The old man was very angry.

Uchiha Fugaku felt that he was under too much pressure recently. He actually dreamed of Uchiha Madara.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku recalled a scam that was popular in Konoha Village not long ago.

Those scammers said that they were the reincarnation of the Six Paths Sage in front of the ninjas who burned books and buried scholars in culture. They also said that they were not dead, but just wandered in the ninja world as a wandering soul. Now the ninja world is facing the revival of the dark power, and they urgently need 2,000 taels to save the people, so they ask for help from the ninjas of Konoha. They promised to give the Konoha ninjas the Six Paths Sage Art as a reward after the matter was accomplished.

To be honest, as a scammer, this scam is really bad. But what can be done about Konoha's ninjas? Most of them only studied in the ninja school for less than six years, and their cultural level is not even as good as that of normal elementary school students. So these scammers cast a wide net and reaped a lot of rewards. It is said that even many senior ninjas were fooled by these scammers.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku in the dream looked at the "Uchiha Madara" opposite, and had such thoughts in his mind. And Uchiha Madara, who was transformed by Shokuhou Misaki, knew it clearly. However, Uchiha Fugaku had such a mentality, which was actually intentional.

Shokuhou Misaki, who is proficient in human nature, knew that if she acted too normal, it would arouse Uchiha Fugaku's suspicion, thinking that someone might be affecting her spirit in the dream through ninjutsu. And if she gave people the impression of being a liar from the beginning, it would make Uchiha Fugaku relax his vigilance subconsciously, creating opportunities for her next deception.

Thinking that he was probably under too much pressure and dreamed of liars, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the so-called "Uchiha Madara" opposite with contempt, and quietly waited for his performance. He was completely unaware that his psychological changes were completely under the control of Shokuhou Misaki.

So, Uchiha Fugaku saw the "Uchiha Madara" opposite and said seriously:

"You are Uchiha Fugaku, the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan."


"Very good, since you are the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, I should tell you something. As you can see, I am Uchiha Madara. In fact, I did not die in the battle with the first generation Hokage in the Valley of the End, but escaped."

What a familiar rhetoric, it seems that the group of liars said so at the beginning.

What? My first Hokage is not dead, my Six Paths Sage is alive, my second Hokage is secretly protecting Konoha with the help of the Impure World Reincarnation...

Uchiha Fugaku is more and more sure that the man in front of him is a liar. It is a fantasy that appears in his dream when he is under too much pressure.

So although Uchiha Fugaku does not show it on his face, he looks at Uchiha Madara opposite with the idea of ​​watching a monkey:

This Uchiha Madara looks like that. The long black hair, the armor on his body, and the majesty in his expression, it feels similar to the family records. It's a pity that he appeared in my dream, and his words are so liar-like, otherwise I really thought he was Uchiha Madara!

Then, I heard "Uchiha Madara" say again:

"Now, a dark force has begun to revive in the ninja world and wants to threaten this ninja world. So in order to protect the safety of this world, I, Uchiha Madara, need the power of you, the younger generation."

Sure enough, it's here again!

Hearing the Uchiha Madara in front of him talking about the revival of darkness and saving the ninja world, Uchiha Fugaku was speechless. He felt that as the head of the Uchiha clan, he seemed to lack imagination, so that the liars he dreamed of were all so clichéd.

"Hey, can you pay attention? I'm talking to you about the survival of the ninja world!"

Noticing that Uchiha Fugaku on the opposite side was a little distracted, "Uchiha Madara" said very dissatisfiedly.

I know, the safety of the ninja world!

But since the safety of the ninja world is in danger, why do you come to me?

I can't even take care of the safety of the Uchiha clan, what does the safety of the ninja world have to do with me?

If you, Uchiha Madara, really care about the ninja world, go find Sarutobi Hiruzen yourself! Isn't it the responsibility of the Hokage to save the ninja world?

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me?" "Uchiha Madara" shouted again.

"I heard it, I heard it! Save the ninja world, right? I know, I know! But the problem is, I can't even save the Uchiha clan now, what does the ninja world have to do with me? The old man of our Uchiha clan

Ancestor, if you really want to save the ninja world, wouldn't it be better to go to the Third Hokage?"

