Chapter 227 Riding a white horse

 A few days ago, Zhang Jiangqing ran all over the capital and found a pair of porcelain dolls.

As a wedding gift, Wen Yu personally sent it to her before she got married.

Wen Yu looked at the girl wearing a floral dress with a smile on her face. The boy's hair was combed up to the sky, with one hand pointing to the sky and the other to his lips.

 “Ayu, I hope you will go well in your life and everything will be done according to your heart!”

“Wen Yu is so lucky to have Brother Jiang Qing as a friend in this life! I also hope that Brother Jiang Qing can meet a woman who values ​​you.”

 Two people looked at each other and smiled.

She is getting married, and of course her cousin will be the one to give her to her.

The wealthy Uncle Song directly took out a big envelope and said, "Here is one hundred thousand silver. I'll steal it to pay off the debt and add some makeup. That's it, don't ask for any more!" He groaned angrily. explain.

"Cousin, help me prop up the shop..." Seeing Song Shang glare at her, he changed his mind and said, "It's a partnership! This is the greatest support for me. I'll accept your kindness! I don't want any money..."

"I know that your shop is doing well and there is no shortage of money! But take this, too! Marrying a man as you wish does not mean that you will live happily ever after. Being a daughter-in-law, a wife, and a mother in the future."

Thinking of his past with Wei Xiangyu, they were reluctant to get married, and then they didn't pay attention to it, so it was a mess in the end.

"Silver only gives you the confidence to live a good life. But if you really want to live a good life, you have to rely on your own efforts..."

 “Cousin...” Wen Yu suddenly felt sentimental.

"You don't have to be like this. My marriage should be finalized soon."

"Really? Why haven't you heard of it?" Wen Yu was surprised.

“…it was Mrs. Mo who held the string, do you dare to believe it?!” Song Shang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He also doesn’t understand why women who get married are so keen on keeping a matchmaker! ?

Mrs. Mo has been with Mr. Mo for many years, and she is usually stern, but when she talks about marriage, she becomes very happy!

I met Mrs. Mo in the shop, and before we even got acquainted with her, I dared to open my mouth and ask for a commission!

And Mrs. Mo actually agreed very simply.

 “Whose girl is it? Have I seen it?”

"You haven't seen it. When you get down to business...ah, maybe you won't be able to wait until that time. My mother is quite satisfied...that's all she wants, so I'll obey it!"

"Cousin, you..." Wen Yu wanted to tell him that he shouldn't think so. Only what you like in your heart will make a good marriage...

 However, when he thought about what he had in mind, it was all in vain.

 Thinking again about my original intention when I got engaged to the Qi family, I was very lucky... I wanted to take advantage of it, but I met the sincere Mrs. Qi and Qi Wu.

 Cousin may be like this too...

“Cousin, maybe she is the right person.”

 “I hope so!” Song Shang looked at the little girl who would become the new dowry tomorrow...

 “That beautiful **** is so lucky!” he exclaimed.


 The next day, just after dawn, Wen Yu was arrested.

Xiniang is full of things inside and outside, full of principles and auspicious words.

 Wash up, twist your face, comb your hair, put on makeup, and change clothes. This set of procedures will take a long time.

Yan Zhu stayed with her all night. From now on, there is no chance for two people to sleep on the same bed! Smiling, looking at Wen Yu and gesticulating while dressing up.

 The Wen family’s lights were brightly lit, the door was open, and everyone started getting busy.

At dawn, several unexpected people came to the door.

 It is Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen’s party.

Wen Qian had already dressed and was sitting silently in a daze when he heard the announcement... In fact, he really thought about the Chen family's affairs and what he would do if they showed up.

 But when it actually appeared, he felt a little frightened again.

 Old Mrs. Wen hadn't finished dressing yet. When she heard the news, "Hurry up!" she ordered the person who was dressing her.

Wen Qian had no choice but to close his eyes and take a deep breath to welcome him out.

 Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen, neatly dressed, stood side by side.

Followed by two daughters, they were dressed in "Yunxiang" products and had jewelry on their heads. They were smiling and whispering. They were very beautiful.

Chen Wensi is wearing a navy blue academic robe. He lives a comfortable life and is much more handsome.

 Also accompanied by Chen Wenliang.

 Chen Wenliang is quite tall, dark and thin, with thin arms and legs, and brighter eyes. He looks very strong at first glance. But he was sullen and unhappy. He hated Wen Yu so much, but he suffered a lot!

This time he was attending a wedding. The instructor gave him three days off and said: If he dares not to go back, he will be considered a deserter and will be caught with fifty military sticks...

 Based on his previous experience, he would definitely not dare to run away again. So I was so angry, hoping to see the eldest brother of the Wen family fall over when he was carrying the girl to the sedan chair.

Wen Qian struggled to speak: "Big, big brother..." He didn't recognize him at all.

Uncle Chen looked at Wen Qian calmly. He was wearing a sapphire blue dress and had a graceful demeanor. At this age, he has already achieved his current achievements. Originally, one should be admired and respected...

 But now, standing in front of him, his eyes dodge and his back can't straighten.

It’s true: You are a beautiful woman, but how can you be a thief...

 “I’m here to send Wen Yu off to get married!” Uncle Chen said calmly.

 Wen Qian didn't know what to say for a moment.

