The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 166: Find someone to solve the problem

Wen Yu sat quietly waiting for Mrs. Qi to come and look for her.

  Secretly thinking: I don’t know what that grandson wants to think of me. It’s really annoying.

 She is low-key and doesn't want to cause trouble.

 But the problem still came to her.

The concubine’s name is Xue Ying.

 Let's talk about it, I am somewhat related to Xu Minghui's ancestor. Later, the Xu family fell into decline, and they didn't have much contact with them.

But the two people look quite similar.

They are all bright and colorful.

It's just that Xue Ying was well-dressed and well-fed in her boudoir and after she got married, and she was even more squeamish and arrogant!

She had several good friends, one of whom was Zhang Jinjin who was married to the Prince Consort’s house. She was bored when she saw Wen Yu.

 She didn’t even recognize such an appearance!

Just ask around.

 But the Wen family is really not famous, so I only found out after asking the boss around. Oh, it turns out that this is Qi Wulang’s fiancée...

 Thinking of the dashing figure on a horse... standing with the girl in front of me, how enviable it is...

 Maliciousness suddenly arises in my heart!

 She, or the people in her circle, do things regardless of the consequences and only act according to their intentions.

With someone like the Wen family, she would not hesitate to do anything she wanted to do.

 Standed up and went to the back hall.

The Crown Princess is standing next to the Crown Princess, talking to someone!

 Mr. Zhang winked at the door. Concubine Taisun saw it and came out quietly.

“Mother, there is someone I don’t like, please help me deal with it!”

 “Who do you dislike again?!”

 “Can you help me?!”

 “Let’s talk about it later! What day is it today? I have no shame in causing trouble!”

 “Things are getting smoother and smoother for you, why are you so careful?”

 “You don’t know...several princesses are here! If we make a fuss, my aunt won’t be in a hurry with me?!”

 “It doesn’t matter! Just let her embarrass herself.”

 “Who is it?!”

"That little-known girl from the Wen family." Seeing that the grandson didn't react for a moment, she said, "The fiancée of the fifth young master of the Qi family..."

"Qi Wulang...has she recruited you?" The concubine was a little hesitant. Qi Wulang's background and current circumstances would cause trouble.

“My dear, I don’t like that girl’s vixen-like appearance.”

This best friend has helped me a lot. Seeing her persistence, the concubine didn't think much about it: "You are really troublesome, what do you want me to do?"

“You can arrange for the female officer to call her to the aisle, and I’ll find a way to make her look disgraced!”

Concubine Taisun said no more, nodded her hand and called someone over, and said to Madam Zhang: "You said this! Just make fun of it, don't let it end. Luyi, listen to her. Pay attention to your propriety. , don’t make a fuss.”

 Mr. Zhang smiled, turned around and whispered a few words to her maid.

Jin Zi was bragging to someone. The girl went over and said something to him...

 His eyes lit up. "real?!"

 “When did I lie to you?!”

 “Okay. I’ll go!”

Seeing that he was leaving, Prince Yongqing asked, "Where are you going?"

 “There’s something good going on, let’s go together!?”

Looking at his **** that was on fire and rough, Prince Yongqing frowned and said, "I still have to wait here for someone. You go and come back quickly."

  "Quickly..." Jin Zi smiled mischievously, with a deep meaning: "Maybe not...too fast!"


 A person who looked like a female official came over and asked softly: "But the old lady of the Wen family and Miss Wen Yu?"

 Old Mrs. Wen and Wen Yu stood up quickly. Old Mrs. Wen said, "We are from the Wen family, and this is Laosheng's eldest granddaughter, Wen Yu."

The female officer smiled, but her voice was still very low, "My dear concubine, I would like to invite Miss Wen Yu to come over and talk!"

 Old Mrs. Wen was happy when she heard this.

Wen Yu suddenly thought: Is something really wrong with me?

She pretended to be surprised and opened her mouth to say: "The Grand Concubine is looking for me? My lord, are you not mistaken?!"

The female officer was startled by Wen Yu's voice. Who here speaks so loudly?

 There are really no rules!

The female official's face darkened, and she put on a domineering look, but her voice was still low, "Miss, didn't you understand what I just said?" "I don't understand!" Wen Yu replied seriously.

 What's wrong with this girl? Mrs. Wen was worried and just wanted to speak...

