Chapter 134 Handy

Today, Qi Youyi returned to the capital with his eldest son Qi Xiao.

This time, he went out for more than a month to suppress bandits and captured a man who claimed to be the reincarnation of King Tota.

The bandits were suppressed very smoothly, but the King of Heaven spent a lot of effort.

 Because there are quite a few people who believe in him, and even some aristocratic families have joined in.

There was no shortage of people or money, and many charity halls were set up. When people were taken away, the people came to stop them. He didn't expect it in advance, but they were surrounded and made him very embarrassed.

 When he returned to Beijing, he didn't even return home. He went directly to the palace and handed in the battle report.

Then I walked in the door in a dusty state and found out that my wife was not at home and my mother was sick...

 He quickly took Qi Xiao into the backyard.

Mrs. Tan, the old lady of the Qi family, was sitting in the room with a forehead wipe on her head and a very bad look on her face.

 It’s just that the softness remains the same.

If Wen Yu sees it, he may be surprised that Tan is so young.

Furthermore, even though she was in a "bad mood" and "in poor health" today, she was still meticulously dressed from head to toe.

 Speaking of appearance, in fact, she is not that beautiful, and she does not even have the charm of a lady.

 Her good looks are a general thing. There are no wrinkles or collapse on the face. The eyes are clear and gentle, and the corners of the mouth are smiling.

There is a detached open-mindedness and peace in his demeanor, and even a hint of liveliness.

There was a rumor in the capital that Qi Zheng's wife was grateful to Mr. Tan for saving her husband and recognized her as her goddaughter. She stayed in the mansion and ate, drank and dressed like the lady in the mansion. She was also prepared to find a good family for her. But Ms. Tan said that after accompanying her sister to give birth to a child, it would not be too late for her to get married again.

 In the later stages of Mrs. Qi's pregnancy and after she gave birth to the child, Mrs. Tan was indeed better at taking care of her than the other maids around her.

As the saying goes, you can taste the medicine and food yourself without taking off your clothes.

Mrs. Qi had an abnormal fetal position when she gave birth to Qi Zheng, and she did not recover well later. When Qi Xiao was less than one year old, Mrs. Qi eventually passed away due to heart disease due to physical weakness.

Before leaving, Mrs. Qi "begged" her husband to remarry Sister Tan.

Qi Zheng "obeys his wife's wishes" and really plans to remarry her.

At that time, there were many people who opposed it, including Qi Zheng’s parents and Mrs. Qi’s natal Zhao family.

 Because of the Tan family, she is almost considered a woman of "unknown origin". She has no home, no job, and no one knows her past.

 But Qi Zheng was very persistent and finally got married.

 For a long time, the Tan family was not tolerated by this class and encountered many embarrassing things.

But she has a low profile and is honest, and can face anything she encounters calmly.

 In so many years, no one has seen her change her face, or say that she is not her fault.

Moreover, on the premise that she also gave birth to a son, she also raised Qi Youyi to be tall, heroic, and capable of both literary and military skills.

 Finally earned a good name for himself.

 Now in the capital, she is also a very famous philanthropic old lady. My popularity at home and outside is good!

Seeing the arrival of their father and son, Mrs. Tan’s face immediately put on a smile, and her voice was filled with surprise: “Boss, Xiao’er! Isn’t the genius coming back tomorrow?!”

Qi Youyi and Qi Xiao, both quite tall, stepped forward and saluted with smiles on their faces, "Mother!"


“The journey was going smoothly, so I came back a day early!”

"Okay, okay! It'll be fine when you come back... Are you injured?!" She stretched out her hands to the two people, looking at the father and son up and down with concerned eyes.

 “Don’t worry, you’re not hurt.”

"Amitabha! It seems that my incense was not burned in vain!" Mrs. Tan was obviously happy, "Have you gone to the palace?"

"Been there!"

 “Is there any reward from the emperor!?”

 “Haha, mother, even if there were, it wouldn’t be now.”

 “Are you making fun of your mother for being ignorant of official business?” She looked at Qi Youyi angrily.

 “Haha! My son doesn’t dare! Has your father got a letter back?”

