The old man was very angry.

With the seal of the iron sand, the form of the Yatagarasu began to change.

The original huge three-legged flame bird gradually changed back to the appearance of Fenghana Nutao. What remained unchanged was that Fenghana Nutao still looked at Shokuhou Misaki angrily, especially the Konoha forehead protector on Shokuhou Misaki's forehead. Obviously, in the eyes of Fenghana Nutao, Shokuhou Misaki, as a Konoha ninja, is far more hateful than the scorpion who sealed him.

But unfortunately, reality is not a comic, and Fenghana Nutao is not the protagonist of the comic.

Anger will not make Fenghana Nutao stronger, it will only make him be completely sealed by the iron sand in unwillingness.

The iron sand in the air bound Feng Hana Nu Tao tightly in a sphere, and then a large number of curse seals were engraved on the sphere. Soon, the iron ball stopped moving, and Feng Hana Nu Tao became Scorpion's collection. Seeing this, even Scorpion showed an excited smile, obviously very satisfied with this collection.

While Feng Hana Nu Tao was sealed, Luo Sha also focused his attention on Shokuhou Misaki. Realizing that all this in the Snow Country might be the layout of Shokuhou Misaki, Luo Sha shouted angrily:

"Shokuhou Misaki, it was your instigation that caused this cruel war, and you Konoha must be responsible for this war."

Although Luo Sha's statement was not wrong, it was indeed Shokuhou Misaki's instigation that caused the melee between the three major ninja villages. But Shokuhou Misaki must not take the blame for this. Because once you take the blame, you must bear the corresponding responsibility.

So in the face of Luo Sha's accusation, Shokuhou Misaki chuckled:

"Lord Kazekage, you really think too highly of me! How could I, a mere Chunin, instigate a war between the three major ninja villages? Or does Lord Kazekage think that the intelligence personnel of the three major ninja villages are all trash, and they will fight each other with just a little provocation from a Chunin?"

"If we really want to talk about the cause of the war, it should be you, Lord Kazekage! If you hadn't sent a large number of ninjas to the Snow Country, how could the Iwagakure and Kumogakure continue to invest in the Snow Country? It can be said that it was the actions of Sand Village that led to the tension of the situation and eventually led to the outbreak of the war."

"This, you are talking nonsense!" Luo Sha scolded:

"It was you who said that the geothermal generation device in the Snow Country would affect the global climate, so we in Sand Village would send a large number of ninjas to the Snow Country. And the same goes for Kumogakure and Sand Village, I was attracted to the Snow Country by the information you spread. How can it be said that it was our Sand Village's fault? "

"I did pass on important information about the geothermal generator to Sand Village, but this is because our Konoha and Sand Village are close allies!" Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Besides, is there anything wrong with our Konoha's information? Just look at the power of the giant flaming bird just now. The geothermal generator does have the power to affect the global climate. We Konoha got important information, but we didn't choose to conceal it. Instead, we handed this information to our trusted ally Sand Village. Did we do anything wrong? "

"Just because we provided information to our allies, do we need to bear the responsibility for all the actions of our allies? Or in the eyes of Lord Kazekage, as allies, shouldn't we share information with Sand Village?"


In terms of bickering, Shokuhou Misaki has never met an opponent in the ninja world. In contrast, as the Kazekage, Luosha is a man who is not good at speaking. Therefore, after the two of them just chatted for a while, Luosha fell into a disadvantage. After all, what Shokuhou Misaki said does make sense.

Is it wrong for others to get important intelligence and then selectively tell their allies? Not at all.

Since Shokuhou Misaki is not wrong, is Sand Village's decision wrong? Still not.

Because from the current situation, the geothermal generator is indeed a very dangerous device, enough to cause a climate disaster that destroys the Wind Country. So at the critical moment, Sand Village decisively chose to send a large number of ninjas to the Snow Country, which was also the right choice. And judging from the results afterwards, the loss of Sand Village was the smallest among the three major ninja villages. This Snow Country operation can be regarded as a strategic victory for Sand Village. It's just that as the victorious party, they didn't win as thoroughly as Konoha.

Since Shokuhou Misaki is not wrong, Sand Village is not wrong, and Kumogakure and Iwagakure have not made any strategic mistakes, who caused the tragedy of this war?

"The responsibility for this matter should indeed be borne by Konoha."

