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"It seems that I not only underestimated Shokuhou Misaki, but also underestimated Danzo and Sarutobi. They have not only planted a spy like you in the River Country this time!"

Hearing Orochimaru Luo Sha also said:

"Nuclear weapons are enough to change the order of the ninja world. As the maintainer of the existing order of the ninja world, it is normal for Sarutobi Hiruzen to send a few more spies out of caution."

Turn to , Luo Sha sighed:

"It's a pity that our arrangements were wasted. We had originally thought of taking this opportunity to catch all three geniuses of Konoha, but we didn't expect that all our efforts would be in vain. Since Konoha already knows the nuclear facility The specific location, next Sarutobi Hiruzen is likely to send a large number of Konoha ninjas into the River Country, and the war is likely to break out. "

"Orochimaru, let's quickly prepare for the next conflict! Sarutobi Hiruzen It's not that easy to deal with."

Hearing Luo Sha's feelings about Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru suddenly felt an impulse in his heart. That was an emotion that shouldn't have occurred to him, a calm and cautious man. Because the one who triggered this emotion was none other than Orochimaru's teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Orochimaru's feelings towards Sarutobi Hiruzen were extremely complicated. On the one hand, Orochimaru respected his teacher very much because his scheming and resourcefulness were unparalleled in the ninja world. Since he became Hokage, he had manipulated countless people in the ninja world. Even he himself became a traitor to the village because of the teacher's scheme.

But at the same time, Orochimaru hated his teacher very much. Because Sarutobi Hiruzen was so old, but he still held on to power. . The once powerful ninja hero has now become a deformed monster under the corruption of power, constantly corroding Konoha's solid foundation, making the internal and external situation of Konoha more and more critical.

It is Based on this complex emotion, Orochimaru is very eager to defeat his teacher. On the one hand, this is a proof of his own strength, and on the other hand, Orochimaru does not want his teacher to continue to be corrupt. If his teacher eventually deserted everyone and disappeared from history like a clown, Orochimaru would be very desperate.

So when Rosa was ready to stop, the relatively cautious Orochimaru was more likely to stop because of Sarutobi Hiruzen. He looked at Kabuto Yakushi and said, "Kabuto, what are you going to do next? Will you continue to return to Konoha and become my undercover agent in Konoha?" Kabuto Yakushi shook his head and said :

"Lord Orochimaru, I did not submit the information in time this time, and my identity is likely to have been exposed. In this case, I request to leave the Konoha Ninja Village and serve Lord Orochimaru wholeheartedly."

Kabuto Yakushi's judgment is pertinent. In this mission, as a key undercover agent, he did not hand in important intelligence in time, which was a major mistake in itself. Even if Kabuto Yakushi was not an undercover agent of Orochimaru, he might be punished by Danzo after returning to the village. Not to mention that he I was an undercover agent to begin with, so I dared not return to Konoha.

However, Kabuto Yakushi was facing the somewhat angry Orochimaru at the moment, so he heard Orochimaru say:

"I allow you to leave Konoha, but before you leave Konoha, I hope you can do one thing for me."

"One "...

At this time, at the border of the River Country.

Looking at the distant skyline, Uchiha Itachi said with some worry:

"Shokuhou-san, will the traitor who betrayed Konoha really appear? According to common sense, He should leave Konoha and go to Sand Village or Orochimaru, right? "

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki chuckled and said:

"Mr. Itachi, it seems that you don't know your teacher very well!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi There was also a little more fear in the eyes when he looked at Shokuhou Misaki. Because it was the first time that Uchiha Itachi found that someone could calculate psychological warfare to such an extent. Even Orochimaru, who was cold and strange in people's eyes, was very different from Shokuhou Misaki. In Cao Qi's eyes, it seemed that he was just a chess piece that could be guided and used at will.

"Believe me! Orochimaru will definitely let the undercover contact us. Because he is Orochimaru, he will not allow himself to be easily teased by the Third Hokage. Especially this time in the River Country mission, he is full of joy in the mission. I planted an undercover agent in the army, thinking that I could use this to harm Konoha." Shokuhou Misaki said confidently: "After planning for a long time, I found that my teacher actually sent more than one spy.

Ming's proud calculations ultimately failed to fly out of the teacher's Five Finger Mountain. This sense of frustration will definitely make Orochimaru make an irrational decision. "

"What if Orochimaru finally chooses to act cautiously and does not send the spy who betrayed Konoha?" Uchiha Itachi asked again.

