Wen Yu felt dizzy when he came out of Mrs. Qi's place.

Hold a thick stack of paper in her hand, which Mrs. Qi had drawn for her, a schematic diagram of the shop she was about to run.

 The location, layout, area, architectural style, backyard size, etc. are all carefully drawn. What was she running? She even listed all the famous shops that Fang Bianzuo knew.

Even, the price difference between the capital and here, the style and trend, etc., everything that can be thought of is written down.

Wen Yu’s eyes turned red at that time.

Mrs. Qi, on the other hand, comforted her by saying that this was nothing...inheritance, she had plenty of it!

 Let Wen Yu do it carefully.

 She wants the whole capital to know that she has married a good daughter-in-law! And promised that it would bring in a lot of business...

 Until Wen Yu sat in the car, it felt unreal.

 Why is she so kind to herself? !

 There were tears in the corners of Wen Yu's eyes, but there was a smile on his lips. I secretly swore: Youdao loves Wujiwu. Even if it is for Mrs. Qi, I will be more tolerant to her son and treat him very, very well!

 Xiaoji asked: "What's wrong with you, girl?"

Wen Yu didn't want more people to know about Xiaoyuan, so when he went out these days, he only took Xiaoji with him.

"It's okay...I'm fine." She said softly, "Let's go to Zhuzhu's place!"

 Since we have taken over, we must prepare...

 I saw her coming at the door, smiling and wanting to talk. Wen Yu quickly signaled to be silent: she wanted to see how daily life was in this yard.

Go in quietly and go around to the backyard. Master Qing and Yan Zhu are sitting on the porch. They are talking softly and laughing, holding work in their hands. It seems that Master Qing is teaching Yan Zhu embroidery.

Her complexion has calmed down and she has regained her previous tranquility. Perhaps she is no longer depressed and her style is even better than before... Next to the stunning beauty Yan Zhu, there are spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, refusing to give in to each other!

Wen Yu hid there and watched, and suddenly thought: Is the Aunt Xiuyun in Mrs. Qi's mouth like Master Qing? She obviously doesn't look that beautiful, but sitting there, she looks indescribably good-looking.

Under the tree in the yard, Lan Zhou was sitting on a small stool. There was a large water basin at his feet and a big stone next to it. Two turtles were lying on the rocks basking in the sun.

 There is no need for medicine on his face, leaving only a light pink scar. It seems that it can be maintained well over time.

Two eyes are staring at the turtle, and his expression is very relaxed.

There was a harmonious scene in the courtyard. Wen Yu said with relief, "Zhuzhu, Master Qing! Lan Zhou!"

Yan Zhu and Master Qing turned around to look, and both smiled and stood up to pick it up.

"Ayu, why are you here at this time? Have you eaten?" Yan Zhu is most concerned about whether she is well fed and clothed...

“I just came out from Mrs. Qi’s place and had dinner. Lan Zhou, have you given your little turtle a name?”

Lan Zhou looked at her out of the corner of his eye and said nothing.

“Can Lan Zhou know how to feed him?” she asked Yan Zhu.

Yanzhu said: "He can't do it yet. But every afternoon, when he bathes the turtles, he can take them and put them in the basin."

 “Ouch, don’t let them bite you.” Wen Yu said.

Lanzhou pursed his lips when he heard it.

"They are very well-behaved and don't bite. I named them Pingping and An'an. Does it sound good?" Yan Zhu corrected the name of the turtle.

 “That sounds good, we are all safe and sound. Come on. We have something serious to talk about!”

Wen Yu spread out the paper in his hand. "Mrs. Qi has two large shops in the capital, which will expire in half a year. After that, she will leave them to me to take care of."

Master Qing was surprised, "Really?" Before the daughter-in-law came in, the mother-in-law was about to hand over the family property?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Yan Zhu was stupidly happy: "Great! We also talked about what to do when we enter the capital! I'm really sleepy and someone gave me a pillow! Hehe, I saved money. Let me see if the shop is good...ah, this is Mrs. Qi drawn?"

Master Qing looked at Yan Zhu, shook his head and smiled: "Miss Wen, Mrs. Qi really doesn't treat you as an outsider!"

 “Haha.” I think so too! Wen Yu said: "So, we have to prepare in advance. Mrs. Qi told me in detail that this is the most prosperous street in the capital. There are stores and courtyards. She said that such a shop cannot be bought with money. Master Qing , I’m asking you to prepare some manpower.”

“Girl, you want to open an embroidery shop?”

“Zhuzhu said that if we women want to do things, we cannot do without food and clothing.”