Just as Luosha and Shokuhou Misaki were confronting each other, Ohnoki, as the Tsuchikage, spoke:

"It's just that this

The Konoha ninja who should take responsibility is not Shokuhou Misaki, nor Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama! "

As an old man in the ninja world, Ohnoki has lived from the Warring States period to the present. He knows better than anyone the reason for the endless wars in the ninja world. That is, as the strongest man in the ninja world, the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, did not fulfill his historical mission and become the "people of the world" who unified the ninja world!

The so-called "people of the world" is a concept originally in the ninja world, which means "people who end the chaos and unify the world"!

The ancestors of Shenzhou are not the only smart people in the world. The Sakura Kingdom, as the prototype of the ninja culture, also has the concept of "ending the chaos and unifying the world". And such people are called "people of the world".

"If Senju Hashirama chose to become a person of the world at the end of the Warring States period, established a centralized system with Konoha as the core, concentrated all the nine tailed beasts in Konoha Village, and let Konoha have absolute power to suppress all opposing voices, then the ninja world would definitely not be the war-torn appearance it is now. ”

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki and Rasa in front of him, and facing many ninjas from Sand Village and Iwagakure, Ohnoki said:

“But unfortunately, Hashirama Senju, who has absolute power, is a stupid coward.”

“He didn’t want to bear the notoriety of being a hegemon, so he chose to distribute the nine tailed beasts to the major ninja villages. On the surface, his approach is to establish a long-term stable mechanism through the balance of power between the five major ninja villages. But in fact, when multiple power cores appear in a system, the system will inevitably go to chaos!”

“For example, in the Snow Country incident, as a Konoha ninja, Shokuhou Misaki only needs to reveal some important information, and other major ninja villages must take corresponding actions. Because in the existing ninja world order, no one is absolutely safe. Since there is no absolute safety, each party must conduct corresponding tests to protect its own safety.”

“And testing will inevitably bring contradictions, contradictions will bring crises, and crises will inevitably lead to wars! This is the current ninja world order, which itself is a monster that constantly magnifies contradictions and creates barriers. It is also for this reason that the ninja world has been in constant war for the past sixty years, and the number of ninjas sacrificed is much higher than in the past Warring States period. At least in the past hundreds of years of the Warring States period, not so many ninja clans went to extinction! "

"And all this, in the final analysis, is the fault of the first generation Hokage, Hashirama Senju. He should have been the overlord, but in order to avoid the bad reputation, he chose to pass the buck. He abandoned the historical responsibility he should have fulfilled, and regarded the morality in his heart as more important than the lives of all the people in the ninja world. So the order he created only made him gain the reputation of the God of Ninja, but we, the younger generation, have to suffer in the hell he created. "

"This is the root cause of the war in the Snow Country, and the root cause of all the pain in the ninja world. It is the irresponsible blame-shifting behavior of your successive Hokages in Konoha that has led to the endless wars in the ninja world. And since you, Konoha, have given up taking responsibility, don't blame future history for choosing to abandon you. Because the throne of the world has always been there, if you don't sit, others will do it. "

"Those who don't sit are destined to be losers in history. Only a ninja village that becomes the people of the world is qualified to decide the history of the future ninja world. You, Konoha, have lost hope of going further, because history will not give a ninja village too many opportunities. Especially when your first generation of Hokage chooses to give up the responsibility, any subsequent Konoha ninja will bear a huge historical package. "

"Because choosing to become the people of the world means denying the first generation of Hokage, Senju Hashirama, and this is something that any generation of Hokage cannot do. Because the first generation of Hokage is the founder of your Konoha Village, and is a god that you Konoha ninjas cannot deny. Anyone who dares to overthrow the first generation of Hokage will become the public enemy of Konoha. "

"So, Shokuhou Misaki, remember. You, Konoha, are destined to be losers, and as a Konoha ninja, you are also destined to be a loser! I know you are very smart, and I also know that Konoha has many excellent ninjas, but even if Konoha has another first generation of Hokage, he will inevitably be a loser. Because the winners only belong to the people of the world who suppress everything! "

"You Konoha ninjas can't become the people of the world! "

Compared to Rasa, Ohnoki's views are obviously much more profound.

He saw at a glance that the essence of all wars in the ninja world is that the existing ninja world order does not conform to the laws of the times. The ninjas of the five major ninja villages are not satisfied with this order, the nobles of the big countries are not satisfied, and the common people of the ninja world are not satisfied. If everyone is dissatisfied, the outbreak of war is inevitable.

