Master Qing recognized Yan Zhu as his bride and gave her a set of beautiful clothes.

 Everyone is very satisfied!

On this day, Xiaoxiang was sent over by Wen Yu to comb Yan Zhu’s hair.

 Xiaoxiang is an all-round girl who can do everything. Moreover, she behaves like a big girl and acts steadily. At this moment, she was combing her hair and praising Yan Zhu, making her feel so beautiful.

Yinhuan came in and said, "Girl, there is Mrs. Yuan outside, who claims to be your sister, and wants to come in and meet you."

Yan Zhu knew it as soon as he heard it: This is probably the Wen Xianggui, the one who secretly learned and imitated...

"Tell her to sit downstairs for a while while I finish cleaning up..."

Before he finished speaking, someone at the door smiled and said, "Miss Yanzhu, from now on, we are sisters. I have a few words of gratitude for my sister. I want to talk to her in a moment..."

Thinking of today's day, Yan Zhu nodded, "Please come in!"

Wen Xianggui opened the door himself and came in.

She also dressed up deliberately today, with elegant clothes and expensive jewelry given by her grandmother, giving her the image of a noble lady.

You Qi was smiling happily. When he came in, he looked at Yan Zhu carefully.

“My God, Miss Yanzhu, you are so beautiful! I feel embarrassed to be your sister.” She looked lively and cheerful.

 Yan Zhu’s hair has been combed and she is getting a hairpin. I'm wearing my daily skirt, but I haven't worn today's dress yet. The skirt is close to the body and the material is very soft, which highlights her curvy figure.

 The face, which has not been powdered or rouged, has delicate, rosy and shiny skin. Especially that black hair, the sideburns look so beautifully cut.

 As the saying goes: natural beauty…

Wen Xianggui knew that he came with a mission and had to act, but at this moment he couldn't help but feel the sourness in his heart.

Yan Zhu looked at her curiously: "Don't be polite. Come to me. What do you want to say?"

Wen Xianggui was so polite that he pulled up a chair and sat in front of Yan Zhu.

"Actually, I didn't expect that my father would be so interested in recognizing his daughter. So, I wanted to see with my own eyes how different my sister is..." She was a little absent-minded, and she should be a little sad.

Yan Zhu was originally a soft-hearted person, but Wen Xianggui greatly offended her. She secretly learned what she had learned, but she still couldn't learn it! Selling at a low price affects your own business...

Therefore, although he had some sympathy, he was too lazy to comfort him and just explained a few words: "Master Wen is a very good person. He has a headache and the attack is very severe. If he has the idea of ​​recognizing me as his adopted daughter, then listen to him Yes! It’s just that I don’t know much about the Wen family, so I don’t know how to get along with you now..."

Wen Xianggui sighed softly: "Yes... my father has a head disease. In fact, my mother and I are particularly concerned about him, not to mention my grandmother. She only has one son, so it is understandable. But my father... alas!

Since your father recognizes you as his adopted daughter in such a big way, he must think highly of you. I hope that my sister can build a bridge between her father and her grandmother in the future. Also say something nice to my mother. At this age, and not in good health...the most important thing is that the family lives in harmony and lives smoothly. "

She spoke sincerely for a long time, but Yan Zhu shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't agree to this."

Wen Xianggui was just acting. She made good promises and looked for opportunities...but she didn't expect to be rejected by Yan Zhu!

 There is nothing wrong with what I said! She actually refused? A little stunned...

Yan Zhu said seriously: "Mr. Wen must have his reasons for doing things. I can't just arrange things indiscriminately. I can only guarantee that I am just a righteous daughter, and nothing in the Wen family will happen because of me." Changed!”

No wonder he wants to recognize her as his daughter, she is also a stubborn person! I'm talking about the situation, you don't understand! ?

  What the **** is this! ?

Wen Xianggui cursed in his heart, but quickly smiled: "Sister, I don't mean that. I mean, if he wants to take you back to the Wen family, the family will welcome you! The Wen family has a small population, and everyone It’s baby!”

Yan Zhu smiled, looked at herself in the mirror, touched her face, and stopped talking.

Wen Xianggui knew that she wanted to leave, so she stood up and walked around behind Yan Zhu, "Sister, your black hair is thick, thick, and shiny. It's so nice! The hairpin is a little crooked. Already…”

While they were talking, Xiaoxiang was packing things nearby. Seeing that she was about to take action, he hurried over... "Mrs. Yuan!"

 But Wen Xianggui was quick and had already helped Yan Zhu adjust her hairpin.

Yan Zhu dodged slightly, but before she could move out of the way, Wen Xianggui had already stopped.

Yan Zhu then said: "It doesn't matter, we will do it again later."

“Mrs. Yuan, please come as a slave!” Xiaoxiang glanced at her warily: What’s wrong with this person?

 “It’s done!” Wen Xianggui looked enthusiastic. Without moving, he looked at Yan Zhu and himself in the mirror, joking: "Hey, maybe if my sister grows up like you, my father will give me a smile!"

Yan Zhu said kindly: "You don't have to be like this. You have a mother and a grandmother, and they love you very much."

