The truth is that the truth is that the truth is not real.

How cruel can humans be?

As an extraordinary person in the audience channel, Shokuhou Misaki never thought that human hearts were beautiful things. She always felt that the human heart was chaotic, and it was difficult to judge it with simple good and evil. Because the so-called human nature is the instinct engraved in the genes of humans in the long-term evolution for survival.

But Shokuhou Misaki never thought that the malice between humans could reach this level.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen led the Konoha ninja to help the former daimyo of the River Country to restore his position, a bloody storm within the River Country began.

The first to be executed was naturally the former ruler of the River Country. They were all revolutionaries who expelled the Daimyo of the River Country, and they were also the high-level officials of the River Country who planned to research nuclear weapons. Now, facing the exposure of the conspiracy, what awaits them is only the butcher knife of the Konoha ninja and the Daimyo of the River Country.

Shokuhou Misaki saw tens of thousands of former bureaucrats of the River Country and their clansmen being escorted to the height of the River Country Dam.

They were subjected to the characteristic punishment of the River Country, water torture!

The so-called water torture is to throw the prisoners from the height of the River Country Dam. In this way, the prisoners will not die immediately, but will look at themselves in horror in the turbulent river water, and be torn into pieces by the hydropower generation facilities of the dam.

This is an extremely cruel punishment. After the Daimyo of the River Country was expelled, the River Country has not implemented it for more than ten years. Now, in order to rebuild his authority in the country, the restored Daimyo has restored this cruel punishment. He wants to vent his anger with the blood of the revolutionaries and let the whole country be shrouded in fear.

So, as a bystander, Shokuhou Misaki watched tens of thousands of people being pushed onto the dam and then pushed into the turbulent river. Under the huge hydraulic pressure and the stirring of hydroelectric facilities, these flesh and blood bodies were quickly stirred into meat foam, and the scarlet blood dyed half of the river red. Too many corpses even blocked the flow of the dam.

Even though she was several kilometers away, Shokuhou Misaki could still smell the stench of the river water from the air. That was the cry after tens of thousands of people died, and most of these tens of thousands of people were just innocent relatives and friends. They were ordered to be executed by the daimyo of the river country just because they were relatives of the former rulers of the river country.

How cruel and malicious this is.

Just when Shokuhou Misaki thought so, the development of things once again exceeded her expectations.

The corrupt and backward daimyo nobles did not stop their massacre because of the death of their enemies. As feudal nobles who were once expelled by the revolution, they knew the horror of science and industry better than anyone else.

They clearly realized that as long as there were industrial civilization and intellectuals in the River Country, resistance to them would not disappear. So like many feudal dictators in history, they also began to use various means to educate the people. First, compulsory education in the River Country was abolished, and then the intellectuals were massacred.

Although they were very corrupt, their methods of doing things were very calm. Shokuhou Misaki saw that the daimyo's army surrounded a village in an orderly manner, and then identified the entire village one by one. Anyone who looked like an intellectual was killed with a knife. Some old people obviously didn't know a few words, but just because they wore reading glasses, they were regarded as knowledgeable people, and then the old nobles who hated knowledge were killed with a knife.

Such massacres were carried out in an orderly manner throughout the River Country. The old nobles shouted terrible slogans such as "Stones must be cut! Toilets must be burned! People must be replaced!" and coldly killed all possible enemies one after another.

And the old nobles of the River Country's actions naturally caused resistance from many people. The fire of resistance started in the south and quickly spread to most of the country. The citizens of the River Country, who have experienced industrial civilization, are never willing to return to the once hard-working small peasant society and continue to work like slaves for the daimyo and nobles. But in the ninja world, the resistance of civilians is not worth mentioning.

Under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the ninjas of Konoha began to suppress the resistance in the River Country by carrying out tasks. Of course, as a benevolent third-generation Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not slaughter civilians as cruelly as the old nobles. As the light of the ninja world, the Konoha Ninja Village would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

As accomplices of the old forces, the ninjas of Konoha are just performing their duties as ninjas. Accepting tasks from the daimyo of the River Country and then killing one rebel after another

leaders. As long as these leaders are killed, the power of the rebels will be insignificant. Then the old nobles led their locust-like army to clean up the area.

