The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Shokuhou Misaki felt confused about Namikaze Mai's reminder.

Why should she be careful of Uchiha Izumi?

Noticing the puzzled expression on Shokuhou Misaki's face, Namikaze Mai said:

"Shokuhou classmate, it's not that I have a problem with Uchiha Izumi, it's mainly because everyone in the Anbu says so. After all, Lady Tsunade is now the head of the Anbu. Although she doesn't actually manage things, everyone still respects her. It's for this reason that everyone is a little dissatisfied with Uchiha Izumi."

"Many colleagues in the Anbu feel that even though she is a disciple of Lady Tsunade, Uchiha Izumi is too strong at times. Obviously, she is just a Chunin, but she gives people the feeling of being superior. She doesn't regard the ninjas of the Anbu as companions at all, and her bossy tone is like an elder ordering his subordinates."

"It is for this reason that everyone in the Anbu doesn't like Uchiha Izumi. Although Uchiha Izumi gives people the feeling of being a sunny and cheerful girl most of the time. But at critical moments, that arrogant attitude makes everyone realize that this is a hypocritical Uchiha clan member."

Hearing Namikaze Mai's evaluation of Uchiha Izumi, Shokuhou Misaki felt that she had more doubts in her heart.

She had thought that Uchiha Izumi's personality changed drastically because of the Uchiha clan's departure, just like Uchiha Obito, from a sunny and cheerful boy to a gloomy and evil villain.

But what kind of Uchiha Izumi is the one mentioned by Mai Namikaze?

Strong, superior, bossy, and even hypocritical?

Is this the character that the Uchiha clan should have? Aren't the real Uchiha clan supposed to be as tsundere as cats?

In other words, Mai Namikaze said in advance that this was Uchiha Izumi, otherwise Shokuhou Misaki would have thought she was talking about Danzo Shimura!

"In short, Shokuhou-san must be careful when getting along with Uchiha Izumi. Although you and she are both disciples of Lady Tsunade, I really don't think people like her would value the friendship of fellow disciples. In addition, she is very powerful, and I am really worried that such Uchiha Izumi will hurt you!"

Looking at Mai Namikaze's serious look, Shokuhou Misaki doubted her ability for the first time.

Because according to Shokuhou Misaki's observation during the Chunin Exam, Uchiha Izumi should be a girl as clear as spring water.

Although this girl was hit because of her family, this kind of hit was not a life-and-death separation after all. So Shokuhou Misaki really couldn't imagine that Uchiha Izumi would change from a simple girl to a hypocritical careerist in a short time.

Is the change of human heart so subversive?

This is totally unreasonable!

So, with doubts, Shokuhou Misaki talked with Namikaze Mai for a while, and the two said goodbye to each other on the street. After that, Shokuhou Misaki returned home to wash up, and then went out to the residence of the Senju clan to find her cheap teacher, Senju Tsunade. But when she just walked to the door of Tsunade's house, she met another disciple of Tsunade, Kato Shizune.

As Shokuhou Misaki's senior sister, Kato Shizune undoubtedly knew Shokuhou Misaki. Especially recently, Shokuhou Misaki has made a big scene in the Snow Country, so she is even more curious about Shokuhou Misaki. Seeing Shokuhou Misaki standing at the door of Lady Tsunade's house, she came forward with a pink pig and asked:

"Is that Shokuhou Misaki?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am also a student of Lady Tsunade, Kato Shizune."

After that, Senior Sister Shizune introduced herself and said:

"Shokuhou, you should go back first! Lady Tsunade has just gone to bed and will not get up until the evening. If you want Lady Tsunade to teach you ninjutsu, you'd better come back in the middle of the night in the future."

Come back in the middle of the night? How come it's like learning from Sun Wukong?

"Why do you have to come at night? Can Lady Tsunade's secret technique only be practiced at night?" Shokuhou Misaki asked curiously.

"That's not the case." Shizune said a little embarrassedly:

"It's mainly because the places that Lady Tsunade likes to visit in Konoha Village will only open secretly at night. So..."