Wen Xianggui nodded quickly: "To put it this way, I am indeed grandmother will definitely like you when she sees you. She..." she said, gently touching Yan Zhu's shoulder.

The collar of Yan Zhu's clothes is not high, and the rope holding the jade plaque is exposed.

She pulled with her hand, and the piece of jade was pulled out.

I was used to wearing the jade pendant and Yanzhu, so I didn't care.

Xiaoxiang squeezed over at once: "Girl! It's getting late, I'll help you clean it up!" After that, he put the jade token into his clothes.

With just one glance, Wen Xianggui understood it clearly. Sure enough, it was exactly the same as his own jade pendant!

She didn't care when Xiaoxiang squeezed her. She suppressed her excitement and sat back down.

“Before, I ate snacks made by my sister at Cui’s house. Later, I also came to the store to buy some! I heard that most of them were prepared by my sister. Where did you find the recipe?”

 After the important things were successfully completed, she started to worry about old problems.

If it had been before, Yan Zhu would have said honestly: Most of them were messed up by themselves. But she was very shameless about Wen Xianggui's behavior of stealing art, counterfeiting, and lowering prices. So he fooled her: "Yes, it is made according to the recipe. I bought it when I was in the south."

“Sister, I’m so lucky. I’ve bought a lot of prescriptions, but...”

“Do you also open a shop?” Yan Zhu asked deliberately.

"Huh?! Oh! That's not the case... I like to do it and give it a try to my grandmother and mother! Oops, it's getting late and you haven't dressed up yet, so I'm going out first. See you later."

 After saying that, she left, went out and got in the car, "Go home quickly!"

Wen Yu was getting off the bus at the door. Today, she was also dressed radiantly.


 Today's "Wei Zi You Wei" is very lively.

Wen Ruoqing was neatly dressed and came early to greet the guests at the door.

Many people were curious about this matter, so they all arrived very early. There was still some time before the recognition ceremony and banquet, but the whole store was already filled with laughter.

Some people also made fun of him: "Brother Wen Qing, you look so handsome today! I didn't realize before... that you are so handsome!"

"I've always been handsome, just think I'm disgusting!" Wen Ruoqing laughed.

He knew as if he had a mirror in his heart: given the money, his heels are prettier than a beautiful woman's face.

  Without any money, you will grow up to be an immortal and look disgusting!

 Everyone laughed.

 Wen Yu went to the store after reading Yan Zhu. The business of "Yun Xiang" was also very good today, and everyone was already very busy.

Mrs. Qi and Zhang Moqing also arrived. They were looking for someone to talk to and couldn't stop looking around.

 “Speak warmly!”

Wen Yu turned around and saw that it was Princess Huiduan. "Princess Princess!?"

"I'm not here to sit on the table. As luck would have it, I'm here to try on some clothes." Princess Huiduan smiled brightly.

“Princess Princess, I’m so sorry that I didn’t give you a post…”

“Master Wen recognizes his adopted daughter, how could I pick on you?”

“Would you please sit upstairs for a while?”

 “Okay, then sit down for a while.”

Going upstairs, he opened the private room where Wen Yuchang was sitting, and the two of them sat down.

Princess Huiduan came up and asked with a smile: "Have you heard about me?"

Wen Yu also smiled, "I heard about what happened before. I haven't been able to go home recently. I wonder what's going on now!?"

"Your second uncle proposed to me, and I accepted." Hui Duan replied leisurely.

 “That’s it…” Wen Yu was a little distracted.

"What's your expression? Wen Yu, do you agree?"

"Princess... you have an open-minded personality and a very tasteful life. You are a person whom Wenyu admires and envy. But the matter between you and my second uncle... I can only say that my second uncle is not worthy of you!"

Princess Huiduan was a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to say that."

"Princess, you have a broad vision, which I cannot match. You must have your own reasons for doing this. I just hope that... my second uncle will not hurt your heart and face. You have always been able to live such a free and honest life."

"I hope so too."

“Moreover, Wen Yu also hopes that we will be friends forever!”

 “It’s a deal!” The princess agreed happily.

After seeing off the princess, Wen Yu went downstairs and walked around, and found that Qi Hou had just entered and was greeting the people at the door.

  She walked over and said, "Grandpa!"

Qihou was smiling well today. When he saw her, he nodded: "Well, my fifth daughter-in-law! It's so lively today!"

Behind Qi Hou, Qi Yue flashed out. His clothes were expensive and low-key, and he had a decent smile on his face, but his eyes when he looked at Wen Yu were like hooks: "Fifth younger brother and sister..." with a lazy tone.

Wen Yu glanced at him and turned to ask Qi Hou: "Grandpa, father is not here!?"

Qihou obviously came to meet Wen Ruoqing to establish a relationship, but he didn't bring his eldest son... When asked, he didn't change his expression: "Your father has something else to do today, yo?! Mr. Wang!" The old man left directly.

Qi Yue followed two steps and stood in front of Wen Yu, just about to say something...

How could Wen Yu give him a chance to disgust himself? He turned around and left!

Qi Yue touched his nose, hey, he likes this...

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