The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 105: Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger

 “Grandpa!?” A clear voice came from outside the door.

 The people in the room suddenly fell silent.

I saw Wen Yu walking in softly.

 “Grandma, second uncle.” She saluted dignifiedly, with an appropriate smile on her face.

It seems like she doesn’t even know that the whirlwind caused by her is blowing in full force!

When Old Mrs. Wen looked at her, she was furious: This troublemaker!

But old Mr. Wen had a bright smile on his middle-aged handsome face, "That's Yu'er! Come and show it to grandpa!" Tsk tsk tsk, don't say anything else, just go over there with Mr. Qi Wu, your granddaughter. stand!

 It has to shock the world!

 How will others envy you? Not to mention the benefits!

Wen Yu smiled and took a few steps forward, then took out a letter and said, "Grandma, this letter is yours."

 What letter? !

Mrs. Wen took it with a sullen face, lowered her eyelids, and opened it to take a look: "..." She didn't raise her eyelids, her eyes were full of cruelty.

She is really promising. She dares to do this!

 Do you really think I’m a dead person? !

 For a moment, I was so angry that I wanted to punish her and kill her regardless of the consequences.

 Lift your eyes and look at Wen Yu...

She was talking to the dead old man, her eyebrows were bent, her eyes were smiling, and she said in a soft voice: "Tianlong Temple, why didn't you go? My granddaughter prayed for you, your three uncles, three aunts, and your younger brothers and sisters to be blessed." Here’s the Buddha’s hand string!”

"Good boy, you have a heart." Mr. Wen looked like a loving grandfather. That caring look in her eyes gave Old Mrs. Wen a chill.

“This time, go to Meiyuan with your grandfather to stay for a while, and hand over those... bracelets and stuff to them personally!”

 “You should listen to your grandparents!”

at this point…

Old Mrs. Wen didn't get it for free, her attitude changed drastically, a smile appeared on her face, and she said gently: "Since everyone means this, let's make it this way! Wen Feng, let your wife make arrangements. Wen Yu, you Leave."

This is a different way to blast Mr. Wen away.

 But Mrs. Wen didn't care, "Yu girl, grandpa will tell you to talk later!" Then he walked out the door with a smile.

Wen Feng was heartless and happily followed.

"Your grandfather, you called him here?" Old Mrs. Wen asked without emotion.

Wen Yu was a little surprised: "To my grandmother, it's not true." It was Qi Wugan.

“How do you know about the Qi family?”

“My granddaughter didn’t know it before. But my cousin mentioned it.”

 But, I didn’t tell Song Shang either! ?

Oh...80% of the time Song Shang guessed what the Qi family meant, so he waited at home for me to come back...The explanation makes sense.

"Oh, Wen Yu..." Old Mrs. Wen put down her posture, "You have also seen the fifth son of the Qi family. It is not an exaggeration to say that people are dragons and phoenixes. The lintel of the Qi family is even beyond the reach of our family.

 His marriage, haha, what kind of thing can't be found? Let me put it disrespectfully: if you become a son-in-law to a royal family, the royal family will be very happy!

 But Mrs. Qi took the initiative to mention it to her grandmother! Do you think grandma can feel at ease? Can you be happy? Can you agree immediately? ! "

 Wen Yu listened quietly and respectfully, without expressing his opinion.

"Although you are good-looking, in a family like that, it's not your appearance that matters when marrying a wife! Haha, the appearance of a talented man and a beautiful woman... is just something played in a play, made up in a storybook, it's a lie!"

 A real marriage requires the following: being of the right family and balancing interests! Don't fool your mind! "

Wen Yu's big, clear eyes made the old lady feel a little uneasy.

"Getting married, for a woman, is not the beginning of a good life, but the beginning of a new life. Just like a grandmother, when she was in the boudoir, wasn't she the loving daughter of her parents and brothers? But what about getting married?! What happened these years? …”

 It’s really not easy for her!

“Buxiao said that the Song family is helping my grandmother with many things. Until now, it is Song Shang who supports my grandmother.

If you enter the Qi family and suffer injustice or injustice, the Wen family will not only be unable to help you, but will also be implicated by you and drift along with you! Grandma couldn't make this determination.

As for Song Shang, you must know how outstanding he is, so I won’t say more! At the end of the year, he will also have an official position.

