Chapter 21 Queen’s Goddaughter

Facing a large number of accounts, Mr. Yuan had a headache.

Even if you are used to it and have all the accounts in your mind, it still feels a little confusing when you have to hand over things that you have taken for many years.

More than ten years! She fumbled with these things, her heart aching and heavy.

Since she was a child, she has been proficient in poems, songs, and calligraphy. She can even comment on the depth of each year's examination questions. But for these general affairs, it is really unreasonable.

 After getting married, he followed him to serve abroad.

  Outside is no different than at home. Her husband is busy with official duties, and she has to take care of the family's food, clothing, housing, and transportation. When I first came into contact, I had no idea, so I was in a hurry and made a lot of mistakes.

 Fortunately, my husband is tolerant.

 To live your life, you need to spend money! Especially if I want to be particular about it.

 Not long after, he gave these to himself. Faced with such a large and complex industry, she worries a lot. During those days, I was busy working day and night, asking for advice, and planning.

 There is the annoyance of taking a detour, but also the pride of unexpected gains. It can be said that these industries are what they are today because of her hard work. Looking at this neat account, I remember every income clearly.

 As for the expenses... She didn't know why, but she was extra-minded at that time.

 Only recorded a large sum of money, and indicated that it was the husband who drew it.

 Then, those expenses are in her own small account.

 Her daughter and her clothes and jewelry, socializing with her friends, hiring a master for her daughter, subsidizing her family... I just read it from the beginning and realized that she has spent a lot of money over the years.

 She has forgotten some of the expenses...

 This is how the loss was settled, otherwise how could it be paid?

 It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality…

To enter the social circle of noble women in the capital, you need to entrust your daughter to the noble women's circle in the capital, you need to find a good husband-in-law for your daughter, and then there is a dowry...

 She has seen those wives of officials who had no property at home, and they took action to find out. Do I want to be like them? So for whom have you worked hard for more than ten years?

 After thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel a little resentful towards my husband. With his ability, why can't he block it? How did it get to this point?

 Wen Huan came in and saw his mother's expression solemn. "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan didn't look at her either, "Sit down."

 Why are you so serious? Wen Huan sat down carefully, "Are you looking at the account?"

Yuanshi was silent until her daughter became nervous, "Mom...what's wrong with you?"

After closing the account book, she said calmly: "My mother has taught you a lot in daily life. But after all, it is better to use facts to teach you. This time, you have learned a lesson."

“Mom, what are you talking about?” Wen Huan felt guilty.

"This time, not only was Wen Yu caught you buying gifts, but she was also used by her."

Upon hearing this, Wen Huan resisted instinctively, "Mom! Why do you say that?!"

"You are a grown-up girl. In two years, you will leave the court and start a family. My mother won't hide it from you..."

 Her attitude made Wen Huan even more nervous.

"Your maternal grandfather's family has a good reputation, but the family property is not rich. When my mother got married, the dowry was very limited."

 In fact, although it is not much, it is not as shabby as it was later. It was precisely because of her affair with Wen Qian that she became pregnant, which made her grandfather sick and later died. The family directed their anger at her and were extremely harsh on her.

If her husband hadn't given her his private would be really shameful.

"After entering the house, my mother took up the post with your father. The post is not as good as at home. You can provide food, clothing, housing, transportation, maintain relationships, manage the servants, and educate your three siblings. It's all money. Although the Wen family and your father have no problem raising us. But if we, mother and daughter, want to wear flowers as freely as we do now, we have to rely on these..." She patted the pile of account books, "This is... Wen Yu's mother's dowry. "

Wen Huan blinked, his head a little blurry.

 All along, whatever she wants, she gets.

But I never thought about where the money came from. Suddenly my throat became tight and I couldn't speak.

“When I first handed it over, the person in front left and it was very messy. But it took a lot of effort..."

"Mother...why are you bringing this up now?" Wen Huan suddenly felt something bad and asked cautiously.

 “Wen Yu is here to ask for it.”

“She, she wants it?! Ridiculous... How ridiculous! Does she have to give it to her if she wants it? This was given to you by your father and is taken care of by you. Why should she give it to her if she wants it?!”

“Even though my mother is taking care of it, and even though I earn enough money to be the centerpiece, it doesn’t mean that these things are ours.”

"You! But that's not what you said!" "There is no way... everything that can be moved has been moved. After the settlement, the property in my mother's name was purchased. But it was only a very small part, and these could not be moved. "

“Mother, Wen Yu... Grandma and father don’t want to see Wen Yu, so who will make the decision for her?”

 “Her uncle!”

“But didn’t it mean that her uncle committed a crime and was demoted thousands of miles away?”

