The first time, the ... With such physical skills, not to mention in the Chunin Exam, even among many jonins, it is not a weak hand.

It should be noted that even Kakashi, an elite jonin, only has a total of 23 physical skills, which is only 1 point higher than the current Uchiha Izumi. In other words, if it is just physical skills, Kakashi and Uchiha Izumi are masters of the same level. If Uchiha Izumi is given a certain amount of growth time, it is inevitable that she will surpass Kakashi in physical skills.

What is even more rare is that while specializing in physical skills, Uchiha Izumi has not fallen behind in other aspects. Among all her 8 values, the weakest ones are as high as 5. That is to say, while Uchiha Izumi is playing to her strengths, she has not left any obvious flaws for herself. With such a panel ability, she will have a high probability of becoming a Kage-level strongman even if she does not open the Mangekyō Sharingan in the future.

Such Uchiha Izumi, coupled with her three-magatama Sharingan, is indeed worthy of the name of a genius. It's a pity that Uchiha Itachi's reputation was too great in the past few years, which made the world forget that there are such talents in the Uchiha clan. Now with the departure of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Izumi has been stimulated to grow further.

However, although the panel values ​​are strong, Uchiha Izumi is still a simple girl at heart. As a ninja, she did not participate in any difficult tasks, and her combat experience was obviously insufficient. So when the examiner said the game started, Uchiha Izumi immediately rushed to the opposite side of Shokuhou Misaki, and actually wanted to compete with Shokuhou Misaki directly in physical skills.

As Uchiha Izumi's opponent, Shokuhou Misaki was actually not much better than Uchiha Izumi. Although she had fought some battles in the River Country and had received Kakashi's teachings before, she lacked practical experience against opponents of the same level. So facing Uchiha Izumi's attack, Shokuhou Misaki's first choice was to step forward decisively.

Since you want to compete in physical skills, then I will compete with you in physical skills!

Of course, compared to Uchiha Izumi's simplicity, Shokuhou Misaki's choice to compete in physical skills is actually the result of careful consideration.

As early as before the third exam, Shokuhou Misaki began to consider her personality in Konoha. Although she already has the strength of a Kage at this time, her Kage-level strength is actually reflected in illusion. Putting aside illusion, Shokuhou Misaki's ninjutsu level is about the same as that of an ordinary jonin, and her physical skill level is only 6, which is not high even among the chunins.

But the question is, can Shokuhou Misaki show her illusion in the eyes of Konoha?

Of course not.

Unless Shokuhou Misaki can hypnotize everyone present directly, once Shokuhou Misaki shows a super strong illusion, the first question of Konoha must be:

Where did your illusion come from?

At that time, not to mention Sarutobi Hiruzen, even Kakashi will doubt Shokuhou Misaki. After all, in theory, it is impossible for Shokuhou Misaki, who was born in a civilian family, to have an illusion at the level of Kage. The resulting chain of suspicion is enough to completely destroy Shokuhou Misaki's character in Konoha. Such a Shokuhou Misaki will not be able to become a Hokage in the future, and it is even a question whether she can stay in Konoha.

Therefore, in the Chunin Exam, Shokuhou Misaki must not use illusions. Not to mention illusions, even the use of ninjutsu must be careful. After all, now apart from the three body techniques, the only ninjutsu that she can really use openly is the Water Dragon Bullet Technique. When the ninjutsu brought by extraordinary abilities cannot be used, her ninjutsu is actually not much better than Uchiha Izumi.

Since illusions cannot be used and ninjutsu cannot win, Shokuhou Misaki's main means of combat is actually no different from Uchiha Izumi, that is, relying on physical skills to decide the outcome. But even if it is physical skills, Shokuhou Misaki dare not expose too much. After all, her character is a civilian ninja. It is understandable that her physical fitness is a little better than her peers, but it is stronger than the genius of the Uchiha clan. This is a

It's unreasonable!

So while retaining her strength, Shokuhou Misaki fell into a disadvantage when she just fought with Uchiha Izumi. The two of them only fought a few moves, and Shokuhou Misaki was beaten back by the opponent.

Sure enough, even if it was Shokuhou, it was still a bit too hard to compare with the genius of the Uchiha clan.

In the stands in the distance, Katsumura Yota looked at Shokuhou Misaki who was beaten back by Uchiha Izumi, and sighed in his heart.

Not only Katsumura Yota, everyone present actually had the same idea.

In fact, judging from the strength she showed, Shokuhou Misaki is already very good. The strength of an elite Chunin is definitely a genius among civilian ninjas. But unfortunately, no matter how talented, it is difficult to break through the gap in bloodline. Uchiha Izumi only awakened the three-magatama Sharingan, and his strength in all aspects is enough to crush Chunin like Shokuhou Misaki.

It's a pity that although he is a genius, he is just a civilian genius after all.

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's performance, Luo Sha sighed secretly, and then said:

But it's good this way. Without strength, it is difficult for Shokuhou Misaki to enter the highest decision-making level of Konoha. As long as she cannot enter the highest level, Shokuhou Misaki's talents will not be brought into play. Such a woman is destined not to be a big worry for Sand Village.

