Chapter 10 Mutual harm

Wen Qian talked about business for a while, then went back to the house to wash his face and change clothes.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Wen Huan waiting for him at the door, with a doting smile on his face.

Wen Huan pulled his sleeves into the room and said to him: "Dad! Why has the eldest sister changed?! The way she talks is so strange and she doesn't want to get close to her daughter. Do you blame you and your mother? Didn't you take her with you?"

Before Wen Qian could say anything, Mrs. Yuan said, "Huanhuan, you and your sister haven't lived together since childhood. They have different temperaments and actions. She has no bad intentions, so don't make trouble." She also made a special move to her daughter. A look.

He smiled softly and said: "Husband, you are a father! How can you get angry at your daughter after not seeing her for two years?! Did you get promoted and show off your official authority?!"

 She was making fun of her husband.

Wen Qian laughed and his expression became much more relaxed.

"Husband, Yu'er is really a big girl! You and her, father and daughter, are always together less and more apart. She has also reached the age of engagement. If we really get married, it will not be easy to see each other again. You see, Why don’t we take her with us when we go to the capital this time?”

Wen Huan became anxious upon hearing this and was about to open his mouth to object...

Yuan Shi glanced at her lightly, not letting her speak.

Wen Qian looked at his wife lovingly and shook his head: "You have always been virtuous and willing to consider her. But... no need! She is fine here!"

"Look... in half a year, the whole family will move to the capital. In other words: after half a year, she will go anyway. In this case, why not go earlier!" Under his nose, he pinched it in the palm of his hand. In, that’s fine.

Wen Qian’s eyes were heavy and he didn’t say anything... Yes, his family is moving to the capital, and they have to face each other all day long...

Mrs. Yuan continued to persuade: "After all, we are father and daughter, close relatives by blood. You have been accompanying us Huanhuan'er these years. We are both daughters, how can we not be disgusted by our words? Just like today, it is just to make some noise. I'm just here to get your attention. If this little girl is so thoughtful, it would definitely be more troublesome!"

This instigation is reasonable and calm.

Wen Huan shouted unhappily: "Mother!"

Wen Qian snorted unhappily.

Yuan Shi also said: "Yu'er has outstanding appearance. In the future, he may get a good match and have a good son-in-law..."

Wen Huan's eyes widened. Is it a good marriage? A good husband?

She can't even think about it!

“Don’t regret it again when the time comes!” Yuan teased Wen Qian playfully.

" are your daughter's can only love one daughter..." Wen Huan became coquettish.

Yuanshi looked at her helplessly: "Huanhuan, don't embarrass your father!"

"I'm not embarrassed!" Wen Qian made up his mind, "I only have one precious daughter in my life! Although I'm a blood relative with Wen Yu, I can't get close to him in my heart. It seems that we are not destined. That is, we are not destined. , why force it?”

Just like her mother, if you force yourself to do something, it will harm others and yourself, so why bother? !

Yuanshi smiled and said: "In that case...then just listen to your husband! Since it's unintentional, don't think too much about it. Once you enter the capital, there are still many things to do!"

“That’s exactly what I said!” Wen Qian nodded.


 In the evening, the old lady had dinner with her two sons and two daughters-in-law.

 After dinner, the two daughters-in-law went back.

 The old lady was discussing family matters with her two sons.

 First of all, business matters:

"I didn't succeed three years ago, but now it seems that it's not a bad thing. This time the starting point is much higher and the path is easier. My son will go to Beijing first and take care of everything. You will come to Beijing in half a year." Wen Qian said .

The old lady nodded: "I'll listen to you in this matter. Mom is here to clear things up. Do you have any news about your father?"

"Lao San brought people to Shaanxi, and I heard that things went well." Wen Qian returned.

 The property of the Wen family was also divided when the conflict between the old lady and the old man was at its most intense.

 The old man holds the mine.

The old lady has a water transport terminal in her hands. She really took advantage of something that happened to the Liu family.

After so many years, although it has been cleaned up long ago, no one in the family can take care of it.

Wen Qian was so focused on officialdom that he couldn't take care of it.

 Wen Feng, I am just a low-level official and am not very good at managing industries. I just spend my whole day messing around with women!

 Management of docks requires high ability and strength, but it can be done both black and white!

 The old lady spent a long time thinking about it, but to no avail. In the past few years, it was handed over to Song Shang. Only then can the Wen family sit safely and collect money. Both sons know this.