"He's back. Besides, she's just taking advantage of the opportunity. Do you understand?" Yuan looked at her daughter seriously, "Even if her uncle is white now. But with this name, she can take advantage of him."

 “If a white man is not born, his father will crush him to death!” Wen Huan said disdainfully.

“Your father is about to be promoted to Beijing, and I don’t know how many people are watching him with envy. That’s why she feels confident.”

"She is such a thief! Her uncle taught her, right?!" Wen Huan suddenly realized.

“It’s possible, but we won’t speculate.”

"Then why do you say it's because of your daughter?!" Wen Huan said unhappily, she couldn't bear this.

"Because you did something wrong, she took advantage of the situation and exposed the matter. Your eldest brother is getting married, and there are many people in the family. Besides, your grandfather is coming back."

 When my sister heard about her grandfather, she felt a little depressed. I've only met him a few times, so I'm a little afraid of him.

"The two old men have been at odds for many years. Your father is outstanding and can support your grandmother. Your grandfather moved away so that your grandmother can laugh all day long. As long as your father can sit still, your grandfather will not be able to cause trouble. However, If something goes wrong with your father..."

Wen Huan was extremely angry, "Wen Yu is a bitch! Mother, since she has this intention, she will bring it up sooner or later, how can she blame my daughter?"

"You still don't understand...your grandfather may not know about the dowry. It's just that he doesn't care. But your father took action and slapped Wen Yu..."

Wen Huan pursed her lips and looked at her mother nervously.

"The eldest daughter I haven't seen for many years. A person like your father would beat his daughter... If word spreads, the reputation of Wen Yu will be over, but how can your father be better? Your grandfather is seizing the excuse and trying to dominate this side without using the topic? ?”

 "Why is it so..." This was beyond Wen Huan's understanding.

“What I’m telling you today is not to accuse you, but to repeat what I said to you before. If you want to go to higher places, you must not be stingy in doing things. If you do stupid things just to vent your anger, people will catch you, and the loss outweighs the gain.”

"Mother! My daughter understands." Although she was still not convinced, she didn't insist anymore, "Then, do I really have to give these to her?"

 “Give it!”

"Eh? Mother!" Wen Huan's eyes smiled, "Those people have been working under you for so long, and they still don't listen to you? If you stumble a little, she will be finished. Humph! Even if you burn her, you won't even give it to her!" "

“You didn’t even listen to what I just said!” Yuan suddenly became very stern, her voice shrill and harsh.

Wen Huan's eyes were red after being yelled at.

Yuan did not coax her, but continued sternly: "Since you want to hand it over, hand it over happily! If you are not convinced or unwilling, just find a way to get your money back with interest later! But you can't be dragging your feet. You can hide and be looked down upon! You are usually very smart, why are you so stupid now?”

 “Mother…daughter…” was scolded by her mother and finally cried.

"Okay!" Yuan said impatiently, "Why are you crying!? The reason why my mother didn't coax you or obey you is because... at any time, people have to find a way for themselves with the greatest advantages and the least disadvantages. way."

 She raised her head and recalled her life, and that’s what she did!

“You cannot get all the good things in the world. Only by giving up can you gain!”

She straightened her neck and said, "For example, this time, your father was very guilty of his mother. He gave all the property in his hands and his private house to her. When we were in the capital, we were the least affected by this. the impact of things.

If your mother is capable, she can still make money from money. In the future... if there is a chance to get these back... wouldn't my mother have more in her hands than she does now? "

Yuanshi stroked the account book and showed a confident smile.

"Ah! Mother! You are so awesome! Yes, yes! We can definitely get it back! As long as we pass this level... it's just a girl, find a way to kill her, and we won't lose even a penny. return!"

"That's something for later." Mrs. Yuan looked at the pile of account books and asked, "What does a little girl know?"

If it was handed over to her, it would be wasted. It’s hard to tell what will happen to it when it is taken back in the future!

It’s so heartbreaking!

"Mom...don't be angry, we will do it according to the established method."

 “Well. I hope that through this, you will grow.”

The Yuan family started to teach their daughters again. "After your father was promoted, the people he came into contact with were different from the past. Those people in the capital used their power to suppress others, hid their swords in their smiles, and built plank roads openly and secretly. Even my mother and I , we must study it seriously and experience it well.

If you want to get higher step by step, put gentle words under your feet. You must focus on the overall situation, be calm and calm, and keep your emotions and anger hidden. In the past few days, mother has been watching how you get along with Wen Yu. Don't let yourself be compared to an orphan girl! "

Yuanshi looked at her daughter sternly.

"Yes, mother!" For the first time in her life, Wen Huan felt that she needed to think more.

 (End of this chapter)

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