs.

This is a powerful force that can change the entire ninja order!

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki finally confirmed her judgment.

The reason why the River Country built a large number of hydroelectric power stations is to prepare atomic bombs.

Because atomic bombs require a lot of electricity from the purification of raw materials to various nuclear tests. Therefore, the excess electricity of the hydroelectric power station is actually used by the River Country in the experiment and preparation of nuclear weapons!

As for the technology required for atomic bombs, it is not a problem for the ninja world. After all, the atomic bomb in the real world is only a scientific research result in the 1940s. And the technological level of the ninja world has even made computers, and the relevant theoretical construction of nuclear weapons is simply pediatrics.

In other words, most of the ninjas in Konoha are illiterate with worrying scientific literacy, otherwise they only need to think a little bit to understand what the River Country is doing. So much electricity can only be consumed by national-level projects such as nuclear weapons.

At this time, Kakashi also noticed the solemn expression on Shokuhou Misaki's face. He followed Shokuhou Misaki's gaze and looked at the place where Shokuhou Misaki focused her attention. There was a mineral called "Uranium Mine" and he couldn't help wondering:

"Shokuhou, is there anything special about this uranium mine?"

Shokuhou Misaki certainly couldn't say that this thing was the raw material for an atomic bomb. After all, she was just a ninja from Konoha. In theory, it was impossible for her to know that uranium ore could be used to make an atomic bomb. So in the face of Kakashi's doubts, she just said:

"I don't know either. I just found that the River Country has purchased a large amount of uranium ore in the past three years, and the total amount even exceeded 200,000 tons. This is really abnormal, so I observed it for a while."

"200,000 tons?"

Kakashi was also shocked when he heard this number.

Admittedly, the number of 200,000 tons is nothing compared to other mineral deposits. But uranium ore has no important role in industry at all. At least in Kakashi's cognition, uranium ore is not important at all. It is obviously very abnormal that the River Country imported uranium, a not-so-important ore, on a large scale.

In addition, the River Country has built a large number of hydroelectric power stations in the past two years to obtain electricity. The meaning behind these two abnormal things is worth discussing.

Is there any science and technology behind this that we ninjas can't understand?

With such concerns, Kakashi quickly used the summoning technique to report the matter to Konoha. Then he praised Shokuhou Misaki:

"Shokuhou, you performed very well this time. Regardless of whether there is any secret hidden behind this uranium mine, the fact that you can find this abnormality is worthy of praise."

Said, Kakashi said to Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai:

"You two should also remember to pay attention to any abnormal things when performing tasks in the future. Because many abnormalities may hide important information."

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