The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 258: Get the cousin sister-in-law

 That night, Mr. Hou did not go back to his room to sleep.

 This is quite common.

Mrs. Tan is in a good mood... She knew it was inappropriate to say what she said today, but she did it on purpose.

Only by talking about things in a disgusting way, the Marquis will be disgusted and instinctively stop her from doing it again, instead of investigating the right or wrong of the matter itself.

 Besides, what’s right or wrong about such a thing? !

 Assuming I don’t know? It’s just a few movies about girls who want to have **** with a dragon and a phoenix!

Wen Yu can go to the East Palace, but he may have long regretted his marriage to the Qi family. Now, she is adding Yan Zhu as a supplement because she wants to accumulate a lot of connections in the East Palace!

 Then, she can take action on the power and interests of the Qi family!

 Hmph, can such a little trick work to my advantage?


Wen Yu doesn't care what she thinks? I called Mrs. Qi, took Zhang Moqing with me, dressed up beautifully, and went to Mo's house happily.

When Mrs. Tan heard about it, she couldn't help but wonder: What did the Marquis say when he called her?

Meet Mrs. Song at the door of Master Mo's house, taking Song Chihan with her.

As soon as Wen Yu saw Mrs. Song, she immediately went up to her and said, "Aunt! Yu'er's other aunt is coming too today! When the time comes, call her to speak. Don't get me wrong!"

Song Chihan was so disgusted that he heard it, and his little face was tense, like a rooster that wanted to blow its feathers. He immediately ran between Wen Yu and Mrs. Song and squeezed Wen Yu out hard.

Mrs. Song smiled and talked to Mrs. Qi: "You girl! Mrs. Qi! Hello!"

Mrs. Qi smiled: "Mrs. Song is particularly energetic today! It seems like something good is going on!"

Mrs. Song was overjoyed. Seeing that Song Chihan was squeezing Wen Yu's words, she quickly said: "Hanhan, be careful if you fall..."

Looking at Song Chihan's red face, Wen Yu guessed that she knew that the stepmother was coming in, so she was using her own strength to resist it.

 It’s a pity that you can’t resist!

Wen Yu didn't have the slightest pity for this girl.

The housekeeper at the door was waiting for me. As soon as I arrived at the second gate, Grandma Mo came out to welcome me.

 Everyone smiled and greeted each other and entered the house.

 Mrs. Mo, Mrs. Wen is talking to a woman, and there is a woman sitting next to her.

Seeing them come in, everyone stood up...

After a while of greetings, Wen Yu came closer to Mrs. Wen. It seemed that the old lady was quite energetic. In the past two days, she didn't bother to ask how things were going at home.

 Old Mrs. Wen saw that Wen Yu came to visit and brought her mother-in-law with her, which meant that the two of them had a good relationship, she felt satisfied, and her smile was particularly sincere.

“Mrs. Qi, Mo Qing is here too?!”

Mrs. Mo began to introduce: "This is my good friend Mrs. Yao, whose maiden name is Zhao. This is her niece Yao Ruotong. Sister Zhao, this is..." Mrs. Mo introduced one by one.

Wen Yu saw Yao Ruotong, with a medium build, an oval face, curved eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes. He was not very good-looking, but he was very upright. Especially a pair of clear almond-shaped eyes, which are straight and steady. Pretty good!

 Much better than Webster's self-righteous and ever-changing style. By the way, what did my cousin find out? Why didn't you tell me?

While she was thinking wildly, everyone had already sat down politely.

 In terms of age, Wen Yu is younger than Yao Ruotong.

  Before, I heard that she grew up in front of her grandmother. Later, her grandmother suffered a stroke, and she insisted on serving her by her side, thus missing the wedding date. Upon hearing it, she sounds like a very filial girl.

 Especially Mrs. Song, she attaches great importance to this aspect.

Mrs. Yao said: "Her parents have been in office, so she was raised by me myself..."

We got together and had a conversation, and then started chatting in twos and threes.

Wen Yu asked Mrs. Wen: "Grandma, how are things going at home?"

Old Mrs. Wen nodded: "Thanks to your and your aunt's persuasion, we finally reached an agreement and settled the matter quietly. I bought her a yard and will move there in the next two days. Alas! You can go back and take a look when you have time. , your father is not in a good mood...Grandma is old, and she really can't stand it...It's not an exaggeration to say that her skin is peeling."

Her eyes at this moment also showed a hint of tiredness.

