The old man was very angry.

"Although Kotoamatsukami is very powerful, it is not as unsolvable as you think. As long as you can grasp Danzo's thinking mode, his Kotoamatsukami will not only be ineffective, but can even be used by you!"

Use it for me?

At this time, Uchiha Itachi pointed out the fact that Danzo had Kotoamatsukami in the crowd, but at the same time, he heard Shokuhou Misaki's plan and analysis in his ears, and was secretly surprised:

Shokuhou-san, is there anyone in this world whose heart you can't see through?

It turns out that from the beginning of Uchiha Itachi's appearance, all his actions were instructed by Shokuhou Misaki.

"With the means of the Third Hokage, he will certainly pretend to be merciful and let the Uchiha clan leave Konoha. Of course, it is more likely that he will let some of the Uchiha clan members leave Konoha. These people are likely to be civilians of the Uchiha clan. In this way, the power of the Uchiha clan will be dispersed, which will give the Konoha high-level officials the opportunity to defeat them one by one."

"So once the Third Hokage makes this decision, you must speak out to stop it, and then prevent the Uchiha clan from being exterminated by the Konoha high-level officials. And to do this, you have only one choice, that is to switch sides and openly choose to stand on the side of the family!"

"Stand on the side of the family?" Uchiha Itachi said in surprise.

"Yes, there are four reasons for you to do this." Shokuhou Misaki stretched out four fingers and said:

"First, you can take over the leadership of the Uchiha clan on behalf of your father and prevent the genocide from happening. Second, after the Uchiha clan establishes the Second Ninja Village in the future, you can serve as an undercover agent of Konoha to pass on information to the village, prevent Konoha from becoming enemies with the Second Ninja Village in the future, and stabilize the situation in the Land of Fire."

"Third, this change in camp can disrupt everyone's thinking and catch the Hokage and Danzo off guard in a short period of time. Once their thinking is Interrupted, at their age of nearly 70, it is impossible for them to organize their thoughts and launch a counterattack in a short period of time to take back the control of the situation from you, this is the so-called psychological warfare! "

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki give three reasons and retract three fingers, Uchiha Itachi was amazed and puzzled:

"What about the last reason?"

"The last reason is, Kotoamatsukami!" Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Put yourself in Danzo's shoes, and see Uchiha Itachi standing on the side of the Uchiha clan at such a critical moment, stopping What actions would you take against the high-level extermination plan? "

Uchiha Itachi thought for a moment and said:

"If I were Danzo, and I transplanted Shisui's Sharingan, I would use Kotoamatsukami on 'Uchiha Itachi' to control him and lead the Uchiha clan to destruction."

"Then the next question is, if Danzo wants to control you through Kotoamatsukami, how will he control you? Will he give you clear instructions? Or will he change your inner ideas and make you become his puppet without knowing it?"

"Of course it is subtle control! "Uchiha Itachi said:

"If the order is too clear, it will only make me very abnormal, and this abnormality in the public eye will only indirectly let Danzo expose the fact of Kotoamatsukami. So as the leader of the Root, Danzo is most likely to modify my inner ideas and control my actions imperceptibly. "

"Very good, you are very smart. Now that you have guessed the actions that Danzo may take, it should not be difficult to guess how Danzo will change your ideas when he uses Kotoamatsukami on you, right?" Shokuhou Misaki said patiently.

"The current situation is that as a member of the Uchiha clan, I stand on the side of the clan and give up the village's position that I have always held in the past. So if Danzo wants to use Kotoamatsukami, the most likely way is to order me to give up the clan's position and stand on the side of the village!" Uchiha Itachi affirmed.

"Then the question is, are you, Uchiha Itachi, a ninja who stands on the side of the clan?" Shokuhou Misaki said with a smile.

"No, my position has always been the village!"


"So Danzo's Kotoamatsukami is ineffective to me!"

At this point, Shokuhou Misaki finally said:

"This is what I said, Kotoamatsukami is not as scary as you think! As long as you grasp the mind of the Kotoamatsukami user, you can make Kotoamatsukami ineffective. You can even turn Kotoamatsukami into your own power!"

"Okay, let's continue to deduce. Once you, Uchiha Itachi, express your position on the side of the family, Danzo will use Kotoamatsukami

Control you. But his control is meaningless to you who actually want to protect Konoha. So in this way, you can not only use this to invalidate Kotoamatsukami once, but also put Danzo's Kotoamatsukami into a cooling period. "

"At the same time, you can also confirm one thing through Danzo's reaction, whether Danzo has mastered Kotoamatsukami at this time. As long as you notice whether there is anything wrong with Danzo's face, you can confirm whether he has Kotoamatsukami, whether he has used Kotoamatsukami, and whether Kotoamatsukami is invalidated. "

It turns out that everything is just as Shokuhou Misaki inferred.

