The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 24: There is a "beautiful woman"

Chapter 24 There is a “beautiful woman”

 While eating lunch, Wen Yu felt a little upset.

The love and hatred in the last life were too tragic, and many events were affected by the two people we were about to meet.

 Can we face them calmly?

 Now, what should be done with them?

To be honest, her current situation has not improved much. If you have the xinxing but are not sure about it, you don’t want to see it.

While he was lingering in the room, the old lady specially sent someone to call: "The old lady said: Let the girls pack up and go over."

He couldn't help but sigh: In the past, people wouldn't just complain about this kind of thing! I don't know whether I am happy or sad.

 She was still wearing the same clothes and jewelry as in the morning. When she entered the main room, she saw that almost everyone was there. Moreover, several sisters have dressed up again.

Wen Huan changed into an orange dress. She is very suitable for this gorgeous color. She looks white, bright, and has a delicate air.

The Yuan clan has also changed! A light gray Hunan silk skirt. Afraid of appearing too plain in front of the old lady, I also paired it with a silver coin embroidered half-armor jacket. The whole person is peaceful and leisurely. She seems to be an elegant lady who lives a leisurely life.

The old lady saw it and thought of her outfit in the morning. She hummed to herself: The boss just likes her style!

The Wu family next to her looks too ordinary, and her skin is a bit rough. As long as you dress well, it will give people the feeling of trying too hard, making them look rustic, old-fashioned and tacky.

Mrs. Wu herself understands this, and as a housekeeper’s wife, she cannot dress too frivolously. Therefore, my daily attire is quite satisfactory.

 She did not marry her husband based on her looks!

 The whole room of people waited for a while.

Hearing someone joking outside, Grandma Song walked in accompanied by a beautiful woman.

Wen Yu's heart was still beating wildly, and her back and palms were sweating. There was fear and severity in her eyes that she didn't realize she had.

 Wei Xiangyu!

This woman looks to be in her early twenties, but in fact, she is already twenty-five.

 A head of smooth black hair, covering a beautiful forehead.

Thin curved eyebrows. Her clear eyes were a little bit white-eyed, and they naturally had a hint of coldness and arrogance, but they also added a bit of charm and charm to her.

 The makeup on the face is relatively strong.

That's because... Webster is beautiful, but his only regret is that his skin is not white.

 She is very concerned about this! Every day, if you don't mix the powder well, you won't go out.

Wearing a dark green skirt with eight folds of fragrant gauze, the upper body is a purple Sichuan brocade phoenix tail short jacket. The weave and pattern have never been seen before. The purple belt bag is sealed with a pearl shell.

 The clothes are made of thick materials and have strong contrasting colors. Even the toes of the shoes exposed by the skirt echo the color of the waist bag.

  Comparing it, it is obviously several levels higher than the clothes worn by the Wen family girls...

 Yeah...this is Wei Xiangyu, the fifth cousin sister-in-law! Not to mention...she knows how to dress up.

The original six points of beauty can be improved to nine points by relying on clothes! Wen Yu pinched her hand hard until it hurt, and she calmed down.

 Look at this woman as a bystander.

Webster entered the door, paused briefly, pursed his lips, and then walked lightly and evenly, with his upper body upright and his lower body skirt fluttering.

The dark green shoes with purple edges under her feet only slightly exposed the toes.

Several girls exclaimed, "Ah! My sister-in-law is so beautiful!" Little stars appeared in everyone's eyes.

Yuan also sighed in her heart: There is such a woman in the world... She looked at Wen Huan secretly and saw that although her daughter also admired it, she was not like the other girls who were stunned and didn't know what to look at!

  Can’t help but nod! My daughter is very disciplined.

 It’s just clothes, no need to make a fuss about it. No matter how well you dress up, the added weight is limited, and sometimes it even decreases... If you are too attached to this, you will go astray.

Turning his head to look at Wen Yu again, he saw that Wen Yu's face was extremely calm, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was mocking...

“?” I felt even more strange, why does this girl have such an expression?

Webster was already standing in front of the old lady and gave her a blessing.

“Auntie! How are you doing?!” The voice was coquettish and a little bit tongue-in-cheek, but when everyone heard it, they didn’t feel disgusted at all, and there was a bit of mindless admiration.

Because the old lady valued Song Shang, she was also full of enthusiasm for Webster.

“Oh Xiangxiang, you’re here! These sisters are looking forward to you every day! They said they want to see your new clothes and makeup!”

“Auntie, why are you making fun of Xiang Yu like the younger generation?” Wei Shi stood there and smiled confidently. Everyone felt that she was glowing.

"How could it be a joke?! Is your upper body...Song Jin?" The old lady looked at it seriously.

Although silk is also produced locally, it is rare to see silk that is so thick, has a complicated weave, is well dyed, and is so shiny.

"Yes! It's used by the Huang family for weaving and making patterns. I gave this piece to the Fifth Master. The Fifth Master asked Xiang Yu to make it and put it on to see how it goes. So, even if the old lady likes it, Xiang Yu can't I’m going to share it with my sisters! But I heard it should be on the market in six months.”

  Huang's weaving and spinning business has shares in Song Shang.

