At dusk, Qi Wu returned home.

 Go back to your own yard first.

 He had been going to school outside, except for the two boys around him who had followed him since childhood. The girl in the house really hasn't had much service.

 Several people close to me were all arranged by Mrs. Qi.

When I was sent here, I told you: work hard, get double monthly silver, and give a dowry when you are old enough. If you dare to think evil, you will not only be punished, but also bring trouble to your family.

 But the courtyard is at Qi’s house, so how come no one has arranged it?

 Long time ago, even the sweepers were all pretty little girls. After staying in this yard for several years, she has now become a slender and beautiful girl.

As he walked in, countless girls with red faces and heartbeats were watching.

Qi Wu had nothing to say in his own yard.

 After freshening up and changing clothes, I went to Mrs. Qi's room.


"Xiao Wu, are you back? Are you done with your work?" Mrs. Qi was extremely happy when she saw her son back.

 “It’s over for now.”

  "Are you tired? Are you not injured? Come and have a couple of snacks." There was a flurry of excitement.

 “Mother, my son won’t eat.”

"I got this from Wen Yu! Did you know that mother met her? Look at me, you didn't come back, how could you know?" Mrs. Qi was excited when she saw it.

Qi Wu moved his lips but said nothing.

Mrs. Qi told her in detail about her meeting with Wen Yu.

Qi Wu listened to his mother's happiness, picked up a small piece of snack and put it in his mouth.

Hmm, not sweet, fragrant and glutinous, very good.

"Mother feels like she has found a treasure! Silly son, how come your life is so good?" Not only did you escape the **** who has been haunting you for so many years, but you also got such a fairy! "During the Chinese New Year, Mom is going to Duoduo to burn incense. Thank you Buddha for blessing us two!"

Qi Wu nodded: "When my son is free, I will accompany you."

As soon as Qi Wu entered the door, the old lady behind heard about it and immediately got busy.

 After a while, Qi Youyi and several sons and daughters-in-law gathered in the old lady's house.

Mrs. Qi and Qi Wu were of course summoned.

Qi Wu followed his mother.

 "Grandma, father! Big brother..." Qi Wuchen said calmly.

Qi Youyi was very surprised when he saw it. If he saw this on the street, he would probably look at him several times, but he might not be able to recognize him as his son.

 Why does he look like this? !

Oh yes. When I was a kid, it was pretty much the same.

Wearing a thick light blue twill brocade, the edges of the clothes are all hemmed with stripes of the same color. Very particular...

Even the belt has jade beads sewn on it!

My family is a military officer, and the clothes I wear on weekdays are of good quality, but the color and style are not so particular.

Qi Youyi came to a conclusion: He finally let Mr. Cui develop into a playboy!

 Looking at Qi Hua in a blink of an eye...Qi Hua looks pretty good, but it's a pity that he didn't inherit Xiuyun's eyes. She looks a bit like the old lady...but the old lady is a woman...

"Qi Yang, where have you gone? It's been so long since my father came back, and I haven't seen you anywhere!" Qi Youyi became angry very quickly.

 “Father, my son has gone out.”

 “What have you been doing?”

  “There is something important.”

 Having said it means not saying it.

"Is it up to you to do something important?" He looked Qi Wu up and down contemptuously. "What else can't be said!?"

"Youyi, please tell me what you have to say! Why are you shouting when you come up? It's hard for Xiao Wu to come back. If you scare him again, it's really serious!" Old Mrs. Qi provoked a complaint.

 “Mother, he is so outrageous!”

"Okay!" Mrs. Tan looked at Qi Wu with a smile, "Tsk, we Xiao Wu are just pleasing to the eye. This time, the Emperor Qianqiu has a martial arts competition. Xiao Wu, you must go! Let them see Look, who said that all military commanders are rich and rough?"

Xu Minghui burst into laughter and said, "Grandma, please stop saying that. If you don't go, you still have the airs to be called a silver wax gun head, which will be troublesome!"

Qi Wu heard it and had no reaction.

After hearing this, Mrs. Qi thought viciously: I have decided on the money to be invested in the shop!

Qi Youyi got angry and began to accuse him. It was nothing more than: If you don't study hard, you won't do anything for the Qi family even at this age. Look at your brothers, what does the eldest do?

 What about the second child...


Qi Xiao looked at his brother in silence, feeling disgusted from head to toe.

Mrs. Qi's eyelids were slightly drooped, her mouth was sarcastic, and she remained silent.

Qi Youyi's brains... He is still alive after leading troops in battles for many years, just because of his good fortune.

 If it had happened in the past, she might have argued and quarreled, and she would have definitely become embarrassed with her husband.

 Finally, the old witch has to come out to "smooth things out"...

Now, I do everything as I please, so how can I have the energy to waste time with you?

 I still have to help my daughter-in-law open a shop?

 Princess Zhengyang, I heard about "Jixiang Zhai", she is the owner behind the scenes. There are always many new looks coming out of Jixiangzhai under the name of the exit of Princess Mansion!

 In the future, my daughter-in-law will inevitably have to compete with her for business.

 Oops, I have to win over Zhengxi.

 Princess Zhengxi was raised by the late Queen Empress and Qian'er, and she has a close relationship with Mrs. Qi!

Her husband-in-law was seriously injured, and the relationship between the couple is very good, so they usually keep a low profile.

 However, she can defeat Zhengyang alone!

Mrs. Qi thought about it and felt that this was very interesting, and she even smiled on her face.

 Everyone saw…

Tanshi was puzzled.

Qi Youyi was even more angry.

Qi Xiao was shocked: Mother is really sick? !

Finally, Mrs. Tan said: "Come on, it's appropriate. You can go back and clean up. Let's have a reunion dinner tonight!"