Grandma is telling you this not to prevent you from entering the Qi family, but to force you to marry Song Shang. But I want to explain that grandma made her decision after careful consideration, so don’t be resentful. "

"Grandma, how can my granddaughter be resentful of her grandmother!? We are blood relatives! Whatever you think and do is for your granddaughter's good. My granddaughter is willing to believe this! It's just..."

 Old Mrs. Wen looked at her steadily. “Grandma, my granddaughter has some doubts in her heart. I don’t know. Should I ask?”

The old lady didn’t want to say anything more to her, but she could only answer: “What’s the matter?!”

“Grandma, was it really an accident on the mountain ridge?”

"What do you mean?" Old Mrs. Wen's heart skipped a beat and she became serious.

“Master Qi Si said that the car seemed to have signs of damage.”

 Old Mrs. Wen’s face was full of surprise and surprise…

"It's just that he didn't know if it was there before or if someone had done something new. But... the granddaughter's guard said that the second aunt sent them out when they were packing the car the first day... This is a bit strange. !

Last time, what the second aunt meant was that if she didn’t pay for the people her granddaughter used, she wouldn’t use them. But she happened to use it that day? ! "

Old Mrs. Wen immediately said: "This is impossible! Don't think blindly! That mountain ridge that day made me dizzy. How many people were in your car? There were still things packed! They should have been allowed to get off that stretch of road. It’s caused by your own improper handling! Do you really believe it when an outsider mentions it casually?”

"But grandma, my granddaughter was frightened at that time. She really thought... Then, I hid Yan Zhu and told her that if I have three long and two short things, it was my second aunt who did it!" Wen Yu lowered his head, a little bit. disturbed.

 “…Nonsense!” Mrs. Wen slapped the table. "It's getting more and more outrageous. How dare you do this to your family?! Do you still want your reputation? Do you want the Wen family's face?!"

 “Grandma...I didn’t...”

“Qi family, do you still want to enter?!” Old Mrs. Wen directly grabbed Wen Yu.

Wen Yu was also stunned, "This..."

"What I just said is all in vain?! We are so high-spirited. If there is any mistake, you will never get married! What if you tell Mrs. Qi that you suspect that your second aunt wants to harm you? Try it! I’ll turn around and go to Beijing, and I’ll never talk to you again.”

"Grandma, my granddaughter didn't think so much..." Wen Yu was also anxious.

 Haven’t you thought so much? I see you have a lot on your mind!

 But if you follow me this way, you haven’t seen enough!

"I didn't expect you to be so confused! This marriage makes me more and more worried. The rich and powerful people are all smart people. If you are like this, you will be in vain." She began to regret it.

"Grandma, my granddaughter is wrong. I will never say this again." Wen Yu was extremely nervous and held his hands tightly.

Mrs. Wen said earnestly: "Don't even think about it, why did your second aunt do that? What good does it do to her?

To put it bluntly: She is in charge of the house. If she wants to deal with you, she will be unaware of it and you will be dead! Why bother going outside?

If Master Qi really found out and complained to the officials, would she be able to run away? Can the Wen family stay here? ! Such a thing is impossible even if you think about it with your feet! You, you, you! "She pointed at Wen Yu, obviously very angry.

Wen Yu’s eyes were red and he kept nodding.

“What grandma said are golden words. They will only be good to you!”

"Grandma, my granddaughter is really wrong. I was just frightened. Xiangshu was so injured... I can't think of being a granddaughter..."

Old Mrs. Wen sighed: "Oh. Since you have this intention, grandma will also investigate secretly. If there is such a person in the Wen family, she will not be lenient!"

 “Thank you, grandma!” Wen Yu stood up and saluted.

"Okay, go down! Now that the engagement is done, it's time for grandma to tell you about the dowry. This time, it's also a chance for you to practice, so you have to pay more attention. Now grandma can still give you guidance, but in the future, it will all be yours. It’s your own business. Come up with the charter first and let grandma take a look at it!”

 “Yes.” Wen Yu bowed and stepped back.

The old lady smiled and watched her go out, her face darkened, she was annoyed and tired.

Wen Yu went to her yard. Although she felt tired, the matter finally came to an end.

Just now, it can be regarded as knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger.

   The Wu family is in charge of the family, and if someone wants to attack herself, it is really hard to guard against it.

 If they don’t understand, they will treat themselves like fools and treat them wantonly.

In case of negligence one day, people can do it!


It’s snowing in Beijing. If we take a walk, it will start to snow later.

  (End of this chapter)

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