Chapter 191 Escape in stride

 Outsiders don’t know that Mr. Zhou’s study is so luxurious.

 The decoration of the shop and the use are all of high quality.

 He likes to enjoy things the most. These are all bought and obtained by him.

At this moment, he, who was wearing high-quality silk and linen clothes, was taking something to look at carefully.

After a while, he sighed: This loyal and diligent uncle Song Shang, at such a young age, actually has such a skill... The industry covers a wide range of areas, and all of them are sophisticated.

 The bamboo salt is his!

That was used by my family as soon as it came into existence!

 He also met His Highness King Wu...

 Why didn’t King Wu mention this person?

 "Heli and Weishi...are related to the Wen family, the Wen family?" He thought for a while, but he really didn't know this family. "But, the Wen family and the Qi family are biologically related!" He frowned.

How did it get involved with her?

I am marrying Qi Wu, a daughter of the Cui family, a handsome young man who is in the limelight...

It’s quite complicated!

However, this relationship has limited obstacles...

 The information obtained so quickly is definitely not comprehensive.

But it can also be basically inferred that Song Shang is low-key, cautious, surrounded by expert guards, and has a secret relationship. And this relationship should not be with King Wu, that’s good!

If only as the client entrusted: just take revenge on Song Shang. It's not too difficult to make careful arrangements.

But if you want to take over the Song family's property as well, you can't touch him easily.

 Otherwise, once he dies, the family will be scattered and the property will not be neat.

 It would be a struggle to get them all.

Hmm, let’s play a big game.

Since this prey has been targeted by me, I have no choice but to entrust the client!

 Everything has to be done my way!

 I'm good at this kind of thing.

Mr. Zhou gently stroked his long beard... His thoughts went back to when he was a young man, cleaning up the Bai family.

At that time, I was only in my early twenties, and I did such a big thing.

 He smiled…

It's a pity that the experience is insufficient: I didn't get the key secrets of the Bai family, although I got a lot of property. But later, he was plotted by his partners. With no power or wealth, he managed to escape with his life.

Although in the end, the man was taken care of by himself.

  But: I didn’t lose the money myself. I had to change my name and start all over again.

Even if he later achieved great success. But after all, I changed my surname and could not honor my ancestors, which became my biggest regret...

 With the same trick to get the Song family, that's not bad!

So he wrote back to the middleman: I took it. But it will take a long time, and then: people will die and gain wealth! Happy everyone!

There is only one thing: don’t rush!

Yang Xiangdong received the news and hurried to Wei's residence. Thinking of Yiren and getting the news, I felt excited.

 I didn’t pay attention, but there was someone falling behind me in a leisurely manner!


Mrs. Qi went out and passed by the small courtyard to see if Wen Yu was there.

 The yard was very lively, Wen Yu was doing something, "Madam! Are you exhausted these days?"

 Poured the tea and sat next to Mrs. Qi. It was natural for the beautiful girl to be concerned.

 This makes Mrs. Qi feel happy. I have to say that she has been in a good mood for a long time. The whole person is in high spirits.

"It's okay. That girl Mo Qing is really good! Even if the old witch...ahem..." she let slip, "the whole family can't fault it. I heard a letter and came to tell you something. I still remember the last time I was there The adopted daughter of the Wen family that the Cui family saw was the one who wrapped the snacks made by Zhuzhu!"

Wen Yu remembered, "Remember! She also owns a snack shop."

"Yes, that's her! Hui Yi had someone give her two pieces of snacks, saying they were made by Mrs. Yuan. She also gave two snacks to Tiji's family, so that they could support her! Hui Yi took a look and realized that they were all made by Mrs. Yuan. Did Hui Zhuzhu bring it up? But she actually said that she came up with it herself. It’s so shameless! She only imitated the style and color!”

“Don’t be angry, wait until our shop opens and we’ll suppress her!” Wen Yu said very proudly.

“That’s it! I tried it and it’s not good!”

"We! Not only are the snacks good, but the packaging is also good! Look at how these boxes... are made, ranging from large, medium and small. To give to others, just put them in boxes. If you eat them yourself, use paper bags like this." On the big table It's very messy, Wen Yu is doing this.

 “Oh, this box is so beautiful.”

"Yes! There are paper ones and wooden ones. The wooden ones are the most expensive. After you finish the snacks, you can also put them in other boxes!" Wen Yu fiddled with them.

"How expensive is such a good box?" Mrs. Qi hesitated a little. Can she still make money with such expensive packaging?

 “Don’t worry, they’re all in the snacks!”

 “The snacks are so expensive?!”

“Originally, we are not giving food to ordinary people. At first, you can also give some to people with whom you have good relationships. After you get a name, then..."

  "Hey, what are you thinking? It's impossible to give away! No one I know is short of such a little money! I won't associate with people who eat for free!"

 It makes Wen Yu laugh...


Mubo was a little troubled.

Since I followed the fifth master, I have no worries about food and drink. The girl is doing well and he doesn't need to worry about her.

 Let people kill people, let them set fires, and let people frame people. There is no need to think too much about it.

