The story of the dead is not over yet.

In the original Naruto, Uchiha Madara relied on the transcription seal to revive Izanagi and secretly planned everything. The same method is not only used by Uchiha Madara, but also by Danzo.

As the leader of the Root, Danzo has always coveted the power of the Uchiha clan, and at the same time studied the sealing technique that can seal the tailed beast. Relying on the research of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, Danzo has long mastered the secret technique of Izanagi, and the transcription seal is not a problem for him. So after being forced into a desperate situation, Danzo would commit suicide so calmly. Because Danzo believed that Sarutobi Hiruzen would never destroy his body, just like the second generation Hokage would not destroy Uchiha Madara's body.

Facts have proved that Danzo made the right bet.

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen checked Danzo's body in every possible way, and even pierced Danzo's heart, he did not turn Danzo's body into ashes after all. As long as the body is not completely destroyed, the transcription seal can be activated, and Danzo can be resurrected.

But even if he is resurrected, Danzo's current situation is not optimistic. Because the current Danzo is no longer the former Konoha elder, nor is he a root leader. The Shimura Danzo, known as the Darkness of Konoha, is dead and committed suicide in public. Although Danzo's physical life is still alive, the person "Shimura Danzo" is already in a real state of death.

And with the death of the identity of "Shimura Danzo", Danzo is now a lonely man. Even if his loyal subordinates were not liquidated by Sarutobi Hiruzen, they would not continue to be loyal to him. That's why Danzo found Orochimaru and wanted to cooperate with him. Because he knew that Orochimaru mastered a very strong disguise technique, Danzo wanted to rely on this disguise technique to make up a new identity, and then make a comeback in Konoha Village.

What Danzo didn't expect was that Orochimaru not only had a very strong disguise ability, but also mastered a secret technique to seize other people's bodies. Facing the embarrassed Danzo, Orochimaru openly showed his research results and told Danzo that he could help him seize other people's bodies so that he could easily start from scratch.

Faced with such temptation, Danzo was naturally tempted. Even though he knew that Orochimaru coveted Izanagi's secret technique, Danzo chose to trade without hesitation. And with the completion of the transaction, a new question appeared in front of Danzo, whose body should he seize?

For Danzo, the most important purpose of seizing other people's bodies is naturally to become Hokage. In such a large Konoha, there are only a few people who are qualified to become Hokage. But the problem is that the strength of those who are qualified to become Hokage should not be underestimated. As the three ninjas, Jiraiya and Tsunade are naturally needless to say, even Kakashi and Asuma Sarutobi have the strength of elite jonin.

How easy is it to seize their bodies?

So after excluding the ninjas above the elite jonin level, Danzo can only focus on those younger generations.

Relying on the tradition of Konoha Village, Hokage should be held by the disciples of successive Hokage. So if Danzo wants to seize the body of others, these younger ninjas are actually the best choice. Moreover, their interpersonal relationships are simple and their identities are highly developable. Although they cannot soar to the sky like elite jonins and become Hokage in a short time, they also reduce the risk of identity exposure.

But in this way, another problem appeared in front of Danzo. That is, among the disciples of the Hokage system today, there are no particularly outstanding talents, and the only one who is really amazing is Shokuhou Misaki. But the problem is that Shokuhou Misaki is a brainy person. Even if Danzo takes over her body, he may not be able to take over her IQ. What's the point of taking over like this?

Noticing Danzo's distress, Orochimaru came forward again and conveyed an important piece of information to Danzo:

"Danzo-sama, do you know that there have been huge changes in Konoha recently?"

"What's wrong? Did Sarutobi appoint new leaders for the Root and the Anbu?"

"As expected of Danzo-sama, you really know Sarutobi-sensei! Yes, not long after the Uchiha clan left Konoha, Sarutobi-sensei appointed Kakashi as the leader of the Root. At the same time, he recalled Tsunade and appointed her as the head of the Anbu."

For the Hokage, the Root and the Anbu are the two most important forces. The two forces, one bright and one dark, check and balance each other while maintaining the dignity of the Hokage. So after the two heads of the Root and the Anbu got into trouble one after another, the first thing Sarutobi Hiruzen did was to make peace for these two violent people.