 “Okay.” Wen Yu responded with a smile.

I went to visit my aunt again. My cousin was going to take the exam in a few days. The two of them discussed going to the temple to pray.

 After a while, Yao Ruotong came over: "Ayu, can I call you this?"

 “Of course, Sister Yao.”

 Two people walked aside to talk. Yao Ruotong smiled: "I've heard of you, but I didn't expect you to be so good-looking!"

“I feel that my sister is generous, steady, and filial. She is a very nice person!”

“Let’s stop praising each other.”

 The two people laughed.

“My parents have been working abroad. My elder brother will go to Beijing next year to take the imperial examination, and my younger brother will go to school outside. The Yao family also has many brothers but few sisters. When I see you, I feel close to you. I hope we can visit more in the future.”

 “Okay! The Song family, I used to go there often.”

“I see that you and Mrs. Qi are getting along like mother and daughter. They must both have good temperaments.”

“My mother has a cheerful personality and loves me very much. In fact, Aunt Song is also the same. She is kind-hearted and very easy to get along with. She is also very strong in raising my eldest cousin by herself. She is someone I admire very much!”

 "I can see that..." Yao Ruotong nodded.

“My cousin is also very impressive. He is steady, very smart and capable.”

“He actually has a title, which makes me feel a little stressed.”

“This is just to make it easier for him to socialize outside, it doesn’t mean anything...My cousin, he is the most filial person..."

Wen Yu spoke softly, and Yao Ruotong nodded lightly. Suddenly, the two of them saw Song Chihan in the corner, glaring at them fiercely.

  Yao Ruotong was shocked that a little girl could have such eyes and expressions.

Wen Yu didn't even look at it, and whispered: "In the Song family, as long as you are filial to your aunt, gentle, sensible, and non-interfering with your cousin, you can basically live a good life. The only thing you need to pay attention to is It's Song Chihan.

 She is the only daughter at my cousin's age. Aunt Song was particularly fond of her, even doting on her. Although he knew that she had many bad habits, he always understood her with kindness and found excuses for her.

As for you, don’t feel sorry for her because of her pitiful life experience, or despise her because she is young...she is very thoughtful and ruthless! "

Yao Ruotong was even more surprised. She had thought about it: it was really pitiful for a little girl to experience separation from her parents at such an age. After you enter the house, treat her like your own mother.

 Ke Wenyu, why do you say this?

Wen Yu had the sweetest smile on his face, but he spoke the coldest language: "But you can't control her! Aunt Song will be unhappy! However, this is not unsolvable. The first thing is that you have a safe life." Next son!”

Yao Ruotong was listening intently when Wen Yu said something like this, which really made him dumbfounded: "What did you say?!"

"I'm serious! Another option is to ask your aunt to help find a nun who comes out of the palace. She must be famous and have a strict temper. Then, you tell your aunt this..." Wen Yu said instructing the bad girl. , laughing secretly in my heart...

“If your aunt can’t be found, leave it to me!”

As soon as they met, Wen Yu took down Yao Ruotong as her cousin.

 After chatting for a while, Zhang Moqing came over, and the three of them faced each other, chatting happily!

 Song Chihan became even more angry.

Old Mrs. Wen sighed: "Mrs. Yao, Song Shang is a good boy. He is very stable! How different from the one in my family! Alas! Look, the two children are not young anymore. Why don't we do something special? Hurry up and hold the wedding!"

 In fact, both the Song family and the Yao family are willing to get married as soon as possible.

But Mrs. Yao said: "When Grandma Ruotong was alive, she loved her the most. The dowry had already been arranged neatly, but it was not easy for her parents and brothers to come back... If they were not here, they would be afraid that the wedding would not be solemn enough..."

Old Mrs. Wen said: "You brought her up single-handedly, and you are closer than her mother! It is perfect for you, Mr. Yao, and the eldest son to get married... As long as you don't dislike the hasty preparations of the Song family, there will be no problem! "

 “The Song family is full of sincerity, how can the Yao family find fault?”

 So, everyone happily reached a consensus.

Mrs. Song happily settled down here.

Wechsler is sadly raising her baby, and Yang Xiangdong is coming back soon.

Her pregnancy this time was not like the last time she was pregnant with Song Chihan, where she was so overwhelmed that she barely ate for a month.

 The one in my belly now is very well-behaved. The doctor saw it and said the fetal condition was very good.

 But the more this happened, the sadder she became: Why do you have to be so sensible?

 What can I do to you! ?

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