When Master Qing heard this, he was not afraid, but very excited: "Miss Wen, the predecessor of Cailuan Pavilion was just a small grocery store. I took it over and slowly built it to the current scale. In fact, I have many good ideas to make money. , but if you want to do it, you must invest money first, and I am slowly losing my temper in the Liu family. If I help the girl do it, I will put forward all these ideas!"

"Okay! I didn't expect that Master Qing would be needed so soon. Now that we have a shop, there is no shortage of money, and the fabrics... my cousin has connections with many weaving workshops. We can get the latest and most special ones. "

Master Qing was thinking and said: "As for the embroiderers, there are a few in Cailuan Pavilion. One is mute, one has a mole on his face, and there is a young widow. Although they all have their own disabilities and shortcomings, they are clever and clever. They work meticulously and are not afraid of hard work. When I was there, I took good care of them. If I leave, they may not be able to treat me well. If they are willing, I can take these people with me. , cooperate well with me. If the store you want to open is not large, we can open it right away. ”

Wen Yu thought of what Song Shang said, don’t open a small shop that is disgusting...Okay, then open a big one!

“Master Qing, if we want to open it, let’s open the most luxurious and arrogant embroidery building in the capital. Those who have no money will not dare to come in and take a look!”

 Hahahahaha, several people laughed.

Liu Lanzhou looked over quietly, then turned around and gently moved the little turtle's tail. The little turtle retracted its head and limbs into its shell...

"When the girl said it, I got excited!" Master Qing had a rich imagination and his forehead was sweating.

"In addition, I have another idea!" Wen Yu said: "I want to create a place where female guests can chat, drink tea, talk about things, look at clothes, and talk about jewelry. While chatting and socializing, they can do business. ”

"Girl, I know something about what you are talking about... My hometown is rich in life and the people are civilized. There is a place like this where women can go to learn something, listen to music, and watch dances. Of course, there will be all kinds of things For sale! There are expensive ones, and there are also cheap and fun ones. Many of them are from foreign countries, and some of them require you to pay a sum of money before you can enter. You should think about it carefully..."

"Yes, yes, it's like this. For example, my cousin from the Song family has very good jewelry and interesting things. Then, we can sell his things on behalf of him..." Oops, why is it him again?

 Okay, no big deal, just give him some shares.

"It's just that one place has one custom. After all, it's the capital city. You have to understand the rules thoroughly."

 “Yes, yes, that’s it.”

"In the past two days, let Xiao Jinniang find the right person. Master Qing, you choose it yourself, we have to train people. After a while, let the outside of the door take a look, and rent a yard nearby."


"In a few days, Mrs. Qi will leave. This time, I want Manager Li to go with Mrs. Qi. He has the banknotes on him, so it is safer to follow them. I originally planned to let you go together... But now it seems that it may not be in time. And Lan Zhou... he hasn't stabilized yet and it's hard to move. But you must go earlier than me."

“Ayu, Zhuzhu, can you go with you!? I want to be with you on the way.”

"Of course I want to go this way with you..." Wen Yu touched her little face...

 As soon as Master Qing heard that he was coming to Beijing, he was right in front of him. He was filled with longing and sadness...

 “Girl, there’s something...” She was very embarrassed.

“Master Qing, if you have anything to say, please tell me.”

"I want to...find Mr. Song Wu and ask him for help. Actually, it was about the last time I asked you to deliver a letter..."


"Girl, that man is my eldest brother's only son. This is the only relative I have. When I asked you to write the letter, I was afraid that something bad would happen to me, but he didn't know the news. His reply was also very calm: there is no joy in life, no joy in death. What's there to be afraid of? Just do your best in everything.

I thought it was a farewell, but I didn’t expect that I would meet a girl and be in such a situation. Ordinarily, given his status, it would be inappropriate to ask for help in front of a girl. "

"Master Qing doesn't have to be like this. If you can redeem him with money, I can help to a large extent."

Master Qing shook his head, "I'm afraid they won't let him go easily... So, I want to beg Mr. Song Wu."

 “Well, then I’ll contact my cousin!”

“Thank you, girl. I’ll take a good look at these things later...”

“Let’s leave it here for you first. You can take a look first and we’ll do things after consultation.”


“Youdao loves the whole family. Even if it’s for Mrs. Qi, I will be more tolerant to her son and treat him very, very well!”

Qi Xiaowu sings: Could it be that the oaths we once made are like flying flowers withering away...

 There is bad news: the computer is broken. Ask the guy who repairs the computer downstairs to come and fix it. He said to reinstall the system. I agreed...

 The result turned out to be: nothing. Pack. superior!

  I guess I have to go to a Dell repair center.

 Fortunately, the old computer didn't handle it. I haven't turned it on for two years. As you can imagine, I'm back at work...

Although it is slow, although it is unclear, I am still very capable...

 It’s not easy to use, so I can only try my best...

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