The new chief of the force department was appointed. As for the appointment of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo nodded and said:

"Kakashi is the disciple of the Fourth Hokage, and Tsunade is Sarutobi's own disciple. Both of them are ninjas of the Hokage lineage, so there is naturally no problem with their origins. Of the two, Kakashi is the strongest of the younger generation of Konoha, and Tsunade is also one of the three ninjas that everyone expects, and there is no problem with their strength."

"And Tsunade has hemophobia, and Kakashi cannot fight for a long time because of the Sharingan, so neither Tsunade nor Kakashi can threaten Sarutobi's position. In addition, Kakashi is the son of Konoha White Fang, and Tsunade is the granddaughter of the First Hokage. Once the positions of the two of them are determined, the hearts of most people in Konoha will be stable."

"Sarutobi, this guy, is still so amazing as a Hokage!"

Although Danzo hated Sarutobi Hiruzen to the bone, he also admired Sarutobi's ability and knew that he was definitely a qualified, even excellent Hokage. It's a pity that after the death of the Fourth Hokage, he changed completely. After he became the Hokage again, he seemed to be corrupted by the position of Hokage, becoming more hypocritical and greedy.

When Orochimaru heard Danzo's sigh, he laughed in his heart:

Sarutobi teacher's ability is indeed good, but it's a pity that he met a monster more terrible than him! I think Sarutobi teacher has guessed it at this time. This time, it was not the Uchiha clan that almost forced him into a desperate situation, but Shokuhou Misaki!

But what I didn't expect was that Sarutobi teacher actually got through this difficult time smoothly. Wasn't Shokuhou Misaki's goal from the beginning to kill Sarutobi teacher?

That's right, if Sarutobi teacher wants to sit firmly in the position of Hokage now, he must rely on Shokuhou Misaki. And with this reliance, Shokuhou Misaki's status in Konoha will inevitably rise steadily.

Recalling that not long ago, Shokuhou Misaki had vowed to him that she would kill Sarutobi Hiruzen for Konoha, Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh:

It's really scary, Shokuhou-san. I didn't expect you to even deceive me!

While Orochimaru was thinking, Danzo wondered again:

"No, it's a little wrong."

"Danzo-sama, have you noticed it too?"

"Yes. This time Sarutobi has made a big mess in Konoha! Not to mention the big families in Konoha, even the direct descendants of the Hokage like Kakashi are dissatisfied with him. So just appointing Kakashi as the head of the Root and Tsunade as the head of the Anbu is not enough to appease the people. Sarutobi should have other means."

Hearing Danzo's analysis, Orochimaru thought to himself:

Danzo, this guy has obviously become much smarter after experiencing this setback! But it's good this way. With Danzo like this, plus Sarutobi Sensei and Shokuhou Misaki, and the second ninja village created by the Uchiha clan and the Akatsuki organization, the interior of the Land of Fire will definitely be more interesting in the future.

After a slight smile, Orochimaru continued:

"According to the information collected by my spies in Konoha, Sarutobi teacher seems to be ready to let Tsunade recruit disciples as a Sannin after she returns to Konoha."

Hearing this, Danzo suddenly realized:

"So that's it, winning people's hearts by recruiting disciples! Sarutobi is really worthy of it!"

Then, Danzo realized something else:

"Wait, you mean Tsunade is going to recruit disciples, then do you know who she is going to recruit as her disciples?"

In response, Orochimaru shrugged and said:

"I don't know about this either, after all, Tsunade hasn't returned to Konoha Village yet! But in my opinion, the disciple status of several people should be confirmed. One is Shokuhou Misaki. As a rising star of the civilian ninja in Konoha Village today, and a disciple of Kakashi, she will definitely become Tsunade's disciple and make a further step in the Hokage faction."

"What else?" Danzo asked puzzledly.

"There is another ninja from the Uchiha clan, named Uchiha Izumi."

"Uchiha Izumi, it turns out to be her! I remember she was Uchiha Itachi's girlfriend, why did she choose to stay in Konoha?"

Orochimaru said:

"This Uchiha Izumi's mother is from the Uchiha clan, but her father is not. She did not live in the Uchiha clan's land when she was a child, so she did not have a deep relationship with the Uchiha clan. When the Uchiha clan faced a choice, she and her mother chose to stay in Konoha Village. That is why Uchiha Izumi has a very high value of winning over in the eyes of Konoha's high-level officials."