Wen Yu kept supporting her and pinched her hard.

 Old Mrs. Wen “…”

 It hurts a lot.

 But this also made her suspicious: Could something be wrong?

“…” The female officer’s eyes were cold. This woman is not taking the usual path.

“You don’t understand, so I’ll say it again, the Grand Concubine is here to invite you!”

"But..." Wen Yu still didn't understand: "Empress Taisun has a noble status, and she is not an old acquaintance with Wen Yu. Wen Yu is a young woman with an ordinary background. There are so many distinguished guests today, how can Empress Taisun talk to Wen Yu alone? My lord, are you mistaken?"

 Everyone around looked over. Some even approach quietly...

 “Miss Wen, it seems that you really don’t understand the rules!” The female officer was very angry.

Wen Yu didn't care: "To be honest, sir, this is the first time Wen Yu has entered the royal gate. The Wen family has an ordinary family background. Let alone being fluent, they are not exposed to these rules. As soon as the sir said this, Wen Yu was confused. My lord, please don’t blame me! My lord, are you saying that your concubine wants to meet our grandson and grandson?”

 Now, everyone around heard it.

The female officer was really angry: "Since you don't understand, just listen to what I say: Miss Wen, you are alone, come with me!"

 She made a strong "please" gesture.

 Old Mrs. Wen knew something was wrong and her face turned pale. Although she usually dares to act arrogant, she doesn't have the courage here!

 People around me also feel something is wrong. But no one dared to talk. The one who was slowly approaching was now slowly moving away...

Two maids looked at each other, and one of them went out.

 Having spoken, Wen Yu could not say: "Laba, come with me!"

The female officer wanted to stop Laba from going, but then she thought, we won’t be able to send a girl to our territory for a while? We can't dwell on this anymore.

So, Wen Yu took Laba and followed the female officer out, turned left and then left, and walked back.

 The grandson in the front is accompanying the prince to receive guests.

He had already sent someone to ask before Qi Wu came.

At this time, Shuan'er, the handsome little **** beside him, came over and whispered a few words.

The smile on Taisun’s face did not change, but he was filled with anger and hatred: What is that **** **** doing again!

"Check the reason. That girl from the Wen family, try her weight first, just don't really get into trouble. I'll be there right away..."

Wen Yu and Laba followed the female officer.

  It would be a lie to say that she is not nervous, but her expression remains the same.

Laba supported her and said softly: "Girl, don't worry too much. There are subordinates and grandson here, so they won't let anything happen to you at home."

 Wen Yu nodded.

 Walking a little further, there was no one around.

 There is a Taoist gate ahead. The female official must take her out.

Wen Yu stood still and said, "My lord, we are going out of the courtyard. I don't understand the royal rules, but even if you are a guest in an ordinary person's house, you don't go to their backyard at will. You are playing tricks on the little girl. Bar?!"

 “Am I teasing you?!” The female official turned around, very aggressively.

"Isn't it? There are so many guests here, who dares to go forward through this door?!"

“I am taking you there, just follow me!”

"That's not what you said! If you make a mistake, you will make me make a mistake too... Ah, this is not a mistake! Breaking into the East Palace without permission must be... a serious crime?! What kind of crime is this under the new year? , I can’t say it!”

 “You!” The female officer was very angry.

As soon as you exit the door, there is a small corridor. After turning left and right twice, you will find a long corridor, which is rarely visited on weekdays...

 Zhang was hiding on the other side of the corridor.

As for the gold, the cat is in the aisle.

Mrs. Zhang heard them arrive at the door, but instead of coming in, she kept talking there. I felt anxious, secretly blaming the female official for being useless.

 Beside her, there were two eunuchs and the palace daughter hiding, and she winked.

A few people walked over and stood beside the female officer...

 The female officer looked at Wen Yu's master and servant with a sneer on her face.

 Laba didn't want to reveal his identity, but he couldn't do it now. So, he let go of the hand holding Wen Yu and was about to step forward...

But at this moment, two little maids suddenly came from the front and went back.

 I was a little surprised to see several people here.

 If you don’t want to get into trouble, keep walking back.

One of them, passing by Wen Yu... took a curious look.

stopped for a moment, blinked, and carefully identified...

 Then, she said hesitantly: "Yes, Miss Wen?"

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