The old man was very happy.

It is never easy to start from scratch and open up the mountains and forests.

Even for a big clan in the ninja world like the Uchiha clan, starting from scratch after leaving Konoha also faces many difficulties. But no matter how difficult it is, the Uchiha clan did not regret their choice. Because the Uchiha clan is not a fool, at least the Uchiha clan who chose to leave have understood one fact, that is, the Konoha high-level will never tolerate them.

Although these Uchiha clan members do not know the sinister intentions of the Konoha high-level, nor do they know what the Mangekyō Sharingan is, they know that Konoha is wary of and restricts them. As one of the two founders of Konoha, the Uchiha clan was not only relocated to a remote corner by the Konoha high-level officials, but also their personal freedom was restricted. Even leaving Konoha to buy basic living supplies such as food required various inspections by the village.

To some extent, the civilians of the Uchiha clan knew more about the malice of the Konoha high-level officials than Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui. Because Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui stood too high, they could often see the third generation of Hokage, so they naturally had the illusion that there was still room for maneuver in the situation.

But the civilians of the Uchiha clan were basically isolated from the Konoha high-level officials. They only knew that even their normal business activities were restricted, and they were not allowed to leave Konoha to farm. When freedom was restricted to this extent, the civilians of the Uchiha clan had long spread the rumor that the Konoha high-level officials wanted to kill the Uchiha clan. After all, if not, why would the Konoha high-level officials imprison the Uchiha clan like prisoners?

So when the Uchiha clan had the opportunity to leave Konoha under the plan of Shokuhou Misaki, most of the clan members chose to leave Konoha. Even though they knew that life and death were unpredictable, they still chose to leave. Because the eyes of the common people are sharp, the common people of the Uchiha clan chose to believe the Konoha high-level officials, and they would rather believe the Akatsuki organization of unknown origin. At least no matter how mysterious the Akatsuki organization is, it would not think of eradicating the Uchiha clan, right?

Facts have proved that the Akatsuki organization is indeed more civilized than Konoha.

When the high-level officials of the Land of Fire allocated funds to help the Uchiha clan create the second ninja village, the mysterious and powerful Kakuzu of the Akatsuki organization immediately ran over. He also helped the Uchiha clan choose a place to stay and helped the Uchiha clan contact real estate developers. He was busy for more than half a month and looked much thinner. Seeing that Lord Kakuzu was so kind and enthusiastic, and so proficient in construction work, Uchiha Itachi simply handed half of the 2 billion taels allocated by the Fire Country to Kakuzu, and entrusted him with full responsibility for the construction of the Second Ninja Village.

Seeing that he had easily swindled 1 billion taels, Kakuzu's enthusiasm was even higher.

He first went to the university in the capital of the Fire Country to find a few civil engineering college students, and under coercion and inducement, he asked them to design the drawings for the Second Ninja Village for only 1 million taels. Then he contacted wholesalers from all over the Fire Country and bought various inferior building materials at half the price of normal building materials. Then he personally started to build the Second Ninja Village, proficiently using chakras of various attributes and combining them with the Earth Resentment Technique, busy on the construction site, and played the role of a construction team with one person's strength.

In short, it was in this way of using inferior products as good ones and perfunctory that Kakuzu successfully built the framework of the Second Ninja Village at a price of less than 500 million taels. With sweat and tears of joy, Kakuzu put the remaining 500 million ryo in his pocket, and then ran to Uchiha Itachi pretending to be wronged, telling him that the 1 billion ryo construction funds had been used up. The current money can only build a residential area with more than 500 houses, a commercial street, and lay infrastructure such as wires and water pipes, that's all. As for other supporting facilities such as ninja schools, prisons, police stations, and the construction of various scientific research institutions, as well as the construction of a new batch of residential areas, more funding is needed.

In the face of Kakuzu's crying, Uchiha Itachi expressed his understanding.

It was not a false understanding, but a real understanding, and he was even moved by Kakuzu's noble character.

Because Uchiha Itachi clearly remembered that the reconstruction cost of his own Uchiha clan after the Nine-Tails Rebellion was 1 billion ryo. As a result, after the reconstruction was completed, the Uchiha clan got a cheap wooden house, which was cool in winter and warm in summer, and easy to rot and grow insects. On the contrary, under the operation of Mr. Kakuzu, with the same expenditure of only 1 billion taels, the framework of the second ninja village was built, and the infrastructure such as water and electricity was built.