 If assigned by a girl, it’s very simple.

 He is so close, that stupid man doesn’t even know!

 When he arrived at the small courtyard, the man became angry and told the woman everything.    His mission was completed so quickly?

Mubo is bored, look at that woman... ugh, she is still dressed like that at home! Those clothes are beautiful and must be expensive.

No wonder Miss Wen wants to open a clothing shop!

It’s easy to earn money from these incomprehensible women.

 Since I followed Miss Wen, this girl also loves to dress up! But I still have a conscience, and I also made two clothes for myself. Normally nothing happens, but he wouldn't be willing to wear it...

As soon as my mind wandered, I saw the two people getting on the bed and putting down the curtains. After a while, there was an inexplicable sound coming from inside.

 What are they doing?

Mubo, a straight man made of aluminum alloy, was rarely seen in the mountains when he was a child.

 Even now, he doesn’t like to talk because he doesn’t know how to say it.

 The relationship between his parents left a very bad impression on him.

 They both spend less time at home. Either my father went out to investigate, or my mother went out and didn't come back.

 When mother is away, father is taciturn.

 While my father was away, my mother was in a state of despair.

 My parents never beat, scold or abuse me or my sister, but I don’t think so in my heart.

Occasionally when they are both at home, my father looks at my mother with the same expression as the man just now. nausea!

 He grew up almost isolated from the outside world. There is no one to teach and no place to learn about the matters between men and women.

 The "kind" of changes you encounter when you grow up... There are always more solutions than difficulties, and it's good to get used to them.

 Later, when I followed the Fifth Master out, there was no such thing around the Fifth Master.

 He would often see those girls looking at the Fifth Master like wolves, disgusting.

There is also a girl in the Qi family who is blushing and looking at herself secretly...

 Generally, he would reply inexplicably: "What are you looking at?"

 I have never experienced love, so I don’t know what it feels like.

 But the movement in the tent today... He relied on a man's intuition and told the girl that it might not be a good idea.

then what should we do?

 He has been worried here for a long time.

Suddenly an idea struck me and I slapped my thigh, yes! Just let Mr. Wu do the talking!

By coincidence, when he told Qi Wu what he heard and saw, Qi Wu was planning "big things" in his mind!

Mubo’s words were poured into his mind, but he was not digested. When I went out to do errands, I stopped by the small courtyard and Wen Yu was there.

They stayed with the prince at the hot spring village for ten days. Although the two of them were together all day long, they never spoke alone!

  When watching the fireworks on the 15th, some of the charm that had only gathered together had already dispersed with the fireworks.

Now, sitting here talking, we feel like old friends again.

Wen Yu poured him tea and asked with a smile, "How is it that the fourth young master is getting married?"

 “How about what?”

 Wen Yu was helpless, isn't this just chatting? Well, I had forgotten how boring talking to him was.

“I mean, what will happen when Mo Qing enters the house?”

“Fourth brother has a wife!” Qi Wu looked at her in confusion.

  "Okay, okay..." Wen Yu surrendered and stopped talking, "What do you want to do here?"

Qi Wu recalled what Mu Bo said: "The man surnamed Yang told Wei: The middleman replied and the person he asked has agreed to do it. He also said: If you just want Song Shang's life, it is not difficult. . But the Song family’s wealth is huge, so it would be a pity not to get it.

 Now it’s time to design something, so they don’t have to worry. When the time comes, both life and property will be obtained, and everyone will divide the accounts! Webster was very happy after hearing this. She said that the Song family owned bamboo salt, salt fields, mines, silk, weaving factories, shipping, gold shops, casinos, brothels, etc.

 She wants to write down what she knows for that person’s reference...that’s all! Then, the two of them got into bed, lowered the curtains, and hummed inside, not knowing what to do. "

  Qi Wu has no brain output…

Wen Yu listened silently: Sure enough, someone wants to touch Song Shang... the middle man, that person. In the previous life, it might have been a trap set by "that person". Who is it?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Qi Wu say that the two of them got into bed, lowered the curtain, and inside... what happened?

So he blurted out: "What sound did it make?!"

Qi Wu: "..." He was stunned.

 He is the son of a noble family, but he is different from the wild boy who grew up in the mountains. If you have never eaten pork, you must have seen Pig Run.

Wen Yu also responded: "..."

 She has been a human being for two lifetimes...right? !

 At this time, I was totally stupid.

Even though Wen Yu and Zhang Jiangqing had mentioned that Ma and Wang Xi would "make things happen", she subconsciously regarded Zhang Jiangqing as her sister...

 And the person in front of me...

There was a moment of excitement, and both of their faces turned red.

Qi Wu jumped up and said, "I, I, I... I'm done, I still have something important to do!" After saying that, he ran away with long legs and almost fell when he went down the steps.

Wen Yu sat there, covering his hot face.

 “Damn it!”

No one knows how Mr. Qi Wu came here that night.

The next day, Taisun looked at him and wondered, "What did you do last night?"

 The things Qi Wu was holding fell to the floor...

 (End of this chapter)

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