There are a lot of things going on with Qi Wu.

 You don’t have to go to court early, but you don’t get up too late. Once you get busy, you will spin around. Even if I have no business, I still have to go to the teahouse to listen and drink.

 I came back late in the evening, but I could always have breakfast with Wen Yu.

 In fact, Wen Yu is used to getting up late, but before he gets up, he always tries to find a way to wake her up too. Then, I had to worry about washing, dressing and eating, and couldn't sleep well even if I wanted to.

Wen Yu had to get up first and dress briefly, without putting on outer clothes or jewelry. Sit at the table, have breakfast with him, and chat for a while.

  Qi Wu enjoys this process, so he is generally in a good mood.

Looking at Wen Yu pouring himself tea and serving vegetables, he thought of...

 He always "accidentally" presses her with his legs, squeezing her sleeping space, making her very uncomfortable, and eventually loses his temper... and hammers himself a few times with his small fist...

 But it seemed like a feather was scratching at the back of my neck...

 Let him repeat the cycle and never tire of it...

 The days after marriage are so good.

 The only bad thing is that she never lets anyone mess with her.

 What was even more outrageous was last night! Menstruation is coming, but I don’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want to go to bed!

 Let him go to the small room in the west wing... It is simply unreasonable!

 Hatefully took a bite of the bun.

 According to his previous temperament, he couldn't just turn around and leave!

 But when he thought about it, no, he couldn't leave yet. This time, I'm afraid it will become a habit.

With her "disdain" for herself, she couldn't find reasons to let herself sleep in a small house every day.

 It was so suspenseful that I almost got fooled.

 He was too lazy to leave, and there was nothing she could do! Thinking of this, I laughed in my heart.

“Oh, I met Zhang Cai’s family. They gave me your private account.”

Qi Wu was drinking the soup beautifully. He didn’t pay attention at first, but suddenly he thought of something and got startled. He couldn’t swallow the soup and choked on it...

 Cough, cough, cough, cough for half a day.

 His face turned red.

Wen Yu didn't understand and patted him, "Be careful!"

He endured the discomfort and hesitated for a while before looking at her secretly, trying to figure out what she meant.

Seeing Wen Yu getting something to eat, he put it in his mouth.

Huh? Did she not look at it...or was it just over?

 Don’t dare to ask.

I was worried: How did you record the account? I haven't even seen it... What should I do?

I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I still don’t know what to do!

He could only say: "I don't have much in my private house, and I don't have much money. But don't worry, Ayu. Everything I earn from now on will be given to you." He promised with a guilty conscience.

Wen Yu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, mother gave me a lot of things! The shop is doing well...Besides, I'm not short of money either!" Thinking of the big gift package given to her by her cousin... she felt proud.

 Ke Qi Wu, I am no longer in the mood to eat. After dilly-dallying for a while, he put down his chopsticks and ran forward, calling Zhang Cai over: "As for the private account, why didn't you tell me about it before handing it over to her?"

Zhang Cai said: "Fifth Master, this is a rule. You should pay it as soon as you enter the door. But you and grandma are too busy, so it is still two days late."

"But... how was the account recorded?" Qi Wu must be able to read the account. When he went outside to investigate, it would be clear at a glance, but he could basically know where there was a thief.

 But he has never seen his private accounts. He only used it...

"Fifth Master...are you asking for the piece for the Qin family girl?" Zhang Cai asked.

 “Shh!” Qi Wu jumped up in fright and went out to see if Mu Bo was there.

That piece of wood, if you hear it, you might tell her!

 …Fortunately I’m not here!

 “How do you remember it?”

"It's true! How dare we lie about this? Madam, if we investigate, it will cost our lives?!"

"It's over..." Qi Wuyi was sweating profusely. "It would be troublesome for her to know."

"Fifth Master! Zhang Cai reminded you several times at the beginning. You have to ask her to get those things back! There must be an explanation, otherwise there will be trouble in the future. But you don't listen!"

"How did I know it would be like this?!" Qi Wu's face turned pale. "What to do now?"

 “How about you talk to Madam?” Zhang Cai scratched his hair.

“No! If mother knows about it, she still can’t come to the door!?”

“Just look for him, he’s the one who shouldn’t be taken!” Zhang Cai said bitterly.

Only then did Qi Wu know what regret was. I felt like it was a joke that I cared about Qin Lianyue at that time!

 Now, who will show compassion for myself?

I hope she won’t look at it for now. I’ll go ask Your Highness if there’s anything I can do for a while...


Tanshi and Qihou were also having breakfast.

The two of them talked about the 100-day banquet they were going to host, "You don't have a great-grandson yet! I hope Minghui will succeed!"

"There are so many grandsons-in-law, don't worry." "It's quite a lot, but too many will make you upset!" Mrs. Tan waited on her husband.

Qihou said with a smile: "Aren't you happy to have a few pretty girls chatting with you every day?"

Mrs. Tan snorted helplessly: "Stop chatting, just come and chat for once, my God! I was so scared that I was sweating!"

"What's wrong?"

 “Alas…” Mrs. Tan shook her head and didn’t want to say anything.

 “What can’t you tell me?”