When Danzo found that Uchiha Itachi showed up to disrupt the situation at a critical moment, he immediately chose to activate Kotoamatsukami in his right eye, trying to change Uchiha Itachi's position. But the result was that Uchiha Itachi, who had always stood on the side of the village, ignored Kotoamatsukami's control. Instead, through Danzo's expression, he confirmed that he had Kotoamatsukami, had used Kotoamatsukami, and that this time Kotoamatsukami's use was ineffective against him.

Therefore, Uchiha Itachi immediately started the next step, accusing Danzo of controlling the Third Hokage through Kotoamatsukami!

"To kill the Hokage, you don't necessarily need to use physical attacks. The life of the Hokage depends on the trust of the villagers of Konoha. When the villagers of Konoha felt that the Third Hokage no longer had the ability to rule the village, his life as the Hokage had ended! "Shokuhou Misaki said.

At this time, what Uchiha Itachi had to do was to use Kotoamatsukami and Danzo to completely deny the existence of the Third Hokage. He wanted to let everyone in Konoha know that the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was now a puppet in the hands of others, and his ideas had long been messed up by Kotoamatsukami. And such a puppet with a confused mind is absolutely not qualified to continue to serve as Hokage!

Itachi Uchiha also proposed that the Third Hokage was controlled by Danzo, and the thinking of everyone present instantly stagnated.

Because the fact that the Hokage was controlled brought everyone a shock more than ten times greater than Uchiha Itachi standing on the side of the family!

At this moment, most people's eyes were focused on Sarutobi Hiruzen, with unprecedented doubts. Doubt made the longest-serving Hokage breathless. He wanted to say something, he wanted to explain something, but he was old and no longer had the agility of his youth. Faced with this unprecedented dilemma, he couldn't think of any better solution for a while.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen clearly knew what he had done recently, and he also knew that the villagers of Konoha had been dissatisfied with him for a long time. If the explanation at this time is not careful, it will become the self-defense of a lunatic in a mental hospital. The louder you shout, the more others will think you are a lunatic.

At the same time as everyone was surprised, several members of the Hyuga clan among the villagers of Konoha suddenly shouted:

"I saw it, Danzo's right eye is really a Sharingan!"

With the help of the perspective ability of the Byakugan, Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan can no longer be hidden.

"Not only the Sharingan, Danzo's right arm is also very strange. Surprisingly, there is a face!"

"That face looks like the first generation Hokage! "

"There are actually two Sharingans on that hand. What did Danzo do?"


In the past, Danzo was a high-ranking official in Konoha, and he had always been very secluded, so the Hyuga clan had no chance to spy on him through the Byakugan. Now that everyone is watching, Danzo's secrets are naturally difficult to hide. Seeing this, Uchiha Itachi continued:

"I know everyone still has doubts now, thinking that even if Danzo has Shisui's Sharingan, he may not be able to control the Hokage. However, I have clear evidence to prove to everyone that Danzo is indeed controlling the Third Hokage. Because just now, he has used Kotoamatsukami once!"

"The reason why the Third Hokage separated the civilians and ninjas of the Uchiha clan just now was the result of Danzo's control. He wanted to disperse the power of the Uchiha clan and then kill the Uchiha clan! It is also because of the use of Kotoamatsukami once, so Shisui's Sharingan is now in a cooling period and cannot use Kotoamatsukami. "

"So, now, Danzo-sama! Can you cast Kotoamatsukami in front of everyone? As long as you use it, my previous inference is nonsense. But if you can't use it, then you have to explain where you used Kotoamatsukami just now? If it's not the Third Hokage, is it me and my father?"

Before Danzo arrived, Uchiha Fugaku gave people the impression that he was a useless person who didn't need to be cast Kotoamatsukami. As for Uchiha Itachi, he stood firmly on the side of the family at this time, and he didn't look like he was affected by Kotoamatsukami.

Now, in addition to Danzo, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi are also in the field.

Apart from Chiha Itachi, the only person who was worthy of Danzo's use of Kotoamatsukami was the Third Hokage. So by elimination, the only person who could be controlled by Kotoamatsukami was Sarutobi Hiruzen. Even after a brief analysis, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo with some surprise, thinking:

Is it true that I was controlled by Danzo's Kotoamatsukami?

But in an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen threw this idea out of his mind. Sarutobi Hiruzen's only rationality kept reminding him that he must not admit that he was controlled by Kotoamatsukami, because once he admitted it, he would not be able to continue to be the Hokage.

Compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo at this time was the one who had no words to say.

He clearly remembered that he had just used Kotoamatsukami on Uchiha Itachi, but why didn't it work?

It wouldn't work, but why did Kotoamatsukami become Uchiha Itachi's weapon to attack him?

