Wen Yu expressed his needs to the old lady and Wen Qian, and then returned to the house.

Several girls are still packing things there, but Laba is not here.

Wen Yu sat down, drank tea and watched them work.

Qinghe wears a tight-fitting jacket with a slender waist, and works lightly and quickly.

Hongxing behaves very down-to-earth and is no longer as flirtatious as she used to be. However, when she arrived, she still took down the medicine bag from the Peony Pavilion and put it away.

 Will she take action? When will it be?

How can we get through her and beat Yuanshi hard?

Hongxing was working normally, but when she turned around, she saw that her girl was looking at her faintly. The look in her eyes made her startled: "Girl?! Is something wrong?"

 “Well, grind the ink, I still need to write a letter!”

"Yes." Hongxing's heart was shaking a little. She hasn't met Aunt Xu yet, so Aunt Xu might be very angry about the marriage that the girl has arranged.

 But, what can I do? ! I'm just a girl...


Laba climbed up the wall and went out.

First I went to deliver a letter to the Qi family, and then rushed to my hometown.

The boss who assigned her the job, Shi Shiwu, happened to be there. He looked her up and down, oh, look at her complexion, so pink and moist! The little bun's face is almost turning into a big bun, and the materials of the clothes are very nice.

 Is she on a mission?

Unhappy, he asked in a deep voice: "Didn't you arrive yesterday? Why didn't you come yesterday?"

Laba felt that the boss' question was unreasonable and stared, "Boss, what do you think I am doing?! Do you know the girl's personal maid? Did she just come out casually? Today, the girl asked me to come out to deliver the message. Woolen cloth!"

Fifteen said coldly: "Have you forgotten the rules or how to get a stick after you have been out for a few months?"

  “…” This old man is still as cruel as ever!

Laba shrank his neck and did not dare to say any more.

“Come over to me in a moment and answer honestly! Be concise and to the point, no nonsense! If you cause trouble for me again, I’ll really beat you to death this time!”

Laba didn’t dare to speak and only nodded.

Then Fifteen took her out and got into the carriage. The carriage was sealed and nothing could be seen.

  We walked for a long time and finally entered a courtyard directly.

Fifteen went down first, and after a while, he came back and called Laba: "Come down! Do you remember what I just said?"

Laba nodded quickly.

 Fifteen took her for a while and came to a courtyard. Climb three steps and enter a large room.

Laba is good at looking around with the corner of his eyes. Wow, it’s so big and majestic...

She was surprised when she saw Fifteen's footsteps paused and his breath became violent...

 It’s over, it’s over, he discovered it again!

 Hurry up and just look at your toes...

 “Master, Laba is back.”

Laba knelt down honestly and said, "Master, this subordinate is back!"

"Well..." the voice said lazily, "get up and talk about it! What's going on with this girl from the Wen family?!"

Sitting there shapelessly with his feet on the table was the grandson.

So Laba told Taisun everything about his arrival in Jiangzhou.

She didn’t dare to look up, so when she mentioned how beautiful Wen Yu was, how capable and powerful she was!

   I couldn't help but see the stinky face of my master.

The grandson didn’t speak either, so she had no choice but to continue talking.

 When she said that Wen Yu was almost killed on the boat.

 Taishun was at a loss for thought.

  "You just dealt with the person without checking who it was?" The voice was very cold.

Laba was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. Of course she couldn't say that she didn't want to do anything because she was too sleepy. "This subordinate is worried... If someone designs this, he will definitely stay outside, wait for any movement in the house, and rush in to catch the rapist. By then, no matter what, Miss Wen's reputation will be over."

 It’s great to have a good reputation!

Taisun glared at her fiercely! Can't do anything~

 “Based on your analysis, who did it?”

"There are a lot of people at the pier. Maybe someone saw the girl's good looks and wanted to do something dirty. Maybe she was colluding with the ship's owners and outsiders. I can't say exactly. The ship that spent the night at the pier that day was the Prince of Wu."

 The master narrowed his eyes again.

"There is another fleet that goes to Beijing to get married. There are no miscellaneous ships. According to the analysis of my subordinates, it should not be these two families. Moreover, it is also possible that the second wife of the Wen family did it. The second wife of the Wen family wanted Young Master Qi to marry her. Daughter, so I hate Miss Wen.”

 “Bah! What the hell! Let’s change the Wen family’s surname to Lei! The whole family is a toad! They’re all crazy...” This guy just thought he could marry Xiaowu!

 He cursed very dissatisfiedly, but then he thought, Hey, I am also dizzy, what are you talking about with a little guard?

"Miss Wen is very powerful. The second wife wanted to find trouble with her, but the girl thought of a way to make the second wife suffer and even get a beating!"

 “I just said she was cunning...what else?”

He had not been in Laba for a long time and had not experienced much, so he treated Wen Yu as his younger brother and brought him to the capital.

 “What?! Fool? God-brother?! Please tell me carefully!”

When she went to Laba, Liu Lanzhou had already arrived, so she just listened to Yan Zhu's excited description of how to beat the monk.

The master was silent for a while after hearing this, "What else is there?"

There was nothing more to say about Laba, so Yan Zhu cooked the food in different ways every day, saying how delicious it was, and she became fat.

 And Master Qing is so good at making clothes that she even learns needlework from him.

And why did Miss Wen go to Cai Luan Pavilion and buy all the good furs there at a low price? The gang of noodles in Cai Luan Pavilion were so happy!

Finally, Wen Yu begged the Song family's cousin and rescued Master Qing's nephew.

 Then, Laba said seriously: "That Mr. Yibai! He is the most famous young man!"

 “Is there such a thing?!” Taisun’s eyes sparkled!

"Isn't that true!? I heard that he is a master of chess and zither! If you want to see him or spend money, it depends on his mood!" Laba gestured exaggeratedly as if he were playing the zither.

 At fifteen, I saw that this girl had let go again! Laba stared at her repeatedly, but he didn't realize it.

Then, his master turned to himself and said, "Check this Mr. Yibai..."

Aren’t we busy enough?

 Why do you check everything?

 This is boring.


 At the Wen family's dinner, Yuan calmed down and went to the old lady's living room.

 Wen Feng was describing to the old lady what he had seen throughout the day. In celebration of the Chinese New Year and Long Live the Thousand Years, the streets are decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and everything is full of celebration.

I also looked outside several famous houses.

“I’ve been wandering around all day today, and my son is exhausted, but he hasn’t even been around half of the time!”

The children at home were also happy to hear it and told the old lady that they wanted to go out on the street.

 The old lady responded happily. "When we get some rest, we'll go for a walk."

Mrs. Yuan smiled and said: "Mom, I received a few greeting cards from my husband's colleagues and my daughter-in-law's friends. They all said that they would come and see you after you rest."

"I don't have anything to do, and I don't need to take a break. You can take care of these things, just tell me in advance. The Chinese New Year is almost here, and it's still the end of the long life. You know better than me how it's appropriate! "

“Yes. Wife, please make arrangements!”

  Wu looked at it and felt guilty. She couldn't compare to Yuan in this area.

 Looking at the happy husband, he is in high spirits, he is so beautiful!

 But why can't he be like the big brother? !

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