In addition, each Uchiha family also received a small concrete villa, which is much more conscientious than the wooden houses in Konoha!

So Uchiha Itachi handed the remaining 1 billion taels to Kakuzu, and patted him on the shoulder with great emotion, praising the Akatsuki organization for being an honest and upright organization. In the future, the accounts of the Second Ninja Village should be controlled by great people like Mr. Kakuzu, so as to prevent those termites from gnawing.

In this way, Kakuzu, who had just received 500 million taels, received another 1 billion taels of funding. Just looking at the money in his hand, Kakuzu couldn't be happy.

What's going on?

How did he become an honest and upright person?

Then, the officials of the Fire Country came for acceptance.

Seeing that Mr. Kakuzu had completed such a great construction with only 1 billion taels, the officials of the Fire Country also gave Mr. Kakuzu a thumbs up and praised his honesty and reliability. After all, if the same money was spent on Konoha, it would be good to build a residential area.

Kakuzu was also puzzled by this and said:

"Most of our ninja villages are located in remote areas, and the land is not worth much. There are ninjas to help with the construction, and the labor cost is also very cheap. The price of 1 billion taels is enough to renovate the entire village of Konoha, so why did Konoha only build a small residential area?"

Then, looking at Kakuzu's pure eyes, the officials of the Land of Fire sighed:

"Mr. Kakuzu is really a simple and kind person!"

Then explained:

"First of all, it is impossible to spend all the 1 billion taels on construction. According to the atmosphere of Konoha, after they get 1 billion taels, , at least 500 million taels of kickbacks must be taken, otherwise where would Konoha get the money to do all kinds of human experiments? As for the remaining 500 million taels... you have to find a designer to build a house, right? Those designers are all bastards, they only know how to outsource after receiving an order. Now you have an order of 50 million, but they outsource 10 million. In the end, it is basically outsourced to college students in civil engineering, and it is good enough to give them 500,000! "

"As for building materials, there are actually tricks here. In fact, concrete building materials are not worth much money. The reason why materials are divided into different grades is to It is used to cheat on reimbursement and subsidies. As long as those real estate companies purchase the highest-grade building materials, they can turn a residential area with a cost price of less than 100 million taels into more than 500 million taels on the books. As for the extra 400 million taels, the real estate developers and building material suppliers can split it in half. "

"However, this operation is too low-level now, and it is only used by the ninjas in Konoha who have a low cultural level. In fact, the means of making money now are much more sophisticated than this, such as financial leverage school district housing, hype and publicity for subway construction, etc. It is dazzling. There are also some scammers who are more advanced, saying that concrete pollutes the environment all day long. , wooden houses are natural and environmentally friendly. After a lot of propaganda, there are really fools who don't live in concrete brick houses, and spend a lot of money to live in those expensive and uncomfortable wooden houses in the wild. "

"It can only be said that people's hearts are not as good as they used to be! The trust between people is destroyed by these guys."

Hearing the officials of the Fire Country say a lot, Kakuzu couldn't help but have many doubts in his mind:

What is outsourcing, what is reimbursement, what is fraud, what is leverage, what is environmental protection...

Obviously, he has already sold inferior products, why do people say that he is honest and upright?

This is not right, the script should not be written like this!

At this time, Kakuzu could not understand those bluffing concepts at all. He was only sure of one thing now.

There is a reason why he is still so poor after decades of mixing, and those who really make money are much more fun than him.

It was also when Kakuzu threw himself into the construction of the Second Ninja Village with full enthusiasm that Uchiha Itachi, the new patriarch of the Uchiha clan, met several senior members of the Akatsuki organization in succession. The first people he met were naturally the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, Nagato and Konan. And this Nagato did not refer to Tendo Pain, but Nagato himself. With a leg injury and limited mobility, he appeared in front of Uchiha Itachi in a wheelchair.

Looking at the thin Nagato in front of him, Uchiha Itachi really couldn't believe that this man was the leader of the Akatsuki organization. Thinking back to the masked man who had contacted him secretly, Uchiha Itachi instantly realized that this man named "Uzumaki Nagato" should be just a puppet leader pushed out by the Akatsuki organization.