And with the same mood as Luo Sha, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shokuhou Misaki who was beaten back step by step, and felt secretly happy:

You were so arrogant before, now you know the lesson!

After all, the ninja world depends on strength. You are a civilian ninja, and it's good enough for you to have the strength of a jonin before the age of 17, and you actually want to become a Hokage within 5 years. Haha, do you really think that wisdom can decide everything?

That is, when everyone thought that Shokuhou Misaki would definitely lose and this battle would be an overwhelming victory for Uchiha Izumi, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly stabbed the kunai in her hand. She ignored the kunai Uchiha Izumi stabbed at her spleen and blindly attacked Uchiha Izumi's heart.

Is this guy crazy? She actually wants to die with me!

Uchiha Izumi was shocked to see Shokuhou Misaki's actions. Although she wanted to win this game, she didn't want to fight with Shokuhou Misaki at all! But if she continued to attack like Shokuhou Misaki, the result of this battle would only be a loss for both sides. Not only herself, but Shokuhou Misaki would also die on the spot because of the split spleen.

So, Uchiha Izumi, who didn't dare to risk his life, naturally chose to defend, which gave Shokuhou Misaki the opportunity to pursue the victory. Several consecutive attacks were all aimed at Uchiha Izumi's vital points. Every move was a killing move, and every move was a fight to the death, leaving no way out. Faced with such a desperate fighting style, Uchiha Izumi, even with the advantage of Sharingan, was a little overwhelmed.

Finally, Uchiha Izumi, who couldn't bear the pressure, chose to retreat. Facing Shokuhou Misaki who was pursuing her, she threw out the shuriken on her body, disrupting the opponent's offensive rhythm. Then she formed seals with both hands and suddenly spit out a ball of fire from her mouth.

Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

The scorching flames obscured the vision of both sides. Uchiha Izumi took the opportunity to retreat repeatedly, trying to keep a distance from Shokuhou Misaki, and then remotely controlled the ninja tools through the steel wire to win.

In Uchiha Izumi's view, although Shokuhou Misaki, who was born in a civilian family, had the upper hand in close combat by relying on her blood and courage for a while, fighting at a distance was purely a competition of ninjutsu. Even if Shokuhou Misaki mastered the ninjutsu of long-range combat, her means of attack must be very simple as she was born in a civilian family.

In contrast, she, who was born in the Uchiha clan, had many means of long-range attack. In addition to ninja tools and the Great Fireball Technique, she also mastered several fire style ninjutsu. This is the advantage of the ninjas of the big clan over the civilian ninjas. Even if there is no difference in ability value, the ninjas of the big clan can gain advantages through rich combat methods.

However, although Uchiha Izumi's idea is good, she is destined to be disappointed in this battle, because her opponent this time is Shokuhou Misaki. After dodging the attack of the Great Fireball Technique, Shokuhou Misaki immediately made seals with both hands and performed the clone technique.

As a ninja of civilian origin, Shokuhou Misaki did not master the shadow clone technique. It should be said that as a civilian ninja, she has never heard of the shadow clone technique. After all, in the original work, Haruno Sakura, who had just graduated, knew nothing about the shadow clone technique. As a civilian ninja, Shokuhou Misaki naturally could not know this panacea ninjutsu.

Since she didn't know, Shokuhou Misaki naturally had no way to learn it. But Shokuhou Misaki didn't care much about this. Because in Shokuhou Misaki's view, the shadow clone technique is too dangerous.

For a ninja like her who is good at psychological analysis, once a shadow clone is created, it is equivalent to copying the self and creating another personality that is identical to her mentally.

The process of constantly copying and eliminating may affect the ninja's mind if you don't pay attention, causing actual schizophrenia!

That is to say, in the original work, Uzumaki Naruto himself has a big mental problem. He is a depressed patient with obvious bipolar disorder. He is the kind of person who has already suffered from mental illness, so he is not afraid of another schizophrenic ninja, so he dares to use the shadow clone technique so unscrupulously. If it were Shokuhou Misaki, she would never use such a dangerous ninjutsu.

And from a purely practical point of view, ordinary clone techniques also have extremely strong tactical value. After dodging the fireball, more than a dozen phantoms of the clone technique immediately appeared beside Shokuhou Misaki. Compared with the shadow clone, these clone phantoms do not exist in reality and can only disturb the opponent's vision. But in the battle between ninjas, disturbing the vision itself is enough to change the situation.

Uchiha Izumi, who was far away, saw the dozens of phantoms beside Shokuhou Misaki and immediately realized that this was the most basic clone technique. But even if he knew it was a clone technique, Uchiha Izumi still needed to use the Sharingan to observe and find the real body. In just a glance, Uchiha Izumi found the real body of Shokuhou Misaki hiding among the clones, and laughed in his heart:

Sure enough, you are a ninja from a civilian background, you don't know the power of the Sharingan at all. Although your clones are the same as the real body, from the perspective of the Sharingan, the clones have no chakra, only the real body has chakra. So I only need to observe the clones with chakra, and your real body will be exposed!