"That's perfect! Wouldn't it be confirmed that the spy betrayed Konoha?"

As Shokuhou Misaki said this, a reserved boy with white hair and glasses ran over from a distance. Looking at that person, Shokuhou Misaki said to himself:

It's you! Kabuto Yakushi!

And Kabuto Yakushi obviously didn't know that Shokuhou Misaki already knew his identity. So when he came in front of the three people, he had a fake and almost perfect smile on his face, and said to Uchiha Itachi wearing a mask:

"Sorry, Itachi-kun, I didn't complete this mission."

Uchiha Itachi didn't say anything when he heard this, but said calmly:

"It doesn't matter, Lord Hokage has obtained information from other channels. Our mission in the River Country has been completed, and it's time to go back. "

Yakushi Kabuto nodded, then hesitated and said:

"Itachi-kun, and..."

Looking at Kakashi and Shokuhou Misaki on the side, he first asked their names, and then said:

"Senior Kakashi and Shokuhou Misaki, are you willing to go back to the River Country with me again? I found something very important in the River Country. This matter is related to the change of the order of the ninja world, and I need your help. "

"Important things, what things?" Kakashi asked, thinking in his heart:

Sure enough, just like Shokuhou said, this undercover who betrayed the village will not go back to Konoha with us, but will try every means to lead us to the River Country, with the purpose of leading us into the encirclement of Sand Village and Orochimaru.

Then I heard Kabuto Yakushi said:

"Have you heard of Bayeli? "

Bayeri, what is that, Gundam?

Shokuhou Misaki was puzzled, and then she heard Kabuto Yakushi say:

"That is a kind of final decisive weapon being developed by the River Country, which is no less powerful than nuclear weapons. It is said that this weapon imitates the puppetry of the Sand Village, and can make thousands of tons of steel move, turning it into a killing machine comparable to the tailed beasts!"

A killing machine comparable to the tailed beasts, is it true?

Kakashi was full of doubts, thinking:

When did the power comparable to the tailed beasts become so worthless? First it was a nuclear weapon, and now there is a final decisive weapon. However, considering Shokuhou's previous analysis, this Bayeri should be just a bait made up by Kabuto Yakushi to lure us into an ambush.

Contrary to Kakashi's judgment, Shokuhou Misaki felt that Orochimaru might really be able to create a ninja version of Gundam.

It should be noted that Orochimaru in the animation and the game really created a mecha Naruto and a mecha Nine-Tails. Since the machine If the Kabuto Nine-Tails can be made, it is normal for Orochimaru to make a Gundam version of the Ninja World. However, Shokuhou Misaki also knows that Orochimaru should not be able to make a Gundam version of the Ninja World.

In short, whether it is Shokuhou Misaki, Uchiha Itachi or Kakashi, the three of them know that Kabuto Yakushi has betrayed Konoha. The reason why he contacted the three of them was just to lure them into the ambush circle of Sand Village.

Kabuto Yakushi himself did not know these. He only knew that his identity aroused the suspicion of the Konoha high-level officials, and Uchiha Itachi and others, as executors, should theoretically still regard him as a companion of the Anbu.

So, the four people with their own ulterior motives began to act together, and under the leadership of Kabuto Yakushi, they continued to return to the heart of the River Country. However, during the journey, Kabuto Yakushi seemed to intentionally take everyone to some special places.

For example, when they came to an industrial area, Kabuto Yakushi led everyone through the door of a large factory. Looking at the sign in front of the factory and listening to the roar of machines coming from the factory, Shokuhou Misaki knew that this was a spinning mill.

To be honest, this was the first time Shokuhou Misaki had seen a spinning mill in this world. After all, the Konoha Village in the Land of Fire where she had been staying before was all farmland and forests. . Although there are citizens of the Land of Fire around Konoha, most of them are farmers who work hard in the fields, and there are few workers.

Before, Shokuhou Misaki was still wondering where the modern clothes made of good fabrics worn by the people of the Land of Fire came from. It can't be woven by this backward small-scale peasant economy where men farm and women weave!

Now it seems that 80% of them should come from here.

When she saw this spinning mill, Shokuhou Misaki wanted to see the production status of this factory. After all, for a country, industrial production capacity is often the most important symbol of its strength. The gap in industrial capacity can often determine

Determine the survival of a country. Although this rule does not apply in the ninja world.

Through a large ventilation window of a factory building, Shokuhou Misaki observed the situation inside the factory. It was found that the various machines in this factory were basically powered by electricity. Obviously, this high degree of electrification is consistent with the abundant hydropower resources of the River Country.