Faced with Uchiha Fugaku's words, "Uchiha Madara" said dissatisfiedly:

"Do you think I really want to come to you? It's because I am just a lonely ghost now, and can only rely on the blood connection to wander in the spirit of the Uchiha clan. Otherwise, just because you are Uchiha Fugaku, are you worthy of me wasting so much time? "

Hearing that the liar in his dream dared to despise him like this, Uchiha Fugaku naturally felt a ball of anger in his heart. But just as he was about to vent his anger, the eyes of Uchiha Madara opposite him began to change rapidly. From the three-magatama Sharingan at the beginning, to the later Mangekyō Sharingan, and finally evolved into the Samsara Eye composed of circles.

Seeing this change, Uchiha Fugaku was shocked and thought:

Is this the legendary Samsara Eye? Could it be that he is really Uchiha Madara!

Then, the surrounding dreams suddenly changed. Under the control of "Uchiha Madara", Uchiha Fugaku found that he had returned to the Valley of the End decades ago and saw the battle between Uchiha Madara and the God of Ninja. Uchiha Madara used the summoning technique to summon the strongest of the nine tailed beasts, the Nine-tailed, and the tyrannical aura suddenly spread. Sweep around.

Opposite to Uchiha Madara, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama just clapped his hands, and a huge wooden man rose from the woods, not only blocking the Nine-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball, but also counterattacking the Nine-Tails with his huge fist. And beside the wooden man, a flexible wooden dragon wrapped around the Nine-Tails and began to devour the Nine-Tails' chakra.

What is this?

Looking at the almost mythical battle in front of him, Uchiha Fugaku finally realized that he was not dreaming. Or rather, although he was dreaming, this dream was not a simple fantasy. This person who entered his dream seemed to be really related to the battle of the Valley of the End in the past.

In Uchiha Fugaku's surprise, "Uchiha Madara" continued:

"In the battle of the Valley of the End, although I got the power of the Nine-Tails, there was still a little gap between me and Hashirama. "

As he said this, Uchiha Fugaku saw Senju Hashirama perform the immortal technique, Wood Release, True Thousand Hands. Under this ultimate Wood Release, even the Nine-Tails, the strongest tailed beast, became so small. He was controlled by the First Hokage and held in his hand the Wood Release Giant, and the Susanoo armor on his body was smashed into pieces.

"However, although I failed in the battle of the Valley of the End, I also got what I wanted through this battle."

Then, Uchiha Fugaku saw Uchiha Madara in the battle, taking the opportunity to bite off a piece of meat from the First Hokage. Even though Uchiha Madara was killed by Senju Hashirama in the end, the piece of meat remained in Uchiha Madara's mouth.

"Then, I was not really dead after being killed by Hashirama. Because before this battle, I used the transcription seal to seal Izanagi in my right eye. As long as the time came, Izanagi would automatically start, and I also successfully resurrected after the battle of the Valley of the End, and obtained Hashirama's body cells. "

"Afterwards, I followed the instructions on the stone tablet passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan and transplanted Hashirama's body tissue into myself, thereby gaining the strongest power of both the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan. And over a long period of time, I merged these two powers into one, and finally I succeeded in obtaining this pair of eyes!"

"Uchiha Madara" pointed to his own eyes and said:

"The eyes that only the Six Paths Sage has in the legend, the Samsara Eye! "

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku no longer felt that this dream was his own fantasy, nor did he think that Uchiha Madara in front of him was a liar. Because everything that Uchiha Madara said in front of him already contained too many secrets of the ninja world. Uchiha Fugaku had already subconsciously regarded the man in front of him as Uchiha Madara.

And this change in Uchiha Fugaku's psychology was actually within Shokuhou Misaki's calculations.

Shokuhou Misaki knew that even if Uchiha Fugaku was aggrieved, he was still the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. Even if she changed into the appearance of Uchiha Madara, it would be impossible for the other party to obey her. So from the beginning, Shokuhou Misaki is creating an illusion that she is a liar in Uchiha Fugaku's dream.

When Uchiha Fugaku felt that he, Uchiha Madara, was a liar, he had already relaxed his vigilance in his subconscious. Then, Shokuhou Misaki continued to reveal the most important secrets of the ninja world according to the plot of the original comic.

When Uchiha Fugaku's vigilance was relaxed in his subconscious, he suddenly came into contact with these important secrets, and Uchiha Fugaku's psychological defense line would fall in an instant. At this time, he would definitely believe that he was Uchiha Madara.