Qi Wu sent his mother back to her room. When she came out, Qi Xiao was standing on the roadside: "Qi Yang!"

Qi Wu walked up to him and said, "Brother." Qi Xiao looked at his thin body, but he was dressed in flashy clothes, and snorted coldly: "The Qi family is a heir to military success. How do you want to pursue your future? As a brother, try it first. Try your weight!"

Qi Wu didn't say anything. He walked towards the Qi family's martial arts training ground and extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

 Qi Xiao was so angry that he felt that Qi Wu was provoking him!

 Turn around and go there! And secretly made up his mind: I will give you a big pain today!

The martial arts field is in the side courtyard. On weekdays, the marquis and the generals also conduct military drills here, and they are all guarded by guards.

 In the middle field, there are archery targets and some weapons.

 Originally, there were clothes specially worn for training.

Qi Xiao walked up here in a hurry, thinking in his heart: I can take care of this sissy with just one hand, and I still need to change clothes?

 Step in and throw off your coat!

That movement seemed to have been practiced many times, and it was so cool...

Then, he tucked his robe up to his waist, stood in the center of the field, lost his temper, and looked at Qi Wu sullenly.

Qi Wu came in slowly, took off his cloak and put it away carefully. He didn't change his clothes either, so he tucked his robe away.

 Standing opposite the eldest brother...

Qi Wu’s eyes were clear and harmless.

Qi Xiao’s anger rose again as he sank, and he sneered:

"You have been like a girl since you were a child. Your mother sent you to Qin Daru to study for so many years. She thought you would become a prostitute! Unexpectedly, you have no fame now."

  I am not involved in family affairs. My father and I are fighting outside. What are you doing? Dress well and show off in front of others? ! Do you want to be a playboy? "

He thought about how many sins he had suffered by living in the open air. How many injuries have you suffered?

 That is to say, we did not encounter any major wars. Our parents and our generation were very lucky and suffered no major casualties.

 But the hard-earned achievements and property were enjoyed and squandered by this sissy.

What’s even more hateful is that he monopolizes his mother’s favor, but he doesn’t get any of it!

  Okay, then today, I will beat you until your mother can’t even recognize you!

Qi Wu said softly: "If you want to hit me, hit me, don't talk too much!"


Before the good word was written, Qi Xiao struck out with a punch and went straight to Qi Wu's cheek...

 Punching out his fist, he noticed that Qi Wu's eyes changed.

With a deep glare in his eyes, he shook his head slightly, and his left hand pulled his fist. His right elbow went to Qi Xiao's abdomen.

"…"So fast? ! Qi Xiao was shocked.

 His reaction was not slow either. I quickly twisted around, but I was too careless before and couldn't completely avoid it.

 Hunted by Qi Wu, he took a step back and felt a slight pain on his left side.

Before Qi Xiao could react, Qi Wu took a step forward and his right knee came up again, still running towards Qi Xiao's abdomen.

“…” Qi Xiao was shocked again, what happened to him?

 I used my palms to block it, and it was shaken for a while, but nothing happened.

This time, Qi Xiao took the initiative to take a few steps back and stood there, looking at Qi Wu.

His rhythm is messed up. He avoids it first and then starts again, otherwise he will be too passive.

Qi Wu did not pursue him anymore, but looked at Qi Xiao.

“It seems that there were two moments, but it’s a pity that it was just a waste of time!” It was indeed Qi Xiao who was careless just now.

He originally just wanted to swell that beautiful face and give him a black eye.

 Let my mother see it!

I didn’t expect this guy to have more time!

Qi Xiao was beaten with real swords and guns on the battlefield. He is not very good at hand-to-hand combat.

Hence, he stopped being careless and contemptuous, and started fighting Qi Wu seriously.

 What he said in his heart: My fist is hard. As long as I touch it, you will be choked.

 It's a pity that Qi Wu's body is flexible and his fists are not soft either.

As a result, Qi Wu’s arm was kicked by Qi Xiao.

Qi Xiao was kicked in the stomach and **** by Qi Wu.

 For a while it was hard to tell the difference between up and down.

But for Qi Xiao who wants to conquer Qi Wu with one hand, it is equivalent to losing.

So we started to hate each other, and we fought back and forth for a long time.

 Finally, Qi Xiao got it!

He gave Qi Wu a slap on his cheek. Although he avoided most of the force, it was not damaged.

  But he still got hit.

As for Qi Wu’s white skin, I really couldn’t stand it, so he showed me it all at once...

But Qi Wu, who was beaten, suddenly changed again... His movements suddenly became fierce and sharp, and his moves were aimed at Qi Xiao's vital parts.

 Fast and cruel, one move after another.

Qi Xiao was a little overwhelmed and in a hurry.

 However, every time Qi Wu was about to succeed, he backed down.

After a few clicks, Qi Xiao understood: This **** is giving in to himself!

He is so shameless that he is too embarrassed to fight.

So he stood there angrily and didn't move.

Awkward and angry: "Come on, come on! Come over here!" He pointed at his neck and made a fuss.

Qi Wu stopped and straightened out the messy clothes that Qi Xiao had kicked.

"Brother, you don't have to be like this. If you're on the battlefield, dancing with guns, shooting arrows, or arranging troops, I can't compare to you."

Qi Xiao felt a little better after hearing this, but he refused to express it.

Qi Wu said: "I still have something to do. If I don't fight, I will leave."

Qi Xiao huffed angrily, glared at Qi Wu fiercely, and walked out of the venue first.

  It’s not cool to pull **** one’s cloak!

Happy New Year! good luck!

 One update first, and then we have to go out for dinner.

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