  Hehehehe... I still like to show off my affection in a high-profile way! Wen Yu could still laugh, and couldn't help but affirm himself: It was a good thing that he could still be so calm.

"Haha! Once you wear it, it doesn't matter if it's not good! But it's difficult for others to wear this style!" The old lady complimented appropriately, "Every time I see you, I feel like a painting. Like a kid! Huh? Where's Ashang? "The old lady cares more about him.

"My husband was in the front yard, and he was stopped by my uncle and brothers. They said they had something important to talk to! He came to see you in a hurry, but he couldn't get away!" "Hahahaha! Let them talk first! How is your mother-in-law? Hey, did you bring the children? "

Webster had only one daughter. Now four years old.

“Sister Han is at home with my mother-in-law! My mother-in-law has brought you a gift. Sister Han... she had a runny nose, so she didn’t bring it with her!”

"Hey! Children, you have to be careful. A few days ago, someone sent Xiaoshi pills from Tonghetang in Beijing, which can be used as snacks. Bring some back to her when you go back!"

 “Please take care of me! Aunt!” She greeted the eldest wife and the second wife and greeted a few girls along the way: “Sisters...”

 The girls also stood up early and greeted her.

Wen Yu also slowly stood up, bowed slowly, and then sat down again.

"Hey, is this Sister Huan?! She's home?" My uncle's favorite daughter, Wei Shi, also gave me special honor.

Wen Huan stood there with a smile on her face and said in a dignified manner, "Cousin! Huan'er is back! Cousin and cousin are always so nice!?"

 “It’s all good! It’s all good! Oh, now I have become a big girl!”

Webster's voice and movements are somewhat artificial. Although everyone suspected that she might be faking it, there was nothing wrong with her!

Wen Yu recalled that in the previous life, Webster was of noble birth, beautiful, talented, and full of charm. In front of Song Shang, he was also quite decent.

In particular, although Song Shang has a good reputation outside, he doesn't cause much trouble at home.

Especially, she did not give birth to a son, but Song Shang never gave her a cold face or took any concubines. This is no small matter for Song Shang! Mrs. Song was so anxious that she could not wait to burn incense in the temple every day!

Webster always thought that because she was outstanding and capable, she could definitely win over her husband!

 So, when Song Shang welcomed him in with great fanfare. Webster almost vomited blood, he was really seriously ill!

 After recovering from her illness, she was very good at acting and acted like a generous matron in front of Song Shang.

His back is behind his back, but he is mean and ill-treated.

 But she... is indeed capable. After a few operations, even a strong and upright woman like Mrs. Song didn't look good towards her.

 Let alone others.

 I had no one to teach me carefully since I was a child. When something happens, I don’t know what to do. He was also uneasy about getting involved in his cousin's marriage. Even if he was wronged and humiliated, he would never tell his cousin.

 Finally...she was seven months pregnant, but was killed by Wei Xiangyu.

 Still remember that red and wet fetus...

 What a sin I have committed! To endure those...

 Recalling the despair, hatred, pain, and fear I felt at that time, I couldn't help but tremble slightly. He sighed secretly, closed his eyes, and told himself: That was the past, it was a dream.

In this life, she has the ability to change everything!

Just as Wen Yu was recalling the past, the women in the room were already talking about clothes, jewelry and other topics.

“I’m going to Beijing in a few months! A nephew is getting married, and he is marrying the eldest daughter of the Jiangji Restaurant. I have to go and watch the ceremony!”

"Oh? Is that a good marriage?!" The old lady had a need in her heart and asked quickly.

Webster simply introduced various relationships.

Then he said, "Old lady, my husband is keeping the gift for you. He said he would deliver it to you in a while, but he hid what it was from me and didn't let me see it!"

 Everyone was talking in a funny way again.

Wen Yu listened silently, as indifferently as an outsider, but when he turned around, he saw a woman standing by the door.

 Ordinary appearance, neatly dressed, and simple smile. Judging from her appearance, she is an ordinary servant girl who is "from the Li Rui family."

 In the last life, Webster wanted to harm his fetus. In fact, after drinking the first dose of medicine, she felt something was wrong and refused to drink any more.

It was this woman who pinched her neck and drank the medicine.

 Later, Song Shang beat her to death with his own hands!

Webster became the center of the crowd. When people asked a few questions, she answered softly and slowly, feeling just right... Suddenly, she saw the woman sitting over there.

The clothes are light and elegant, the posture is dignified, and the tranquility is like a painting.

Hair as black as charcoal, and a face as white as fine porcelain.

 The eyelids are slightly drooped, and the fluffy eye hairs cover the eyes.

There is no makeup on her face, and even her lips are a light pink color.

You know, not to mention the girls sitting here, even the old ladies, and even the maids and mothers-in-law will put some lipstick on their mouths.

 And that girl is completely bare-faced!

 Plain clothes and simple silver hairpins. The people and clothes complement each other, and there is no trace of shabbyness in the midst of the mercerized and precious people. It was clean and pure, completely overshadowing the elegance of my aunt.

 This is... Webster's heart skipped a few beats and he squinted his eyes.

"Hey, grandma." She pointed her delicate hand and said warmly, "She is such a quiet and beautiful woman. Who is that?!"

  Have a great weekend! Three thousand words updated.



 (End of this chapter)

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