The family, the village, the country... All these grand collective concepts are indeed very important. But these grand concepts can easily confuse people's eyes. Let people forget the existence of these concepts, which are essentially just means and tools between people. People unite with the help of grand concepts and strive to survive in a cruel world. Concepts are essentially just tools to achieve goals, not the goals themselves. But in reality, some people always reverse the goals and tools. Just like the concept of Konoha, its purpose is to protect the villagers of Konoha. But now, many people regard tools as goals and goals as tools. The village that was originally intended to protect the villagers has now become a target that needs to be protected. And the villagers who were originally supposed to be protected by the village now need to protect the village. This is obviously against the Tiangang, and a small number of ambitious people have usurped the power that the villagers of Konoha should have, which is wrong!

At this time, Uchiha Itachi felt as if he had undergone a baptism of the soul. All the confusions that were still lingering in his heart just now seemed to have been answered at this time. But Uchiha Itachi is Uchiha Itachi after all. Shokuhou Misaki has made things so clear, but he still asked a question that made Shokuhou Misaki speechless:

"Then Shokuhou classmate, if I help the village clean up the Uchiha clan and bear all the sins. Then the ninjas trusted by the Hokage will form a second ninja village, so that the newly built ninja villages in the Fire Country will be in the hands of Konoha. Wouldn't this be better? Not only will the defense strength of the Fire Country be enhanced, but Konoha will also not have to worry about the competition within the Fire Country."

"In contrast, the Uchiha clan that leaves Konoha will inevitably compete fiercely with Konoha. The open and secret struggles between the two forces may even cause the Fire Country to split. Instead of this, it is better to eliminate the Uchiha clan that caused the problem from the beginning. Isn't this more in line with the interests of most people in Konoha?"

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's proposal, Shokuhou Misaki said inwardly:

This Uchiha Itachi's brain circuit is really not normal!

The three tribes of the ancient Yi in Shenzhou did not even kill children under the age of 16. Even with the policy of exterminating the three clans, the power struggle within the imperial court could intensify to the point of national destruction. You know, this is just the extermination of the three clans! You are so good, you say extermination of the clan, it is genocide!

You don’t really think that killing the Uchiha clan will solve all the problems, right?

So facing Uchiha Itachi's question, Shokuhou Misaki's face became more serious and her tone became cold:

"Itachi, do you want to destroy Konoha?"

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's question, Uchiha Itachi was puzzled:

"Shokuhou, what do you mean?"

"Do you think that as long as the Uchiha clan disappears, all the problems Konoha is facing now will be solved? Itachi, is your vision so narrow? Do you really think that simple killing can solve all problems? Have you ever thought about how much impact the Uchiha clan will have on the power structure within Konoha once it is exterminated?"

"Yes, what kind of impact will it have?"

Uchiha Itachi was frightened by Shokuhou Misaki's momentum at this time, and even his speech became intermittent for a while.

"Imagine that a new generation of Hokage appears in Konoha a few decades later. This Hokage is not from the Sarutobi clan, and has no conflicts of interest with the Third Hokage. How would such a Hokage view the genocide of the Uchiha clan? He would definitely think that this was a massacre of ninjas from the same village by the Third Hokage in order to maintain his own rule!"

"Shokuhou-san, didn't I say it? I will bear all the sins!" Uchiha Itachi emphasized.

"Haha, bear the sin?" Shokuhou Misaki laughed contemptuously, and then said:

"Uchiha Itachi, who do you think you are? The sin of genocide, is this something you can bear alone?"

"Moreover, even if all the evidence proves that it was you, Uchiha Itachi, who destroyed your family for your own selfishness, people in the future will still put the sin of genocide on the Third Hokage. Because the struggle for power does not care about evidence, nor does it look at right or wrong, but only at gains and losses. Whoever benefits the most from the genocide of the Uchiha clan will bear the greatest sin!"

"This is the logic of the power struggle, and this is also the darkness that a Hokage must bear. No one is qualified to take the blame for the Hokage, because power itself is dark! Once you gain power, you must shoulder the responsibility of power!"

The dark side of the Uchiha clan is inevitable. So for those in power, any blame-shifting behavior is essentially just self-deception! "

Shokuhou Misaki's words were deafening, and directly pointed out a fact.

That is, as long as the Uchiha clan was exterminated, no matter what the cause and effect of the extermination was, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, must bear the greatest responsibility. Either admit that he was incompetent, which led to the extermination of the clan in his village! Or admit that he was shameless and slaughtered the clan in the same village for his own desire for power!