It was not only Uchiha Itachi who had such an idea. The officials in the Land of Fire who were responsible for connecting with the Second Ninja Village, as well as members of the Akatsuki organization such as Kakuzu, saw Nagato himself. Their first reaction was to regard him as the real leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Puppet is a cover made by the leader to hide his identity. They would not think that the one who appeared in front of them was Nagato himself, and that Tendo Pain was Nagato's puppet.

Obviously, the choice to show up in the real face was the result of serious discussion between Nagato and Konan. On the one hand, as disciples of Jiraiya, Nagato and Konan can play a big role in the Land of Fire. At least compared to the unknown rebel ninja, the identity of Jiraiya's disciple is obviously easier to accept. On the other hand, this approach is also a better way to hide. At least when Nagato appeared in front of the world in a wheelchair, no one would think that such Nagato was the actual leader of the Akatsuki organization.

"Are you surprised? The mysterious leader of Akatsuki is actually a cripple?" Looking at the surprised Uchiha Itachi, Nagato said:

"To be honest, my disability is thanks to Konoha. If it weren't for Danzo and his men to unite with Hanzo to suppress Akatsuki in the Land of Rain, my legs wouldn't have been injured by Hanzo's explosion."

"So that's why you helped our Uchiha clan leave the village and create the second ninja village just to avenge Konoha?" Uchiha Itachi said.

"Revenge? Haha, this word is too luxurious for our Akatsuki organization." Nagato chuckled and said:

"As a small country living in the cracks of big countries, the Rain Country where our Akatsuki organization originated has no right to revenge. What our Akatsuki organization wants is to ensure the survival of our country. This is why we choose to unite with your Uchiha clan, because our Akatsuki organization needs to have enough influence in the Fire Country so that we can use the power of the Fire Country to protect the Rain Country. This is a transaction related to survival, not revenge."

"Besides, the founders of our Akatsuki organization are disciples of Konoha Ninja Jiraiya. Even if we are now at odds with Konoha, we have not forgotten the kindness of Teacher Jiraiya. For the sake of Teacher Jiraiya, we will not fight Konoha."

In front of Uchiha Itachi, Nagato used his true identity to tell the false purpose of Akatsuki organization. But even so, this speech is still very convincing. Because Nagato's approach is equivalent to making Akatsuki a mercenary of the Fire Country's top brass, which is a normal operation that a small country organization can take when it is caught between big countries. On the contrary, if Nagato now appears as Tendo Pain and says that he wants to collect all the tailed beasts to create a peaceful world, Uchiha Itachi will probably think that Nagato is crazy.

However, even if Nagato's statement is very convincing, Uchiha Itachi knows that Akatsuki is not simple. Apart from anything else, the mysterious masked man alone shows that Akatsuki has a huge secret. So facing the lying Nagato, Uchiha Itachi also said:

"You want to protect your motherland, and I also want to protect my family. There is no difference between us in essence, we are just fighting for important things. Let us join hands and build the second ninja village of the Fire Country into a powerful ninja village that is not inferior to Konoha!"

In this way, Uchiha Itachi met with Nagato and divided the positions of the Uchiha clan and Akatsuki in the second ninja village. Among them, the Akatsuki organization headed by Nagato was mainly responsible for recruiting wandering ninjas from all over the place, while the Uchiha clan was responsible for cultivating the rising stars of the ninja village. At the same time, the honest Kakuzu was responsible for the finances of the ninja village, the scientist Orochimaru was responsible for the research facilities, the Red Sand Scorpion was wanted by the Sand Village, and served as the Anbu of the new ninja village, while Uchiha Itachi was the nominal leader of the ninja village, and the Uchiha clan continued to be responsible for maintaining public order in the village...

Faced with the various rumors spread by Konoha, both sides chose to ignore them.

The Akatsuki organization naturally did not value the lingering relationship between Uchiha Itachi and Konoha, because they never believed in the Uchiha clan from beginning to end. The Second Ninja Village was just a platform for the Akatsuki organization to borrow chickens and lay eggs. Sooner or later, they would find a way to completely control this ninja village in their own hands.

Similarly, the Uchiha clan also felt that these rumors were pure slander. The Akatsuki organization is an organization with honest and upright ninjas like Kakuzu. How could such an organization not be trustworthy?

In fact, if Uchiha Itachi was not the son of the previous clan leader, the Uchiha clan would have wanted to nominate Lord Kakuzu as the leader of the second ninja village!

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