As a ninja village, although Konoha doesn't have many gambling venues on the surface, there are many secret doors in remote corners. However, due to the customs of Konoha, these secret doors are only open late at night. And Tsunade, who is addicted to gambling, will naturally not miss such a good place for entertainment. So every night, Tsunade will go out to drink and gamble, and have fun.

However, this kind of thing, Jing

But Shizune couldn't tell Shokuhou Misaki. You can't say that Princess Tsunade, one of the three ninjas and the idol of all the female ninjas in Konoha, is actually a drunkard and a gambler, right?

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki, who knew the original work, easily guessed the truth. Knowing that she couldn't disturb Tsunade's sleep, Shokuhou Misaki prepared to leave. But before leaving, Shizune said again:

"Oh, by the way, Shokuhou, there are two more things. First, Lady Tsunade is best at medical ninjutsu, and medical ninjutsu requires a lot of knowledge accumulation from ninjas. So you'd better read more related books in your spare time. If you don't have enough knowledge accumulation, even if you have made great contributions to the village, it will be difficult to get Lady Tsunade's recognition."

Shokuhou Misaki already knew about the practice of medical ninjutsu. So when she was in the Snow Country, she deliberately collected related books for study. Relying on the memory provided by the personality clone and the audience channel, Shokuhou Misaki has read almost all kinds of books. Although Shokuhou Misaki didn't really understand the knowledge due to the lack of a teacher, it shouldn't be difficult to get Tsunade's approval.

"And there's Uchiha Izumi, who became Tsunade-sama's disciple with you."

Speaking of Uchiha Izumi, Shizune's expression became strange. According to Shokuhou Misaki's interpretation, Shizune shouldn't approve of Uchiha Izumi, and even had hostility towards him. But because of the relationship between her and her fellow disciples, she couldn't say bad things about Uchiha Izumi. So she had to think about it and said:

"In short, she is a very complicated person. When you get along with her, you must keep a good distance."

Here we go again!

First it was Namikaze Mai, then Kato Shizune.

Two people in a row actually gave bad reviews to Uchiha Izumi, which made Shokuhou Misaki more curious about Uchiha Izumi.

After all, whether it was Namikaze Mai or Kato Shizune, both of them had very good personalities. Basically, as long as they didn't do too much, these two people would not say bad things about people behind their backs. And now they are reminding Shokuhou Misaki to pay attention to Uchiha Izumi, which undoubtedly proves that there is a big problem with Uchiha Izumi.

What is the problem?

With doubts, Shokuhou Misaki came to Tsunade's door again in the evening and rang the doorbell.

Then, she saw Tsunade-sama, wearing pajamas and slippers, and walking out of the house with a fairy face. Facing Shokuhou Misaki, she yawned and stretched, then rubbed her eyes and said impatiently:

"Oh, you are that Shokuhou Misaki? Why did you come so early today?"

Early? The sun is about to set!

"Forget it, I'm here, come in first!"

He led Shokuhou Misaki home, and said as he walked:

"I heard that you made a big scene in the Snow Country, and even Ōnoki couldn't do anything to you, you're amazing! To be honest, with your current status, it's a pity for you to be my disciple. Oh, really, why are the disciples that Sarutobi teacher asked me to accept more difficult than the other! First it was that Uchiha Izumi, and then it was you! On the contrary, that Kabuto Yakushi is not bad, I like him quite a lot."

Hearing Tsunade mention Kabuto Yakushi, Shokuhou Misaki was surprised:

"Does Tsunade know Kabuto Yakushi?"

"I know, he is not a ninja from the Anbu. ?" Tsunade said as a matter of course:

"I am the head of the Anbu now, so I have to have some people in the Anbu, right? Anyway, I think that Kabuto Yakushi is good, he has a good temper, works hard, and most importantly, he is very talented in medical ninjutsu. In comparison, Uchiha Izumi is not so good. Although his strength is not bad, his talent in medical ninjutsu is not good, even Shizune can't compare with him."