Wen Qian added: "A few days ago, I heard that Song Shang's bamboo salt had become a tribute. Now, the Song family..." They made a lot of money!

After hearing this, the old lady smiled and nodded frequently, "It's really hard for him to do this at such a young age. I heard that he made the bamboo salt in several parts. He is the only one who knows the whole process. …Tsk, tell me, how thoughtful he is!” Wen Qian and Wen Feng could only nod after hearing this, that’s true.

"Salt is said to be baked. Song San'er wanted to find someone and spent a lot of money to try to bake it. As a result, several kilns were blown up and many people were injured, but nothing was produced. Tsk, tsk, Ah Shang... the Song family will be glorious for a hundred years!"

 “Yes, this kid...” Wen Qian also nodded.

The ladies talked about important things again.

Wen Feng's heart began to sink, and his face became nervous. He remained silent and listened.

After finally talking about the business, the old lady gave him a gouge and told the matter to her eldest son.

Wen Feng was very embarrassed and turned his head to the side.

“We are covering it tightly, but we don’t know if we can cover it. That father of yours!” The old lady gasped, “If he knew...”

Wen Qian was very troubled and his face was ashen, "Second brother, you...what's going on with you?!"

Wen Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, stop talking, I understand!"

Wen Qian was still very angry, "No one has cared about you, the girl at home or the beauty outside! When I mentioned it, I called you a romantic. That's it!"

"Must...must reach out between brothers? Even if the fourth brother is a concubine, he is still his brother. You can dislike him and look down on him, but you can't humiliate him like this! Besides, this reputation is not good for yourself!"

“Oh, brother, I’ve already told you, I understand!” Wen Feng was very irritated.

 “At this age, my mother still has to worry about me! If dad knew...”

“He knows, and I’m not afraid either!” Wen Feng is now a bachelor.

"Aren't you afraid? Huh! You used to look down on your fourth brother, but I heard that he is doing very well there now. It's not impossible to rise further. You can't compare to others, so why do you do this? Life is a life-changing thing You should keep your face calm!"

Wen Feng couldn't help but say, "Mom, brother, someone is clearly trying to harm me, why are you always dragging me along?!"

"Then tell me who wants to harm you? And why?" Wen Qian asked with his eyes widened.

"How did I know?! I would have been burned to death if I had a chance! When we arrived, my mother and Wu didn't find out either... the matter was over, and you still kept talking about it!"

Wen Qian sneered: "There is a happy event at home, but the fourth wife sent Zhuangzi up! She didn't even come to Brother Feng's wedding, who is the fool to judge?!"

Wen Feng's dog's temper was completely out of control. He slapped his neck and roared: "Brother... you're almost done, don't let it go on forever!"

“Second brother, your eldest brother is right, what is your attitude?!” The old lady scolded sternly, instinctively leaning towards her eldest son.

 “Are you still reasonable?!” Seeing his second brother’s attitude, Wen Qian became even more angry.

Wen Feng suddenly had a sarcastic smile on his face: "No matter how stupid I am, Mrs. Wu is my legitimate wife, and she should be treated with dignity and not carelessly! Why do you blame me?!"

“…” Wen Qian choked him up.

 The old lady was shocked and said quickly: "Shut up!"

Wen Feng did not care about his crimes: "Brother is right, don't judge others as fools! Isn't it because the Chen family has become weak and no one has made the decision, so the Chen family has ended up like this? You should take care of yourself. Just one-third of an acre will do!”

Wen Qian's face calmed down, he stopped making any sound, and looked at Wen Feng silently.

 Wen Feng felt a lot of pressure and started to act cunningly.

"If nothing else, Sister Yu is fifteen, right? For her birthday, did my grandmother give me a hairpin gift, or did you, the father, give me a hairpin ring? But I asked Jiangzhou to find out if there is such a family. Son?"

He just heard it from his wife, so it’s just in time to use it, right?

Wen Qian and Mrs. Wen’s faces turned red after being scolded.

"No matter what, she is still the eldest daughter of the Wen family! But in this family, she has always been left to fend for herself. Who has given her dignity?! Who is better than whom... That's almost it!"

The old lady shouted angrily: "Okay! I have my own reasons for how I treat Wen Yu! When is it your turn to talk about it?! You still can't settle your own bad things! When your father starts to make trouble later, All three of us look pretty!”

 When she said this, both sons were speechless.

"Humph! Just this time, you try again?!" the old lady said angrily.

“Humph…” Wen Feng felt too guilty to contradict his mother, so he stood up and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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