"I received a letter, saying that everything is going well, and it will take a while before he can come back. I'm worried about his waist... A few days ago, someone sent a medical pack for bathing. I also prepared it for you and your father, but Prevention can be cured. It's too hard for you to fight outside. You must take good care of yourself on weekdays. Don't be lazy! "Thank you, mother. My son is also worried about his father. If the emperor has no other assignment, he wants to take over his father's job." Son."

Ms. Tan was heartbroken, but the smile on her face remained unchanged, "You have worked hard for more than a year, so take a good rest first! And Xiao'er..."

The old lady looked at Qi Xiao and pointed at him: "Look, what a fair person? Now he is like a black charcoal, he has to be raised!"

Qi Xiao said: "Grandma, my grandson is a military commander, not a pretty boy!"

 “Tch, you’re not stupid, how can your wife like you? You’re gone for such a long time and you don’t want to be with your wife?!”

 Grandma and grandson all laughed, and the atmosphere was great!

Qi Xiao’s face turned red, he really missed her!

"Mother, come back and listen to the message on the door that you are not feeling well?" Qi Youyi was really concerned.

Mrs. Tan glared at the people around her, "Don't listen to their nonsense! I'm fine! I'm fine!"

The girl next to me said, "Old madam, you don't have to hold on. If you have something on your mind, just tell him when he comes back."

“Yes, mother, what’s wrong with you? Can you please call a doctor?”

“I told you it’s okay! They’re the ones making the fuss! Besides, even if there’s something wrong, everything will be fine as soon as I see you two!”

She looked at Qi Youyi and Qi Xiao with pride and love in her eyes.

Qi Youyi and his son were very moved, "My son is back. If you are unhappy, you have to tell me. Otherwise, how can your son be relieved?"

Tan's eyes were shining, but the circles under his eyes seemed wet. "It's really okay..."


 He asked the girl next to him, "Tell me! What's wrong with mother?" Why does it look like she's crying?

Mrs. Tan quickly winked at the girl.

But the girl said: "Sir, last time you left, my wife went around talking about building a grave for my hometown. This is my filial piety, but for some reason, gossip about you started to spread outside: You are not filial and don't care about your biological mother. It seems that you are taught by our old lady!

Who dares to bear such a reputation? The old lady became anxious and angry and fell ill. But the madam didn't care and left directly with the fourth and fifth masters. Just came back a few days ago! When I came back, I didn't even go to see the old lady to say hello. I only showed up once, just to inform the old lady that she had arranged the marriage of the Fourth Master and the Fifth Master locally! "

 There was a hint of sadness in Tan's expression.

Qi Youyi was stunned. In fact, to be honest, he was not concerned about the marriage between Silang and Wulang.

Especially Wulang. Although he is his legitimate son, he can count the number of times he has met between father and son.

Moreover, his true thoughts in his heart are not known: Qi Xiao has been with him the longest, and he also accompanies him when he goes on official business. It can be said that he is his greatest support. Even this time we got out of trouble safely, it was this son who led people to solve it.

But what he loves most in his heart is Qi Hua, the second son Xiu Yun gave birth to. Qi Hua's marriage was something he had worked hard to obtain.

 Sanlang is taken care of by his father and third brother. He didn't even pay attention to Shiro.

  He has no intention of intervening in Wulang's marriage and future.

 Cui can decide whatever he likes.

 Looking at my mother's appearance, I'm afraid it's not that simple, so her face is hard to look at.

Qi Xiao next to him is several years older than his younger brother, and he has not yet been married to Qi Hua!

Especially the fifth brother has been good-looking since he was a child. His mother kissed him especially when he was a child and dressed him up all day long, making him look like a girl from a boy.

 He looked particularly unpleasant.

 Originally I wanted to use the eldest brother's momentum to suppress him and let him know how powerful he is.

 As a result, he didn’t like himself!


 I was so angry that I beat him many times.

My mother was angry with herself because of this, so she hated him even more.

Later, his mother sent him out to school, and the two of them had fewer opportunities to meet...Huh, if you make grandma angry, wait, you have to deal with him!


 There was a cheerful and clear voice at the door.

  Tan's emotions calmed down appropriately. She was very good at doing this.

 Looking at Qi Xiao with a smile, "Look, who is here?" She said in a teasing tone.

 (End of this chapter)

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