Although Shokuhou Misaki did not know the names of these machines and what they were used for, from the perspective of the degree of automation, the level of textile industry in the River Country is not worse than that in the real world. Many machines have been produced by computers, and the efficiency has been greatly increased compared to simple manual labor. It is no wonder that the clothes on people in this world are so bright and beautiful.

However, due to the excessive power of the ninja, the technology of the ninja world has not played its due power at all. It has neither broken the violence of the old society nor created the impetus for a new order. It seems that the technology of this world is just a small supporting role. Everything is just to cooperate with those so-called ninjas, just like the background of your coming and going in this world.

At this time, the surroundings were dim, and the sky was already flashing with stars.

Uchiha Itachi estimated the time and said to Yakushi Kabuto with some curiosity:

"It's almost eight o'clock, why haven't you all gotten off work yet?"

Hearing this, Yakushi Kabuto laughed, his eyes full of contempt for Uchiha Itachi. Shokuhou Misaki said:

"If we get off work now, the workers won't have enough wages!"

Just as Shokuhou Misaki finished speaking, a shrill scream suddenly came from the factory.

Shokuhou Misaki looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a middle-aged woman who looked quite old, covering her right hand and wailing.

Did it happen?

Shokuhou Misaki looked carefully and saw a middle-aged woman lying on the ground wailing because her right hand was deformed by the machine due to an operating error. Looking at the arm that was bent almost 90 degrees, Shokuhou Misaki felt terrified.

Kakashi said:

"Is this considered a work-related injury?"

Yakushi Kabuto sneered again.

Then everyone saw that the wailing of the middle-aged woman attracted the attention of the surrounding workers. They stopped their work, gathered around the middle-aged woman, and whispered about something. Just looking at their expressions, they were not surprised at all. It seems that this kind of thing is no longer strange in the factory.

A man who was wearing work clothes like the people around him, but in a better condition, walked up to the woman. When the middle-aged woman saw the man, she didn't care about her almost crippled right hand, and shouted loudly:

"Supervisor, I beg you!"

It turned out that this man was the factory supervisor, who came to check on the middle-aged woman's condition.

"If the doctor comes later, you beg for mercy!"

Give you more anesthetic? Shokuhou Misaki guessed.

"You must save my hand! I still have two children!"

When the middle-aged woman said this, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly felt her nose a little sour.

At this time, Shokuhou Misaki looked at the middle-aged woman carefully. Although she looked like a middle-aged woman, there were no wrinkles on her face. She was obviously still very young, but she gave people a feeling of vicissitudes.

She was injured at work now, and her entire right hand was twisted into a right angle. The severe pain must have penetrated into her brain and bone marrow. But the first thing she thought of was still her two children.

She wanted to save her right hand, not because she didn't want to be disabled, but purely because she was worried that she would be unemployed after becoming disabled and would not be able to support her children.

This is a great mother!

Shokuhou Misaki instinctively wanted to help her, but then realized that she had no ability to help her at all.

In this way, in the middle-aged woman's pleading, Yakushi Kabuto led everyone out of the factory. Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki asked curiously:

"This female worker was seriously injured, what will happen to her in the future?"

Yakushi Kabuto heard this and said indifferently:

"It's very simple. Because of disability, she lost her job. Because of unemployment, she had no food to eat. Because she had no food to eat, she could only take her children to beg, or sell her body to become a street girl, and finally died of disease and hunger. As for her children, 80% of them will repeat their mother's life, working hard all their lives, and then die suddenly."

"Why is that? Doesn't the River Country have any social security measures?" Shokuhou Misaki was surprised.

"The River Country has a developed industry, but not agriculture, so it needs to import a large amount of food from the Fire Country. But as the overlord of the ninja world, how can the Fire Country sell food to the River Country casually? Therefore, the River Country has to pay a large amount of foreign exchange for food every year, and even so, the country is still facing a shortage of food." Yakushi Kabuto said:

"In terms of food,

In such a shortage, the River Country has no spare energy to help the poor people. So once the citizens of the River Country lose their ability to work, they will only die in pain. "

"Why is this happening!"

Just now, Uchiha Itachi was still thinking about how to plot against Kabuto Yakushi, but now he just felt that this world was absurd. Everyone was trying hard to live, so why did many people not even have enough food to eat? This was the case for ninjas and workers, what was wrong with this world?

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