Hearing that Kabuto Yakushi is now doing well here with Tsunade, and it seems that Tsunade intends to let him inherit her mantle, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but sigh:

Being a spy to the level of Kabuto Yakushi is not an exaggeration to say that it is an art!

"Of course, it doesn't matter if that Uchiha Izumi can't learn medical ninjutsu. I don't care how much she can learn from me. What really annoys me is her temper. It always reminds me of someone. Really, why does she have to be like that bastard? He's really haunting me!"

Tsunade complained a few words, and then led Shokuhou Misaki to the center of her family's courtyard.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Although I don't really want to accept a disciple, this is what the old man wants after all. So don't worry, I will teach you well. But before teaching..."

As she said this, Tsunade suddenly turned around, and the original laziness on her body was swept away. She said to Shokuhou Misaki with a serious face:

"I want to see your weight first."

After that, she punched Shokuhou Misaki with a huge force.

Shokuhou Misaki had anticipated this, and her system had already listed all the data of herself and Tsunade.

Shokuhou Misaki:

Ninja: 9 Physical: 7 Illusion: 11 Sage: 10 Strength: 9 Speed: 8 Refined: 8 Seal: 7 Total: 69


Ninja: 10 Physical: 10 Illusion: 7 Sage: 10 Strength: 10 Speed: 7 Refined: 8 Seal: 8 Total: 70

From the data alone, Shokuhou Misaki and Tsunade are evenly matched, and even Shokuhou Misaki has a slight advantage. Because her illusion is an exceptional level of 11, this exceptional data is better than multiple data of 10. But Shokuhou Misaki also knows that she will not perform illusions in front of Tsunade. This is not only to hide her strength, but also to reduce unnecessary trouble.

So in the face of Tsunade's attack, Shokuhou Misaki's choice is to use her speed advantage to dodge, while keeping as much distance as possible. Because from the data, Tsunade's physical skill level is far above hers, and she is not her opponent in close combat.

So facing Tsunade's fist, Shokuhou Misaki dodged the opponent's attack easily.

Seeing this, Tsunade was also shocked and thought:

The previous Kabuto Yakushi dodged my fist, and the current Shokuhou Misaki did the same. Are the younger generations of Konoha so scary now? Or have I played too much over the years, and my body has become worse?

But although Shokuhou Misaki dodged the attack, Tsunade's fist did not stop. Shokuhou Misaki saw the fist pass through her shoulder and slammed into the ground. Then there was a loud bang, and the originally thick earth was smashed into pieces in an instant, and Shokuhou Misaki on the ground was also a little unstable.

Looking at the cracked surface around her, Shokuhou Misaki thought to herself:

This power is too exaggerated! Even meteorites don't have this kind of penetrating power!

Tsunade also took advantage of the moment when Shokuhou Misaki was unstable and kicked her in the stomach with her left foot.

Tsunade's strange strength could even break Susanoo's defense. Although Shokuhou Misaki's dragon scales were tough, she didn't think the defense of these dragon scales could be compared to Susanoo. So when Tsunade attacked again, Shokuhou Misaki had to continue to retreat while making hand seals with both hands. While Tsunade's left foot fell and her body was unstable, she had already made the hand seal.

Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

A blue water dragon gushed out of Shokuhou Misaki's mouth and rushed straight towards Tsunade. But Tsunade just smiled slightly when she saw this, and punched with her right fist, and the vibrating airflow directly smashed the water dragon into pieces. Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki secretly complained:

Is it so exaggerated? This is almost comparable to One Punch Man!

It's just that Shokuhou Misaki was surprised at Tsunade's strength, and Tsunade was also surprised at Shokuhou Misaki's strength.

Although Shokuhou Misaki was at a disadvantage throughout the battle just now, she had never really faced a desperate situation. In other words, Shokuhou Misaki's strength is at least at the level of a stable jonin, if not at the level of a Kage. If one or two hidden backhands are counted, then Shokuhou Misaki's strength is at least an elite jonin, at the same level as Asuma.

Is such a kid really worth being my disciple?