"And once the Third Hokage carries the darkness of the extermination, this darkness will be like a shadow over Konoha. The Uchiha clan, one of the two major clans of the founder of Konoha, disappeared silently? How do you want other clans to view Konoha? Will they still think that the top leaders of Konoha are trustworthy? "

"At this time, as long as the new Hokage has no vested interests in the Third Hokage and does not have the strength of the First Hokage, he can only take one approach to maintain stability within Konoha. That is, to settle the sins of the Third Hokage. And the best way to settle the sins of the Third Hokage is to let the Sarutobi clan also face the same fate as the Uchiha clan! "

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi realized what genocide meant to Konoha.

That is, once the Uchiha clan was exterminated, the mutual trust between the major families of Konoha would completely collapse. The chain reaction brought about by this would only lead to the normalization of genocide. Today, as long as he exterminated the Uchiha clan for Konoha, the new generation of Konoha's rulers would exterminate the Sarutobi clan for the same reason tomorrow.

After the Sarutobi clan was exterminated, this power struggle of mutual genocide would not stop. Because the extermination of the two major families would only prove one thing, that there is no security inside Konoha. There is only one way to ensure temporary safety, that is to become the winner of the power struggle. And the best way to become a winner is to exterminate other threatening families!

This is the horror of the bottom line being broken!

What has happened will happen again; what has been done will happen again OK!

During the Three Kingdoms period, the Sima family broke the bottom line of the power struggle within Shenzhou. As a price, there were three hundred years in the future. The Eight Kings Rebellion and the Five Barbarians Invasion. Generations of heroes in Shenzhou spent three centuries and hundreds of millions of people's blood and tears to rebuild order.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's act of genocide is just like the Sima family in the Three Kingdoms period. It seems to have become the winner temporarily, but the price is that the future of Konoha will inevitably usher in an unprecedented bloody melee.

Compared with a great country like Shenzhou, Konoha's foundation is so shallow that it is not worth mentioning. With the size of a small village in Konoha, it is impossible to rebuild order after the bottom line is broken. So Shokuhou Misaki said that the genocide of the Uchiha clan will inevitably lead to the demise of Konoha! Because once the butcher's knife is unsheathed, it is impossible to stop without killing people to the point of darkness!

"Why, how could this happen? ”

Although it was an illusion space, Uchiha Itachi felt cold sweat all over his body. He never thought that his behavior of bearing the darkness for Konoha would actually lead to the destruction of Konoha!

"Why, why do they still... want us..."

Uchiha Itachi wanted to say at this time, why extermination of the clan was a decision that could lead to the destruction of Konoha, and why the Konoha high-level represented by the Third Hokage would instigate him to exterminate the Uchiha clan. In this regard, Shokuhou Misaki explained:

"I don't know who you are talking about, and I'm not interested in knowing. I only know that the "they" you are talking about are either idiots like you who really think that the problem will disappear if the Uchiha clan is exterminated. Or they have ulterior motives and completely disregard the future of Konoha for their own interests! ”


Danzo may be such a fool, but Lord Hokage, who has always been shrewd, does he really not know the impact of the genocide on Konoha? Or does he know everything, but...

When he thought of the Third Hokage, who he once regarded as an idol, was actually a devil who was willing to drag the entire Konoha to hell for personal power, Uchiha Itachi was disappointed with this world again. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the masked man's suggestion was not bad. Compared with the darkness and contradictions of reality, it may be easier to live in a dream world.

However, even with such a self-destructive idea, Uchiha Itachi did not really choose to turn to the Infinite Tsukuyomi. It's just that with Uchiha Itachi's knowledge, he couldn't deny the Infinite Tsukuyomi. So Uchiha Itachi said again:

"Shokuhou-san, can I ask you one last question?"

"What question?"

"Do you think

, the real world is too complicated and dark? If you have a choice, would you like to live in a dream that is infinitely close to reality, but infinitely beautiful? "

A dream that is infinitely close to reality, but infinitely beautiful?

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Shokuhou Misaki thought to herself:

Isn't this Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Good fellow, Obito has noticed Uchiha Itachi's current confusion and wants to use Infinite Tsukuyomi to fool Uchiha Itachi!

However, things like Infinite Tsukuyomi may be difficult for others, but Shokuhou Misaki can easily see through it. Because she is a dream walker of Sequence 5, no one in this ninja world knows dreams better than her!

So I heard Shokuhou Misaki say:

"Mr. Itachi, I originally thought that exterminating the clan was your limit, but I didn't expect you to be more cruel than I thought!"


Uchiha Itachi couldn't understand that hiding in the world of dreams was self-destructive, but was it really cruel?