But at this time, Uchiha Itachi seized this point and let himself use Kotoamatsukami. But he had just used Kotoamatsukami once, and now he really couldn't use it! So in full view of everyone, everyone saw Danzo sweating all over, his mouth wide open, his face full of tension and panic after the conspiracy was exposed.

In this way, it almost told everyone present that he, Danzo, was the mastermind behind the manipulation of the Third Hokage.

At the same time, the spiritual seed that Shokuhou Misaki had been hiding in the hearts of the Konoha villagers for a month exploded instantly, and spread into a spiritual storm that swept across the entire Konoha. All the Konoha villagers glared at Danzo at this moment, and then everyone roared:

"Damn Danzo!"

"Don't let Danzo, the mastermind behind the manipulation of the Hokage, go!"

"Konoha has been going downhill over the years, and this must be Danzo's fault!"

"Kill Danzo!"


It was also in the raging anger of the villagers that the adaptability in the system page of Shokuhou Misaki finally reached 100%. The excited Konoha villagers around her were undoubtedly a huge spiritual resonance, and also the best promotion ceremony. So in such a scene, Shokuhou Misaki was officially promoted to a Sequence 4 operator.

But at the moment of promotion, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly lost the sense of her body.

She only felt that her whole body turned into a pure spirit, blending into the illusory subconscious ocean around her. In this ocean, she saw the anger of the Konoha villagers towards Danzo, the disappointment towards Sarutobi Hiruzen, and some people who didn't care about Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen at all, just purely taking advantage of this opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction.

Shokuhou Misaki's ability comes from the system, which is much safer than the ability in "Lord of Mysteries". But even so, she still felt the negative emotions similar to pollution from this subconscious ocean, which constantly affected Shokuhou Misaki's heart, wanting to assimilate Shokuhou Misaki into one of them.

But with the subconscious resonance of tens of thousands of villagers around her, Shokuhou Misaki easily stayed awake and soon regained her sanity. But even so, Shokuhou Misaki felt that she had truly taken an inhuman step. After being promoted to Sequence 4, Shokuhou Misaki can hardly be considered a human being only from a spiritual level.

At the same time, a huge change also occurred on Shokuhou Misaki's system page. At this time, Shokuhou Misaki's ability value is:

Ninja: 8 Body: 6 Illusion: 11 Wisdom: 10 Strength: 9 Speed: 8 Precision: 7 Seal: 6 Total: 65

The total ability value is 65, which means that Shokuhou Misaki has already crossed the threshold of Kage level in terms of ability value. And the illusion value of 11 in the ability value undoubtedly proves that Shokuhou Misaki is not a weakling even among Kage-level strongmen.

And this ability value is the result of just being promoted. If Shokuhou Misaki is allowed to fully adapt to the ability of Sequence 4 and then train for a period of time, Shokuhou Misaki's ability value can completely break through 70.

And it is also with the promotion that Shokuhou Misaki has mastered many powerful ninjutsu at the same time.

Illusion·Manipulation: This illusion allows Shokuhou Misaki to directly enter the collective subconscious sea, conduct deep hypnosis, tamper with other people's subconscious, read their thoughts, and silently drive others to do various things.

Illusion·Virtual Personality: It can create many virtual personalities, let them pretend to be on its behalf, and can also manipulate them to invade the ocean of consciousness of others. It was also when Shokuhou Misaki was promoted that she had a virtual personality named "Uchiha Madara". And she can have 12 personalities like this.

In addition, Illusion·Consciousness Wandering, Illusion·Psychic Storm, Illusion·Mental Plague, Illusion·Mind Deprivation, these are all enhanced versions of the audience's ability in the past, which can help Shokuhou Misaki influence the opponent's mind in the illusion battle and win.

The last is Ninja Technique·Dragonization.

Unlike the mythical creatures in the mysterious world, the ninjutsu granted by the system does not change Shokuhou Misaki's physical state, but creates a giant dragon armor composed of chakra, which is similar to Susanoo in principle and also has extremely powerful combat capabilities. The difference is that in addition to physical damage, the dragon can also continuously affect the surrounding subconscious ocean and cast illusions on all enemies.

From the perspective of combat power alone, the power of dragonization is no less than Susanoo, and it is even more weird. But as a price, this move consumes a lot of chakra. Even if Shokuhou Misaki's chakra surges at this time, she can only maintain this ninjutsu for one minute. I think only when she is promoted to Sequence 3 and Shokuhou Misaki's chakra surges again, she can cast dragonization unscrupulously. By then, her strength will not be lower than Uchiha Madara.

In short, promotion to Sequence 4 is undoubtedly a qualitative change for Shokuhou Misaki. From then on, she is no longer a small figure in the ninja world in all aspects. Even in terms of strength, she is one of the chess players in this ninja world, and one of the few big figures in this ninja world. She no longer needs to find a balance between the major forces for safety, because she herself is one of those forces!

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