Wen Feng ran out with a smile on his face! "Oh my god! Is it Ayu's uncle? Oops! Good times bring rare visitors! How happy Ayu is to know! Hurry! Go tell the old lady and Wen Yu that her uncle and aunt are here! Is this...Linglang? Still there? Yes... please come in quickly, please come in!"

It was only then that Wen Qian reacted: "Brother, please come in!"

Uncle Chen also smiled: "Today is indeed a good day! Come in!" As soon as the group entered the house, Old Mrs. Wen came. She was really afraid that the Chen family would cause trouble!

“Hey, in-laws! This is an unexpected surprise! Ayu’s great day, she must be very happy if you can come!”

Aunt Chen smiled and said, "Yes, old lady, can we go and see her?"

"Of course! She is getting dressed and putting on makeup! I will take you there myself. You two will entertain the distinguished guests well!"

Wen Feng said: "Mother, these are our relatives!"

"Yes, yes! Aunt Chen, please..." She led the Chen family women back.

As soon as the men sat down, Wen Shuo arrived.

He himself is a flatterer, and with Wen Feng, even though Wen Qian was a little dull, the atmosphere at the scene did not cool down.

When his nieces get married, Uncle Chen will certainly not cause trouble and will practice Tai Chi with them.

Old Mrs. Wen walked and said with a smile: "You two girls have done well! So do we, Ah Yu! We are smart, sensible, and capable! It is not easy for the Wen family to get a marriage from the Qi family! You see Qi Is it Iagoro? To this day, I can’t believe that he is the Wen family’s son-in-law!”

Aunt Chen heard what Mrs. Wen was saying and smiled but said nothing.

"Please take a look at the dowry list later. If there's anything wrong, I'll change it as soon as possible. Oh, this girl, I don't even need to worry about the wedding dress. It's all from her own shop. I took a look at it last night! It's really shabby. Eye-catching! It's so pretty...don't you know, that girl has opened two big shops?"

Aunt Chen smiled lightly: "I know. Wenhui and Wenjie are both helping out!"

Mrs. Wen was stunned for a moment: "..." This is very embarrassing! "Yeah!? Ouch, this girl didn't even say a word to me. I don't go to that shop very often, so I'm afraid of disturbing her!"

 When someone entered the room, Wen Yu was negotiating with Xi Niang, "Why don't you paint it like this? It's not like painting the wall."

Yan Zhu also said: "Yes, mother, our Ahyu is so beautiful. If you paint it in white, you can't see anything!"

 “But, that’s how it is all!”

Mrs. Wen smiled and said, "Wait a minute! Ah Yu, who do you think is coming!?"

Aunt Chen shouted excitedly: "Ayu!"

"Aunt!? Cousin, ah! And Jie'er! Why are you here..."

 “Godmother!” Yan Zhu cheered and ran over.

"Of course your aunt will come on your wedding day! Look at you..."

“Aunt!” Wen Yu and Yan Zhu each held Aunt Chen’s arm. “Yu’er doesn’t want to look like that!” She actually acted coquettishly.

 Old Mrs. Wen is in a complicated mood, yes! I filled in so many good things, but I didn't get a single word of kindness from her, this white-eyed wolf!

“Aunt Chen, please speak first, my hair hasn’t been combed yet!”

Aunt Chen nodded: "You are busy!"

Old Mrs. Wen had just taken a few steps when she heard laughter coming from behind...

well! Fortune plays tricks on people! I just hope things go smoothly from now on!


Several people gathered around Wen, talking, dressing, dressing, and commenting...

 It actually took a long time, but it felt like it didn’t take long before someone shouted: “Here comes, here comes! The groom is here!”

 Everyone became nervous.

 There was even more laughter at the front, firecrackers were set off, copper coins were scattered, and the excitement was endless.

The groom, Qi Wu, appeared on stage surrounded by his brothers and friends.

 He is wearing a bright red groom's robe embroidered with gold thread, and a jade belt around his waist, which outlines his broad shoulders and thin waist.

Wearing a black silk crown on his head and black half-boots on his feet.

 A face like white jade, eyes like stars.

 Perhaps this is the first time you are getting married...

He was a little nervous, pursed his lips slightly, and spoke and moved like a wooden man under the heckles of others.

Wen Feng was neither big nor small, and he used many tricks to create difficulties. Qi Wu's emotional intelligence is just a little flat, but he's not stupid. After answering fluently, he also relaxed.

Wen Qian was shaking and sweating as he twisted the corners of his clothes with his hands. This was his son-in-law...

 At this time, Yan Zhu and Wenjie helped Wen Yu out.

Qi Wu’s black eyes stared at her and stopped moving.

 When bidding farewell to their elders, Mrs. Wen, Wen Qian, and Uncle Chen all said a few words, which were nothing more than filial piety to parents-in-law and harmony between husband and wife.

Wen Qian put the hijab on herself, and Brother Feng leaned over and carried her into the sedan.

At that moment, Qi Wu actually grinned. Finally, he married her home!

I don’t know who is spreading the news about Qi Wuchang’s marriage. One passes two, two passes sixteen, sixteen passes hundreds.

 So, there were quite a few people watching the ceremony along the way!

 The restaurants and teahouses along the street were occupied, and people were also standing on the wider roadside.

When Qi Wuling, dressed in red, came to greet the bride on a white horse, it ignited the longing of many women.

And when he brought his bride home amidst the sound of playing and beating, countless women had tears in their eyes.

There is a problem: the name of the next chapter is not good, it needs to be reviewed, and I don’t know when it will be released.



 (End of this chapter)

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