All factories were closed, all facilities related to industrial civilization were abandoned, and all research on possible weapon casting was stopped. The originally regular roads became dilapidated, and power facilities exploded repeatedly due to lack of maintenance. The population gathered in towns returned to the countryside due to lack of food.

Everything that used to be is back. The River Country has also begun to become deformed and backward like other countries in the Ninja World.

Finally, there is the originally magnificent dam of the River Country.

These engineering miracles that were originally designed to resist the tailed beasts, after all the staff who maintained the dam were killed, various problems arose soon. Then, under the surging river water, one dam after another began to collapse. Just like the industrial civilization of the River Country, it was dissipated under the scouring of the old forces.

In just three months, the River Country, once the top industrial country in the Ninja World, returned to the agricultural era. This country can no longer conduct nuclear weapons research, nor can it forge any steel puppets. Because after the purge of the old nobles, there are not many people in this country who even have a junior high school diploma.

As a ninja of Konoha, Shokuhou Misaki watched the bloody event that was enough to be recorded in history, and also contributed her own strength to it. Because of the village's order, she also carried out several assassination missions and killed several brave rebels, including Olga, who once advocated resistance to the rule of a great power.

To be honest, this young man named Olga is very brave. Even if he only holds ordinary cold weapons in his hands, even if he can't even beat a student from a ninja school. But in order to defend the orphan group he founded, he still chose to resist without hesitation, and then died in the hands of Shokuhou Misaki.

"I curse you!"

Before he died, he said to Shokuhou Misaki:

"You Konoha ninjas only know how to start a massacre in the ninja world for your own selfish desires. You are the darkest and most evil existence in this world."

"Don't think that everything will stop like this. The tide of history is rolling forward. Do you think you evil ninjas can always keep this corrupt world order? Sooner or later, you will suffer the same pain as us. I curse you..."

In the blazing hatred, the young man of the River Country lost his life. But even in death, his eyes were still open. He was still watching the world and the vast sky in his death. It was the accusation of injustice by the civilians in the ninja world, and it was the indignation of the people of a small country against a big country.

As a ninja who killed people for the first time, Shokuhou Misaki did not feel the slightest bit of disgust in her heart. She just stood there, trying to use her extraordinary ability to interpret the expression on the face of the dead, feeling his inner indomitable and angry.

At this time, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly remembered a plot in the original comics, which was what happened after Pain invaded Konoha.

At that time, Pain accused the big country of bringing pain to the small country, but Tsunade, the Hokage of the big country ninja village, said that they, the big country, also suffered the same pain. Such a shameless statement immediately angered Pain, and he immediately gave Konoha a super Shinra Tensei.

When Shokuhou Misaki saw this plot, although she could understand Pain's approach, she could not empathize with this approach. But now, after witnessing the bullying of the big country against the small country with her own eyes, Shokuhou Misaki truly understood Pain's feelings at the time.

Compared with the pain borne by the small countries in the ninja world, the pain of the big country is not worth mentioning at all. Tsunade's words at the time were no longer simply explained by shamelessness in the eyes of the people of the small country. If Shokuhou Misaki was the original Pain, she would never give up until she killed all the Konoha ninjas!

And it was also because of this experience in the River Country that Shokuhou Misaki was promoted from a hypnotist of Sequence 6 to a dream walker of Sequence 5 at a very fast speed.

The reason for this is that during this period of time, the River Country has been hypnotizing herself. Because when she thinks of those innocent people who were slaughtered, Shokuhou Misaki can't fall asleep at night. Only by relying on the comfort of extraordinary abilities can she barely fall asleep. It is under such frequent observation and role-playing that Shokuhou Misaki's ability has improved so quickly.

After being promoted to Sequence 5, Shokuhou Misaki's strength has naturally been further improved. The first thing to be improved is naturally Shokuhou Misaki's physical fitness. Originally, Shokuhou Misaki's physical fitness was considered top-notch among her peers. Now that the sequence has been promoted, Shokuhou Misaki's strength is naturally even better.

