The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 101: Two hundred thousand taels

 Old Mrs. Wen sat there, calming down.

“…Last time I heard your mother say that you are still seeking an official position, which is really good! If you really can’t get along with Webster…if you deal with it properly, I won’t stop you.

If you have an official position, you can definitely find a decent family. When I go to Beijing in a few months, this matter will be left to me. "

Song Shang shook his head gently: "I think long-term about the Song family's affairs. I also take good care of the Wen family's property. Over the years, step by step, I have never done anything wrong. But people can't be perfect... Auntie , I just have this ridiculous idea, please let it come true!"

 Old Mrs. Wen began to doubt: "You and that girl Wen Yu, are you..." already trying to be content?

It’s not like she has never experienced anything like this. Didn’t Wen Qian make such a scene? I never told myself this before. In the end, I thought there was no flaw, so I ended up helping him deal with the aftermath!

  Stop fussing...

“Auntie, you still don’t understand your own granddaughter? It’s too late for me to respect Ayu, so how can I trap her into an unchaste state?”

 Old Mrs. Wen blushed a little, "Oh, recent things..."

 Too many! Even Mrs. Qi has taken a fancy to her and wants her biological son to be her wife!

That's Qi Wu. In all his decades of life, he has never seen such a good-looking man! Not to mention family wealth and ability.

"Let's not talk about this anymore..." Old Mrs. Wen looked at Song Shang. He was in charge of the lifeblood of the Wen family's industry. This was no child's play!

"Before her father went to the capital, his intention was to go to the Zhang family. There were a lot of things going on these days, and there were some surprises, so we didn't have time to talk about it. In the past few days, I decided on the matter. Then, she married to the Zhang family, Let's go to Beijing. That's it..." The old lady made a firm decision.

"Auntie..." Song Shang begged.

"I'm not hiding it from you! You are in charge of the Wen family's property, which is very, very important to the Wen family. Don't you think about it: How can I, Wen Yu's grandfather, and her father safely mix in these things?"

Song Shang said: "Then I am the son-in-law and son-in-law of the Wen family. Aren't I more closely related to the Wen family?"

That must be the case if Wen Yu is willing and not obstructive! The old lady was secretly anxious and refused directly: "No. You don't have to mention this matter again!"

“Auntie, to show my sincerity, I will give you a betrothal gift of two hundred thousand taels!”

With this stick, I beat the old lady straight...

 Two hundred thousand taels of silver?

 "You're crazy! You're really crazy..." He said it, but there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

There was no sound in the room. She stared at Song Wu blankly, not believing it was true.

 “Ah Shang, this is not a joke!” Guang added, fearing that he might misunderstand. But after saying that, it felt inappropriate, so he asked again, "Are you asking the Wen family to sell their daughter?"

 “Why do you think so? I just want to show sincerity!”

 Actually, he felt very guilty. If Ayu knew about it, he might be angry.

 But if he doesn't act cruelly, he will fly away.

"...but you, why is this?" Even if Mrs. Wen is a well-established and calculating person, she cannot remain calm at this moment.

During daily chats, she heard that Huang Yingying, who was famous all over the world by the Qinhuai River, was worth 50,000 taels of silver, which was a sky-high price!

 And Song Wu’s mouth is worth two hundred thousand.

Of course...although my granddaughter cannot use such an algorithm. But why did he pay such a price?

 Can't help but doubt the authenticity and motives of this matter.

"I know that Yu girl is good-looking, but what kind of woman have you not seen outside? I heard that you..." The old lady said in a panic.

 “Old ladies, they are just...those women. And Ayu is Wenyu.”

Song Shang looked bad. Although his actions were a bit despicable, the old lady's attitude also made him angry.

"I know, I know..." Old Mrs. Wen's face turned red. In desperation, she compared her granddaughter with "those women".

"Ashan, I, I can't answer you now." She said with difficulty. You have to think about this carefully. It is important for her to be brave to get to where she is today. Caution is equally important.

"I want to think about it carefully and discuss it with her father... You should think about it carefully when you go back. Two hundred thousand, even in the Song family, is not a small amount! How can you come up with it?" When you come to your own home, why don't you go to the capital?

 “Don’t worry, this is my private room. No one else will know!”

God, why does he have so much money?

“…Ashang, it’s not easy for you to have what you have today!” She didn’t even know what to say.

"Two hundred thousand is a lot, but for Ayu, I don't take it seriously. If you hand her over to me, from now on, I will be the son-in-law of the Wen family. I will definitely get closer to the Wen family in the future."

 It would be great if this could be done! But Wen Yu is a big variable...

Just because he is so worthless, should Wen Yu marry him, or should he just listen to whatever he says?

If Wen Yu had known about it, she could have married the beautiful husband of the Marquis.

 But he asked me to take the money and promised it to the farmer's house.

 Can she not hate it? !

In case of encouraging Song Shang to leave himself ... it would be lost.

However, this is two hundred thousand!

 Then I thought about it: So what about separation?

As long as Wen Qian's official position goes smoothly and there are more places to earn money, this area will not be as important as before. Furthermore, with official authority suppressing them, what dare they do?

 So, she finally smiled. "You kid... you've messed up my brain so much. To be honest, apart from Wen Qian, the one I love the most in this world is you! Even Brother Feng can't compare to me. Although my old lady loves me a lot. , but I love your attitude of not talking about the two families. That’s all... my children and grandchildren are all debts, so I’ll accept it!”

Song Shang was overjoyed: "Thank you, my aunt!"

"It's just! Don't tell anyone about this matter for the time being. It will have a bad reputation for you and the Wen family."

“I understand!” Song Shang scratched his head happily.

 This situation made Old Mrs. Wen angry again.


 Wen Yu returned to the house feeling restless.

 Shadows of the previous life keep flickering in front of my eyes. It seems that he is really "evil".

If we still put forward that condition, my grandmother will definitely agree.

Qi Wu, hurry up!

Just as she was thinking about something, Xiangshu's mother came with her and knelt down in front of Wen Yu.

Xiangshu was injured on the side of his face and ears. His arm was not broken, but it was so red and swollen that he couldn't lift it up because of the pain.

"Girl, Xiangshu was seriously injured this time, and I won't be able to serve you for a short time. I'm afraid it will delay your affairs in the house. Do you think... should we find a replacement? Wait until she recovers..."

Xiangshu was in severe pain and his eyes were swollen from crying.

Wen Yu said: "Xiang Shu was injured the most and suffered a lot. Go back and recuperate. She is not young anymore. This is her body contract. I will give it to you. Then find a suitable marriage for her!" "

Xiangshu and her mother were very happy, but they couldn't stay in this house any longer.

"Also, these thirty taels of silver are used to replenish her health. There are also two horses of good material, as well as a pair of gold earrings and a pair of gold hairpins, which are considered as my dowry for her!"

 “Oh, girl, what does this mean? She hasn’t been waiting for you for a few days!”

“I feel very sorry for such a big thing! No need to say more, just take her down!”

Xiangshu Niang was overjoyed and went down with her daughter to kowtow.

After sending them away, Wen Yu couldn't sit still in the room and walked out.

As soon as I arrived near my grandmother's main courtyard, I happened to meet Song Shang. His steps were light and hurried, and he had a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Song Shang also saw Wen Yu. She was standing there, with a cold figure and a stern look. He felt so scared... He opened his mouth and was speechless... hesitated for a moment, turned around and ran away.


 (End of this chapter)

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