Mrs. Tan looked at her husband and said slowly: "That day, Mrs. Zhu punished the girl in her courtyard. Wen Yu saw the girl crying. Then, the two of them started to quarrel in front of me. Wen Yu said that she was newlywed, Madam Zhu is causing trouble for her! Madam Zhu said that she doesn’t interfere with other people’s business!”

Mr. Hou frowned: "You have nothing to do!"

"Listen! Wen Yu used concubine to suppress Zhu, and Zhu got angry and said that her family was so strict with slaves! As a result, guess what? Wen Yu said she recognized it. Mr. Mo, go and ask if the imperial court has any laws on killing slaves at will, or if the Zhu family, as the overlord of one party, wants to establish its own laws!"

  "Nonsense! Is this even fair?" The Marquis became anxious.

 “So, don’t talk in front of me, you’re afraid of her!”

 “It’s not good for Wen Yu to do this, you have to teach her!”

"I teach her?! Do you think I can outsmart her?" Mrs. Tan smiled bitterly...

“Hmph…” Mr. Hou thought about it, “When I see Fengying someday, I would like to say something to her.”

Mrs. Tan murmured unconsciously: "If you want to say something, just go ahead and say it! I don't want to talk about Mrs.'s better to be more powerful! I won't let others bully me..."

Qi Hou looked unhappy.


Mr. Wen arrived at "Wei Zi You Wei" again at noon.

The young boy was very familiar with him, "Master Wen, you are here! Please come in quickly, the seat is reserved for you!"

“Hmm.” Mr. Wen was very happy sitting here, “What’s good to eat?”

"Sir, today, our girl has cooked two dishes, one is glutinous fish, and the other is hot intestine... The girl cooked it for our boss. But at this time, the boss will probably not come. After a while, I’ll give you a small chance!”

Master Wen laughed heartily. It seems that the clerks in the store have their own rights! It’s not bad to be familiar with it!

"Fish with glutinous rice wine..." A half-bowl of fish meat soaked in glutinous rice wine appeared in his mind. The meat and soup were both white, with a few grains of wolfberry and chives sprinkled on it. Extremely Beautiful! It's steaming hot. When you eat it, it's delicious and sweet. A stream of heat flows from the tip of your tongue into your stomach, and then comes back up. The aroma...

 “Sir?!” The waiter saw that he was distracted and shouted.

 “Oh, come on then!”

"Wait a moment! I still need to ask for instructions...Miss Zhuzhu!" The boy saw Yan Zhu at a glance.

Yan Zhu walked over, followed closely by Gu Yue.

 Master Wen was stunned when he saw the woman coming over... and stared blankly.

 When Gu Yue saw it, he felt unhappy.

With only two steps, no one could see clearly how he came, so they blocked Yan Zhu. It wasn't blocked, but she couldn't go any further.

The guy was dissatisfied and said, "Hey, stay away, I'm being introduced by the adults!"

Gu Yue's eyes swept away, and the boy felt a chill in the back of his head, "What are you doing?! Mr. Wen is our regular customer! From the time it opened to now, he has spent a lot of money in the store. Let me introduce to Mr. Wen... "

He turned around and smiled flatteringly at Yan Zhu: "Miss Zhuzhu~~ This is Mr. Wen! To be honest, Mr. Wen lives not close to us, but Mr. Wen always comes to support us! Even the little ones are so moved! So, I just introduced to you the dish you cooked today..."

Yan Zhu has a very carefree temper: "Master Wen, Yan Zhu is polite!"

 “Your surname is Yan?!” Mr. Wen has not yet calmed down.

"Yes. Thank you Mr. Wen for coming to the store to support me! Yanzhu doesn't know much about cooking, he only knows how to make side dishes. The glutinous rice fish dish today is not a famous dish, it is Ayu's favorite since he was a child! Today, I will give it to you Try it. If you like it, I’ll make it for you next time!”

Master Wen kept looking at her, feeling that the person in front of him was so familiar. But I’ve definitely never seen anyone who looks like this!

Why it came out like this? !

His head seemed to hurt, but it didn't feel bad at all.

 “Thank you, girl! The glutinous rice fish sounds delicious!”

 Gu Yue was unhappy, very unhappy.

After waiting for a long time, Wen Yu finally stopped coming. He still wondered if he would have a chance to eat it.

 In the end, he was snatched away by this person...

Master Wen also saw him and immediately felt that this person looked disgusting: "Who is this person? What does he look at me like?"

 Master Wen is not happy.

The little boy said: "Gu Yue, what are you doing? If you make trouble again, I'll tell Uncle Song that you won't be allowed to enter the store!"

Gu Yue's hands were like knives in her sleeves, and she wanted to kill this bossy guy with one palm!

what are you? How dare you talk to me like that!

But Yan Zhu said: "Okay! You two are quarreling in front of the guests! I'm going to be angry!"

 Gu Yue took it instantly and took two steps back.

The waiter also put on a charming smile: "Miss Zhuzhu! The little one is teasing with Gu Yue! The fish is ready, let's serve it to our Lord Wen!"

Yan Zhu said: "I'll just stew it for a while. Sir, wait a moment!"

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