This is Shokuhou Misaki's psychological tactics. Even if her strength is comparable to that of Uchiha Fugaku at this time,

Yue is far from being as powerful as her, but relying on her grasp of people's hearts and the original plot, she can still make Uchiha Fugaku listen to her.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku also came back to his senses from the shock.

He no longer had the frivolity just now, and asked with respect:

"Lord Madara, since you have obtained the eyes of the legendary Six Paths Sage, what else do you want me to do? Is there anything you can't do in this ninja world with this power?"

"Uchiha Madara" also sighed when he heard this:

"It is true that I have indeed obtained power far beyond Hashirama. But at the same time as obtaining this power, I also noticed the dark forces in this ninja world. They have been spying in secret, always wanting to enslave us. Ninja world. Although my power is strong, I was already old when I got it, and I had no ability to fight against the darkness. "

"So while I was pretending to be with the darkness, I separated part of my spirit and hid it in the spirit of the Uchiha clan. When the time comes, this spirit will awaken and guide the Uchiha clan to fight against the darkness for the safety of the ninja world."

Hearing that Uchiha Madara, who has the Samsara Eye, is so cautious, Uchiha Fugaku feels a lot of pressure. He asked again:

"Mada, what is the power of darkness?"

"This is not something you can know."



As he said this, Uchiha Fugaku saw that the expression of "Uchiha Madara" in front of him became more and more solemn, and he said word by word:

"Everything that is said must be known!"

Everything that is said must be known?

"Unless you are a ninja like me who has mastered the power of the Six Paths, anyone who knows the existence of the darkness and thinks about it in their heart will also know you. That's why I didn't tell you, because telling you will only hurt you!"

This, this...

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku felt that the seriousness of the matter was beyond his imagination. After all, in Uchiha Fugaku's understanding, no one has ever reached the realm of "whatever is said must be known". Even the legendary Six Paths Sage seems unable to achieve "whatever is said must be known".

"Then Madara-sama, facing such a terrible darkness, do you need me to do anything?" Uchiha Fugaku said again.

"It's very simple. First, you have to open the Samsara Eye like me."


"Lord Madara, this doesn't sound very simple."

"That's right. According to my investigation a few years ago, you don't seem to have any brothers or sisters, so you can't open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan like me. In this case, it is indeed difficult for you to awaken the Samsara Eye."

"Uchiha Madara" nodded and said:

"In that case, you can find a pair of brothers in the Uchiha clan and train them to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, so that the Uchiha clan can have a pair of Eternal Mangekyō. After that, you can find Hashirama's cell tissue will be transplanted into the brothers. In this way, the Uchiha clan will have a pair of reincarnation eyes again, and the ninja world will have the ability to fight against the darkness. "

For this request of "Uchiha Madara", Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment again, and then said:

"Lord Madara, this seems a bit difficult."

Hearing that Uchiha Fugaku couldn't even do this little thing, "Uchiha Madara" became more and more unhappy:

"You are the patriarch of our Uchiha clan, how can you not do this? Is there no one in the Uchiha clan who can open the Mangekyō Writing Wheel? Is it because there are no more people like Senju Tobirama in the current Konoha high-level, so that Hashirama's cells have been destroyed? "

"You find a pair of brothers with some talent, and then snatch Hashirama's cells. After helping the brothers awaken the Mangekyō, transplant Hashirama's cells into them. What's so difficult about this? For the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, this should be a piece of cake, right?"

Seeing that "Uchiha Madara" was about to attack, Uchiha Fugaku said with some shame:

"I'm sorry, Madara-sama. The current Uchiha clan , it seems that only my two sons can meet your requirements. As for the cells of the first Hokage, if Konoha has them, they must be hidden by the top leaders. And now the Uchiha clan has been forced into a corner by the Konoha top leaders and is on the verge of extinction. So I really have no way to grab the cells of the first Hokage..."

Hearing that the current situation of the Uchiha clan is so miserable, "Uchiha Madara" snorted coldly:

"The facts prove that your incompetence is beyond my imagination."

"The dignified Uchiha clan was actually forced to the brink of extinction by a group of corrupt old men. As the clan leader, you are now

You should commit suicide by hara-kiri!"

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