Tsunade laughed secretly, and then said to Shokuhou Misaki who was about to continue to release ninjutsu in the distance:

"Okay, I already know your strength. Let's stop here today! In the future, you should follow me to learn medical ninjutsu! But I have to tell you in advance that the practice of medical ninjutsu is very boring!"

"Thank you, Teacher Tsunade!"

Seeing that she had won Tsunade's recognition, Shokuhou Misaki naturally showed a happy smile and respectfully called Tsunade teacher.

Then, Tsunade did not teach Shokuhou Misaki medical ninjutsu immediately, but took out a test paper and asked Shokuhou Misaki to try it. Shokuhou Misaki took the test paper and saw that the questions on the test paper covered all aspects, including: human anatomy, cell biology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, oto-laryngology, neuroscience, etc.

Obviously, Tsunade wanted to test how much medical knowledge Shokuhou Misaki had mastered through this test paper. And for these subjects, Shokuhou Misaki actually knew about them in the Snow Country. So after taking the test paper, Shokuhou Misaki did it according to the knowledge in the book. After an hour, Shokuhou Misaki handed in the test paper.

Looking at the answer written by Shokuhou Misaki, Tsunade nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Not bad, you are very good at memorizing."

With Tsunade's eyesight, she naturally saw that Shokuhou Misaki had memorized many medical books very carefully, but she just swallowed the knowledge in the books without understanding it. But even so, Tsunade was very satisfied. After all, the most important thing in studying medicine is to learn.

What matters is memorization. If you can't memorize, you will never learn.

In this way, Tsunade finally got to know Shokuhou Misaki. She knew that there was no need to worry about this student's strength, and her medical knowledge was solid. She only needed to fill in her gaps in practice and teach her some medical ninjutsu. In general, among the three people Tsunade is teaching now, Shokuhou Misaki is the least worrying.

"Okay, that's it for today! We'll talk about medical ninjutsu tomorrow. Don't you still have work in the development department?"

After the test, Tsunade ordered Shokuhou Misaki to leave. Shokuhou Misaki didn't stay any longer and prepared to say goodbye to Tsunade and go home. But just as she sat up from the living room, the door to the entrance was pushed open and another person walked in. Feeling the footsteps of this person, Tsunade said speechlessly:

"Alas, it's her again!"

Then, Shokuhou Misaki saw Uchiha Izumi walk into the room, came to Tsunade, and greeted respectfully:

"Hello, Teacher Tsunade."

"Hello, hello, you too!" Tsunade called a few times perfunctorily, and then said to Shokuhou Misaki:

"Shokuhou, this is Uchiha Izumi, you should have met in the Chunin Exam half a year ago."

Uchiha Izumi also turned to Shokuhou Misaki and greeted him with a smile:

"Is it Shokuhou classmate? I haven't seen you for more than half a year. I heard that you have made great contributions to Konoha in the Snow Country. It's amazing. From now on, we are all disciples of Teacher Tsunade. Please give us more guidance!"

"More, more guidance..."

Looking at the twisted Uchiha Izumi in front of her, Shokuhou Misaki's starry eyes flickered.

At this moment, she finally understood why both Namikaze Mai and Kato Shizune reminded her to pay attention to Uchiha Izumi. Because just by seeing Uchiha Izumi for the first time, Shokuhou Misaki used her own ability to see through the essence of the person in front of her. That's why Shokuhou Misaki felt her stomach churning, and the feeling of nausea surged into her heart, making her almost vomit.

"Shokuhou classmate, are you okay?"

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's pale face in front of her, Uchiha Izumi was puzzled and thought that Shokuhou Misaki's body was sick. Instead, Tsunade, who was a medical ninja on the side, laughed:

"Hahaha, Shokuhou, you are suffering from puberty syndrome!"

"Tsunade teacher, what is puberty syndrome?" Uchiha Izumi asked puzzledly.

"I told you that you don't have the talent to become a medical ninja, but you just don't believe it. You've been learning from me for almost half a year, and you don't even know about puberty syndrome. In short, the body of a teenage girl begins to develop, and the secretion of sex hormones is excessive, so the body has some adverse reactions!"