"Do you know that in the world of science, infinity is a very scary concept? For example, in mathematics, 0.999, which is an infinitely repeating decimal, is equal to 1 because it is infinitely close to 1. In other words, "infinitely close" is "equal to", do you understand what this means? "

"That is to say, if someone can really create a dream that is infinitely close to reality, then this dream is reality. And this reality called a dream can certainly make you feel good temporarily, but in the long run, it will inevitably usher in new tragedies!"

As he spoke, the illusion space around him began to change. Uchiha Itachi suddenly realized that Shokuhou Misaki had a very high level of illusion attainment. If it weren't for his Mangekyō Sharingan, his illusion might not be able to trap her.

Then he saw a person appear in this illusion world. That person looked a bit like Shokuhou Misaki, but she didn't have the confidence and vigor of Shokuhou Misaki at all, but was full of decadence.

"For example, let's take this ninja named 'Shokuhou Misaki', she is a waste in the real world. Strength, background, bloodline, origin and other aspects are not worth mentioning. No one likes her, and everyone even bullies her. So out of disappointment with reality, she chooses to enter a dream that is infinitely close to reality. "

"In the dream world, she temporarily gets everything she wants. She is the daughter of the Hokage, she has the bloodline of the gods in the ninja world, and her background is so strong that she can become the Hokage lying down, and she naturally becomes the Hokage, gaining the recognition of everyone and realizing her dream. "

Accompanied by Shokuhou Misaki's narration, the 'Shokuhou Misaki' of the illusion world enters a dream world and gets everything she dreams of in fantasy. Uchiha Itachi saw this 'Shokuhou Misaki' standing on the high platform, wearing the divine robe of the seventh generation Hokage, and proudly announced that he became the Hokage and won the recognition of everyone.

"But all this is not without price!"

"When a person easily gets everything in the dream world, the silent majority in the dream world will inevitably be oppressed. Because they, like the real world's 'Shokuhou Misaki', have no bloodline and background, and endure pain and rejection. In other words, a person's beautiful dream must be built on the pain of a group of people. "

As he spoke, the camera of the surrounding illusion space changed. It was no longer aimed at 'Shokuhou Misaki' who became Hokage, but at the silent majority in the dream world. Those civilians who, like 'Shokuhou Misaki' in the real world, had no background and origin, stood under the high platform and watched 'Shokuhou Misaki' show off.

They were ragged, they were hungry, and they didn't know what it meant for 'Shokuhou Misaki' to become Hokage. They just watched the man on the high platform show off, just like the Hokage in the past. Then they left here silently, returned home, and continued to face the painful and broken reality.

"Dreams do not create a beautiful world, they just transfer the pain of people. And this transfer will inevitably lead to the continuous accumulation of pain in the dream world, and eventually form a storm that is enough to destroy beauty. "

Then, Uchiha Itachi saw that most people in the dream world began to think of ways to overthrow the rule of 'Shokuhou Misaki'. They conducted various researches and continued to resist. As the Hokage of the dream world, 'Shokuhou Misaki' had no ability to rule a world at all. She only knew how to rely on her god-like power to maintain the status quo.

So, under the accumulation of contradictions, it eventually broke out into a flame that burned everything. People found a way to end ninjutsu, and the power called chakra lost its effect. 'Shokuhou Misaki' was no longer high and mighty

Hokage, she was torn to pieces by people's anger in her dream.

And in this regard, 'Shokuhou Misaki' could not stop it at all. Because the dream world is infinitely close to reality, it is reality. Since it is the real world, its operation must conform to objective laws. So under the deduction of objective laws, the beautiful dream disappeared, and what appeared in front of 'Shokuhou Misaki' was the same reality as before, and she even ushered in a crueler ending in the dream.

"This is a dream that is infinitely close to reality. Such a dream can never bring salvation to people. It just anesthetizes you for a short time, making you think you have got what you want. But in fact, reality is still reality, and its heaviness is not something that dreams can surpass!"

A dream that can immerse people must be infinitely close to reality. And the closer a dream is to reality, the easier it is to get out of control. Not to mention that in a world that is infinitely close to reality, countless tragedies in the real world will inevitably be born. So Shokuhou Misaki said that Uchiha Itachi was cruel, because one real world is cruel enough, and he actually wanted to create a second one!

"So, Itachi, face the reality! Real problems can only be solved with real logic, and any means of resorting to fantasy is nonsense. Because this behavior of wanting to create heaven will only bring endless hell. Just like an infinite dream, behind the seemingly beautiful, there is only another cruel reality!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi was struck by lightning.

At this moment, he finally woke up!

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