Thinking like this, Uchiha Izumi took out seven or eight shurikens and threw them directly at the real body of Shokuhou Misaki. These dozen shurikens were tied with steel wires. Uchiha Izumi could completely control the flight direction of these shurikens with the help of the Sharingan, blocking the possibility of Shokuhou Misaki hiding from all directions.

This game is over!

With this idea in mind, Uchiha Izumi's shuriken hit Shokuhou Misaki. But at the moment of the attack, Shokuhou Misaki's body turned into a wooden stake.

This is, the substitution technique!

Damn, it turns out that the clone technique is just a means of covering up. Is her real purpose to use the substitution technique to transfer her body?

What about her body? Where did her body hide using the substitution technique?

Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki's body turned into a wooden stake, Uchiha Izumi immediately looked around. But after looking for a long time, he couldn't find the hiding place of Shokuhou Misaki's body. Just when Uchiha Izumi wondered if Shokuhou Misaki was hiding underground, the wooden stake that was originally attacked by Uchiha Izumi's kunai suddenly changed and turned back into the appearance of Shokuhou Misaki. But compared to just now, Shokuhou Misaki at this time became very embarrassed. There were seven or eight shurikens piercing her body, and blood kept oozing out.

It turned out that Shokuhou Misaki didn't perform the substitution technique just now, she performed the transformation technique. By turning herself into a wooden stake, she made Uchiha Izumi mistakenly think that she had performed a substitution technique, so that she could divert her attention and look for her real body at the first time. However, she didn't expect that her real body was actually in front of her, and used the moment when her attention was diverted to perform ninjutsu.

Water escape: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

The domineering water dragon gushed out of Shokuhou Misaki's mouth and went straight to Uchiha Izumi. Uchiha Izumi only realized at this time that Shokuhou Misaki had not avoided her attack at all. She actually risked her injury to let her guard down.

Facing Shokuhou Misaki's sudden attack, Uchiha Izumi couldn't dodge at all. She was directly knocked away by the water dragon bullet and rolled on the ground for a long distance. When Uchiha Izumi struggled to stand up, Shokuhou Misaki had already rushed in front of Uchiha Izumi and stabbed Uchiha Izumi's neck with a bloody kunai.

"I won this battle!"

Blood flowed from Shokuhou Misaki's hand and slowly dripped onto Uchiha Izumi's face. Uchiha Izumi saw that Shokuhou Misaki's body was full of wounds, and the blood had soaked her clothes, making her look as terrifying as a witch returning from hell. Looking at Shokuhou Misaki like this, Uchiha Izumi was frightened and said intermittently:

"I, I lost."

Hearing that the opponent chose to admit defeat, Shokuhou Misaki also smiled, and then the whole audience cheered. After all, in the battle just now, Shokuhou Misaki's performance was too strong!

First, she forced Uchiha Izumi to retreat repeatedly by fighting with her life for her life, and then she let Uchiha Izumi down despite being seriously injured. Although in terms of performance, Shokuhou Misaki is weaker than Uchiha Izumi. But from the perspective of a ninja, Shokuhou Misaki is undoubtedly better.

More importantly, Shokuhou Misaki showed in this battle that the only way for a civilian ninja to defeat a bloodline ninja is to gamble with their lives!

No matter how unequal they are, a ninja has only one life.

Once you are at the gambling table,

Whether it is a civilian ninja or a bloodline ninja, they must abide by the most fair and cruel law of nature:

The winner lives, the loser dies!

Shokuhou Misaki grasped this point, and was able to defeat Uchiha Izumi, who has a three-magatama Sharingan, with the strength of an elite Chunin.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki did not actually gamble with her life. Relying on the dragon scales provided by extraordinary abilities, she has actually been very safe. Only when facing those shurikens did Shokuhou Misaki choose to take them hard. Although she suffered some flesh wounds, compared with the victory of this game, these injuries are nothing.

After seeing Shokuhou Misaki's performance, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai, who are Shokuhou Misaki's companions, shook their heads again and again. Even Katsumura Yota, who always wanted to stand out, felt that Shokuhou Misaki was a little too hard. It's just a Chunin exam, there's no need to be like this.

But while the two were thinking this, Kakashi, as a teacher, looked up at the Third Hokage, thinking:

Shokuhou is not a desperate person at all. The reason she does this must be related to the Hokage!

On the high stands, Kazekage Rasa's evaluation of Shokuhou Misaki has improved. He thinks that such a resourceful and desperate guy is too scary, and will definitely be a big problem for their Sand Village in the future.

Like Kazekage Rasa, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, also thinks so. He thinks that this girl is willing to sacrifice her life for progress. This ambition is really terrifying! If she really becomes a Hokage in the future, it will be terrible. I am afraid that even her ashes will be scattered by her!

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