Tsunade said confidently, but Shokuhou Misaki beside her secretly said:

Nonsense, I remember all the symptoms of puberty syndrome, and there is no nausea and vomiting!

But Tsunade is worthy of being the fifth generation Hokage in the original work, and this lie is really easy to tell!

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki's focus at the moment is not this.

After calming down the instinctive reaction of her body, Shokuhou Misaki looked at Uchiha Izumi again. Looking at the girl's body, she suddenly installed the soul of an old man, and this old man actually disguised himself as a girl to greet herself.

In this situation, how many normal people can stand it?

Especially the old man is actually Danzo, which makes Shokuhou Misaki even more disgusted.

Danzo, it seems, escaped with the help of Izanagi! After escaping death, he should have joined forces with Orochimaru. He obtained the Reincarnation from Orochimaru through a trade, and then seized Uchiha Izumi's body...

This guy, wouldn't he want to make a comeback by relying on Uchiha Izumi's identity?

What a joke!

I'm not saying that you really don't have the acting talent of Kabuto Yakushi!

Not to mention me, even Namikaze Mai and Shizune saw the problem with Uchiha Izumi. As for Tsunade teacher...

Looking at Tsunade with a weird smile on her face, Shokuhou Misaki secretly said:

I'm afraid she not only knows that Uchiha Izumi has a problem, but also knows the true identity of Uchiha Izumi.

No wonder Uchiha Izumi didn't learn anything from Tsunade teacher, I think she didn't teach him well at all.

"Anyway, I'm not feeling well today."

Shokuhou Misaki looked at Tsunade and "Uchiha Izumi" and said:

"Tsunade-sensei, let's start the training of medical ninjutsu tomorrow!"

Shokuhou Misaki was about to get up and leave. But just as Shokuhou Misaki stood up, "Uchiha Izumi" beside her said:

"Wait, Shokuhou-san."

Knowing you were going to talk.

"What's wrong, Izumi-san?"

"I heard that you were appointed as the head of the development department by the Hokage because of your achievements in the Snow Country.

? "

"That's right!" Shokuhou Misaki nodded and thought:

Okay, stop talking nonsense. I know you are interested in the development department and want to become Hokage by relying on the achievements of the development department.

In this case, I will give you a chance!

"But I don't have much idea about the work of the development department. So I have always hoped that there is a trustworthy person who can join the development department as my assistant and help me develop Konoha's economy. This assistant is best to be my fellow student and strong enough. The most important thing is that she can help me share some darker work. "

Shokuhou Misaki said this, but Tsunade on the side suddenly laughed and said to "Uchiha Izumi":

"Hahaha, the job of the development department assistant is very good! Izumi, are you interested?"

"Ah? But Tsunade-sensei, I'm just an ordinary Chunin! Am I really qualified to be a department assistant?"

"Yes, of course! "Tsunade's smile became brighter:

"I think, Izumi, your personality is most suitable for being an assistant!"

Hearing Tsunade's evaluation that she is most suitable for being an assistant, "Uchiha Izumi" flashed a trace of disgust on her face. But this disgust soon disappeared, and she looked at Shokuhou Misaki and said:

"Shokuhou classmate, what do you think?"

"I don't know you very well, but since Teacher Tsunade said you have no problem, let's try it!"

Shokuhou Misaki nodded and said:

"Anyway, we are all disciples of Teacher Tsunade, and there are not many people in Konoha Village who are more trustworthy than you!"

"Is that so? Great, thank you Shokuhou classmate. "

"Uchiha Izumi" said, with a smile as bright as a chrysanthemum on his face.

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki felt her scalp tingling, thinking:

You'd better stop laughing! If you laugh like this, I'm afraid I'll have a nightmare tonight!

And Tsunade, who was standing by, saw that her disciple had a bright future, and laughed out loud:

"Hahaha, not bad, really good!"

"Today is a good day, I have to go out and play a few games, maybe I'll get lucky! "

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