At this time, on the system page, Shokuhou Misaki's ability values ​​are as follows:

Ninja: 5

Body: 4 Illusion: 8 Wisdom: 8 Strength: 6 Speed: 6 Precision: 5 Seal: 4 Total: 46

Now, Shokuhou Misaki is at the absolute level of Chunin in terms of ability value alone, and is even considered an elite among Chunin. In the original work, Shokuhou Misaki's strength at this time is stronger than Hyuga Neji during the Chunin Exam, enough to be compared with the weaker of the Twelve Little Strongmen at the beginning of Shippuden.

In addition to the improvement of ability value, Shokuhou Misaki also mastered three different ninjutsu.

The first is the illusion·Dream Guidance.

Relying on this illusion, Shokuhou Misaki can enter the spiritual world of different people, and guide the target to tell the secrets in his heart step by step with different changes in dreams.

Next is the illusion·Dream Modification.

Similar to the previous illusion·Illusion Guidance, the illusion·Dream Modification allows Shokuhou Misaki to enter the spiritual world of others, and thereby influence the consciousness of the target, making him change unconsciously and do things he would not do before. This modification is rooted in the subconscious. Compared with direct hypnosis, this manipulation from dreams is softer, more hidden, and less likely to be detected.

Shokuhou Misaki estimates that any ninja whose illusion value does not exceed 7 will be affected by Shokuhou Misaki's illusion and become her puppet without knowing it.

The last move is the Ninjutsu: Dream Shuttle.

This ninjutsu can make Shokuhou Misaki's body virtual, turning her into a dream elf or dream walker. Not only can she hide directly in other people's dreams, but she can also jump from one dream to another, thereby completing the flash in the physical sense. The limitation is that the distance between the two dreams cannot exceed 500 meters, and the opponent cannot be a ninja with too strong strength. Because any ninja with a little strength can detect the flash of Shokuhou Misaki in the dream.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki's promotion is timely when she is close to a showdown with Sarutobi Hiruzen. Because of these abilities, Shokuhou Misaki finally has the qualifications to play chess in Konoha Village, instead of being a chess piece swinging left and right in the overall situation, maintaining a balance in a precarious manner.

However, even so, Shokuhou Misaki at this time is not happy because of the improvement of strength. Compared with the game with Sarutobi Hiruzen, what Shokuhou Misaki is really thinking about at this time is her future path.

In the past, Shokuhou Misaki just wanted to stay in Konoha Village, thinking that there would be tall people to support her if the sky fell. Anyway, there is Uzumaki Naruto, the biological son of the Six Paths Sage, and she can rely on her abilities to fish in Konoha Village.

But now, Shokuhou Misaki has different ideas.

First of all, Shokuhou Misaki doubts Uzumaki Naruto's ability.

Excluding the cheats given by fate, Uzumaki Naruto is essentially a young man who knows nothing. Even if the cheats on him are given to Akamaru, he can still win the Fourth Ninja World War. After all, the final boss of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki, was a waste who only knew how to throw away chakra.

The ancestor of chakra actually felt that his chakra was over-consumed shortly after the battle, and even fell into the seduction technique of Uzumaki Naruto. If this kind of stuff had the same configuration as Madara, Madara could beat ten of them alone. Defeating this kind of stuff does not prove the ability of Uzumaki Naruto at all, so Shokuhou Misaki doubted the weight of this big tree of Uzumaki Naruto.

Moreover, Shokuhou Misaki's conscience was uneasy.

As a time traveler, Shokuhou Misaki did not think she was a saint, but she could not watch the world decay like this. In order to maintain the existing order of the ninja world, millions of people have died in the River Country alone. What about other countries? What about the entire ninja world?

You must know that in addition to the River Country, Kakashi once rescued the princess of the Snow Country from that country, and the current daimyo of the Snow Country is also an ambitious person who wants to challenge the existing order. Such cruel things in the River Country will continue to happen in the Snow Country in the future.

When she thought that at least hundreds of thousands of people would die tragically because of Konoha, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't sleep at night. At this moment, she couldn't help but think of the original work of the Lord of Mysteries and the tarot card representing her path.

Because in that novel, the tarot card corresponding to the audience path is...


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