That is why he did not directly refute Shokuhou Misaki.

Because Ohnoki knew that Shokuhou Misaki's approach was in line with the current order.

There is order in the ninja world.

The foundation theory of the existing order in the ninja world is "pluralism" rather than "unification". This "pluralism" theory advocates mutual understanding on the surface, but in fact it encourages division. Because the essence of "pluralism" is to encourage everyone to distinguish themselves from each other and let everyone know that you are not the same kind of people as most people.

You Konoha ninjas are not the same kind of people as the civilians of the Fire Country, and you Fire Country civilians are not the same kind of people as the civilians of other countries in the ninja world. As long as everyone distinguishes between camps, the gap between each other will only continue to widen. And as long as the gap continues to widen, war will inevitably break out.

So Ohnoki directly pointed out the root cause of the war in his rebuttal and blamed it all on the first generation of Hokage. In this way, not only can Konoha be blamed for the war, but Konoha's reputation can also be indirectly hit. And even if Shokuhou Misaki wants to refute his own statement, Ohnoki can take the opportunity to promote Shokuhou Misaki's ambitions.

Because everyone in the world can criticize the first generation of Hokage, only Konoha ninjas cannot. Because the first generation of Hokage is the founder of Konoha and the source of Konoha's legitimacy. Once the first generation of Hokage is denied, the reason for the existence of Konoha will also be denied. And such a person is destined to never become Hokage.

So Ohnoki said so many concepts of the world, in fact, he wanted Shokuhou Misaki to say that he wanted to surpass the first generation of Hokage in a moment of anger. Because once she said that, Shokuhou Misaki would not only become the enemy of most ninjas in Konoha Village, but even ninjas from other ninja villages would regard her as an ambitious person.

In short, the current Shokuhou Misaki was obviously forced into a desperate situation by Ohnoki's words.

If she chooses to maintain the existing order, the fact that the ninja world has been in war for 60 years will make her words unconvincing, and she, Shokuhou Misaki, will become a joke.

But if she gives up maintaining the existing order, it means that as a Konoha ninja, she wants to challenge the first generation of Hokage, Senju Hashirama. And such ambitions will definitely not be accepted by the admirers of the first generation of Hokage in Konoha Village. Because of the long-term propaganda, the first generation of Hokage is no less than a god in the hearts of Konoha ninjas.

Once a person becomes a god, everything about him cannot be denied. So Shokuhou Misaki must not deny the order of the existing ninja world, nor must she deny the first generation of Hokage, otherwise she will not be able to survive in Konoha in the future.

Of course, she can't say nothing. Because in such a public place, not speaking is equivalent to tacitly agreeing with Ohnoki's words. This is the worst choice, and such a choice is enough to destroy Shokuhou Misaki's possibility of becoming Hokage in the future.

It can only be said that Ohnoki, as a Tsuchikage, is really amazing. Compared with the simple Rasa, Ohnoki's first move is a killing move.

It's a pity that the person Ohnoki met this time was Shokuhou Misaki.

If he met Uzumaki Naruto this time, then with Uzumaki Naruto's brain, he would definitely say something as outrageous as "I will definitely surpass the first generation of Hokage" with his blood boiling. Of course, even if it is outrageous, Uzumaki Naruto's words will inevitably gain the support of most people. Who made him the child of destiny, and he has the ability to talk back?

But Shokuhou Misaki is not the child of destiny, and she doesn't have the ability to talk back.

So in the face of Ohnoki's aggressiveness, she just responded calmly:

"It seems that Lord Tsuchikage is very dissatisfied with the existing order of the ninja world! I didn't expect that you are so old, and you still want to be the master of the world?"

Ohnoki's words just now were perfect, and even Shokuhou Misaki agreed with them in his heart. And in the face of such perfect words, only a fool would think of refuting! So Shokuhou Misaki was not interested in discussing the existing order with Ohnoki, but directly started from Ohnoki himself, criticizing him as an ambitious person who wanted to challenge the existing order.

In this regard, Ohnoki could only chuckle:

"Cunning kid!"

While Shokuhou Misaki and Ohnoki were arguing, Luosha on the side was staring at both sides in amazement.

Why do you two seem to be talking so reasonably?

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