"First of all, from the perspective of strength, this Uchiha Izumi opened the double magatama Sharingan at a young age, and is also a rare talent in the Uchiha clan. In addition to his excellent qualities, Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Itachi also have a very close relationship. The relationship between Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Itachi even exceeds

It is not an exaggeration to call ordinary friends lovers! "

"I see." Danzo sneered:

"Sarutobi, is he trying to win over Uchiha Itachi with the help of Uchiha Izumi, his girlfriend?"

"It may not be a win-over, but once Uchiha Izumi is accepted as a disciple by Tsunade, it will undoubtedly appease the hearts of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, and it can also show the Hokage's magnanimity to other families. Moreover, Uchiha Izumi can also reduce friction to a certain extent. At least Uchiha Itachi knows that after Uchiha Izumi becomes Tsunade's disciple, he will not lead the Second Ninja Village to excessively target Konoha."

Hearing Orochimaru constantly telling the information about Uchiha Izumi, Danzo also came back to his senses at this time.

"Orochimaru, you don't want me to take over Uchiha Izumi's body, do you?"

"Why, doesn't Danzo think that Uchiha Izumi's identity is very suitable for you to make a comeback? "Orochimaru said with a smile:

"First of all, as a member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Izumi's bloodline is very excellent. Moreover, she has opened the double magatama Sharingan at a young age, so she is fully qualified to open the Mangekyō Sharingan. Doesn't Lord Danzo want to have a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan that belongs only to him?"

"Besides, Uchiha Izumi is about to become Tsunade's disciple and join the Hokage lineage. I think with the identity of Tsunade's disciple, and a fellow student like Shokuhou Misaki, plus Lord Danzo's decades of life experience, it is not a problem for him to become a Hokage. "

"Also, Uchiha Izumi is Uchiha Itachi's lover anyway, and the bond between the two still exists. If Lord Danzo can condescend and build a good relationship with Uchiha Itachi, he may be able to turn the Uchiha clan into his own helper. If Lord Danzo can give birth to a child for Uchiha Itachi as Uchiha Izumi, the relationship between the two sides will be even closer! ”

“With bloodline, origin, famous teachers and fellow students, and the status of a helper of the Uchiha clan, what else is there for you to hesitate about, Danzo? Is it that in your heart, the dignity of a man is more important than becoming a Hokage?”

Hearing Orochimaru’s analysis, Danzo was stunned for a moment, thinking:

So, Uchiha Izumi’s body is really a great help for me to become Hokage!

But, that’s it…

When Danzo thought about hooking up with Uchiha Itachi as a woman, he still felt very disgusted subconsciously.

Seeing this, Orochimaru pretended to sigh helplessly:

“In order to become Hokage, Sarutobi teacher can even force his own son to death! Danzo said that he would defeat Sarutobi teacher, but now he can’t even do this thing of hooking up with Uchiha Itachi. I am really disappointed! Danzo, I think you should find a place to live in seclusion! A narrow-minded person like you can’t defeat Sarutobi teacher! "

Hearing Orochimaru actually mention Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo's hesitation immediately disappeared.

Yes, I still want to defeat Sarutobi!

Isn't it just pretending to be affectionate with Uchiha Itachi as a woman? What's the big deal?

I'll do it!

At that moment, Danzo made up his mind that as long as Tsunade accepted Uchiha Izumi as a disciple, Danzo would seize her body and seek the position of Hokage as Uchiha Izumi. And looking at Danzo who made up his mind, Orochimaru's mouth corners also slightly raised.

In fact, the reason why she induced Danzo to seize Uchiha Izumi's body was because she herself also had her eyes on the body of the Uchiha clan. However, as Uchiha Itachi's teacher, Orochimaru knew how strange the Uchiha clan's Sharingan was, and was worried that he might fail in front of the Sharingan. That's why Orochimaru guided Danzo to be his experimental guinea pig.

And after making this decision, Orochimaru, as a teacher, still felt a little guilty. After all, Uchiha Itachi was his disciple after all, and it was really not very authentic for him to let him and Danzo love each other.

But thinking of the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Orochimaru felt that this little bit of conscience was actually nothing. Besides, as a disciple, Uchiha Itachi had cut off his teacher's arm not long ago, and he was just taking a little revenge now.

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